9,713 research outputs found

    The life cycles of cryptogams

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    Meiosis and karyogamy are recognized as control points in the life cycle of cryptogams. The control of meiosis is evidently complex and in yeast, and by analogy in all cryptogams, involves progressive gene activation. The causes of the delay in meiosis in diplohaplontic and diplontic organisms, and the manner in which the block is removed remain to be discovered. There is accumulating evidence that cytoplasmic RNA plays an important role in meiotic division.Many features of gametogenesis are still obscure. The tendency to oogamy has provided the opportunity for the laying down of long-lived messenger RNA in the abundant cytoplasm of the female gamete. The sporophytic nature of the developing zygote can in this way be partially pre-determined. There is evidence that this is the situation in the ferns.Specific molecules (probably arabino-galacto-proteins) on the surface of the plasma membrane are likely to account both for gametic selection, and the readiness with which appropriate gametes fuse. The dikaryotic condition indicates that nuclear fusion is not inevitable following plasmogamy. The ultimate fusion of the nuclei may result from quite simple changes in the nuclear surface. Exposure of lipid, for example, would lead to fusion as a result of hydrophobic forces.Aberrations of cryptogamic life cycles are numerous. The nuclear relationships of many aberrant cycles are unknown. In general it appears that the maintenance of sporophytic growth depends upon the presence of at least two sets of chromosomes. Conversely the maintenance of gametophytic growth in cultures obtained aposporously appears to be impossible in the presence of four sets of chromosomes, or more. These results raise important problems of the effect of gene dosage on development.La meiosis y la cariogamia son reconocidas como puntos de control en los ciclos de vida de las criptógamas. El control de la meiosis es evidentemente complejo y en levaduras, y por analogía en todas las criptógamas, incluye la activación progresiva del gen. Las causas de este retraso en la meiosis de los organismos diplohaplónticos y diplónticos y la manera en que se elimina el bloqueo aun se desconoce. Existe una acumulación de evidencias que indican que el RNA citoplásmico juega un importante papel en la división meiótica.Muchas características de la gametogénesis están aún oscuras. La tendencia hacia la oogamia ha permitido la oportunidad de establecer la longevidad del ARN mensajero en el abundante citoplasma del gameto femenino. La naturaleza del esporófito desarrollada a partir del cigoto puede ser, en este sentido, parcialmente predeterminada. Hay evidencias que esta es la situación en los helechos.La selección gamética y la prontitud con que se fusionan los gametos apropiados, probablemente se deba a moléculas específicas (quizás arabino-galacto-proteínas) de la superficie de la membrana plasmática. La condición dicariótica indica que la fusión nuclear no es inevitable como consecuencia de la plasmogamia. La fusión definitiva de los núcleos puede resultar de unos cambios bastante simples en la superfice nuclear. La exposición de lípidos, por ejemplo, conduciría a la fusión como resultado de fuerzas hidrofóbicas.Las aberraciones en el ciclo de vida de las criptógamas son numerosas. Las relaciones nucleares de muchos de los ciclos aberrantes son desconocidas. En general parece que el mantenimiento del crecimiento esporofítico depende de la presencia, por lo menos, de dos juegos de cromosomas. De manera contraria, el mantenimiento del crecimiento del gametófito en cultivos obtenidos apospóricamente parece ser imposible en presencia de cuatro juegos de cromosomas o más. Estos resultados aumentan la importancia de los problemas de la dosificación del gen en el desarrollo

    Use of put options as insurance

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    An important question in insurance is the amount of coverage to purchase. A standard microeconomic model for insurance shows that full insurance is optimal. I present a different model where the decision variable is the number of put options and show that full insurance is still optimal, but the number of put options required to achieve this is larger than the endowment of risky assets. The model I present is based on a binomial model for a financial market, where the put option represents insurance.Insurance, put option, binomial model, risk averse, risk neutral

    New methodology for event studies in Bonds

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    The new methodology to study the impact of corporate events on bonds is comprised of a sampling technique and regression model. The method is different from standard approaches, motivated by the belief that event impact should be reflected in levels of yield premium. The regression tests for a change in average bond price after an event, statistical inference is made by estimates of a dummy variable. A new sampling method is described to accommodate the irregular spacing of bond trades in time.Event Study, Bonds, TRACE, ANOVA

    Introduction of the Profit Surface

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    The profit surface is a visualization technique for data computed from trading rules. I simulate price paths and operate the trading rules to compute cumulative returns for the rule under different specifications. The specifications are pairs of integers, filter lag lengths, so a contour plot is useful to display cumulative returns for more specifications than can be shown otherwise.Mathematics, Finance, Trading, Moving Average

    Simulation of a vacuum phototriode with SIMION 3D

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    An electron-optic model of a 26 mm diameter vacuum phototriode (VPT) photodetector was developed using SIMION 3D software extended by additional code to simulate secondary emission at the dynode. The predictions of the variation of gain with magnetic field for mesh anodes with 100, 40 and 7 lines per mm and fields from 0 and 4 T are presented. The predicted time development of the signal at 0 T is presented and compared with experimental data obtained by illuminating a production VPT for the electromagnetic endcap calorimeter of CMS with 60 ps laser pulses at a wavelength of 435 nm

    Enthusing and inspiring with reusable kinaesthetic activities

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    We describe the experiences of three University projects that use a style of physical, non-computer based activity to enthuse and teach school students computer science concepts. We show that this kind of activity is effective as an outreach and teaching resource even when reused across different age/ability ranges, in lecture and workshop formats and for delivery by different people. We introduce the concept of a Reusable Outreach Object (ROO) that extends Reusable Learning Objects. and argue for a community effort in developing a repository of such objects

    Characterisation of Reaction Products and Mechanisms in Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Deposition of Carbon Films from Ethanol

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    Atmospheric pressure plasma deposition (APPD) of carbon films from a predominantly ethanol liquid phase was carried out under varying experimental conditions. A solid precipitate formed in the process was characterised by FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. After each experiment the liquid phase was analysed for by-products by GC-MS. A number of compounds were found and mechanisms for their formation are proposed. These mechanisms involve the production of free radical species under the high energy plasma/discharge conditions of the process. The formation of groups of compounds was found to correlate with the voltage in the cell, but not with any other experimental parameter

    Experimental study of planetary gases with applications to planetary interior models

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    High-pressure experimental data on planetary materials are critical in developing planetary models and in addressing otherwise insoluble problems of the internal structure of the major planets. Progress in the last five years has been particularly marked. Maximum static pressure of 550 GPa was achieved. For the first time, X-ray diffraction of solidified gases (Ne, Xe) and ices (H2O) were obtained at pressures above one megabar, single-crystal diffraction of ultralight elements (H2, He) were detected up to 25 GPa, pressures over 200 GPa at 77 K were reached in solid hydrogen, including the discovery of a phase transformation in the molecular solid. Advances in instrumentation and new measurements performed during 1983 to 1988 are summarized