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    Évaluation de l’insĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire dans le ComtĂ© de Sacramento

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    En 2001, environ 56 000 adultes Ă©taient considĂ©rĂ©s en situation d’insĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire dans le ComtĂ© de Sacramento. MalgrĂ© les six programmes d’aide alimentaire administrĂ©s par le gouvernement amĂ©ricain, le nombre de personnes ayant recours Ă  des structures d’aide alimentaire d’urgence n’a cessĂ© de croĂźtre durant les 20 derniĂšres annĂ©es. Notre Ă©tude a pour objectif de connaĂźtre les personnes ayant recours Ă  l’aide alimentaire d’urgence et d’évaluer l’utilisation des programmes gouvernementaux au sein du ComtĂ©. Pour cela, 338 personnes ont Ă©tĂ© interrogĂ©es dans les structures d’aide alimentaire d’urgence et des entretiens ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s avec les responsables de chaque programme gouvernemental. Notre Ă©tude montre que les programmes gouvernementaux sont sousutilisĂ©s principalement du fait du manque d’information auprĂšs des personnes Ă©ligibles et de barriĂšres telles que la difficultĂ© d’accĂ©der aux centres, les problĂšmes de langue pour de nombreux immigrĂ©s ou des lourdeurs administratives.food aid, federal food assistance programs, food security, challenges

    Linear programming can help identify practical solutions to improve the nutritional quality of food aid.

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the nutritional quality of food aid delivered by food banks in France and to identify practical modifications to improve it. DESIGN: National-level data were collected for all food aid distributed by French food banks in 2004, and its nutrient content per 2000 kcal was estimated and compared with French recommendations for adults. Starting with the actual donation and allowing new foods into the food aid donation, linear programming was used to identify the minimum changes required in the actual donation to achieve the French recommendations. RESULTS: French food-bank-delivered food aid does not achieve the French recommendations for dietary fibre, ascorbic acid, vitamin D, folate, magnesium, docosahexaenoic acid, alpha-linolenic acid and the percentage of energy from saturated fatty acids. Linear programming analysis showed that these recommendations are achievable if more fruits, vegetables, legumes and fish were collected and less cheese, refined cereals and foods rich in fat, sugar and/or salt. In addition, new foods not previously collected are needed, particularly nuts, wholemeal bread and rapeseed oil. These changes increased the total edible weight (42%) and economic value (55%) of the food aid donation, with one-third of its edible weight coming from fruits and vegetables, one-third from staples, one-quarter from dairy products and approximately a tenth from meat/fish/eggs. CONCLUSIONS: Important changes in the types and amounts of food collected will improve the nutritional quality of food-bank-delivered food aid in France. Such changes are recommended to improve the diets of deprived French populations

    Evaluation de l’insĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire dans le ComtĂ© de Sacramento

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    National audienceIn 2001, about 56,000 adults were estimated to be food insecure in Sacramento County. This number tends to keep rising eventhough several federal food assistance programs are available to the low-income population. The objectives of our study were to describe the population using emergency food assistance programs and to evaluate the federal food programs available to low-income people. Two different methods were used. Personal interviews of key informants in charge of the federal programs were made and a self-administered questionnaire was delivered in emergency food agencies. A total of 338 food aid recipients answered the questionnaire. Among individuals receiving emergency food assistance, 80 % lived below the poverty level and 62 % had a member in their household who experienced hunger in the past year. More than 27 % of the households had an income related to work. Among them 73 % lived below the poverty level and more than 82 % were food insecure. The study showed that eligible residents often did not access federal food programs either because they do not know about them or because there are too many barriers to their utilization such as : the lack of information regarding the programs, the language barrier, especially for immigrants, the difficult access to the program sites and the administrative burden of most programs. People using emergency food programs also declared that food stamps were insufficient to feed the household during a month, which explained why they seek assistance from emergency agencies. In order to decrease the number of people using emergency food programs it is necessary to improve the outreach efforts of the federal food programs towards the low-income communityEn 2001, environ 56 000 adultes Ă©taient considĂ©rĂ©s en situation d’insĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire dans le ComtĂ© de Sacramento. MalgrĂ© les six programmes d’aide alimentaire administrĂ©s par le gouvernement amĂ©ricain, le nombre de personnes ayant recours Ă  des structures d’aide alimentaire d’urgence n’a cessĂ© de croĂźtre durant les 20 derniĂšres annĂ©es. Notre Ă©tude a pour objectif de connaĂźtre les personnes ayant recours Ă  l’aide alimentaire d’urgence et d’évaluer l’utilisation des programmes gouvernementaux au sein du ComtĂ©. Pour cela, 338 personnes ont Ă©tĂ© interrogĂ©es dans les structures d’aide alimentaire d’urgence et des entretiens ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s avec les responsables de chaque programme gouvernemental. Notre Ă©tude montre que les programmes gouvernementaux sont sousutilisĂ©s principalement du fait du manque d’information auprĂšs des personnes Ă©ligibles et de barriĂšres telles que la difficultĂ© d’accĂ©der aux centres, les problĂšmes de langue pour de nombreux immigrĂ©s ou des lourdeurs administrative

    Évaluation de l’insĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire dans le ComtĂ© de Sacramento

