368 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Vitamin B1, B6, and B12 Forte Therapy in Peripheral Neuropathy Patients

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    Background: Peripheral neuropathy can be caused by diabetes mellitus, nutritional deficiencies, entrapment or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), and idiopathic.Objective: To determine the therapeutic efficacy of Vitamin B1, B6, and B12 forte in relieving symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.Methods: This was pre- and post-experimental study involving patients with moderate peripheral neuropathy (Toronto Clinical Neuropathy Score [TCNS] ≥6 and Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument [MNSI] ≥7) taken from outpatient neurological clinic of Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang. The patient was prescribed Vit B1 100 mg, B6 100 mg, and B12 5000 mcg once daily for 2 months. Evaluation of the numerical pain rating scale in the form of VAS and Total Symptom Score (TSS) was conducted at the first and second month. The VAS score difference test was conducted with the Wilcoxon test and TSS with the Post Hoc test and considered significant if p <0.05.Results: There were 30 patients aged 18 - 65 years, consisted of 70% female and 30% male. The etiology of peripheral neuropathy were idiopathic (40%), CTS (26.7%), DM (23.3%), and HNP (10%). There were significant differences of the VAS scale  and TSS at every evaluations.Conclusion: Administration of VitB1, B6, and B12 forte relieved symptoms of moderate peripheral neuropathy with improvement of VAS and TSS score


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    Latar belakang Stroke iskemik seringkali berujung pada kecacatan, disabilitas, dan terganggunya kualitas hidup. Kadar gula darah adalah salah satu prediktor keluaran stroke yang dapat diukur dengan berbagai parameter. Adanya perbedaan penggunaan parameter kadar gula darah antara klinis dan penelitian menyebabkan diperlukannya pengetahuan terkait parameter kadar gula darah yang dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor keluaran stroke iskemik akut. Tujuan Membuktikan hubungan antara kadar gula darah sewaktu (GDS) dan gula darah puasa (GDP) dengan perubahan skor National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) pada stroke iskemik akut. Metode Penelitian observasional dengan desain kohort retrospektif. Subjek penelitian adalah 42 pasien stroke iskemik akut yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Kariadi (RSDK) dan Rumah Sakit Nasional Diponegoro (RSND) Semarang pada Januari 2016 – Juli 2017. Data diperoleh dari rekam medis subjek penelitian. Terhadap subjek penelitian dilakukan pengambilan data kadar GDS, GDP, komorbid, dan skor NIHSS admisi dan hari ketujuh setelah admisi. Uji statistik menggunakan Uji Fisher. Hasil Dari data rekam medis seluruh subjek penelitian, didapatkan 33,3% subjek penelitian memiliki kadar GDS ≥ 200 mg/dL dan 47,6% subjek penelitian memiliki kadar GDP ≥ 110 mg/dL pada waktu admisi. Perburukan keluaran stroke iskemik akut hanya didapatkan pada 7,1% subjek penelitian. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kadar GDS dan GDP dengan perubahan skor NIHSS (p = 0,746 dan 0,463). Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara komorbid yang meliputi status gizi, hipertensi, diabetes mellitus (DM), dislipidemia, dan penyakit jantung dengan perubahan skor NIHSS, dengan nilai p secara berturut-turut sebesar 0,479; 0,354; 0,500; 0,537; dan 0,500. Simpulan Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar GDS dan GDP dengan perubahan skor NIHSS pada stroke iskemik akut. Kata kunci: GDS, GDP, NIHS

    Responding to The Challenges of The 2045 Golden Generation: Improving a Legal-Aware Golden Generation with a Cultural and Identity Education Approach

