546 research outputs found

    La pensée disciplinaire à la Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio : le choix de l’exclusion

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    L’histoire du théâtre est une histoire d’exclusion. L’élément qui unit à jamais certains réformateurs du théâtre du XVIIIe siècle — appelés à limiter l’ingérence des désordres qui accompagnaient les séances des spectacles — et des artistes contemporains qui souhaitent s’opposer aux pratiques bourgeoises du théâtre, est ce que nous avons appelé la pensée disciplinaire. Cette figure de pensée se situe aux croisements entre les écritures de la pratique et les écritures de la théorie lors de la naissance d’une nouvelle esthétique. Or, que l’esthétique en question ait comme but la recherche d’une intégration sociale ou, au contraire, un travail de rupture avec les codes en vigueur, elle s’accompagne toujours d’un nouveau système de contraintes, d’un nouvel ordre, paradoxalement demandeur d’une nouvelle exclusion. L’aperçu historique que nous proposons autour de la notion de pensée disciplinaire touchera à des interrogations fondamentales : le vertige de l’aliénation et ses monstres, les tensions entre texte et matière, la relation entre art et culpabilité, la crainte de la punition liée à l’exposition publique qui sont autant de lieux de la pensée et de la pratique artistique qu’on retrouvera aussi bien au XVIIIe siècle que dans le travail de redéfinition de l’art théâtral de la Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, au XXe siècle.The history of theatre is one of exclusion. What we have designated here as disciplinary thought is that which unites certain theatre reformers of the 18th century called to limit the intrusion of disorders which accompanied representations and contemporary artists who wished to oppose bourgeois practices of theatre. This thought figure is found at the crossroads between practical and theoretical writings when a new aesthetic is born. That this aesthetic aims at social acceptability or on the contrary to break away from existing codes, it is always accompanied by a new system of constraints—a new order—that is paradoxically in need of new exclusions. The historical overview that we propose around the notion of disciplinary thought will concern itself with fundamental interrogations—the vertigo of alienations and its monsters, the tensions between text and matter, the relationship between art and culpability, the fear of punishment in regards to public exposure: all places of thought and artistic practices which we find during the 18th century but also, during the 20th century, in Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio's efforts in redefining theatre

    The unequal-time matter power spectrum: impact on weak lensing observables

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    We investigate the impact of a common approximation on weak lensing power spectra: the use of single-epoch matter power spectra in integrals over redshift. We disentangle this from the closely connected Limber's approximation. We derive the unequal-time matter power spectrum at one-loop in standard perturbation theory and effective field theory to deal with non-linear physics. We compare these formalisms and conclude that the unequal-time power spectrum using effective field theory breaks for larger scales. As an alternative, we introduce the midpoint approximation. We also provide, for the first time, a fitting function for the time evolution of the effective field theory counterterms based on the Quijote simulations. Then we compute the angular power spectrum using a range of approaches: the Limber's approximation, and the geometric and midpoint approximations. We compare our results with the exact calculation at all angular scales using the unequal-time power spectrum. We use DES Y1 and LSST-like redshift distributions for our analysis. We find that the use of the Limber's approximation in weak lensing diverges from the exact calculation of the angular power spectrum on large-angle separations, â„“<10\ell < 10. Even though this deviation is of order 2%2\% maximum for cosmic lensing, we find the biggest effect for galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing. We show that not only is this true for upcoming galaxy surveys, but also for current data such as DES Y1. Finally, we make our pipeline and analysis publicly available as a Python package called unequalpy.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, software https://github.com/Lucia-Fonseca/unequalpy.gi


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh media PECS terhadap kemampuan komunikasi peserta didik autis dalam hal mengajukan permintaan makan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah seorang peserta didik autis kelas Kinder di Sekolah Alam Amardhika Cibubur. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan penelitian subjek tunggal menggunakan desain A-B-A. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dari observasi langsung dengan menggunakan instrumen dengan sistem pencatatan skor frekuensi kejadian dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis dalam kondisi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pesentase kestabilan sebesar 100% pada fase baseline-1 (A-1), sebesar 75% pada fase intervensi (B) dan sebesar 100% pada fase baseline-2 (A-2). Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa media PECS berpengaruh untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi peserta didik autis dalam hal mengajukan permintaan makan sehingga apa yang peserta didik inginkan dapat lebih dimengerti dan menghindari kesalahpahaman antara peserta didik dengan orang lain