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    In 2001, about 56,000 adults were estimated to be food insecure in Sacramento County. This number tends to keep rising eventhough several federal food assistance programs are available to the low-income population. The objectives of our study were to describe the population using emergency food assistance programs and to evaluate the federal food programs available to low-income people. Two different methods were used. Personal interviews of key informants in charge of the federal programs were made and a self-administered questionnaire was delivered in emergency food agencies. A total of 338 food aid recipients answered the questionnaire. Among individuals receiving emergency food assistance, 80 % lived below the poverty level and 62 % had a member in their household who experienced hunger in the past year. More than 27 % of the households had an income related to work. Among them 73 % lived below the poverty level and more than 82 % were food insecure. The study showed that eligible residents often did not access federal food programs either because they do not know about them or because there are too many barriers to their utilization such as : the lack of information regarding the programs, the language barrier, especially for immigrants, the difficult access to the program sites and the administrative burden of most programs. People using emergency food programs also declared that food stamps were insufficient to feed the household during a month, which explained why they seek assistance from emergency agencies. In order to decrease the number of people using emergency food programs it is necessary to improve the outreach efforts of the federal food programs towards the low-income community. En 2001, environ 56 000 adultes Ă©taient considĂ©rĂ©s en situation d’insĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire dans le ComtĂ© de Sacramento. MalgrĂ© les six programmes d’aide alimentaire administrĂ©s par le gouvernement amĂ©ricain, le nombre de personnes ayant recours Ă  des structures d’aide alimentaire d’urgence n’a cessĂ© de croĂźtre durant les 20 derniĂšres annĂ©es. Notre Ă©tude a pour objectif de connaĂźtre les personnes ayant recours Ă  l’aide alimentaire d’urgence et d’évaluer l’utilisation des programmes gouvernementaux au sein du ComtĂ©. Pour cela, 338 personnes ont Ă©tĂ© interrogĂ©es dans les structures d’aide alimentaire d’urgence et des entretiens ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s avec les responsables de chaque programme gouvernemental. Notre Ă©tude montre que les programmes gouvernementaux sont sousutilisĂ©s principalement du fait du manque d’information auprĂšs des personnes Ă©ligibles et de barriĂšres telles que la difficultĂ© d’accĂ©der aux centres, les problĂšmes de langue pour de nombreux immigrĂ©s ou des lourdeurs administratives

    Évaluation de l’insĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire dans le ComtĂ© de Sacramento

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    A report on food security in Sacramento County In 2001, about 56,000 adults were estimated to be food insecure in Sacramento County. This number tends to keep rising eventhough several federal food assistance programs are available to the low-income population. The objectives of our study were to describe the population using emergency food assistance programs and to evaluate the federal food programs available to low-income people. Two different methods were used. Personal interviews of key informants in charge of the federal programs were made and a self-administered questionnaire was delivered in emergency food agencies. A total of 338 food aid recipients answered the questionnaire. Among individuals receiving emergency food assistance, 80% lived below the poverty level and 62% had a member in their household who experienced hunger in the past year. More than 27% of the households had an income related to work. Among them 73 % lived below the poverty level and more than 82 % were food insecure. The study showed that eligible residents often did not access federal food programs either because they do not know about them or because there are too many barriers to their utilization such as : the lack of information regarding the programs, the language barrier, especially for immigrants, the difficult access to the program sites and the administrative burden of most programs. People using emergency food programs also declared that food stamps were insufficient to feed the household during a month, which explained why they seek assistance from emergency agencies. In order to decrease the number of people using emergency food programs it is necessary to improve the outreach efforts of the federal food programs towards the low-income community.En 2001, environ 56 000 adultes Ă©taient considĂ©rĂ©s en situation d’insĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire dans le ComtĂ© de Sacramento. MalgrĂ© les six programmes d’aide alimentaire administrĂ©s par le gouvernement amĂ©ricain, le nombre de personnes ayant recours Ă  des structures d’aide alimentaire d’urgence n’a cessĂ© de croĂźtre durant les 20 derniĂšres annĂ©es. Notre Ă©tude a pour objectif de connaĂźtre les personnes ayant recours Ă  l’aide alimentaire d’urgence et d’évaluer l’utilisation des programmes gouvernementaux au sein du ComtĂ©. Pour cela, 338 personnes ont Ă©tĂ© interrogĂ©es dans les structures d’aide alimentaire d’urgence et des entretiens ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s avec les responsables de chaque programme gouvernemental. Notre Ă©tude montre que les programmes gouvernementaux sont sousutilisĂ©s principalement du fait du manque d’information auprĂšs des personnes Ă©ligibles et de barriĂšres telles que la difficultĂ© d’accĂ©der aux centres, les problĂšmes de langue pour de nombreux immigrĂ©s ou des lourdeurs administratives.Bellin-Lestienne Constance, Darmon Nicole. Évaluation de l’insĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire dans le ComtĂ© de Sacramento. In: Cahiers d'Economie et sociologie rurales, N°79, 2e trimestre 2006. Alimentation et pauvretĂ©. L'alimentation comme outil de santĂ© et d'insertion en situations de pauvretĂ©. pp. 37-51