77 research outputs found

    Impact of the Parasitoids Anisopteromalus calandrae (Howard) and Lariophagus distinguendus (Förster) on Three Pests of Stored Rice

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    Various pest species cause significant damage to stored rice, and polyphagous parasitoids could offer an appropriate biological control strategy. Among the beneficial species colonising silos and warehouses of rice, the generalist pteromalid parasitoids Anisopteromalus calandrae and Lariophagus distinguendus have been found to be prevalent in samples collected in the northeast of Spain. In this study, the Spanish strains of both parasitoids have shown that they may play important roles in controlling three coleopteran pests of stored rice: Sitophilus oryzae, Rhyzopertha dominica and Lasioderma serricorne. They reduced the number of pests that emerged due to effective parasitism (parasitoids reaching the adult stage and emerging from the grain), combined with other sources of host mortality, such as parasitoid immature mortality and parasitoid host feeding. Both parasitoids preferentially attack S. oryzae, which is a key pest of stored rice, but they also play an important role in the control of R. dominica, a less important pest. Although both parasitoids could consume L. serricorne larvae, their efficacy is low, and more specific natural enemies should be evaluated for the control of this pestinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nuevas contribuciones a la teoría y aplicación del procesado de señal sobre grafos

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    [ES] El procesado de señal sobre grafos es un campo emergente de técnicas que combinan conceptos de dos áreas muy consolidadas: el procesado de señal y la teoría de grafos. Desde la perspectiva del procesado de señal puede obtenerse una definición de la señal mucho más general asignando cada valor de la misma a un vértice de un grafo. Las señales convencionales pueden considerarse casos particulares en los que los valores de cada muestra se asignan a una cuadrícula uniforme (temporal o espacial). Desde la perspectiva de la teoría de grafos, se pueden definir nuevas transformaciones del grafo de forma que se extiendan los conceptos clásicos del procesado de la señal como el filtrado, la predicción y el análisis espectral. Además, el procesado de señales sobre grafos está encontrando nuevas aplicaciones en las áreas de detección y clasificación debido a su flexibilidad para modelar dependencias generales entre variables. En esta tesis se realizan nuevas contribuciones al procesado de señales sobre grafos. En primer lugar, se plantea el problema de estimación de la matriz Laplaciana asociada a un grafo, que determina la relación entre nodos. Los métodos convencionales se basan en la matriz de precisión, donde se asume implícitamente Gaussianidad. En esta tesis se proponen nuevos métodos para estimar la matriz Laplaciana a partir de las correlaciones parciales asumiendo respectivamente dos modelos no Gaussianos diferentes en el espacio de las observaciones: mezclas gaussianas y análisis de componentes independientes. Los métodos propuestos han sido probados con datos simulados y con datos reales en algunas aplicaciones biomédicas seleccionadas. Se demuestra que pueden obtenerse mejores estimaciones de la matriz Laplaciana con los nuevos métodos propuestos en los casos en que la Gaussianidad no es una suposición correcta. También se ha considerado la generación de señales sintéticas en escenarios donde la escasez de señales reales puede ser un problema. Los modelos sobre grafos permiten modelos de dependencia por pares más generales entre muestras de señal. Así, se propone un nuevo método basado en la Transformada de Fourier Compleja sobre Grafos y en el concepto de subrogación. Se ha aplicado en el desafiante problema del reconocimiento de gestos con las manos. Se ha demostrado que la extensión del conjunto de entrenamiento original con réplicas sustitutas generadas con los métodos sobre grafos, mejora significativamente la precisión del clasificador de gestos con las manos.