755 research outputs found

    Foreignization in news translation : metaphors in Russian translation on the news translation website InoSMI

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    L’emploi métaphorique est récurrent dans les textes à caractère journalistique. Cet article étudie la façon dont les traductions russes de textes originaux traitent les expressions métaphoriques et vise à circonscrire les stratégies traductives utilisées. Dans une première étape, nous avons constitué un double corpus de soixante articles originaux en anglais, néerlandais ou finnois accompagnés de leur traduction russe. La comparaison des métaphores identifiées dans les textes sources avec leurs équivalents russes permet ensuite de déterminer dans quelle mesure certaines images acquièrent dans le texte cible un degré d’étrangeté absent dans le texte original. La dernière phase de l’enquête consiste en l’analyse des cas exotisants afin de préciser la motivation qui explique le recours à cette stratégie traductive. L’article montre comment, dans un certain nombre de contextes spécifiques, le procédé d’exotisation garde en effet la trace de points de vue occidentaux sur des sujets concernant la Russie, plus particulièrement lorsque les métaphores des textes sources font affleurer une interprétation critique de la société russe, de la structure de l’État ou de ses dirigeants.Journalistic texts, as a rule, contain a considerable number of metaphorically used expressions. This paper investigates the handling of metaphors in Russian translations of journalistic texts in order to reveal the different translation strategies used by the translators. The research is conducted in three consecutive steps. First, we identify all metaphors in a twofold corpus of 60 original Dutch, English and Finnish newspaper articles on the one hand, and their corresponding 60 translations into Russian on the other. Secondly, we compare the use of metaphors in the translations with their source texts in order to establish the translation strategies and to determine to which extent the metaphorical expressions in the target texts display a higher degree of foreignness than those used in the source texts. Finally, we analyze the cases of foreignization in the target texts in order to find an explanation for the use of this translation strategy. The investigation shows how foreignization is adopted by the translators in a certain number of specific contexts, making the Western discourse on Russian subjects more visible to the reader, especially in these cases where the source text contains metaphors that suggest a critical interpretation of the Russian state, society or the leaders of the country

    The technology of suggestive information-psychological operations masking in the infocommunication space

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    In the article offered the approach to the exposure of the destructive suggestive affecting subconsciousness of man in text messages in the conditions of the informatively psychological opposing. The exposure of destructive influences it is suggested to conduct on the basis of semantic differential, phonetic and sound-and-light analysis of words and text documents. Realization of these methods will allow estimating emotional influence of separate words and phonetic structure of texts on the subconsciousness of man.В статье предложены подходы к выявлению деструктивных суггестивных воздействий на подсознание человека в текстовых сообщениях в условиях информационно-психологического противоборства. Выявление деструктивных воздействий предлагается проводить на основе семантического дифференциала, фонетического и звукоцветового анализа слов и текстовых документов. Реализация данных методов позволит оценивать эмоциональное влияние отдельных слов и фонетической структуры текстов на подсознание человека.В статті пропонуються підходи до виявлення деструктивних сугестивних впливів на підсвідомість людини в текстових повідомленнях в умовах інформаційно-психологічного протистояння. Виявлення деструктивних впливів пропонується провести на основі семантичного диференціалу, фонетичного та звукосвітлового аналізу слів і текстових документів. Реалізація даних методів дозволить оцінити емоційне вплив окремих слів і фонетичної структури текстів на підсвідомість людини

    Involvement of mitogen-activated protein kinases in mast cell mediator induced airway hyper-responsiveness in guinea pig trachea

