249 research outputs found
Tidlig jødedom som kontekst for studiet av Det nye testamente : noen linjer i Sverre Aalens vitenskapelige forfatterskap
This essay was originally presented as a lecture as part of the celebration of Professor dr. theol. Sverre Aalen’s 100’th anniversary at the Norwegian School of Theology, 7th of December 2009. The aim of the article was to highlight some main perspectives in several of Aalens scientific publications on the New Testament, which to a certain effect can be traced back to his doctoral dissertation from 1951, and it’s rich collection of data from Early and Rabbinic Judaism. As a biblical scholar Aalen was creative and innovative who succeeded to contextualize New Testament concepts and texts in their Jewish cultural context
Experiences With Regulatory Changes Of The Taxi Industry
Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne
Performance-based Subsides: An Alternative Subsidy Regime for Passenger Rail Transport
The Norwegian Ministry of Transport’s (MoT) 2002 White Paper on Public Transport paved the way for the introduction of performance-based contracts for rail passenger service obligations (PSO). The rationale was that such contracts provide a better allocation of risk and responsibilities between authorities and the operators, and will give further incentives for cost and market efficient solutions in passenger rail operations.
We have used a simulation model for public transport in order to estimate socially optimal subsidies, which encourage Norwegian State Railways (NSB) to increase patronage and to take external costs and benefits into account. By optimal subsidy regime we mean that the arrangement combines the social surplus maximising objectives of the MoT with the NSB's commercial goals, such that net social surplus (NSS) is maximised compared to the present situation. Within the model NSS comprises: (1) change in NSB’s profit (producer surplus); (2) change in passengers benefit (consumer surplus); (3) changes in environmental and congestion costs; and (4) resource cost of public funds.
Through a series of model iterations we have designed a combination of subsidies per passenger, per train kilometre and for seat capacity. With these incentives, NSB will, on a commercial basis, strive towards service levels that resemble the social surplus maximising levels of service. The subsidies internalise the benefits to existing and new passengers and the effect on road congestion of rail service improvements into NSB’s decision criteria. They also reflect the fact that rail fares are regulated. The performance-based subsidies will bring about a welfare gain in the region of NOK 8 million (€1 equals about NOK 8). The subsidies received under this regime together with the passenger revenue, may exceed the costs of the operator. To cope with this, we recommend that a fee is charged for the right to operate under this contractual regime.
There is a risk that the incentives will motivate the operators to focus their efforts entirely on train kilometre, seat capacity and passenger numbers to the degree that they overlook other important aspects of service quality, like punctuality, cleanliness, information etc. As a safety net, we recommend a set of additional conditions and bonus/malus arrangements. Most important are (1) bonus/malus for train cancellations and delays, based on the principles of internalising passengers’ benefits or costs into NSB’s decision criteria; and (2) the threat of tendering if quality measurements and performance levels fall below certain levels
Public Health Coordinator – How to Promote Focus on Social Inequality at a Local Level, and How Should It Be Included in Public Health Policies? Comment on “Health Promotion at Local Level in Norway: The Use of Public Health Coordinators and Health Overviews to Promote Fair Distribution Among Social Groups”
The Norwegian Public Health Act of 2012 (PHA)1
states that the social causes of inequality in health have not been
devoted sufficient attention in Norwegian health policy. Different means have been implemented to pay more
attention to health inequalities at a local level, one is the use of a designated public health coordinator (PHC). Hagen
et al2 reveals in a new study, however, that the presence of PHCs’ does not add to the priority of reducing inequality as a
health objective. This negative association is, by the authors, explained by a widespread use of coordinators before the
Act, and as such, not really a new measure. Another factor emphasized is that the PHC position is not empowered by
bureaucratic backing. I agree with these explanations. However, the study by Hagen et al2
lacks a critical discussion of
how the role of the PHC is situated in an administrative intersection between national health policy based on universal
initiatives and social policy in the municipalities historically driven by a focus on poverty and specific target groups.
This commentary reflects upon how social inequalities in health at a local level and the responsibilities imposed on
the municipalities contest the principals of universalism. The tension between universalism and selectivity needs
to be more prominent in the debate on how health inequalities should be abated at the local level, if universalism
shall prevail as the overarching principle in Norwegian health policies. The commentary concludes by asking for
a more nuanced discussion on how work with health related social problems can support universalistic initiatives.
It is also suggested as a task for the PHC to make sure that public health initiatives are systematically evaluated.
Documentation of effects will provide knowledge needed about how initiatives affects the social gradient over time
"No one size fits all" : en kvalitativ studie av hvordan logopeder opplever bruken av Metafonundervisning i sin praksis
Masteroppgave i logopedi - Nord universitet, 201
Fysisk aktivitet og fellesskapsfølelse i barnehagen
I min bacheloroppgave har jeg valgt temaet fysisk aktivitet og fellesskapsfølelse. Den personlige begrunnelsen for valg baserer seg blant annet på egen barndom, og betydningen av fysisk aktivitet og fellesskap. Selv har jeg alltid jaget etter det å føle meg som en del av fellesskapet og veien inn for meg var fysisk aktivitet. Det å føle seg som en del av et fellesskap og få inkludert andre inn, er noe jeg brenner for og vil ta med inn i barnehagen. Det å være i fysisk aktivitet er noe jeg anser som en god strategi for å skape en fellesskapsfølelse i en gruppe, gjennom å bruke kroppen sin og holde på med det samme. Jeg har mest erfaring knyttet til de eldste barna i barnehagen og derfor syns jeg det er spennende med fokus på de yngste barna i denne oppgaven. Jeg ønsker at arbeidet med denne bacheloren gir meg inspirasjon til hvordan en kan jobbe med fellesskapsfølelse blant de yngste barna i barnehagen. Jeg ønsker i tillegg å lære mer av andre ansattes erfaringer og tanker rundt fysisk aktivitet og fellesskapsfølelse i barnehagen.
Gjennom min interesse for dette temaet har jeg blitt mer nysgjerrig på om ansatte i barnehagen ser sammenhengen mellom fysisk aktivitet og fellesskapsfølelse i barnehagen. Dette ligger til grunn for valgt problemstilling: Hvordan mener ansatte i barnehagen at fysisk aktivitet har sammenheng med de yngste barnas fellesskapsfølelse i barnehagen?publishedVersio
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