


It is clear that there are different studies conducted on the tourism sector of different countries. In contrast, it is quite difficult to find out similar studies thatconducted on Albanian tourism sector that is revealed by the literature review ofthis study. This is one of the main motivations of this study.The purpose of this study is to measure the views and perception of university students on the issue on the basis of empirical data which have been collected for this study. The researchers asked about 24 questions to universities' students.Before conducting the survey, the study had chosen two private and five state run universities from different cities of Albania. The survey conducted by surveyor who had been thought how to conduct survey. These surveyors asked those some 423 students to fill in the survey's questions. After they answered the questions, the surveys had been collected by those surveyors. To investigate which factors have more importance on development of tourism sector including Infrastructure,Transportation, Diversity of Tourism, Promotion, Service Quality and Price.The study are adopting the hypothesis that mean factor ratings are same betweenmale and female, universities and employment status.This study has employed a quantitative method. Within this method, in order toanalyse the data One way Anova Tests is applied. Based on the analysis all factors that has been asked are found as important, however, their contribution level to thetourism development are different. Among factors contributing to tourism,Promotion is considered to have different level of contribution according to different universities' students, while evaluation of factors on other demographic indicators is seen similar within significance level 0.05

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