238 research outputs found

    Taphonomy and the Reconstruction of Tomb Architecture and Mortuary Practices at Protohistoric Crustumerium (Rome)

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    This paper takes into account all factors that affected the preservation of tombs and their inventories in the burial grounds of ancient Crustumerium, a Latin settlement 13 km north of Rome, inhabited between the 9th and 5th c. BC. Its aim is to highlight the combined effect of two main processes;a) the severe erosion of the topsoil and the underlying soft volcanic bedrock caused by centuries of ploughing that has profoundly affected the preservation of tomb architecture, i.e. landscape processes;b) post-depositional processes affecting organic materials (wood, textiles, human bone) and inorganic materials (pottery, metal) in the tombs as a result of flooding, collapse and the acidity of the soil, i.e. taphonomy

    Toward a unified TreeTalker data curation process

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) development is revolutionizing environmental monitoring and research in macroecology. This technology allows for the deployment of sizeable diffuse sensing networks capable of continuous monitoring. Because of this property, the data collected from IoT networks can provide a testbed for scientific hypotheses across large spatial and temporal scales. Nevertheless, data curation is a necessary step to make large and heterogeneous datasets exploitable for synthesis analyses. This process includes data retrieval, quality assurance, standardized formatting, storage, and documentation. TreeTalkers are an excellent example of IoT applied to ecology. These are smart devices for synchronously measuring trees’ physiological and environmental parameters. A set of devices can be organized in a mesh and permit data collection from a single tree to plot or transect scale. The deployment of such devices over large-scale networks needs a standardized approach for data curation. For this reason, we developed a unified processing workflow according to the user manual. In this paper, we first introduce the concept of a unified TreeTalker data curation process. The idea was formalized into an R-package, and it is freely available as open software. Secondly, we present the different functions available in “ttalkR”, and, lastly, we illustrate the application with a demonstration dataset. With such a unified processing approach, we propose a necessary data curation step to establish a new environmental cyberinfrastructure and allow for synthesis activities across environmental monitoring networks. Our data curation concept is the first step for supporting the TreeTalker data life cycle by improving accessibility and thus creating unprecedented opportunities for TreeTalker-based macroecological analyse

    Carbon balance assessment of a natural steppe of southern Siberia by multiple constraint approach

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    Steppe ecosystems represent an interesting case in which the assessment of carbon balance may be performed through a cross validation of the eddy covariance measurements against ecological inventory estimates of carbon exchanges (Ehman et al., 2002; Curtis et al., 2002). <br><br> Indeed, the widespread presence of ideal conditions for the applicability of the eddy covariance technique, as vast and homogeneous grass vegetation cover over flat terrains (Baldocchi, 2003), make steppes a suitable ground to ensure a constrain to flux estimates with independent methodological approaches. <br><br> We report about the analysis of the carbon cycle of a true steppe ecosystem in southern Siberia during the growing season of 2004 in the framework of the TCOS-Siberia project activities performed by continuous monitoring of CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes at ecosystem scale by the eddy covariance method, fortnightly samplings of phytomass, and ingrowth cores extractions for NPP assessment, and weekly measurements of heterotrophic component of soil CO<sub>2</sub> effluxes obtained by an experiment of root exclusion. <br><br> The carbon balance of the monitored natural steppe was, according to micrometeorological measurements, a sink of carbon of 151.7±36.9 g C m<sup>−2</sup>, cumulated during the growing season from May to September. This result was in agreement with the independent estimate through ecological inventory which yielded a sink of 150.1 g C m<sup>−2</sup> although this method was characterized by a large uncertainty (±130%) considering the 95% confidence interval of the estimate. Uncertainties in belowground process estimates account for a large part of the error. Thus, in particular efforts to better quantify the dynamics of root biomass (growth and turnover) have to be undertaken in order to reduce the uncertainties in the assessment of NPP. This assessment should be preferably based on the application of multiple methods, each one characterized by its own merits and flaws

    Radiometric calibration of the TreeTalker (TT+) spectrometer

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    Spectral raw data from the TreeTalker device are output as radiometrically uncalibratedand with the12 different spectral bandsnot directly comparableamong each other, hence hinderingthe retrieval of the real spectral signature from the observations. This report describes the methodology and results of experiments aimed at obtainingcustom calibration factors to convert the raw dataoutputfrom the TreeTalker spectrometer into values of radiative energy flux for each spectral band

    The carbon budget of a tundra in the north-eastern Russian Arctic during the snow free season and its stability in the 2003-2016 period

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    Large quantities of carbon are stored in the terrestrial permafrost of the Arctic region where the rate of climate warming is two to three times more than the global mean and the largest temperature anomalies observed in autumn and winter. The quantification of the impact of climate warming on the degradation of permafrost and the associated potential release to the atmosphere of carbon stocked in the soil in the form of greenhouse gases, thus further increasing the radiative forcing of the atmosphere, is a research priority in the field of biogeosciences. Land-atmosphere turbulent fluxes of CO2 and CH4 have been monitored at the tundra site of Kytalyk in north-eastern Siberia (70,82 N; 147.48 E) by means of eddy covariance since 2003 and 2008, respectively; regular measurement campaigns have been carried out since then. Here we present results of the seasonal CO2 budget of the tundra ecosystem for the 2003-2016 period based on observations encompassing the permafrost thawing season and analyze the inter-annual differences in the seasonal patterns of CO2 fluxes considering the separate the contribution of climatic drivers and ecosystem functional parameters relative to the processes of respiration and photosynthesis. The variability of the CO2 budget is also discussed in view of the impact of the timing and length of the snow free period. The Kytalyk tundra acted as an atmospheric carbon dioxide sink with relatively small inter-annual variability (-96.1±11.9 gC m-2) during the snow free season and the seasonal CO2 budget did not show any trend over time. The pronounced meteorological variability characterizing Arctic summers was a key factor in shaping the length of the carbon uptake period, which did not progressively increased despite its tendency to start earlier, and in determining the magnitude of CO2 fluxes. No clear evidence of inter-annual changes in the eco-physiological response parameters of CO2 fluxes to climatic drivers (global radiation and air temperature) was found along the course of the analysed period. Methane fluxes had a minor contribution to the carbon budget of the snow-free season representing on average an emission of 3.2 gC m-2 (2008-2016) with apparently small inter-annual variability. Similarly, the size of the carbon exported laterally from the ecosystem in the form of dissolved organic carbon flux amounted to 3.1 gC m-2 as determined experimentally. After including these last terms in the budget, the magnitude of the carbon sink associated with the net ecosystem productivity is reduced by 6%, while the GHG budget still denotes a sink of -60.4 ± 11.9 gC-CO2eq (methane GWP over 100-year time horizon). The monitored tundra was to date exerting a steady climate warming mitigation effect as far as the snow free season is concerned, however the figure of its carbon sink could be potentially sensibly lower due to overlooked emissions in the autumn freeze-up and early winter periods. Also, nonlinear accelerations in the permafrost degradation could happen once tipping points in the Arctic climate are exceeded. Both aspects underline the relevance of long term and continuous biogeochemical monitoring in permafrost tundra environments
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