[CAT] El processament de senyal sobre grafs és un camp emergent de tècniques que combinen conceptes de dues àrees molt consolidades: el processament de senyal i la teoria de grafs. Des de la perspectiva del processament de senyal pot obtindre's una definició del senyal molt més general assignant cada valor de la mateixa a un vèrtex d'un graf. Els senyals convencionals poden considerar-se casos particulars en els quals els valors de la mostra s'assignen a una quadrícula uniforme (temporal o espacial). Des de la perspectiva de la teoria de grafs, es poden definir noves transformacions del graf de manera que s'estenguen els conceptes clàssics del processament del senyal com el filtrat, la predicció i l'anàlisi espectral. A més, el processament de senyals sobre grafs està trobant noves aplicacions en les àrees de detecció i classificació a causa de la seua flexibilitat per a modelar dependències generals entre variables. En aquesta tesi es donen noves contribucions al processament de senyals sobre grafs. En primer lloc, es planteja el problema d'estimació de la matriu Laplaciana associada a un graf, que determina la relació entre nodes. Els mètodes convencionals es basen en la matriu de precisió, on s'assumeix implícitament la gaussianitat. En aquesta tesi es proposen nous mètodes per a estimar la matriu Laplaciana a partir de les correlacions parcials assumint respectivament dos models no gaussians diferents en l'espai d'observació: mescles gaussianes i anàlisis de components independents. Els mètodes proposats han sigut provats amb dades simulades i amb dades reals en algunes aplicacions biomèdiques seleccionades. Es demostra que poden obtindre's millors estimacions de la matriu Laplaciana amb els nous mètodes proposats en els casos en què la gaussianitat no és una suposició correcta. També s'ha considerat el problema de generar senyals sintètics en escenaris on l'escassetat de senyals reals pot ser un problema. Els models sobre grafs permeten models de dependència per parells més generals entre mostres de senyal. Així, es proposa un nou mètode basat en la Transformada de Fourier Complexa sobre Grafs i en el concepte de subrogació. S'ha aplicat en el desafiador problema del reconeixement de gestos amb les mans. S'ha demostrat que l'extensió del conjunt d'entrenament original amb rèpliques substitutes generades amb mètodes sobre grafs, millora significativament la precisió del classificador de gestos amb les mans.[EN] Graph signal processing appears as an emerging field of techniques that combine concepts from two highly consolidated areas: signal processing and graph theory. From the perspective of signal processing, it is possible to achieve a more general signal definition by assigning each value of the signal to a vertex of a graph. Conventional signals can be considered particular cases where the sample values are assigned to a uniform (temporal or spatial) grid. From the perspective of graph theory, new transformations of the graph can be defined in such a way that they extend the classical concepts of signal processing such as filtering, prediction and spectral analysis. Furthermore, graph signal processing is finding new applications in detection and classification areas due to its flexibility to model general dependencies between variables. In this thesis, new contributions are given to graph signal processing. Firstly, it is considered the problem of estimating the Laplacian matrix associated with a graph, which determines the relationship between nodes. Conventional methods are based on the precision matrix, where Gaussianity is implicitly assumed. In this thesis, new methods to estimate the Laplacian matrix from the partial correlations are proposed respectively assuming two different non-Gaussian models in the observation space: Gaussian Mixtures and Independent Component Analysis. The proposed methods have been tested with simulated data and with real data in some selected biomedical applications. It is demonstrate that better estimates of the Laplacian matrix can be obtained with the new proposed methods in cases where Gaussianity is not a correct assumption. The problem of generating synthetic signal in scenarios where real signals scarcity can be an issue has also been considered. Graph models allow more general pairwise dependence models between signal samples. Thus a new method based on the Complex Graph Fourier Transform and on the concept of subrogation is proposed. It has been applied in the challenging problem of hand gesture recognition. It has been demonstrated that extending the original training set with graph surrogate replicas, significantly improves the accuracy of the hand gesture classifier.Belda Valls, J. (2022). Nuevas contribuciones a la teoría y aplicación del procesado de señal sobre grafos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19133

