1,381 research outputs found

    Sostenibilitat social

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    La integración de la Atención a la Dependencia en los Servicios Sociales Municipales del Ayuntamiento de Sagunto

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    El cuarto Pilar del Bienestar Social es el sistema de Servicios Sociales, la atención a la dependencia debería ser considerada un subsistema del sistema de Servicios Sociales, el catalogo de prestaciones que recoge la Ley de Autonomía Personal y Atención a las Personas en Situación de Dependencia (Ley 39/2006) se corresponde con las prestaciones reconocidas en las leyes de servicios sociales de las diferentes Comunidades Autónomas, todas ellas aprobadas con anterioridad a la Ley 39/2006. La implantación por parte de la Generalitat Valenciana de la Ley de atención a la dependencia puede vulnerar el principio de Autonomía Local recogido en varios marcos normativos. La visión de atención integral, la planificación y la coordinación desde el territorio son elementos imprescindibles en la intervención social.The 'Fourth Pillar' of Social Welfare is the Social Services system. Care for dependency should be considered as a subsystem of the Social Services system, the range of services which includes the Law of Personal Self-Sufficiency and Care for People in a Dependency Situation (Law 39/2006) corresponds to the benefits provided in the social service laws of Spain's Autonomous Communities, all adopted before Law 39/2006. The introduction by the Generalitat Valenciana Authority of the Law for Dependency Care may undermine the principle of local autonomy enshrined in several legislation structures. The vision of integrated care, planning and coordination from the territory constitutes an essential aspect of social intervention

    Redundancy of reinforced glass beams : temperature, moisture and time dependent behaviour of the adhesive bond

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    The most important aspect of the reinforced glass beam concept, which provides ductility and redundancy for structural glass beams, is the adhesive bond between glass and reinforcement. To guarantee structural safety, this adhesive bond has to service under all conditions. The effects of elevated temperature, moisture exposure and load duration on the adhesive bond, have separately been investigated through three series of bending tests on 1.5 m reinforced glass beam specimens. A first series has been tested at 60 C; a second series has been tested after 8 weeks of salt-water-spraying; and a third series has been loaded until initial failure whereupon it has been left statically loaded for at least 72 hours. The results show that the reinforced glass beam concept is a redundant system which shows, dependent on the applied adhesive, a significant residual strength even at extreme temperature and moisture conditions, and for a significant period of time

    All-glass shell scale models made with an adjustable mould

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    Ever since Lucio Blandini developed a doubly curved synclastic shell with adhesively bonded glass components, the concept of building a self-supporting glass-only shell has almost become within reach. In the current contribution a small-scaled experimental concept is presented of a self-supporting anticlastic all-glass shell scale model, created by means of an adaptable mould. First, different manufacturing parameters of relatively small shells are investigated, such as mould type, glass supporting system and dimensions, oven temperature and shell curvature. Next, an adjustable mould for the bending of glass is developed, built and tested. With this mould it is possible to make glass panels synclastic and anticlastic in a great variety of forms. With this new moulding technique we were able to create different prototypes. They are forming the basis an intended larger shell, composed of smaller segments. The objective is to join the latter by using fusing techniques, which result is completely transparent monolithic all-glass shells. Therefore, additional experiments have been performed to explore different variants of glass fusion techniques to be applied for double curved glass shells

    Post-breakage behaviour of laminated glass in structural applications

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    Firstly is introduced what the post-breakage behaviour of laminated safety glass is, and why it's important to can model it for designing structural glass elements. A general description of post-breakage behaviour and the different possible mechanisms leading to failure are presented. We then focus on the mechanical properties of the interlayer material, more specifically in the perspective to model its behaviour at large strain up to break. Typical results of standard uniaxial tensile tests on SGP samples (SentryGlas (R) Plus, interlayer of DuPont de Nemours) are shortly presented, and we then explain why those are insufficient to calibrate numeric material models to use in finite elements softwares. Finally perspectives for further experimental investigation with aiming to calibrate material models are presented

    Mapping the Flow of Values Using Value Stream Mapping 4.0

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na popis Průmyslu 4.0 a Štíhlé výroby, na jejich možné propojení a následné uplatnění. Výstupem práce je charakteristika a aplikace metody Value Stream Mapping 4.0 v podniku.The diploma thesis is focused on the description of Industry 4.0 and Lean production, their possible connections and subsequent application. The output of the work is the characterization and application of the Value Stream Mapping 4.0 method in the company639 - Katedra managementu kvalityvelmi dobř