26 research outputs found

    Corrosion Behaviour of a Highly Alloyed Austenitic Alloy UB6 in Contaminated Phosphoric Acid

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    The influence of temperature (20-80°C) on the electrochemical behaviour of passive films anodically formed on UB6 stainless steel in phosphoric acid solution (5.5 M H3PO4) has been examined by using potentiodynamic curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and Mott-Schottky analysis. UB6 stainless steel in contaminated phosphoric acid is characterised by high interfacial impedance, thereby, illustrating its high corrosion resistance. The obtained results show that the films behave as n-type and p-type semiconductors in the potential range above and below the flat band potential, respectively. This behaviour is assumed to be the consequence of the semiconducting properties of the iron oxide and chromium oxide regions which compose the passive film

    Effect of Welding on The Corrosion Behaviour of a Highly Alloyed Austenitic Stainless Steel UNS N06027 in Polluted Phosphoric Acid Media

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    [EN] The objective of this work is to study the effect of welding on the corrosion resistance of the austenitic stainless steel Alloy 59 (UNS N06027) as well as the galvanic corrosion generated by the base/weld pair estimated from the polarisation curves according to the mixed potential theory. The materials have been exposed to polluted phosphoric acid at several temperatures. The microstructure of the samples was studied by SEM and EDX analysis. The results show that the welding process shifts the corrosion potential values to more anodic potentials. The corrosion current densities and the passive current densities also increased by the effect of welding. This effect is aggravated with the increase in temperature. Open circuit potential values were located in the passive zone of the potentiodynamic curves, which means that the materials passivated spontaneously.The galvanic corrosion of the pair is not severe in the studied conditions. The ratio between the galvanic current density of the pair and the corrosion current density of the uncoupled anode is less than 5, which implies compatibility of the members in the couple.The authors acknowledge the Spanish Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperacion "MAEC" (PCI Mediterraneo C78196/07, D/023608/09, D/030177/10 and D/030177/10) for its financial support to the Krupp VDM Group (Germany) for the supplied alloys and to Dr. Asuncion Jaime for her translation assistance.Bakour, S.; Guenbour, A.; Bellaouchou, A.; Escrivá Cerdán, C.; Sánchez Tovar, R.; Leiva García, R.; Garcia-Anton, J. (2012). Effect of Welding on The Corrosion Behaviour of a Highly Alloyed Austenitic Stainless Steel UNS N06027 in Polluted Phosphoric Acid Media. International Journal of Electrochemical Science. 7(11):10530-10543. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/61163S105301054371

    Passivation behaviour of Alloy 31 (UNS N08031) in polluted phosphoric acid at different temperatures

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    The influence of temperature (20–80 °C) and chloride concentration (0.06–0.42 wt.% KCl) on the electrochemical behaviour of the UNS N08031 was studied in 40 wt.% polluted phosphoric acid solution. Passivation behaviour was investigated by using potentiostatic tests at different potentials. From the linear regions of the log i vs. log t transients, the parameter n was obtained. The results showed that the applied potential hardly affects on the passivation rate n. However, n values decreased when temperature increased. The values of n demonstrated that the passive film formed on Alloy 31 was compact and highly protective.The authors express their gratitude to the MAEC of Spain (PCI Mediterraneo C/8196/07, C/018046/08, D/023608/09 and D/030177/10), to Programa de Apoyo a la Investigacion y Desarrollo de la UPV (PAID-06-09) and to the Generalitat Valenciana (GV/2011/093) for the financial support and to Dr. Asuncion Jaime for her translation assistance.Escrivá Cerdán, C.; Blasco Tamarit, ME.; García García, DM.; García Antón, J.; Guenbour, A. (2012). Passivation behaviour of Alloy 31 (UNS N08031) in polluted phosphoric acid at different temperatures. Corrosion Science. 56:114-122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2011.11.014S1141225

    Corrosion behaviour of micro-plasma arc welded stainless steels in H3PO4 under flowing conditions at different temperatures

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    [EN] This paper studies the general corrosion behaviour of the micro-plasma arc welded AISI 316L stainless steel in phosphoric acid at different temperatures (25-60°C) and at a Reynolds number of 1456. Galvanic corrosion has been studied using zero-resistance ammeter (ZRA) measurements and polarization curves (by the mixed potential theory). Results show that the microstructure of the stainless steel is modified due to the micro-plasma arc welding procedure. Coupled current density values obtained from polarization curves increase with temperature. ZRA tests present the highest iG values at 60°C; however, the values are very close to zero for all the temperatures studied. This is in agreement with the low value of the compatibility limit and of the parameter which evaluates the importance of the galvanic phenomenon. Both techniques present the most positive potentials at the highest temperature. This study reveals that micro-plasma arc welded AISI 316L stainless steels are appropriated working in the studied H3PO4 media from a corrosion point of view for all the temperatures analysedThe authors would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish MAEC (PCI Mediterráneo C/8196/07, C/018046/08, D/023608/09) and to Asuncion Jaime for her translation assistance.Sánchez Tovar, R.; Montañés Sanjuan, MT.; García Antón, J.; Guenbour, A.; Ben Bachir, A. (2011). Corrosion behaviour of micro-plasma arc welded stainless steels in H3PO4 under flowing conditions at different temperatures. Corrosion Science. 53(4):1237-1246. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2010.12.017S1237124653