    Housing Construction Project In Halmstad. Study Of The Project Management

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    Trabajo final de grado en modalidad de intercambios academicos. School of Business, Engineering and Science, Halmstad University, Halmstad (Sweden)[EN] The main objective of this Bachelor's Thesis was to learn the basics of a construction project and how to apply management techniques on its development. The study analyzes the construction of a building on an empty plot, located in the Swedish city of Halmstad. First a preliminary proposal of design is performed and with the corresponding building descriptions and drawings. After that, it is made a survey of everything that is going to be build, survey that will be used later for the calculations of estimate cost and time schedule. The next step of the project is the production planning that will help to perform the projects task on the time allowed. For calculating the probable duration of the works and its development the PERT estimation technique is used. After that, the real data from the construction work is compared with the previsions and planning using the earned value method to check the real evolution of the project. The final part is the work site planning. On this part we are going to describe the organization of the work site during the construction stage.With this we can observe the distribution of facilities and the movement of the materials stocks and working teams during the works.Belda Soriano, J. (2014). Housing Construction Project In Halmstad. Study Of The Project Management. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/49928.Archivo delegad

    Desigualtat i pobresa a la Xina: evolució, causes i alternatives de política econòmica

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    En el present treball s’aborden les qüestions de la desigualtat i la pobresa a la República Popular de la Xina a partir de les reformes iniciades l’any 1978 fins a l’actualitat. Hui dia, el país es troba immers en un procés de redefinició dels objectius de política econòmica i de canvi del model de desenvolupament. Es busca un creixement menys dependent de les exportacions i més orientat cap al consum intern. A tal efecte, resulta essencial donar solució als problemes de desigualtat i pobresa. A partir d’una revisió de la literatura i la consulta d’estadístiques procedents de fonts oficials i d’organismes internacionals, s’analitza la seua evolució i les causes estructurals que hi ha al darrere, així com l’efecte de les distintes reformes econòmiques i socials que s’hi han aplicat. Tenint presents la resta de reptes que encara l’economia xinesa, i en coherència amb aquestos, es conclou amb una sèrie de propostes de política econòmica encaminades a acotar els desequilibris socials i procurar un desenvolupament més inclusiu.En el presente trabajo se abordan las cuestiones de la desigualdad y la pobreza en la República Popular de China a partir de las reformas iniciadas en 1978 hasta la actualidad. A día de hoy, el país se encuentra inmerso en un proceso de redefinición de los objetivos de política económica y de cambio del modelo de desarrollo. Se busca un crecimiento menos dependiente de las exportaciones y más orientado hacia el consumo interno. A tal efecto, resulta esencial dar solución a los problemas de desigualdad y pobreza. A partir de una revisión de la literatura y la consulta de estadísticas procedentes de fuentes oficiales y de organismos internacionales, se analiza su evolución y las causas estructuras que hay detrás, así como el efecto de las distintas reformas económicas y sociales que se han aplicado. Teniendo presentes el resto de desafíos que encara la economía china, y en coherencia con estos, se concluye con una serie de propuestas de política económica encaminadas a acotar los desequilibrios sociales y procurar un desarrollo más inclusivo.This paper addresses the issues of inequality and poverty in the People's Republic of China from the reforms initiated in 1978 to the present. Today, the country is immersed in a process of redefinition of economic policy objectives and changes in the development model. It seeks growth less dependent on exports and more oriented towards domestic consumption. To this end, it is essential to solve the problems of inequality and poverty. Based on a review of the literature and consultation of statistics from official sources and international organizations, its evolution and the structural causes behind it are analyzed, as well as the effect of the different economic and social reforms that have been applied. Bearing in mind the rest of the challenges faced by the Chinese economy, and in coherence with these, it concludes with a series of economic policy proposals aimed at limiting social imbalances and seeking a more inclusive development

    Propuesta de mejora de los procesos de negocio basados en sistemas de información con dispositivos para la micro-localización (ibeacons) en servicio de atención al público

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    [ES] El proyecto tiene como fin la selección y definición del modelo actual (as-is) de los procesos de negocio que son susceptibles ser mejorados con dispositivos de micro-localización (http://estimote.com/#) en un servicio de atención al publico tipo INEM, Seguridad social, etc. Una vez establecidos el conjunto de procesos objetivos la idea es hacer una propuesta de mejora de los mismos empleando la información adicional que supone conocer la localización exacta de cada cliente (micro-localización) formando los modelos to-be. En proyecto finalizará con una valoración desde todos los puntos de vista (económico, recursos, de relación con el clientes, etc¿) a corto, medio y largo plazo de lo que supondría el cambio propuesto.Belda Soriano, J. (2016). Propuesta de mejora de los procesos de negocio basados en sistemas de información con dispositivos para la micro-localización (ibeacons) en servicio de atención al público. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/72931.TFG

    Institutionalization and Depoliticization of the Right to the City: Changing Scenarios for Radical Social Movements

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    The right to the city, a concept previously associated with radical social movements, has been accepted by several governments and has inspired new public policies. However, some authors see this process of institutionalization as involving a loss of a significant part of the radical origins of the concept. This article approaches this process and the new opportunities and limitations it may entail for social movement organizations with a more radical perspective on the right to the city. We explore the paradigmatic case of Brazil and the action of a particular organization, the Movimento dos Sem Teto da Bahia (MSTB, or Homeless Movement of Bahia) in the city of Salvador. We draw on the discussion of the politics of the right to the city and on an original combination of social movement theories and critical discourse analysis in order to analyse political-institutional and discursive changes in urban reform in Brazil and Salvador. We then analyse how the MSTB moves within this new context, navigating its tensions and contradictions while advancing a radical project of transformation of urban reality within a reformist context. We also reflect on the relevance of Lefebvrian ideas for understanding and inspiring contemporary struggles for the right to the city