    Visual art-making as a resource for living positively with arthritis: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of older women’s accounts

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Journal of Aging Studies. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2010 Elsevier B.V.This study explored whether and how visual art-making, as a leisure activity, provided a coping resource for older women affected by arthritis. Twelve older women (aged 62–81) were interviewed. They had lived with arthritis for many years, and engaged in arts and crafts regularly. Transcripts were explored through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Three main themes were identified. Firstly, most participants experienced art-making as a powerful means of controlling arthritis pain, through deep concentration, and through use of color and imagery. Secondly, participants experienced art-making as encouraging sustained attention to the outside world, offering psychological escape from the confines of the body and home. Thirdly, art-making protected and promoted identity, for example, through integrating current and former selves, enabling participants to express and re-experience certain valued memories, and engage in personal development. Some participants felt able to celebrate positive difference from others, on the basis of their art rather than their illness

    The unequal-time matter power spectrum: impact on weak lensing observables

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    From IOP Publishing via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2020-12-15, accepted 2021-06-04, ppub 2021-08, open-access 2021-08-02, epub 2021-08-02Publication status: PublishedAbstract: We investigate the impact of a common approximation of weak lensing power spectra: the use of single-epoch matter power spectra in integrals over redshift. We disentangle this from the closely connected Limber's approximation. We derive the unequal-time matter power spectrum at one-loop in standard perturbation theory and effective field theory to deal with non-linear physics. We compare these formalisms and conclude that the unequal-time power spectrum using effective field theory breaks for larger scales. As an alternative we introduce the midpoint approximation. We also provide, for the first time, a fitting function for the time evolution of the effective field theory counterterms based on the Quijote simulations. Then we compute the angular power spectrum using a range of approaches: the Limber approximation, and the geometric and midpoint approximations. We compare our results with the exact calculation at all angular scales using the unequal-time power spectrum. We use DES Y1 and LSST-like redshift distributions for our analysis. We find that the use of the Limber's approximation in weak lensing diverges from the exact calculation of the angular power spectrum on large-angle separations, â„“ < 10. Even though this deviation is of order 2% maximum for cosmic lensing, we find the biggest effect for galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing. We show that not only is this true for upcoming galaxy surveys, but also for current data such as DES Y1. Finally, we make our pipeline and analysis publicly available as a Python package called unequalpy

    Do palliative care patients and relatives think it would be acceptable to use Bispectral index (BIS) technology to monitor palliative care patients' levels of consciousness? A qualitative exploration with interviews and focus groups for the I-CAN-CARE research programme

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    BACKGROUND: Bispectral index (BIS) monitoring uses electroencephalographic data as an indicator of patients' consciousness level. This technology might be a useful adjunct to clinical observation when titrating sedative medications for palliative care patients. However, the use of BIS in palliative care generally, and in the UK in particular, is under-researched. A key area is this technology's acceptability for palliative care service users. Ahead of trialling BIS in practice, and in order to ascertain whether such a trial would be reasonable, we conducted a study to explore UK palliative care patients' and relatives' perceptions of the technology, including whether they thought its use in palliative care practice would be acceptable. METHODS: A qualitative exploration was undertaken. Participants were recruited through a UK hospice. Focus groups and semi-structured interviews were conducted with separate groups of palliative care patients, relatives of current patients, and bereaved relatives. We explored their views on acceptability of using BIS with palliative care patients, and analysed their responses following the five key stages of the Framework method. RESULTS: We recruited 25 participants. There were ten current hospice patients in three focus groups, four relatives of current patients in one focus group and one individual interview, and eleven bereaved relatives in three focus groups and two individual interviews. Our study participants considered BIS acceptable for monitoring palliative care patients' consciousness levels, and that it might be of use in end-of-life care, provided that it was additional to (rather than a replacement of) usual care, and patients and/or family members were involved in decisions about its use. Participants also noted that BIS, while possibly obtrusive, is not invasive, with some seeing it as equivalent to wearable technological devices such as activity watches. CONCLUSIONS: Participants considered BIS technology might be of benefit to palliative care as a non-intrusive means of assisting clinical assessment and decision-making at the end of life, and concluded that it would therefore be acceptable to trial the technology with patients

    Qualitative study exploring the feasibility, usability and acceptability of neonatal continuous monitoring technologies at a public tertiary hospital in Nairobi, Keny

