739 research outputs found

    Excitation of non-radial stellar oscillations by gravitational waves: a first model

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    The excitation of solar and solar-like g modes in non-relativistic stars by arbitrary external gravitational wave fields is studied starting from the full field equations of general relativity. We develop a formalism that yields the mean-square amplitudes and surface velocities of global normal modes excited in such a way. The isotropic elastic sphere model of a star is adopted to demonstrate this formalism and for calculative simplicity. It is shown that gravitational waves solely couple to quadrupolar spheroidal eigenmodes and that normal modes are only sensitive to the spherical component of the gravitational waves having the same azimuthal order. The mean-square amplitudes in case of stationary external gravitational waves are given by a simple expression, a product of a factor depending on the resonant properties of the star and the power spectral density of the gravitational waves' spherical accelerations. Both mean-square amplitudes and surface velocities show a characteristic R^8-dependence (effective R^2-dependence) on the radius of the star. This finding increases the relevance of this excitation mechanism in case of stars larger than the Sun.Comment: 8 pages, to be published in MNRAS (in press); corrected typo

    Generation of internal gravity waves by penetrative convection

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    The rich harvest of seismic observations over the past decade provides evidence of angular momentum redistribution in stellar interiors that is not reproduced by current evolution codes. In this context, transport by internal gravity waves can play a role and could explain discrepancies between theory and observations. The efficiency of the transport of angular momentum by waves depends on their driving mechanism. While excitation by turbulence throughout the convective zone has already been investigated, we know that penetrative convection into the stably stratified radiative zone can also generate internal gravity waves. Therefore, we aim at developing a semianalytical model to estimate the generation of IGW by penetrative plumes below an upper convective envelope. We derive the wave amplitude considering the pressure exerted by an ensemble of plumes on the interface between the radiative and convective zones as source term in the equation of momentum. We consider the effect of a thermal transition from a convective gradient to a radiative one on the transmission of the wave into the radiative zone. The plume-induced wave energy flux at the top of the radiative zone is computed for a solar model and is compared to the turbulence-induced one. We show that, for the solar case, penetrative convection generates waves more efficiently than turbulence and that plume-induced waves can modify the internal rotation rate on shorter time scales. We also show that a smooth thermal transition significatively enhances the wave transmission compared to the case of a steep transition. We conclude that driving by penetrative convection must be taken into account as much as turbulence-induced waves for the transport of internal angular momentum.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 21 page

    Solar-like oscillations in massive main-sequence stars. I. Asteroseismic signatures of the driving and damping regions

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    Motivated by the recent detection of stochastically excited modes in the massive star V1449 Aql (Belkacem et al., 2009b), already known to be a β\beta Cephei, we theoretically investigate the driving by turbulent convection. By using a full non-adiabatic computation of the damping rates, together with a computation of the energy injection rates, we provide an estimate of the amplitudes of modes excited by both the convective region induced by the iron opacity bump and the convective core. Despite uncertainties in the dynamical properties of such convective regions, we demonstrate that both are able to efficiently excite pp modes above the CoRoT observational threshold and the solar amplitudes. In addition, we emphasise the potential asteroseismic diagnostics provided by each convective region, which we hope will help to identify the one responsible for solar-like oscillations, and to give constraints on this convective zone. A forthcoming work will be dedicated to an extended investigation of the likelihood of solar-like oscillations across the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figures, accepter in A&

    Stochastic excitation of non-radial modes I. High-angular-degree p modes

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    Turbulent motions in stellar convection zones generate acoustic energy, part of which is then supplied to normal modes of the star. Their amplitudes result from a balance between the efficiencies of excitation and damping processes in the convection zones. We develop a formalism that provides the excitation rates of non-radial global modes excited by turbulent convection. As a first application, we estimate the impact of non-radial effects on excitation rates and amplitudes of high-angular-degree modes which are observed on the Sun. A model of stochastic excitation by turbulent convection has been developed to compute the excitation rates, and it has been successfully applied to solar radial modes (Samadi & Goupil 2001, Belkacem et al. 2006b). We generalize this approach to the case of non-radial global modes. This enables us to estimate the energy supplied to high-(â„“\ell) acoustic modes. Qualitative arguments as well as numerical calculations are used to illustrate the results. We find that non-radial effects for pp modes are non-negligible: - for high-nn modes (i.e. typically n>3n > 3) and for high values of â„“\ell; the power supplied to the oscillations depends on the mode inertia. - for low-nn modes, independent of the value of â„“\ell, the excitation is dominated by the non-diagonal components of the Reynolds stress term. We carried out a numerical investigation of high-â„“\ell pp modes and we find that the validity of the present formalism is limited to â„“<500\ell < 500 due to the spatial separation of scale assumption. Thus, a model for very high-â„“\ell pp-mode excitation rates calls for further theoretical developments, however the formalism is valid for solar gg modes, which will be investigated in a paper in preparation.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Period spacings in red giants I. Disentangling rotation and revealing core structure discontinuities