    Cultural and Creative Industries and the Well-Being of Regions

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    En els últims anys, s’ha posat de manifest la necessitat de reconvertir les economies regionals cap a nous models centrats en el benestar i, al seu torn, capaços d’afrontar els reptes de les societats post-industrials i de la transició ecològica. Les Indústries Culturals i Creatives (ICC) han despertat un creixent interés a eixe respecte, i han estat assenyalades com a un potencial vector de generació de benestar. Això no obstant, hi ha poca evidència quantitativa i generalitzada dels seus impactes causals en diverses dimensions del benestar. Per a posar llum sobre aquesta qüestió, es porta a terme una anàlisi per a 209 regions europees fent ús de dades d’ocupació en ICC de l’Enquesta de Població Activa europea (Labour Force Survey) com a variable explicativa d’interés, i d’un panell d’indicadors de benestar procedents de la versió regional de l’Índex per a una Vida Millor (Better Life Index) de l’OCDE com a variables dependents. L’Índex per a una Vida Millor inclou 11 dimensions (accés a serveis, compromís cívic, comunitat, educació, habitatge, ingressos, medi ambient, salut, seguretat, treball i satisfacció amb la vida) que abasten aspectes relacionats amb les condicions materials, la qualitat de vida o la sostenibilitat del benestar futur. En base a models causals en cadascuna de les dimensions, s’estimen els efectes de les ICC utilitzant “boscos causals”. S’evidencien efectes mitjans positius per a totes les dimensions, però amb importants diferències entre regions. En algunes dimensions, a més, s’observen discrepàncies en funció de la definició d’ICC utilitzada o de l’horitzó temporal considerat. Amb tot, els resultats suggereixen que les ICC són capaces de millorar la qualitat de vida i el benestar regional tant objectiu com subjectiu, tot i que amb efectes molt heterogenis entre regions i sensibles a diferents definicions de les ICC.In recent years, the need to reconvert regional economies towards new models focused on well-being and, at the same time, capable of facing the challenges of post-industrial societies and ecological transition has been highlighted. Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) have attracted increasing interest in this respect and have been identified as a potential vector for well-being generation. However, there is hardly any widespread quantitative evidence of their causal impacts on multiple dimensions of well-being. In order to fill this gap, an analysis is carried out for 209 European regions using CCI employment data from the Labour Force Survey as the explanatory variable of interest, and a panel of well-being indicators from the regional version of the OECD Better Life Index as dependent variables. The Better Life Index includes 11 dimensions (access to services, civic engagement, community, education, environment, health, housing, income, jobs, safety and life satisfaction) covering issues related to material conditions, quality of life and sustainability of future well-being. Following causal models in each of the dimensions, the effects of the CCIs are estimated using “causal forest”. Evidence of positive average effects is obtained for all dimensions, but with important differences between regions. In some dimensions, moreover, discrepancies are observed depending on the definition of CCIs used or the time horizon considered. All in all, the results suggest that CCIs are capable of improving quality of life and both objective and subjective regional well-being, albeit with very heterogeneous effects across regions and sensitive to different definitions of CCIs

    Distributional concerns in managers’ compensation schemes for heterogeneous workers: experimental evidence

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    We present results from three-player experiments aimed at studying distributional concerns in how ownermanagers compensate themselves and workers of different productivities and effort costs, as well as their relations to various equity principles. We are also interested in how owner-managers decisions’ are affected by pay secrecy. We use a game in which workers first exert effort and owner-managers then decide on bonuses for themselves and workers. Our design includes four treatments: 1) different productivities of workers with complete information; 2) different productivities of workers with pay secrecy among workers; 3) different effort cost of workers with complete information; and 4) different effort cost of workers with pay secrecy among workers. The equity principles we focus on are ‘production-equity’, higher production leads to higher wage, and ‘effort-cost equity’, higher effort-cost leads to higher wage. Our results show that, on average, managers do not pay relative wages in accordance to relative production levels, but also take effort-cost into account. Pay secrecy affects compensation differences among workers in a limited way. Across all treatments about 50% of all manager choices are compatible both with ‘production equity’ and with ‘effort- cost equity’, about 20% only with production equity and about 15% only with effort-cost equity

    Impacte mediambiental de la dieta occidental omnívora en contraposició enfront de la dieta vegetariana