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    The golden generation aware of the law is a reality that must be pursued by the people of Indonesia, considering the strong influence of globalization and the positive and negative impacts on the Indonesian nation. This study aimed to explore, study, and obtain an overview of increasing the legal awareness of the golden generation in culture and identity in responding to the challenges of the 2045 golden generation. The method used in this study was a qualitative approach using the case study method. The research location was STKIP Pasundan, Cimahi. Primary data were obtained from purposively selected sources of informants. Secondary data were obtained from library sources. They collect data using interviews, observation, documentation, and literature studies. The research results showed: (1) The strategy for increasing the golden generation to answer the challenges of the 2045 golden generation is to increase morality and creativity in the digital era through Citizenship Education Learning which teaches creativity in the digital era so that a law-aware culture is formed. (2) Improving the legal-aware golden generation is also carried out by strengthening their national identity, namely by various perspectives from a legal, entrepreneurial, and health perspective, and to create a legal-aware, creative, and planning-generation golden generation in 2045. This study was to increase the legal awareness of the golden generation to answer the challenges of the 2045 golden generation, which is a strategic step because it can increase student citizenship knowledge so that there is alignment between civic knowledge, civic skills, and civic disposition


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    Penelitian ini berlatar belakang kurangnya kesadaran masayarakat akan status hukum perkawinan. Padahal perkawinan merupakan peristiwa hukum yang menjamin kepastian bagi subjek hukum. Padahal taat dan patuh pada hukum yang berlaku merupakan bagian dari hak dan kewajibannya sebagai warga negara. Rendahnya kesadaran hukum berkenaan dengan administrasi kependudukan yang di anggap masyarakat bukanlah hal yang penting untuk dimiliki. Peneliti menemukan bahwa di desa Kademangan masih banyak masyarakat belum melaksanakan praktik perkawinan yang tidak sah tercatat secara administratif negara dan tentunya akan membawa banyak dampak  secara hukum. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa masyarakat desa Kademangan memiliki kesadaran hukum yang masih rendah khusunya dalam status perkawinan yang merupakan perwujudan warga negara yang taat dan patuh akan hak dan kewajiban sebagai warga negara sehingga masyarakat desa Kademangan belum bisa dikatakan sebagai warga negara yang baik


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    A number of efforts to protect victims of sexual violence are efforts to fulfill information and needs in the fields of education, health, economics, politics, law, protection and prevention of acts of violence and trafficking of women and children. The presence of the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) has become a place to provide all forms of protection for victims of sexual violence. This study aimed to describe how P2TP2A in West Bandung Regency could play a role to protect victims of sexual violence. The study was qualitative research with case study as method. The study was conducted in the Integrated Service Center for Women and Children Empowerment (P2TP2A), located in West Bandung Regency, Indonesia. The data were collected using interview, observation, documentation, and literature studies, while the analysis was conducted using the analysis model of Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. This study resulted that P2TP2A provided prevention, treatment and rehabilitation for victims of sexual violence. In its preventive effort, P2TP2A conducted campaigns, counseling and socialization regarding the dangers of sexual violence. In the handling efforts, P2TP2A received cases, facilitating psychological services, health and legal assistance. Meanwhile, in its rehabilitative efforts, P2TP2A provided safe-house protection and technological guidance to each task force in West Bandung P2TP2A. From the results, this study concluded that P2TP2A is the front guard in providing protection for victims of sexual violence

    Evaluation of Pain Scale Decrease and Adverse Effects of Ketorolac Injections: An Observational Study in Patients with Postoperative Pain

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    The use of ketorolac injections in Indonesia is restricted with the provision of 2-3 ampoules per day with a maximum of two days even though the literature states that ketorolac could be used for no more than five days. This study aimed to determine the decrease in pain scale as well as gastrointestinal and renal adverse effects of ketorolac injections in two days of use. This study was an observational study with one-group pre-test post-test design conducted prospectively. The group was a group of patients with postoperative pain who received ketorolac injections and were treated during January till April 2018 in an academic hospital in Yogyakarta. The results showed that ketorolac injections did not provide a statistically significant decrease in pain scale in two days of use compared to before surgery (median [range] = 2.0[0.0-9.33] vs 1.33[0.0-8.33]; p=0.32). Ketorolac injections decreased the kidney function of subjects in two days of use compared to before surgery based on creatinine values (0.76mg/dL vs 0.80mg/dL; p=0.024) and GFR (96.13mL/min/m2 vs 87.52mL/min/m2; p=0.023), and as many as 31 subjects (43.06%) experienced complaints that were suspected to be the gastrointestinal adverse effects of ketorolac injections with the three most complaints were bloating (18.06%), nausea (16.67%), and heartburn (15.28%). Those three results support the use of ketorolac injections following what has been regulated in the Indonesian National Formulary