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    Introduction: Exposure to allergens causes activation of mast cells and release of its mediators leading to airway constriction. Airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR) is a major characteristic of asthma but understanding of its causes is incomplete. Theories include repetitive airway constriction, inflammation or changes in osmolality. Another theory is that AHR is mediated through changes in mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) signalling pathways. Aims: To determine the ability of ovalbumin (OVA) to induce AHR to mast cell mediators and to determine the contribution of MAPK to AHR. Material and Methods: Guinea pigs (GP) were sensitized to OVA by intra-peritoneal injection, thereafter circular segments of GP trachea were dissected and incubated in presence or absence of OVA and inhibitors of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), extracellular-signal-regulated kinase/MAPK (MEK) and p38. Thereafter, segments were mounted on a myograph in organ baths in order to measure the tension in trachea after addition of mast cell mediators and carbachol. The data from each segment and agonist was related to maximal contraction of that segment and presented as mean±SEM. Results: Exposure to OVA induced AHR to histamine in tracheal segments (p<0.05; pEC50 6.5±0.1) as compared to no OVA exposure (pEC50 6.2±0.1). Incubation with MAPK JNK inhibitor, but not with MAPK p38 and MEK inhibitors reduced OVA-induced AHR to histamine. Conclusions: AHR to histamine can be induced in a GP trachea ex vivo model and it can be reduced by inhibition of MAPK JNK.Bakgrund: Allergenexponering orsakar aktivering av mastceller och frisättning av deras mediatorer, vilket leder till sammandragning av luftvägar. Luftvägshyperresponsivitet (LHR) är en av grundpelarna i astma och idag finns ingen fullständig förståelse för orsakerna bakom detta fenomen. Det finns teorier som förklarar LHRs uppkomst med upprepade sammandragningar, inflammation, och förändringar i osmolalitet. En annan teori är att LHR beror på förändringar i signalering via mitogen-aktiverade proteinkinaser (MAPK). Syfte: Syftet med detta projekt var att undersöka om ovalbumin (OVA) kan orsaka LHR mot mastcellsmediatorer och klarlägga om MAPK bidrar till denna process. Material och Metoder: Marsvin sensitiserades mot OVA genom en intraperitoneal injektion varpå cirkulära segment av marsvinstrakea dissekerades ut och inkuberades med eller utan OVA och hämmare av c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), extracellular-signal-regulated kinase/MAPK (MEK) och p38. Trakeasegmenten monterades i ett organbad i en myograf för att mäta tensionen i dessa efter tillsättning av mastcellsmediatorer och karbakol. Data från varje segment och agonist korrelerades till den maximala kraftutvecklingen detta segment åstadkommit och presenterades som medelvärde±medelfel. Resultat: exponering för OVA orsakade LHR mot histamin i trakeasegmenten (p<0.05; pEC50 6.5±0.1) jämfört med ingen exponering för OVA (pEC50 6.2±0.1). Inkubation med JNK MAPK hämmare, men inte med p38 och MEK hämmare motverkade LHR mot histamin. Slutsats: LHR mot histamin kan induceras i en ex vivo marsvinsmodell och kan motverkas med hämning av signalvägen JNK

    Aspectos legais do governo do Brasil para estimular la generación e a implementação da información científica como inovaciones

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    This article is devoted to surveying the legal regulation of the production and dissemination of scientific and technical information in Brazil with a considerable focus on protection of intellectual property (IP) rights. The author examines the institutional element of the system of innovations in Brazil and analyzes the legal aspects of the ways in which the government stimulates the generation and implementation of scientific information as innovations. For this purpose, the author considers the provisions of laws No. 13.243 of January 11, 2016, “On the civil and legal basis for the regulation of science, technology and innovation,” No. 10.973 of December 2, 2004, “Incentive to innovation and scientific and technological research in production,” and No. 9.610 of February 19, 1998, “On copyright and related rights” and concludes Brazil at present is paying more attention to the modernization of approaches that can legally regulate the development of science and innovation.Este artículo está dedicado a examinar la regulación legal de la producción y difusión de información científica y técnica en Brasil con un enfoque considerable en la protección de los derechos de propiedad intelectual (PI). El autor examina el elemento institucional del sistema de innovaciones en Brasil y analiza los aspectos legales de las formas en que el gobierno estimula la generación e implementación de información científica como innovaciones. Para este propósito, el autor considera las disposiciones de las leyes No. 13.243 del 11 de enero de 2016, "Sobre la base civil y legal para la regulación de la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación", No. 10.973 del 2 de diciembre de 2004, "Incentivo a "Innovación e investigación científica y tecnológica en producción", y No. 9.610 del 19 de febrero de 1998, "Sobre derechos de autor y derechos afines" y concluye que Brasil actualmente está prestando más atención a la modernización de los enfoques que pueden regular legalmente el desarrollo de la ciencia y la ciencia. innovación.Este artigo é dedicado ao levantamento da regulamentação legal da produção e divulgação de informações científicas e técnicas no Brasil, com um foco considerável na proteção dos direitos de propriedade intelectual (PI). O autor examina o elemento institucional do sistema de inovações no Brasil e analisa os&nbsp;aspectos legais das maneiras pelas quais o governo estimula a geração e implementação de informações científicas como inovações. Para esse fim, o autor considera as disposições da Lei nº 13.243 de 11 de janeiro de 2016, “Sobre a base civil e legal para a regulamentação da ciência, tecnologia e inovação”, nº 10.973, de 2 de dezembro de 2004, “Incentivo à inovação e pesquisa científica e tecnológica em produção ”e nº 9.610, de 19 de fevereiro de 1998,“ Sobre direito autoral e direitos conexos ”e conclui que o Brasil está dando mais atenção à modernização de abordagens que podem regular legalmente o desenvolvimento da ciência e inovação

