8 research outputs found

    Nonlinear symmetry breaking of Aharonov-Bohm cages

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    We study the influence of mean field cubic nonlinearity on Aharonov-Bohm caging in a diamond lattice with synthetic magnetic flux. For sufficiently weak nonlinearities the Aharonov-Bohm caging persists as periodic nonlinear breathing dynamics. Above a critical nonlinearity, symmetry breaking induces a sharp transition in the dynamics and enables stronger wavepacket spreading. This transition is distinct from other flatband networks, where continuous spreading is induced by effective nonlinear hopping or resonances with delocalized modes, and is in contrast to the quantum limit, where two-particle hopping enables arbitrarily large spreading. This nonlinear symmetry breaking transition is readily observable in femtosecond laser-written waveguide arrays.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Composite localized modes in discretized spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We introduce a discrete model for binary spin-orbit-coupled (SOC) Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) trapped in a deep one-dimensional optical lattice. Two different types of the couplings are considered, with spatial derivatives acting inside each species, or between the species. The discrete system with inter-site couplings dominated by the SOC, while the usual hopping is negligible, \textit{emulates} condensates composed of extremely heavy atoms, as well as those with opposite signs of the effective atomic masses in the two components.\ Stable localized composite states of miscible and immiscible types are constructed. The effect of the SOC on the immiscibility-miscibility transition in the localized complexes, which emulates the phase transition between insulating and conducting states in semiconductors, is studied.Comment: Journal of Physics B , in pres

    Nonlinear gap modes and compactons in a lattice model for spin-orbit coupled exciton-polaritons in zigzag chains

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    We consider a system of generalized coupled Discrete Nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger (DNLS) equations, derived as a tight-binding model from the Gross-Pitaevskii-type equations describing a zigzag chain of weakly coupled condensates of exciton-polaritons with spin-orbit (TE-TM) coupling. We focus on the simplest case when the angles for the links in the zigzag chain are ±π/4\pm \pi/4 with respect to the chain axis, and the basis (Wannier) functions are cylindrically symmetric (zero orbital angular momenta). We analyze the properties of the fundamental nonlinear localized solutions, with particular interest in the discrete gap solitons appearing due to the simultaneous presence of spin-orbit coupling and zigzag geometry, opening a gap in the linear dispersion relation. In particular, their linear stability is analyzed. We also find that the linear dispersion relation becomes exactly flat at particular parameter values, and obtain corresponding compact solutions localized on two neighboring sites, with spin-up and spin-down parts π/2\pi/2 out of phase at each site. The continuation of these compact modes into exponentially decaying gap modes for generic parameter values is studied numerically, and regions of stability are found to exist in the lower or upper half of the gap, depending on the type of gap modes.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. Revised version with minor additions to text and reference list. To be published in Journal of Physics Communication

    A novel mobile transtelephonic system with synthesized 12-lead ECG

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    The problem of synthesizing the standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) from the signals recorded using three special ECG leads is studied in detail. The implementation of that concept into the design of a new mobile ECG transtelephonic system is presented. The system has two separate units: a stationary diagnostic-calibration center and a mobile ECG device with integrated electrodes. The patient records by himself three special leads with the mobile ECG recorder and sends data via cellular phone to the personal computer in the diagnostic center where standard 12-lead ECG is numerically reconstructed on the base of the patient transformation matrix previously calculated into the calibration process. The experimental study shows high accuracy of the reconstructed ECG