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    Objective: To assess the feasibility, usability and acceptability of two non-invasive, multiparameter, continuous physiological monitoring (MCPM) technologies for use in neonates within a resource-constrained healthcare setting in sub-Saharan Africa. Design: A qualitative study using in-depth interviews and direct observations to describe healthcare professional and caregiver perspectives and experiences with investigational MCPM technologies from EarlySense and Sibel compared with selected reference technologies. Setting: Pumwani Maternity Hospital is a public, high-volume, tertiary hospital in Nairobi, Kenya. Participants: In-depth interviews were conducted with five healthcare administrators, 12 healthcare providers and 10 caregivers. Direct observations were made of healthcare providers using the technologies on 12 neonates overall. Results: Design factors like non-invasiveness, portability, ease-of-use and ability to measure multiple vital signs concurrently emerged as key themes supporting the usability and acceptability of the investigational technologies. However, respondents also reported feasibility challenges to implementation, including overcrowding in the neonatal unit, lack of reliable access to electricity and computers, and concerns about cost and maintenance needs. To improve acceptability, respondents highlighted the need for adequate staffing to appropriately engage caregivers and dispel misconceptions about the technologies. Conclusion: Study participants were positive about the usefulness of the investigational technologies to strengthen clinical care quality and identification of at-risk neonates for better access to timely interventions. These technologies have the potential to improve equity of access to appropriate healthcare services and neonatal outcomes in sub-Saharan African healthcare facilities. However, health system strengthening is also critical to support sustainable uptake of technologies into routine care

    Gadget Addiction Pada Anak Di KB Nurul Ulum Desa Gondanglegi Kecamatan Prambon Kabupaten Nganjuk

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    Gadget addiction is a form of over dependency on cellphone usage. Increasing the number of gadget addictions, children will be at risk of impaired concentration and hyperactivity because gadget addiction affects excessive release of the hormone dopamine. Besides that, children under 5 years old tend to be less sociable and lazy to do activities. They will choose to play gadgets rather than playing outside the home with peers. The aims of this counseling is expected to guardians of students know and understand about gadget addiction in children. The method used in the form of lectures and questions and answers. Based on the results of the pre-test, 8 participants (13,8%) said they did not know about the definition, 5 participants (8,6%) said they did not know the cause, 16 participants (27,6%) did not know the characteristics and 24 participants (41,4%) do not yet know how about to prevent children who are addicted to gadgets. The post-test results, 58 participants (100%) said they knew about the definition, 52 participants (91,4%) said they knew the causes, characteristics and efforts to prevent children who experience addiction to gadgets. therefore, it is expected that parents can prevent and overcome gadget addiction in children by directing the use of these gadgets for positive activities and the assistance of parents.Gadget Addiction adalah suatu bentuk ketergantungan penggunaan ponsel secara berlebihan. Meningkatnya angka kecanduan gadget, anak akan beresiko mengalami gangguan pemusatan perhatian dan hiperaktivitas karena kecanduan gadget mempengaruhi pelepasan hormon dopamin yang berlebihan. Selain itu, pada anak usia di bawah 5 tahun cenderung kurang bersosialisasi dan malas beraktivitas. Mereka akan memilih bermain gadget dibandingkan bermain di luar rumah bersama teman sebaya. Tujuan penyuluhan ini adalah diharapkan wali murid mengetahui dan memahami tentang gadget addiction pada anak. Metode yang digunakan berupa ceramah dan tanya jawab. Berdasarkan hasil pre test, 8 wali murid (13,8%) menyatakan belum tahu tentang pengertian kecanduan gadget, 5 wali murid (8,6%) menyatakan belum tahu penyebab kecanduan gadget, 16 wali murid (27,6%) belum tahu ciri anak yang mengalami kecanduan gadget dan 24 wali murid (41,4%) belum tahu upaya pencegahan anak yang mengalami kecanduan gadget. Hasil post test, 58 wali murid (100%) menyatakan tahu tentang pengertian, 52 wali murid (91,4%) menyatakan tahu penyebab, ciri dan upaya pencegahan anak yang mengalami kecanduan gadget. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan orang tua dapat mencegah dan mengatasi kecanduan gadget pada anak dengan cara mengarahkan penggunaan gadget tersebut untuk kegiatan yang positif serta adanya pendampingan dari orang tua
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