445 research outputs found

    Ecolabels: a tool to analyze the environmental aspects of ceramic companies

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    Treball Final de Grau en Finances i Comptabilitat. Codi: FC1049. Curs acadèmic: 2019-2020This work aims to carry out an environmental analysis of the Spanish ceramic sector, based on comparative analysis between several companies in the sector that have different size, turnover and turnover. The realization of this work has been motivated by various reasons; one of them is the impact and importance of this sector on the business fabric of our province; also because of the growing trend of corporate social responsibility in financial and business management, as well as the need to implement eco-labels in the ceramic sector. In short, this work aims to give an overview of the importance of CSR in the ceramic sector of Castellón, based on a quantitative analysis of the level of implementation of environmental ecolabels

    Teachers\u27 attitudes and preceptions towards inclusion of gifted students

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    This study was to determine if middle school teachers\u27 attitudes and perceptions towards gifted students in inclusionary classrooms are affected by experiential variables. Specifically, are receptivity towards gifted, training and knowledge in giftedness, and preferences towards teaching gifted students affected by teachers\u27 attitudes? Are preferences and perceptions towards inclusive programs in the middle schools affected by teachers\u27 attitudes? The population is comprised of 135 general education teachers from three middle schools in the La Joya Independent School District, La Joya, Texas. The Teacher Report Questionnaire was designed using twenty-three questions. The questions were developed for general education teachers in the middle school in order to examine their attitudes toward including gifted students in regular classrooms. The questionnaire was constructed to collect demographic data as well as teachers\u27 attitudes and perceptions about inclusion. Data from the questionnaire were compiled and analyzed to determine factors that affect teachers\u27 attitudes and perceptions towards inclusion

    Migratory connectivity and differential patterns of decline in Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) in North America: Potential effects of factors on breeding and wintering grounds

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    Populations of several Neotropical migratory bird species have experienced declines in the recent decades but long-distance migrant aerial insectivores seem to be declining at greater rates than any other group. The Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) is a long-distance migrant and an aerial insectivore whose breeding populations have declined drastically in northern regions of North America but remain stable in certain areas of the southern United States. However, reasons for differential population trends and whether factors on breeding and/or wintering grounds could be causing these declines remain unclear. The main objective of this study was to investigate causes of differential population dynamics experienced by Barn Swallows in North America by 1) studying patterns of migratory connectivity of populations using a three stable isotope approach (δ2H, δ13C and δ15N) and 2) evaluating evidence for factors on breeding and/or wintering grounds causing regional differences in population trends. Tail feathers of Barn Swallow grown on the wintering grounds were collected during breeding season in 2009, 2010 and 2011 across the breeding range of the species. Feathers were examined isotopically (δ2H, δ13C and δ15N) and used to determine the relative strength of migratory connectivity of populations and to identify approximate wintering regions in South America. Long-term mark-recapture data from two breeding colonies in Washington State and Ontario were compared to the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) for breeding and wintering months as a measure of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) to study the fundamental effect of large-scale climatic conditions on annual survival rates. Similarly, long-term reproductive parameters (i.e. fledging success, total number of eggs laid, chicks per nest) of breeding individuals in Washington State and Manitoba were used to determine the effects of local weather variation on reproductive performance. Winter-grown feathers grouped according to population sizes were additionally analyzed for costicosterone (CORT) concentrations to test whether declining northern populations have higher exposure to stressors on their wintering grounds in South America. Stable isotope (δ2H, δ13C and δ15N) analyses revealed evidence for a diverse pattern of migratory connectivity among breeding populations. Four isotopically distinct clusters corresponding to different wintering regions were identified and a progressive longitudinal shift in wintering grounds was detected. This study found evidence for a differential effect of ENSO-related weather conditions on inter-annual survivorship of two different breeding populations of Barn Swallows in North America. Annual survivorship of Barn Swallows breeding in Washington State was strongly correlated to ENSO during breeding and wintering months, while no correlation was found for birds breeding in Ontario, potentially due to the geographical variation of the effect of ENSO on weather conditions across North America and South America and the differential degree of migratory connectivity of populations. The length of cold periods (total number of consecutive days (≥ 2 d periods) with maximum daily temperatures lower than 11ºC) was found to have also a strong effect on annual survival rates of birds breeding in Washington State. Analyses of historical weather data showed that declining breeding populations have been exposed to more extensive cold periods than stable populations, suggesting a relationship between length of cold periods in spring and population trends. Annual reproductive performance was significantly affected by environmental conditions early in the breeding season related to ambient temperature, while precipitation variables had little effect. Wintering ground stressors related to CORT seem to have no significant effect on population size changes, since feather-CORT levels from declining populations were similar to those from stable populations. This study has provided a first attempt to identify factors occurring on breeding and/or wintering grounds that could have an effect on population sizes of Barn Swallows in North America. Weather conditions during breeding and wintering months and the degree of migratory connectivity of populations seem to be playing a significant role in the population trends of the species

