12 research outputs found

    Un Ecce Homo atribuido a Fray Nicolás Borrás (Cocentaina, 1530 - Cotalba, 1610).Estudio histórico-técnico y propuesta de intervención

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    [ES] El presente Trabajo Final de Grado toma como base de estudio una tabla de pequeño formato procedente del coleccionismo privado, la cual parece tener su origen a modo de objeto de devoción particular. En la obra se representa el tipo iconográfico del Ecce Homo, el busto de Cristo con expresión dolorida ataviado con el manto púrpura y la corona de espinas, siguiendo la composición extensamente difundida por Joan de Joanes (1523-1579). La visión de este tema pasionista responde a la pintura de la Contrarreforma, de gran profundidad simbólica y función pedagógica. Convertida en un icono de la pintura valenciana, esta representación se ha reproducido en infinidad de versiones hasta la actualidad. La obra presenta las características formales y técnicas de la producción de Fray Nicolás Borrás (1530-1610), propias de la pintura romanista y joanesca del último tercio del siglo XVI, a través del tratamiento del detalle con pinceladas minuciosas. Se trata de un óleo sobre tabla, en la cual puede observarse un ataque puntual de insectos xilófagos actualmente inactivo. Además, la pintura presenta una gruesa capa de barniz amarillento producido por una acelerada oxidación, así como una sedimentación de suciedad superficial y varios repintes realizados en antiguas intervenciones. Con vistas al futuro, se ha planteado una propuesta de intervención mediante el estudio técnico de los materiales constitutivos y de su estado actual. Esta se centraría en devolver la estabilidad a la obra y recuperar una visión más próxima a la original, además de garantizar su adecuada conservación en el tiempo.[EN] This present Final Work of degree takes as base of study table of small format coming from private collecting, which seems to have its origin as an object of particular devotion. It is represented the iconographic type of Ecce Homo. Christ¿s bust appears dressed in purple robe and wearing the crown of thorns with pained expression. It follows the widespread composition of Joan de Joanes (1523-1579). The picture of this passionist topic responds to the Counter-Reformation art, with a huge symbolic depth and pedagogic function. As an icon of Valencian painting, it has been reproduced in many versions and compositional formulas until today. The painting presents all formal and technical features of the artistic production of Fray Nicolás Borrás (1530-1610), typical of romanist and Joanesc paintings of the last third of the 16th century. This can be seen in the treatment of the detail with thorough brushworks. It is an oil on table in which a punctual attack of xylophagous insects currently inactive can be easily observed. Besides, the painting has a thick layer of yellowish varnish produced by an accelerated oxidation, as well as a sedimentation of superficial dirt and several repaints from old interventions. For the future, an intervention proposal has been planned through the technical study of the constituent materials and their current state. This would focus on returning stability to the work and recovering a closer vision to the original, in addition to confirming its adequate conservation over time.Belda Sanchis, M. (2019). Un Ecce Homo atribuido a Fray Nicolás Borrás (Cocentaina, 1530 - Cotalba, 1610).Estudio histórico-técnico y propuesta de intervención. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/134256TFG

    Sustainable multiple resonator sound absorbers made from fruit stones and air gap

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    [EN] This article investigates the sound absorption coefficient of materials manufactured from natural wastes. Fruit stones from some crops are one of the most available natural wastes in the Mediterranean Region. Recycled and vegetable products are becoming an interesting alternative to traditional materials to be used as sound-absorbing panels. Fruit stones can be profitable for a number of applications, such as biomass to produce energy. This research work intends to demonstrate that one of their applications can be ecological sound absorbers in building acoustics. Different four fruit stone samples, with different air gap volume percentages, display similar behaviour to multiple Helmholtz resonators (MHRs). By adding a 40 mm-thick rockwool layer, the sound absorption coefficients are compared for each sample. The experimental results allow establishing some analogies between MHRs and the new absorbing materials according to thickness, fruit type and the air gap volume. These fruit stones have been demonstrated as a good choice from acoustic and sustainable points of view.Juliá Sanchis, E.; Segura Alcaraz, JG.; Montava-Belda, I.; Gadea Borrell, JM. (2022). Sustainable multiple resonator sound absorbers made from fruit stones and air gap. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 61(12):10219-10231. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aej.2022.03.0631021910231611

    Multilayer Granular Recycled Rubber for Its Application to Technical Flooring

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the static and dynamic behaviour of multilayer materials manufactured from granular recycled rubber applied to technical flooring. The studied samples were manufactured by varying their thickness, density and granulometry, as these are the parameters that determine the performance of these rubbery materials. Two mechanical tests, static and dynamic, were carried out under controlled conditions to evaluate the mechanical behaviour of these materials by means of its modulus of elasticity and dynamic stiffness. Relating dynamic stiffness to impact sound insulation, it can be concluded that these materials are suitable for use in technical flooring, such as in fitness facilities. The selection will vary for static and dynamic behaviour, with different materials suitable for different applications. In general, the most suitable material for high stiffness applications is the one that reached values of 67.3 MPa for the static modulus and 72.96 MPa for the dynamic modulus of elasticity. The results allow for the consideration of these materials as substitutes for the most commonly used materials, such as ethylene vinyl acetate