    Economic Networking as Implied in Property Law: Certain Aspects

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    The present paper outlines the current stage in the development of traditional approaches in the field of property law and the relevant legislation and practice in Russia. Some results and tendencies of adapting traditional approaches to the realities of the new time are introduced. The author shows a gradual shift from the concept of property form toward the concept of property regime based on the actual move away from the property holders themselves to the rights that such holders enjoy. The present paper highlights the economic reasons for this state of affairs. It has also been revealed that the method of appropriation of information leads to the changes in the area of property defined, given the parties involved, as state property concerns its definition as communal and public. As a result, a property network regime for information has been formed according to the information available in the network (from inaccessible and restricted to commercial or generally accessible). The author explains the reasons for more complicated property relations and evolving ownership rights for both tangible and digital objects. It has been established that the spare potential of property interpretation in terms of its regimes is significant; thus, it requires further analysis. It is worth highlighting those property regimes and forms as mobile and variable. This paper states that the ethical problem of justice that arises in the context of the effectiveness and the possibility of traditional forms of property, especially private property, contributes to the reassignment of property functions that fit property regimes. This paper provides up-to-date scientific information on Russian legislation and the doctrine/research works (books, articles, etc.), as well as other ideas in the relevant field; the paper contributes to the understanding of the practical and legislative gap (or its absence) in Russian and foreign research results and implications

    Interpretation of the Concept of “Enterprise” in the Context of Latin American Legal Scholars’ Contemporary Ideas on the Tasks of Civil and Commercial Codifications

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    The relevance of the study is connected with its complex nature, giving an understanding of the vector of development of civil and commercial codifications in some Latin American countries, based on recent statutory regulations, which were not previously adequately reflected in the doctrine. From this perspective, therefore, this study fills the gap in the relevant knowledge. The author examines the features of the legal regime in certain Latin American countries to comprehend and show which trends prevail in a particular country and how this is reflected in the tasks of civil and commercial codifications. Thereby, the results obtained by the author are given in a comparative aspect in the context of Latin American legal experts’ ideas on the tasks of civil and commercial codifications concerning the legal recognition of the interpretation of the concept of “enterprise”