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    [ES] Las dietas basadas en plantas han adquirido gran relevancia en los últimos años y es una opción que cada vez se tiene más en cuenta tanto a nivel personal como comercial donde cada vez existen más opciones. Los simpatizantes de estos tipos de dietas tienen diferentes motivos como la ética, bienestar de los animales, movimientos como el especismo o la sostenibilidad. Abordando este último punto se pretende estudiar cual es impacto de las dietas omnívoras en contraposición con una dieta basada en plantas haciendo uso de herramientas bibliográficas y encuestas de consumo a los grupos seleccionados.[EN] Plant-based diets have become very popular in recent years and are an option that is increasingly being taken into account at both a personal and commercial level where more and more options are becoming available. Supporters of these types of diets have different motives such as ethics, animal welfare, movements such as speciesism or sustainability. Addressing this last point, the aim is to study the impact of omnivorous diets as opposed to a plant-based diet using bibliographic tools and consumer surveys of selected groups.Belda I Solera, J. (2024). Impacto medioambiental de la dieta occidental omnivora en contraposición frente a la dieta vegetariana. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/20316

    Critical Thinking Using Project-Based Learning: The Case of The Agroecological Market at the "Universitat Politècnica de València"

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    [EN] Higher education institutions play an important role in the transition processes to sustainable development through developing critical thinking (CT) in their students. The case of the Research Methodology course of the International Cooperation Master's degree at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia is a paradigmatic case of experiential learning, where students face their own realities related to sustainable topics through an action research project with the Agroecological Market (AM). The learning methodology is project-based learning and helps the participants to deeply analyze problems related to the transition of socio-technical systems, such as sustainable food. The objective of this research was to analyze the contribution of project-based learning to students' critical thinking through a qualitative analysis of the pedagogical outputs obtained during the course. The analysis and results are structured in three dimensions of critical thinking: (i) students' critical attitude towards reality; (ii) students' ability to reason and analyze in order to form their own rigorous judgments; and (iii) students' capacity to construct and deconstruct their own experiences and meanings. The results show that project-based learning using a real-life scenario helped students reflect on their critical thinking and the challenges that our societies face for a transition to sustainability.This research was partially funded by the ADVANCED HUMAN CAPITAL FORMATION PROGRAM "ANID/DOCTORADO BECAS CHILE/2018-72190320".Aranguiz, P.; Palau-Salvador, G.; Belda, A.; Peris Peris, J. (2020). Critical Thinking Using Project-Based Learning: The Case of The Agroecological Market at the "Universitat Politècnica de València". Sustainability. 12(9):1-23. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12093553S123129Rotmans, J., Kemp, R., & van Asselt, M. (2001). More evolution than revolution: transition management in public policy. Foresight, 3(1), 15-31. doi:10.1108/14636680110803003Jorgenson, S. N., Stephens, J. C., & White, B. (2019). Environmental education in transition: A critical review of recent research on climate change and energy education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 50(3), 160-171. doi:10.1080/00958964.2019.1604478Avelino, F., & Wittmayer, J. M. (2015). Shifting Power Relations in Sustainability Transitions: A Multi-actor Perspective. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 18(5), 628-649. doi:10.1080/1523908x.2015.1112259Geels, F. W. (2002). Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: a multi-level perspective and a case-study. Research Policy, 31(8-9), 1257-1274. doi:10.1016/s0048-7333(02)00062-8Farla, J., Markard, J., Raven, R., & Coenen, L. (2012). Sustainability transitions in the making: A closer look at actors, strategies and resources. 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Identification of Levels of Sustainable Consciousness of Teachers in Training through an E-Portfolio. Sustainability, 10(10), 3700. doi:10.3390/su10103700González Morales, A. L. (2019). Affective Sustainability. The Creation and Transmission of Affect through an Educative Process: An Instrument for the Construction of more Sustainable Citizens. Sustainability, 11(15), 4125. doi:10.3390/su11154125Cañabate, D., Serra, T., Bubnys, R., & Colomer, J. (2019). Pre-Service Teachers’ Reflections on Cooperative Learning: Instructional Approaches and Identity Construction. Sustainability, 11(21), 5970. doi:10.3390/su11215970Straková, Z., & Cimermanová, I. (2018). Critical Thinking Development—A Necessary Step in Higher Education Transformation towards Sustainability. Sustainability, 10(10), 3366. doi:10.3390/su10103366Díaz-Iso, A., Eizaguirre, A., & García-Olalla, A. (2019). Extracurricular Activities in Higher Education and the Promotion of Reflective Learning for Sustainability. 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