37 research outputs found


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    This paper investigates Turkish foreign policies towards Balkans in general and Albania in particular. It is clear that there is not a great deal of academic study conducted on this topic.The purpose of this study is to shed light on Turkish foreign policy towards Balkans in general and Albania in particular which has been misunderstood recently. In other words, the paper tries to find answers for these questions, within the Balkan scope: is the Turkish foreign policy in the 21st century 'new Ottomans'? What haschanged in Turkish foreign policy since 2002? It is important to note that this research adapts quantitative and content analyses.However, some data concerning of export-import and foreign aid is quantitative innature. These data would be collected from official government sources.Initially, the paper starts using a historical narrative in order to establish a clearand meaningful theoretical approach for Turkish foreign policies during the 20th Century. Then it is compares this with the 'new Turkish foreign policy' towards Balkans in 21st Century to observe whether any changes have taken place.Secondly, the paper investigates the tools of foreign policy and their contributions to the decision making process of Turkish foreign policy. These include economic developments and foreign aid, export-import regimes as well as cultural relationships with these countries. As a consequence of these, the paper answers thequestion: what is the Turkish perception concerning foreign policy? Thirdly, the paper tries to bring various discussions on 'new Ottomans' of Turkish foreign policy. Then the research wraps up all these discussions to weigh up their truth values. If there is no truth in them, then why do many people want to continue to keep the matter alive?Finally, the paper concludes its findings and results with discussions and further suggestions

    Roles of International Schools in International Relations: Albanian Case

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    International schools are phenomenon and providing quite diverse education inorder to meet nearly the entire educational model of many countries. Hence, their students come from families who are in their countries for a limited period of time. These families want their children to be educated in these schools on one hand; and on the other hand,when they go back to their countries of origin or other countries, their children's education should not be interrupted. As a result of these demands and circumstances, international schools are partial when education is concerned, democratic when recipients are concerned and international when impacts are concerned.The role of democratic education has been discussed and suggested as a part ofpeaceful coexistence for many years. It seems that international schools and democratic education have been linked and provided an example for other educational institutions.This research paper has investigated an international school based in Tirana in orderto understand and see how much their education is partial, democratic and international.The paper uses qualitative methods with structured interviews. The structured questionnaire was used to collect data from teachers and parents. Subjects' syllabuseswere investigated for assessment on partiality, democracy and international. The paperused content analysis in this part within the framework of the qualitative method. There spondents had diverse backgrounds which were very important to provide a wider perspective

    Modern-day Slavery in Everywhere: Poland V Albania

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    This paper highlights the seriousness of modern-day slavery which is in everywhere. Special attention will be given to Poland and Albania, because these two countries have similar political past and economic conditions. Poland is a member of the EU and tries to regulate its law and policies in order to comply with the EU regulation on the one hand. On the other hand, it tries to improve its economic conditions and wealth distributions. Since the joining of the EU, millions of Poles have immigrated to other European countries and other part of the world in order to find a better live. Some these people journey might not be voluntary. Albania is not a member of the EU but is a candidate country of the EU. It is poor and more than 25% of population lives out of Albania. In other words, since 1990, millions of Albanian has immigrated into European countries and other part of world in order to find a better live. Some these people were forced by trafficker to get out of the country. The study will focus on ‘sexual exploitations’, child labor and ‘organ trafficking’ in these countries. After providing enough evidence about the seriousness of the problem, then the paper will examine existing prevention policies and legal frame work of these countries. Then the study will finish with conclusion


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    It is clear that there are different studies conducted on the tourism sector of different countries. In contrast, it is quite difficult to find out similar studies thatconducted on Albanian tourism sector that is revealed by the literature review ofthis study. This is one of the main motivations of this study.The purpose of this study is to measure the views and perception of university students on the issue on the basis of empirical data which have been collected for this study. The researchers asked about 24 questions to universities' students.Before conducting the survey, the study had chosen two private and five state run universities from different cities of Albania. The survey conducted by surveyor who had been thought how to conduct survey. These surveyors asked those some 423 students to fill in the survey's questions. After they answered the questions, the surveys had been collected by those surveyors. To investigate which factors have more importance on development of tourism sector including Infrastructure,Transportation, Diversity of Tourism, Promotion, Service Quality and Price.The study are adopting the hypothesis that mean factor ratings are same betweenmale and female, universities and employment status.This study has employed a quantitative method. Within this method, in order toanalyse the data One way Anova Tests is applied. Based on the analysis all factors that has been asked are found as important, however, their contribution level to thetourism development are different. Among factors contributing to tourism,Promotion is considered to have different level of contribution according to different universities' students, while evaluation of factors on other demographic indicators is seen similar within significance level 0.05

    Political Party and Party System Institutionalization in Albania

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    The drastic transition from the communist regime in a liberal democratic system in Albania has caused the process to be harsh and ambiguous, facing a lot of struggles in establishing a healthy democracy. Literature revealed that political parties have a crucial role in building a consolidated democratic system, since there is no modern democracy functioning without including the role of parties. The vitality of the political parties in the process of democratization should be characterized with strong and stable democratic values, with the scope of representing the citizens and providing policies which determine their willingness toward the public goods. This study examines the institutionalization of the political parties and the party system as a necessity for democracy; using the case of Albania it is analyzed the degree of institutionalization of the political parties in the country taking in regard external institutionalization including the electoral system, the electoral volatility, the electoral parties and their effectiveness, and internal institutionalization including intra-party democracy; measuring here the indicators of intra-party democracy, candidate selection, leadership selection, and policy setting. Results of the study emphasize the fragility of Albanian democracy, and the necessity to build solid, functioning and democratic institutionalization within political parties, as well as intra-party democracy which is a very important feature for the consolidation of democracy