    Un Cambio en la Metodología para la Enseñanza del Cálculo I

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    El giro dado por la educación amerita grandes cambios, en ello radica el éxito o fracaso de los estudiantes si se tiene esto en cuenta, nuestra formación como personas a través de la educación mejorará. El Proyecto Pedagógico pretende incentivar una visión diferente de lo que significa enseñar hasta hoy. A través de éste se busca solucionar problemas de la realidad educativa seleccionados por su relación con el entorno social, cultural, científico y tecnológico de nosotros mismos como alumnos y docentes. Aquí doy a conocer el problema que he notado en la comunidad universitaria del Programa FISICO-MATEMATICAS, la tradicional metodología para la enseñanza del Cálculo I, describo esa situación problemática con sus respectivos objetivos, específico las razones por las cuales me intereso en dicho tema, presento los datos recogidos y a la vez su análisis e interpretación finalizando con una propuesta y conclusiones que espero se tengan en cuenta para poder mejorar nuestra preparación y desempeño como Licenciados en Matemáticas

    Incumplimiento del calendario de vacunación de niños menores de 5 años: una revisión bibliográfica

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    Objetivo: describir y analizar las causas de incumplimiento del calendario de vacunación de niños menores de 5 años Método: Investigación bibliográfica, de tipo descriptiva, de artículos en línea, desarrollada en los meses de septiembre del 2019 hasta agosto del 2020, y consistió en la compilación de artículos científicos, publicados en diferentes fuentes de información. La búsqueda se realizó a través del metabuscador Google Académico y el portal regional de BVS, que nos condujo a identificar documentos en bases de datos como: Proquest, PMC, PubMed. Cuyos descriptores primarios, fueron: calendario de vacunación, programas de inmunización, vacunación, vacunas, inmunización, cobertura de vacunación y secundarios: niños y enfermería, principalmente ubicados en el título de los artículos. La muestra estuvo constituida por 17 artículos, de acceso gratuito, a texto completo, de investigaciones originales, cualitativas y cuantitativas, publicados a partir del 2014, en español e inglés y que además cumplieron criterios de calidad. Resultados: Se identificaron las causas/motivos más frecuentes del incumplimiento del calendario de vacunación, siendo estas: Factores maternos: desconocimiento de vacunas, disponibilidad de vacunas, falta de tiempo, grado de instrucción, temor a las reacciones y percepción negativa sobre las vacunas; factores institucionales: trato del personal de enfermería, accesibilidad al establecimiento de salud. Conclusión: Las causas/motivos de incumplimiento del calendario de vacunación aún persisten, ya sea por factores ligados a la madre o a factores institucionales que contribuyen al problema, por lo cual el profesional de enfermería debe fortalecer las intervenciones a fin de lograr obtener mejores coberturas de vacunación

    Programa de estimulación temprana para fortalecer la motricidad en niños de 4 años de una institución educativa Daule, 2023

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    Esta investigación buscó determinar de qué manera un programa de estimulación temprana fortalece la motricidad en niños de 4 años de una institución educativa de Daule, 2023. Se desarrolló dentro de la metodología cuantitativa y siguió el tipo de diseño preexperimental. Se aplicó para la variable motricidad un cuestionario válido y confiable tanto en el pretest como en el postest, en una muestra de 30 escolares que presentaron falencias en la motricidad. Los resultados obtenidos revelaron que predominó el nivel moderado en el pretest con el 40.00%, mientras que en el postest prevaleció el alto con el 50.00%. Además, los resultados inferenciales mostraron que el valor del estadístico Z obtenido en la prueba de rangos con signo de Wilcoxon, el cual fue significativamente diferente de cero (Z = 3,781, p = 0,01 menor a 0,05). Concluyendo que el programa de estimulación temprana ayuda a fortalecer la motricidad en niños de 4 años de la institución educativa objeto del estudio