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    The objective: This article is devoted to surveying the evolution of basic doctrines and principles of contract law in Europe. The researcher considers law principles as being the fundamental ideas that can be implemented both in lawmaking and law realization and focus on a gradual change in ideas about the principles of contract law in Europe and the results of the unification and harmonization of the current views introduced in EU Directives and the Principles of European contract law. The methodology: The author considers the provisions of Principles of European Contract Law, Consolidated versions of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; some EU Directives -1985 Council Directive 85/374/EEC on the liability for defective products, 1993 Council Directive 93/13/EEC on unfair terms in consumer contracts, etc. The obtained results: The author concludes among other things that the authors of the Principles used the methods of comparative law and tried to take into account those provisions of national private law systems that were deserved to be applied in the EU and this initiative is being developed within the Framework Project of General Provisions [of European Private Law].El objetivo: este artículo está dedicado a estudiar la evolución de las doctrinas y principios básicos del derecho contractual en Europa. El investigador considera los principios del derecho como las ideas fundamentales que pueden implementarse tanto en la legislación como en la realización del derecho, y se enfoca en un cambio gradual de ideas sobre los principios del derecho contractual en Europa y los resultados de la unificación y armonización de los puntos de vista actuales introducidos en Directivas de la UE y los principios del derecho contractual europeo. La metodología: el autor considera las disposiciones de los Principios del Derecho contractual europeo, las versiones consolidadas del Tratado de la Unión Europea y el Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea; algunas Directivas de la UE: Directiva 85/374 / CEE del Consejo de 1985 sobre la responsabilidad por productos defectuosos, Directiva 93/13 / CEE del Consejo de 1993 sobre cláusulas abusivas en los contratos de consumo, etc. Los resultados obtenidos: el autor concluye, entre otras cosas, que los autores de Los Principios utilizaron los métodos del derecho comparado y trataron de tener en cuenta las disposiciones de los sistemas nacionales de derecho privado que merecían aplicarse en la UE y esta iniciativa se está desarrollando dentro del Proyecto Marco de Disposiciones Generales [del Derecho Privado Europeo].Цель: Данная статья посвящена исследованию эволюции базовых доктрин и принципов договорного права в Европе. В качестве отправной точки работы выступает представление и принципах права, как основополагающих идеях, которыми руководствуются как при правотворчестве, так и при реализации права. Предметом авторского внимания становится поэтапное изменение представлений о принципах договорного права в Европе и результаты унификации и гармонизации сложившихся на текущий момент представлений в директивах ЕС и Принципах европейского договорного права. Методология: автор рассматривает положения Принципов европейского договорного права, Консолидированные версии Договора о Европейском Союзе и Договора о функционировании Европейского Союза; некоторые директивы ЕС - Директиву Совета 85/374/ЕЭС «Об ответственности за выпуск дефектной продукции» (1985 г.), Директиву Совета 93/13/ЕЭС «О несправедливых условиях в договорах с потребителями» (1993 г.) и т.д. Полученные результаты: Автор приходит к выводу, среди прочего, что авторы Принципов использовали методы сравнительного права и пытались учесть те положения национальных систем частного права, которые заслуживали применения в ЕС, и эта инициатива разрабатывается в рамках Рамочного проекта&nbsp;общих положений [европейского частного права]

    “Semi-precious ring of the Urals” as the image sociocultural project of Sverdlovsk region

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    Under the conditions for invigoration of the activities in the formation of the image of tourist regions is actualized the attention to the creation of the projects of tourist routes on the basis of the sociocultural approach, the realization of positions of which makes it possible to form sociocultural activity, social-significant experience in the mastery of the cultural values of participants in the forthcoming tourist programs by means of the preliminary preparatory work with them.В условиях активизации деятельности по формированию имиджа туристских регионов актуализируется внимание к созданию проектов туристских маршрутов на основе социокультурного подхода, реализация положений которого позволяет формировать социокультурную активность, социально-значимый опыт в освоении культурных ценностей участников предстоящих туристских программ посредством предварительной подготовительной работы с ними

    Особливості педагогічного експерименту щодо реалізації проекту стимулювання професійного саморозвитку майбутніх майстрів виробничого навчання

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    The article is devoted to the disclosure of the peculiarities of the pedagogical experiment concerning the implementation of the project for the promotion of professional self-development of future masters of industrial training by means of self-education. The developed system allows to activate the professional self-development of the future master of production training by means of self-education. The development of the level of professional self-education affects the level of professional self-development. The pedagogical experiment, the purpose of which was to study the state and movement of professional self-development of future masters of production training, allows us to state the effective influence on the professional self-development of a future specialist, which is a more important task for an educational institution. The system of stimulation of professional self-development of masters of industrial training is an integral set of interconnected components: purposeful, informative, techno-methodical and productiveСтаття присвячена розкриттям особливостей педагогічного експерименту щодо реалізації проекту стимулювання професійного саморозвитку майбутніх майстрів виробничого навчання засобами самоосвіти і самовиховання. Розроблена система дозволяє активізувати професійний саморозвиток майбутнього майстра виробничого навчання засобами самоосвіти і самовиховання. Розвиток рівня професійної самоосвіти і самовиховання впливає на рівень професійного саморозвитк