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    Asteroseismology allows us to probe the physical conditions inside the core of red giant stars. This relies on the properties of the global oscillations with a mixed character that are highly sensitive to the physical properties of the core. However, overlapping rotational splittings and mixed-mode spacings result in complex structures in the mixed-mode pattern, which severely complicates its identification and the measurement of the asymptotic period spacing. This work aims at disentangling the rotational splittings from the mixed-mode spacings, in order to open the way to a fully automated analysis of large data sets. An analytical development of the mixed-mode asymptotic expansion is used to derive the period spacing between two consecutive mixed modes. The \'echelle diagrams constructed with the appropriately stretched periods are used to exhibit the structure of the gravity modes and of the rotational splittings. We propose a new view on the mixed-mode oscillation pattern based on corrected periods, called stretched periods, that mimic the evenly spaced gravity-mode pattern. This provides a direct understanding of all oscillation components, even in the case of rapid rotation. The measurement of the asymptotic period spacing and the signature of the structural glitches on mixed modes are then made easy. This work opens the possibility to derive all seismic global parameters in an automated way, including the identification of the different rotational multiplets and the measurement of the rotational splitting, even when this splitting is significantly larger than the period spacing. Revealing buoyancy glitches provides a detailed view on the radiative core.Comment: Accepted in A&

    Enhanced antiproton production in Pb(160 AGeV)+Pb reactions: evidence for quark gluon matter?

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    The centrality dependence of the antiproton per participant ratio is studied in Pb(160 AGeV)+Pb reactions. Antiproton production in collisions of heavy nuclei at the CERN/SPS seems considerably enhanced as compared to conventional hadronic physics, given by the antiproton production rates in pppp and antiproton annihilation in pˉp\bar{p}p reactions. This enhancement is consistent with the observation of strong in-medium effects in other hadronic observables and may be an indication of partial restoration of chiral symmetry

    Mode excitation by turbulent convection in rotating stars. I. Effect of uniform rotation

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    We focus on the influence of the Coriolis acceleration on the stochastic excitation of oscillation modes in convective regions of rotating stars. Our aim is to estimate the asymmetry between excitation rates of prograde and retrograde modes. We extend the formalism derived for obtaining stellar pp- and gg-mode amplitudes (Samadi & Goupil 2001, Belkacem et al. 2008) to include the effect of the Coriolis acceleration. We then study the special case of uniform rotation for slowly rotating stars by performing a perturbative analysis. This allows us to consider the cases of the Sun and the CoRoT target HD 49933. We find that, in the subsonic regime, the influence of rotation as a direct contribution to mode driving is negligible in front of the Reynolds stress contribution. In slow rotators, the indirect effect of the modification of the eigenfunctions on mode excitation is investigated by performing a perturbative analysis of the excitation rates. It turns out that the excitation of solar pp modes is affected by rotation with excitation rates asymmetries between prograde and retrograde modes of the order of several percents. Solar low-order gg modes are also affected by uniform rotation and their excitation rates asymmetries are found to reach up to 10 %. The CoRoT target HD 49933 is rotating faster than the Sun (Ω/Ω⊙≈8\Omega / \Omega_\odot \approx 8) and we show that the resulting excitation rates asymmetry is about 10 % for the excitation rates of pp modes. We have then demonstrated that pp and gg mode excitation rates are modified by uniform rotation through the Coriolis acceleration. Study of the effect of differential rotation is dedicated to a forthcoming paper.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted in A&

    Dileptons and Photons from Coarse-Grained Microscopic Dynamics and Hydrodynamics Compared to Experimental Data

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    Radiation of dileptons and photons from high energy nuclear collisions provides information on the space-time evolution of the hot dense matter produced therein. We compute this radiation using relativistic hydrodynamics and a coarse-grained version of the microscopic event generator UrQMD, both of which provide a good description of the hadron spectra. The currently most accurate dilepton and photon emission rates from perturbative QCD and from experimentally-based hadronic calculations are used. Comparisons are made to data on central Pb-Pb and Pb-Au collisions taken at the CERN SPS at a beam energy of 158 A GeV. Both hydrodynamics and UrQMD provide very good descriptions of the photon transverse momentum spectrum measured between 1 and 4 GeV, but slightly underestimate the low mass spectrum of e+e- pairs, even with greatly broadened rho and omega vector mesons. Predictions are given for the transverse momentum distribution of dileptons.Comment: 35 pages, 17 figure

    Theoretical power spectra of mixed modes in low mass red giant stars

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    CoRoT and Kepler observations of red giant stars revealed very rich spectra of non-radial solar-like oscillations. Of particular interest was the detection of mixed modes that exhibit significant amplitude, both in the core and at the surface of the stars. It opens the possibility of probing the internal structure from their inner-most layers up to their surface along their evolution on the red giant branch as well as on the red-clump. Our objective is primarily to provide physical insight into the physical mechanism responsible for mixed-modes amplitudes and lifetimes. Subsequently, we aim at understanding the evolution and structure of red giants spectra along with their evolution. The study of energetic aspects of these oscillations is also of great importance to predict the mode parameters in the power spectrum. Non-adiabatic computations, including a time-dependent treatment of convection, are performed and provide the lifetimes of radial and non-radial mixed modes. We then combine these mode lifetimes and inertias with a stochastic excitation model that gives us their heights in the power spectra. For stars representative of CoRoT and Kepler observations, we show under which circumstances mixed modes have heights comparable to radial ones. We stress the importance of the radiative damping in the determination of the height of mixed modes. Finally, we derive an estimate for the height ratio between a g-type and a p-type mode. This can thus be used as a first estimate of the detectability of mixed-modes
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