    The teaching of architecture as a result of a misunderstood triad

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    [ES] El objetivo del artículo es evidenciar el origen y persistencia posterior de un modo de organizar, desde la fragmentación, la enseñanza de la arquitectura. Para ello se desarrolla un análisis de los tratados históricos generalistas destacando las diferencias, por una parte, en la estructura organizativa de los contenidos, por otra, en el enfoque de los fines y los medios de la arquitectura y, finalmente, en su interpretación de la tríada original de Vitruvio. Y es la versión de Perrault en su Abrégé de 1674 la que la tergiversa radicalmente provocando una estructura que aniquila la visión global de la arquitectura. Con él comienza la división en tres partes, construcción, distribución y decoración que influirá en todos los tratados posteriores, salvo en dos autores franceses, que ya a principios y mediados del siglo XIX, la condenaron proponiendo otras alternativas integradoras. Con todo, la fragmentación tripartita, con un claro predominio de la tercera, mantiene firmemente su presencia hasta el siglo XX, e incluso en la actualidad.[EN] The aim of this article is to show the origin and subsequent persistence of a way of organizing, from fragmentation, the teaching of architecture. To this end, an analysis of generalist historical treatises is carried out, highlighting, on one side, the differences in the organizational structure of the contents, on the other, in the approaches to the ends and means of architecture and, finally, in its interpretation of the original Vitruvian Triad. And it is the version of Perrault in his Abrégé of 1674 that radically misunderstood it, creating a structure that destroys the global vision of Architecture. With him begins the division into three parts; construction, distribution and decoration that will influence all subsequent treatises, except for two French authors, who already in the early and mid-nineteenth century rejected it by proposing other integrative alternatives. All in all, tripartite fragmentation, with a clear predominance of the third, firmly maintains its presence until the 20th century, and even today.Onecha Perez, AB.; Gonzalez Moreno-Navarro, JL.; Puntos Pérez, S. (2020). La enseñanza de la Arquitectura como resultado de una tríada tergiversada. VLC arquitectura. Research Journal. 7(2):125-155. https://doi.org/10.4995/vlc.2020.10981OJS12515572Agüera Ruiz, Antonio. Los elementos de la arquitectura por Sir Henry Wotton. Un texto crítico. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid, 1997.Alberti, Leon Battista. On the Art of Building in Ten Books. Translated by Joseph Rykwert, Neil Leach, and Robert Tavernor. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1988.Amico, Giovanni Biagio. 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    SCMAS: A distributed hierarchical multi-agent architecture for blocking attacks to databases

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    One of the main attacks on databases is the SQL injection attack which causes severe damage both in the commercial aspect and the confidence of users. This paper presents a novel strategy for detecting and preventing SQL injection attacks consisting of a multi-agent based architecture called SCMAS. The SCMAS architecture is structured in hierarchical layers and incorporates SQLCBR agents with improved learning and adaptation capabilities. The SQLCBR agents presented within this paper have been specifically designed to classify SQL injection attacks and to predict the behaviour of malicious users. These agents incorporate a new technique based on a mixture of neural networks and a technique based on a temporal series. This paper begins with a detailed explanation of the SCMAS architecture and the SQLCBR agents. The results of their application to a case study are then presented and discussed.One of the main attacks on databases is the SQL injection attack which causes severe damage both in the commercial aspect and the confidence of users. This paper presents a novel strategy for detecting and preventing SQL injection attacks consisting of a multi-agent based architecture called SCMAS. The SCMAS architecture is structured in hierarchical layers and incorporates SQLCBR agents with improved learning and adaptation capabilities. The SQLCBR agents presented within this paper have been specifically designed to classify SQL injection attacks and to predict the behaviour of malicious users. These agents incorporate a new technique based on a mixture of neural networks and a technique based on a temporal series. This paper begins with a detailed explanation of the SCMAS architecture and the SQLCBR agents. The results of their application to a case study are then presented and discussed
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