    Análise estrutural e dimensionamento do estaqueamento de um píer com múltiplas funções

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    O presente trabalho objetiva a análise e dimensionamento estrutural e geotécnico de um píer com múltiplas funções. Para que isto fosse possível, primeiramente, foi apresentado o porto o qual este píer ajuda a compor, dando uma visão global do projeto e detalhando suas influências em um cenário geral da economia do país, além de descrever o funcionamento do porto e a importância do Píer em questão. Pôde-se então, descrever a estrutura, definindo materiais, elementos da superestrutura e infraestrutura, detalhando também o estaqueamento, mostrando os motivos e a importância pelos quais o arranjo foi definido da maneira apresentada. Para o cálculo dos esforços solicitantes na fase de utilização do porto, foi necessário descrever as ações atuantes, entre elas, cargas permanentes, móveis, acidentais e ambientais, definindo também as combinações utilizadas no modelo, para o dimensionamento geotécnico e para o estrutural. Da mesma maneira, foram apresentados os fatores relevantes para o dimensionamento do estaqueamento durante a fase de construção do Píer, mostrando a seqüência executiva e as ações dimensionantes. Além de definir as combinações criadas para os distintos critérios de comparação de resistência nesta fase. Tendo todo o projeto, estrutura, carregamentos e combinações apresentados, foram expostos os resultados obtidos nos modelos, possibilitando o dimensionamento geotécnico do estaqueamento, através do método de Aoki-Velloso, para estacas metálicas preenchidas de concreto e pré-moldadas de concreto, mostrando os resultados da fase construtiva e da fase final do píer. Foi apresentado também, o dimensionamento estrutural dos dois tipos de estacas, através de gráficos de normal versus momento, utilizando os resultados obtidos nos modelos da fase final e da fase construtiva. Ao fim do trabalho, pôde-se concluir que os dimensionamentos foram satisfatórios, discorrendo sobre os resultados e comentando a relevância de cada cálculo efetuado


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    Pendidikan Politik  masyarakat kini masih dikatakan minim, ditandai dengan mewabahnya sikap partisipasi pasif masyarakat. Dalam hal ini untuk meningkatkan partisipasi politik masyarakat dapat dilaksanakan melalui fungsi partai. Partai politik dianggap mampu dalam mengatasi permasalahan ini karena melihat pergerakan politik yang sangat aktif. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif, dengan cara memperoleh informasi selengkap mungkin melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Temuan hasil penelitian, bahwa belum maksimal dirasakan, sehingga masih banyak masyarakat yang belum memahami benar mengenai hak dan kewajibannya sebagai warga negara yang bertanggung jawab dan berperan aktif dalam dunia politik, melalui program yang dilaksanakan oleh partai dalam memberikan pendidikan politik banyak menghadapi kendala dimulai dari objeknya sendiri yaitu masyarakat, anggota partai yang memiliki karakter yang berbeda sehingga dapat menghambat kinerja partai, namun upaya yang dilakukan partai dalam mengatasi kendala yakni dengan meningkatkan kualitas program dan kinerja partai dalam melaksanakan pendidikan politik guna meningkatkan partisipasi politik masyarakat

