398 research outputs found

    Existence results for impulsive dynamic inclusions on time scales

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    In this paper, we investigate the existence of solutions and extremal solutions for a first order impulsive dynamic inclusion on time scales. By using suitable fixed point theorems, we study the case when the right hand side has convex as well as nonconvex values

    Internationalization of Education and the Brain Drain Paradox: Case of the Mena Region

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    This paper discusses how the internationalization of higher education has brought about its impact in terms of spreading standardized academic programs, scientific research, innovation, culture exchange, and strengthening ties between involved higher education institutions and countries to resolve mutual benefit challenges. Among these challenges, the brain drain paradox remains an annoying problem for developing countries. The paper sheds light on these related issues through witnessed education system reform, research efforts exchange, and cooperation between collaborating countries in the MENA region to diminish the impact of the brain drain paradox

    Stress intensity solutions for cracked plates by the dual boundary method

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    This paper presents the application o f the dual boundary element method for the determination o f stress intensity factors in plate bending problems. The loadings considered include internal pressure, and also combined bending and tension. Mixed mode stress intensity factors are evaluated by a crack surface displacement extrapolation technique and the J-integral technique. The boundary element results for the case studies considered in the paper have been compared with either analytical or finite element results and in all cases good agreement has been achieved.Описано застосування методу подвійних граничних елементів для визначення коефіцієнтів інтенсивності напружень у задачах, що пов’язані зі згином пластин. Умови навантаження включають внутрішній тиск та комбінацію згину з розтягом. Коефіцієнти інтенсивності напружень для змішаних мод оцінюються за допомогою методу екстраполяції переміщення поверхні тріщини та методу J-інтеграла. Результати розрахунків методом граничних елементів для досліджуваних випадків навантаження порівнюються із даними аналітичних чи скінченноелементних розрахунків. Отримано їх хорошу збіжність.Описано применение метода двойных граничных элементов для определения коэффициентов интенсивности напряжений в задачах, связанных с изгибом пластин. Исследуемые условия нагружения включают внутреннее давление и комбинацию изгиба с растяжением. Коэффициенты интенсивности напряжений для смешанных мод оцениваются с помощью метода экстраполяции перемещения поверхности трещины и метода J-интеграла. Результаты расчетов методом граничных элементов, полученные для рассматриваемых случаев нагружения, сравниваются с данными аналитических или конечноэлементных расчетов. Получено их хорошее соответствие

    Continuous Concrete Beams Reinforced With CFRP Bars.

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    yesThis paper reports the testing of three continuously and two simply supported concrete beams reinforced with carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) bars. The amount of CFRP reinforcement in beams tested was the main parameter investigated. A continuous concrete beam reinforced with steel bars was also tested for comparison purposes. The ACI 440.1R-06 equations are validated against the beam test results. Test results show that increasing the CFRP reinforcement ratio of the bottom layer of simply and continuously supported concrete beams is a key factor in enhancing the load capacity and controlling deflection. Continuous concrete beams reinforced with CFRP bars exhibited a remarkable wide crack over the middle support that significantly influenced their behaviour. The load capacity and deflection of CFRP simply supported concrete beams are reasonably predicted using the ACI 440.1R-06 equations. However, the potential capabilities of these equations for predicting the load capacity and deflection of continuous CFRP reinforced concrete beams have been adversely affected by the de-bonding of top CFRP bars from concrete