    Human Trafficking is used for Recruiting Terrorists

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    Human trafficking is defined as it involves the exploitation of people through force, coercion, threat, or deception and includes human rights abuses such as debt bondage, deprivation of liberty, or lack of control over freedom and labor (Unclassified 2005). According to the Protocol (UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children) Human trafficking defines as illegal trade of human beings, through abduction, the use or threat of force, deception, fraud, or \u27sale\u27 for the purposes of sexual exploitation or forced labor (Unclassified 2005). It is clear that human trafficking is an illegal criminal activity and relies heavily on supply and demand like other for-profit industries. Moreover, International Labour Organization and United Nations states that each year, between 700,000 – 900,000 people fall victim to trafficking across international borders and are bought, sold, transported and held against their will worldwide. Moreover, it is estimated that between 12-27 million people (Elizabeth Pathy Salett 2006) have been victimised by the human traffickers. Consequently these figures evidently prove that human trafficking is one of major organised criminal activities in today world. This paper will investigate human trafficking in general and particular attention will be given to using of human trafficking by a terrorist organisation namely, The Kurdish Worker Party (PKK). Because, this 21st Century manifestation of the slave trade is currently a multi-billion dollar industry built on consumer demand for a single product—fellow human beings. Human traffickers offer consumers several \u27products\u27—child soldier, domestic servant, exotic dancer, manual laborer, etc (Bensenia 2010), organ trade. The PKK needs money in order to continue its terrorists‘ activities. Due to its lucrative attractions, as literature clearly indicates that not only the PKK but also other type of criminal and terrorist organisations are in this industry. In the paper, initially human trafficking to and from Turkey will be investigated. Then the birth of the PKK, terrorism and its terrorist activities in Turkey especially summarised. The PKK‘s involvement in human trafficking will be analysed by sub-section including case studies as stories of those people who have been victim in human trafficking, and I have collected data by using a qualitative methods. Finally a conclusion will be drawn from the paper

    E-University: British Experience

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    It is clear that e-University attempt in the UK was not successful. The failure has various reasons which have been discussed in this paper. Further, this experience has thought many lessons to other potential institutions that want to establish e-University venture. It is important to note that e-University would be one of option and could be considered an opportunity for many. However, what it is clear this kind of venture is more expensive and slower than the traditional university setting and running. There are huge amount of uncertainty and mistrust on the diplomas, certificates, awards of e-University, e-learning and online higher education. In other words, apart from the USA’ s experience and delivery, institutions and companies still have difficulties to convince their prospective students for these courses and programme. However, it can be assumed that e-University in future would be one of the main higher education institutions

    Mapping the STK4/Hippo signaling network in prostate cancer cell.

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    Dysregulation of MST1/STK4, a key kinase component of the Hippo-YAP pathway, is linked to the etiology of many cancers with poor prognosis. However, how STK4 restricts the emergence of aggressive cancer remains elusive. Here, we investigated the effects of STK4, primarily localized in the cytoplasm, lipid raft, and nucleus, on cell growth and gene expression in aggressive prostate cancer. We demonstrated that lipid raft and nuclear STK4 had superior suppressive effects on cell growth in vitro and in vivo compared with cytoplasmic STK4. Using RNA sequencing and bioinformatics analysis, we identified several differentially expressed (DE) genes that responded to ectopic STK4 in all three subcellular compartments. We noted that the number of DE genes observed in lipid raft and nuclear STK4 cells were much greater than cytoplasmic STK4. Our functional annotation clustering showed that these DE genes were commonly associated with oncogenic pathways such as AR, PI3K/AKT, BMP/SMAD, GPCR, WNT, and RAS as well as unique pathways such as JAK/STAT, which emerged only in nuclear STK4 cells. These findings indicate that MST1/STK4/Hippo signaling restricts aggressive tumor cell growth by intersecting with multiple molecular pathways, suggesting that targeting of the STK4/Hippo pathway may have important therapeutic implications for cancer

    Context Sensitive Links Free Full Text from Publisher Look up full-textLook Up Full Text Full Text Options 11 of 332 Intractable pain following core decompression caused by salmonella septic arthritis

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    Glucocorticoids (GC), often used in the treatment of diseases caused by autoimmune mechanisms, are the most common nontraumatic causative factor of femoral head avascular necrosis (FHAN). FHAN is, in turn, the most common cause leading to orthopedic surgery in patients using GCs. As GCs suppress the immune system, patients experience increased susceptibility to infections, including FHAN, which has a similar clinical manifestation with septic arthritis. In rare cases, septic arthritis may be caused by salmonella in patients using GCs. Core decompression is the gold standard in the treatment of early stage FHAN. We report a 28-year-old male patient with multiple sclerosis (MS) presenting with the complaints of hip pain. The patient had been treated with two megadoses of steroids. FHAN was considered due to X-ray and MRI findings. The patient underwent core decompression (CD) and salmonella bacteria growth was found in the hip puncture culture. Avascular necrosis associated with septic arthritis was determined. The patient was re-operated and irrigation and debridement for synovial tissues were performed two days following the first operation. While the association of septic arthritis with causative Salmonella and FHAN is rare except in sickle cell patients, septic arthritis must be considered and ruled out in patients who have previously undergone CD and did not show expected relief in early stage FHAN