    MODEL PENDIDIKAN HUKUM DALAM PENGUATAN KESADARAN HUKUM (Studi Kasus Pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan di SMA Pasundan Kota Bandung)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali, mengkaji, dan mengkonstruksi model pendidikan hukum melalui inovasi model pembelajaran, pembiasaan (habituasi) aturan, dan program pendukung dapat membentuk pengetahuan serta pemahaman hukum sehingga mewujudkan perilaku sadar hukum. Dasar teori yang digunakan dalam Disertasi ini Teori Hukum Pembangunan (Mochtar Kusumaatmadja), Teori Progresif (Satjipto Rahardjo), Teori Efektivitas Hukum (Soerjono Soekanto) dan Legal Theory (Friedman). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode studi kasus. Lokasi Penelitian dilakukan di 5 (lima) SMA Pasundan Kota Bandung dalam mengembangkan budaya taat aturan melalui nilai-nilai ke-Pasundanan. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, studi dokumentasi, dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : (1) Belum maksimalnya kesadaran hukum disebabkan oleh minimnya pendidikan hukum yang berdampak pada terbatasnya pengetahuan serta pemahaman hukum dan terwujud menjadi sikap dan perilaku yang tidak sadar aturan (onrecht); (2) Pendidikan Hukum dalam pembelajaran PPKn berhasil dilakukan melalui model pembelajaran telaah yurisprudensi berbantuan pendekatan Law Related Education yang mengasah pemikiran kritis dan partisipatif peserta didik; (3) Program pendukung Pendidikan Hukum dilakukan melalui studi lapangan, kegiatan penyuluhan (tertib lalu lintas dan narkotika) serta melalui pembentukkan Kelompok Sadar Hukum Pasundan memberikan penguatan sikap dan perilaku sadar hukum bagi peserta didik; (4) Internalisasi Pendidikan Hukum di SMA Pasundan Kota Bandung dikembangkan melalui budaya sekolah dengan model keteladanan dan pembiasaan secara tersirat maupun tersurat melalui tata tertib yang berlaku di lingkungan sekolah; dan (5) Implikasi Model Pendidikan Hukum yang dilakukan di SMA Pasundan Kota Bandung mengembangkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman hukum yang jauh lebih baik, serta sikap dan perilaku yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari terutama di lingkungan sekolah. ABSTRACT Aprillio Poppy Belladonna. 2021. Legal Education Model in Strengthening Legal Awareness (A Case Study of Civics Education Learning at Pasundan High Schools, Bandung City). Dissertation on Civics Education Study Program, Graduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Promoter: Prof. Dr. Idrus Affandi, S.H., Co-Promoter : Prof. Dr. Sapriya, M.Ed., Member: Dr. Rahmat, M.Si. This study aims to explore, examine, and construct legal education models through innovative learning models, habituation of rules, and supporting programs that can shape knowledge and understanding of the law so as to realize law-conscious behavior. The theoretical basis used in this dissertation is Development Law Theory (Mochtar Kusumaatmadja), Progressive Theory (Satjipto Rahardjo), Legal Effectiveness Theory (Soerjono Soekanto) and Legal Theory (Friedman). This research used a qualitative approach, with a case study method. The research was conducted in 5 (five) Pasundan High Schools in Bandung City in developing a culture of obeying the rules through Pasundan values. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews, observation, documentation studies, and literature studies. The results of the study show: (1) The legal awareness is not maximal due to the lack of legal education which has an impact on the limited knowledge and understanding of the law and manifests into attitudes and behavior that are not aware of the law (onrecht); (2) Legal education in Civics learning is successfully carried out through a jurisprudential study learning model assisted by a Law Related Education approach that sharpens students' critical and participatory thinking; (3) Legal education support programs are carried out through field studies, counseling activities (traffic order and narcotics) as well as through the formation of the Pasundan Legal Awareness Group to strengthen legal awareness attitudes and behavior for students; (4) Internalization of Legal Education at Pasundan High Schools in Bandung City is developed through school culture with implicit or explicit exemplary and habituation models through the rules that apply in the school environment; and (5) Implications of the Legal Education Model conducted at Pasundan High School in Bandung City develop a much better knowledge and understanding of law, as well as attitudes and behaviors that can be applied in everyday life, especially in the school environment
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