    Alliage 904 L : comportement électrochimique en milieux phosphoriques pollués par les ions sulfures et fluorures en condition de corrosion-abrasion

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    La corrosion-abrasion de l’acier austénitique 904 L (X1NiCrMoCu 25-20-5) en milieu phosphorique pollué par les ions sulfures et fluorures a été étudiée par des techniques électrochimiques et physiques.L’étude quantitative de la corrosion-abrasion a montré que la perte de masse totale du matériau résulte essentiellement de l’effet mécanique et de l’action de synergie entre corrosion et abrasion. Dans ces conditions, l’addition des ions sulfures et fluorures dans le milieu électrolytique entraîne une activation de la dissolution et une altération de la passivité (corrosion localisée). Ces effets s’accentuent avec l’accroissement de la teneur du milieu en impuretés.Les informations obtenues sur le film de passivité par les techniques d’analyse de surface (SIMS et EDS) ont révélé la présence des ions sulfures et fluorures dans le film formé

    Chemical and Physical Effects of Fluoride on the Corrosion of Austenitic Stainless Steel in Polluted Phosphoric Acid

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    cited By 0International audienceThe effect of fluoride ions was investigated on the austenitic stainless steel in a typical solution of phosphoric acid that is used in industrial process, for clear understanding the damage that caused by corrosion to special alloying material Uranus B6 at temperature of 80 °C. For that the electrochemical and spectroscopy methods were used like potentiodynamic and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and UV–visible–IR reflection, Scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive spectroscopy analysis (SEM–EDX). The electrochemical methods show the drastic effect of fluoride on the passivation parameters, especially icrit, ipass and Epit caused by decreasing the alloy elements in the surface alloy, specially the molybdenum. Moreover, the spectroscopy results reflect that fluoride has two axes of interaction with the surface alloy; chemical interaction that was appeared by the dissolution mechanism, which it increases the dissolution of the base alloy atom and the alloying elements and this result was improved by the UV–visible–IR and EDX analysis. And the physical effect was demonstrated by X-ray diffraction, which is showing a deformation of the crystalline structure of surface alloy; and different pit types were detected by SEM. And the suggestion of the effect of fluoride on the nickel percent in the passive film and also on the molybdenum and copper has been proposed as a mechanism to explain these results. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Corrosion inhibition of austenitic stainless steel by clay in polluted phosphoric acid with presence of SiC abrasif

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    Stainless steels have many properties mechanical and chemical resistances resulting from the formation of the protective layer (passive film) on their surface which prevents the metal to react with corrosive environments such as, phosphoric acid. This acid contains various impurities, including agressive agents and solid particles of gypsum, increase the risk of corrosion damage depending on the type of stainless steel used. In addition, it has been show that abrasion-corrosion causes an acceleration electrochemical process leading to a decrease in the resistance of materials. This work is to find a solution through an ecological inhibitor. That why we have been studied the effect of crude clay on corrosion behavior of Alloy 31 in polluted phosphoric acid with abrasive by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) . The clay was characterized by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (FX), X-ray diffraction (DRX) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). EIS exhibited that resistance of Alloy 31 increased with increase the concentration of inhibitor

    Corrosion inhibition of austenitic stainless steel by clay in polluted phosphoric acid with presence of SiC abrasif

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    Stainless steels have many properties mechanical and chemical resistances resulting from the formation of the protective layer (passive film) on their surface which prevents the metal to react with corrosive environments such as, phosphoric acid. This acid contains various impurities, including agressive agents and solid particles of gypsum, increase the risk of corrosion damage depending on the type of stainless steel used. In addition, it has been show that abrasion-corrosion causes an acceleration electrochemical process leading to a decrease in the resistance of materials. This work is to find a solution through an ecological inhibitor. That why we have been studied the effect of crude clay on corrosion behavior of Alloy 31 in polluted phosphoric acid with abrasive by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) . The clay was characterized by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (FX), X-ray diffraction (DRX) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). EIS exhibited that resistance of Alloy 31 increased with increase the concentration of inhibitor