    Multilayer Granular Recycled Rubber for Its Application to Technical Flooring

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    [EN] The aim of this study is to investigate the static and dynamic behaviour of multilayer materials manufactured from granular recycled rubber applied to technical flooring. The studied samples were manufactured by varying their thickness, density and granulometry, as these are the parameters that determine the performance of these rubbery materials. Two mechanical tests, static and dynamic, were carried out under controlled conditions to evaluate the mechanical behaviour of these materials by means of its modulus of elasticity and dynamic stiffness. Relating dynamic stiffness to impact sound insulation, it can be concluded that these materials are suitable for use in technical flooring, such as in fitness facilities. The selection will vary for static and dynamic behaviour, with different materials suitable for different applications. In general, the most suitable material for high stiffness applications is the one that reached values of 67.3 MPa for the static modulus and 72.96 MPa for the dynamic modulus of elasticity. The results allow for the consideration of these materials as substitutes for the most commonly used materials, such as ethylene vinyl acetate.Sanz Buades, V.; Juliá Sanchis, E.; Segura Alcaraz, JG.; Montava-Belda, I.; Gadea Borrell, JM. (2022). Multilayer Granular Recycled Rubber for Its Application to Technical Flooring. Sustainability. 14(24):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142416372114142

    The Role of Natural Products on Diabetes Mellitus Treatment: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    The present study was carried out to relate the role of natural products in the metabolism of an increasingly prevalent disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus. At present, in addition to the pharmacological resources, an attempt is being made to treat diabetes mellitus with natural products. We carried out a systematic review of studies focusing on the role of natural products on diabetes mellitus treatment. The bibliographic search was done through Medline (Pubmed) and Web of Science. From 193 records, the title and summary of each were examined according to the criteria and whether they met the selection criteria. A total of 15 articles were included; after reviewing the literature, it is apparent that the concept of natural products is ambiguous as no clear boundary has been established between what is natural and what is synthetic, therefore we feel that a more explicit definition of the concept of “natural product” is needed. Gut microbiota is a promising therapeutic target in the treatment of diabetes. Therefore, it would be necessary to work on the relationship between the microbiome and the benefits in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Treatment based solely on these natural products is not currently recommended as more studies are needed

    Cómo prevenir la muerte súbita del lactante

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    El proyecto BabyCareSleep ha desarrollado un novedoso sistema de control inteligente no-invasivo para prevenir los casos de muerte súbita en bebés que no tienen ningún problema de salud previo. El IBV ha desarrollado el algoritmo de prevención que utiliza el sistema y ha colaborado junto con la unidad del sueño del Hospital Quirón de Valencia en la realización de los ensayos con bebés para su desarrollo y validación

    Red “Universidad, género, docencia e igualdad”

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    La Red de investigación en docencia universitaria “Universidad, docencia, genero e igualdad” persigue avanzar en la calidad e innovación de las enseñanzas universitarias a partir de la inclusión de la perspectiva de género. Se busca dar cumplimiento a las directrices generales de los nuevos planes de estudio respecto del principio de igualdad de oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres en la formación universitaria (Real Decreto 1393/2007. BOE nº 260, 30 de octubre de 2007). En la séptima edición de la Red, y tomando como referentes la “Guía de recomendaciones para la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en la docencia universitaria: práctica (I)” y la “Guía de recomendaciones para la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en la docencia universitaria: claves conceptuales y teóricas (II)”, elaboradas por la propia Red en ediciones pasadas, el trabajo desarrollado se ha dirigido a introducir las recomendaciones recogidas en las referencias citadas (y disponibles en la colección en línea “apuntes para la igualdad”, de la Unidad de Igualdad de la Universidad de Alicante) en las guías docentes de las asignaturas recogidas en el proyecto de Redes presentado Asimismo, se ha continuado en el mantenimiento del “Portal web con recursos docentes con perspectiva de género”, proyecto financiado por el Instituto de la Mujer (PACUI, 2012)

    Red “Universidad, género, docencia e igualdad”

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    La Red de investigación en docencia universitaria “Universidad, docencia, genero e igualdad” persigue avanzar en la calidad e innovación de las enseñanzas universitarias a partir de la inclusión de la perspectiva de género. Se busca dar cumplimiento a las directrices generales de los nuevos planes de estudio respecto del principio de igualdad de oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres en la formación universitaria (Real Decreto 1393/2007. BOE nº 260, 30 de octubre de 2007). En la séptima edición de la Red, y tomando como referentes la “Guía de recomendaciones para la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en la docencia universitaria: práctica (I)” y la “Guía de recomendaciones para la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en la docencia universitaria: claves conceptuales y teóricas (II)”, elaboradas por la propia Red en ediciones pasadas, el trabajo desarrollado se ha dirigido a introducir las recomendaciones recogidas en las referencias citadas (y disponibles en la colección en línea “apuntes para la igualdad”, de la Unidad de Igualdad de la Universidad de Alicante) en las guías docentes de las asignaturas recogidas en el proyecto de Redes presentado Asimismo, se ha continuado en el mantenimiento del “Portal web con recursos docentes con perspectiva de género”, proyecto financiado por el Instituto de la Mujer (PACUI, 2012)