106 research outputs found

    A articulação do ensino de formação musical e do ensino de instrumento

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    Este documento foi elaborado no âmbito da unidade curricular Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) do Mestrado em Ensino da Música e é constituído por duas partes distintas. Na primeira parte do relatório é realizada uma descrição do estágio supervisionado no que se refere ao desenvolvimento de atividades relacionadas com a formação pessoal e profissional. É igualmente desenvolvida uma reflexão e análise profunda sobre a prática docente e o processo de ensino-aprendizagem em contextos educativos e regimes de frequência diferentes do ensino especializado da música. A segunda parte centra-se no desenvolvimento do projeto de investigação que pretende analisar e refletir sobre a articulação entre o ensino da disciplina de Formação Musical e o ensino da disciplina de Instrumento, em particular no ensino básico, na Academia de Música de Óbidos, no Conservatório de Artes Performativas de Almada e de uma forma global, em Portugal. A existência ou ausência de pontes entre ambas as disciplinas ao longo do tempo, teve consequências no ensino atual relativamente à forma como alunos e professores interpretam essa relação e a ligação entre a teoria e a prática. Neste contexto, é fundamental compreender se estão a ser lecionadas enquanto unidades isoladas ou se são encaradas como competências complementares. Tendo em conta os diversos intervenientes no processo educativo, foram elaborados inquéritos por questionário aos docentes e discentes, relacionados os resultados dos alunos e foram analisados os programas das disciplinas de Formação Musical, Piano, Guitarra e violino com o intuito de compreender a articulação existente. Por último, sugerem-se algumas linhas orientadoras que vão no sentido da melhoria da articulação entre teoria e prática, tendo em conta os dados recolhidos

    Desenho de um serviço para a geração de ideias de requalificação de edifícios abandonados: o Projeto Indeia aplicado à cidade de Aveiro

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    A degradação e abandono do património imóvel é um problema presente no panorama nacional que, não se limitando à periferia das cidades, vem desvalorizar a própria morfologia urbana. Entre outras razões, a falta de mapeamento das estruturas abandonadas tem impossibilitado a perceção clara da dimensão do problema. A presente investigação propõe-se a conceptualizar uma solução que faz uso das potencialidades das tecnologias mobile para criar um serviço onde colaborativamente se mapeiam, geram e discutem ideias para espaços abandonados, servindo-se da cidade de Aveiro como palco para aplicação do estudo. Adotando uma metodologia de Investigação-ação, o trabalho empírico tem na base uma abordagem metodológica mista, partindo de um teste de conceito desenvolvido com uma amostra de cidadãos aveirenses, que procurou aferir a relevância do problema no seu dia-a-dia e compreender a recetividade a novas soluções para a sua mitigação. As conclusões que daí advieram permitiram avançar para o desenho do protótipo de uma aplicação mobile “Indeia”, mediadora de todo o serviço. O segundo momento empírico procurou validar a qualidade da experiência de utilização do protótipo, levando a cabo um conjunto de testes de usabilidade por parte de uma nova amostra de utilizadores, e conduzindo ao seu posterior redesenho com base nas lacunas identificadas. A investigação desenvolvida, embora limitada à não aplicação do serviço em contexto real – que permitiria avaliar o impacto e as dinâmicas geradas no contexto do Indeia, deixa pistas válidas para odesenvolvimento de serviços que têm na base uma abordagem de envolvimento cívico, demonstrando o potencial das novas tecnologias enquanto espaço de mediação neste tipo de problemática.The deterioration and abandonment of the constructed heritage is a problem in the portuguese national scene which, not limited to the edge of town, devalues the urban morphology. Among other reasons, the lack of leftover spaces mapping have been hindered the understanding of problem scale. This research aims to develop a solution that uses the potential of mobile technologies to design a service in which, collaboratively, it is possible to map, generate and discuss ideas to the leftover spaces, using the city of Aveiro as the scenario of the study. Following an Action Research methodology, the empirical work was based on mixed methods, started with a concept test with a sample of Aveiro’s citizens, seeking to understand the relevance of the problem into their daily lives and also their receptivity to new solutions to the problem mitigation. The conclusions drawn from the session allowed to proceed to the design of the mobile application “Indeia”, which acts as the mediator of the entire service. The second empirical moment intends to validate the user experience of the prototype, performing usability tests with a new sample of users, leading to its redesign based on the identified gaps. The undertaken research, although limited to the non-application of the service into the real context – which would allow to evaluate the impact and the generated dynamics in the context of Indeia, presents valid indications to the development of services based on a civic engagement approach, expressing the potential of new technologies to act as the mediatior in problems of this nature.Mestrado em Desig

    Relatório de estágio na The Loop Company

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    O presente relatório surge no seguimento de um estágio que teve início a 6 de janeiro de 2020 na empresa The Loop Company. Este decorreu no departamento de Marketing e Comunicação da empresa, de forma a criar um plano estratégico de conteúdos que, até à data, não existia. Fui integrada na equipa da BabyLoop, um projeto de economia circular que vende equipamentos de puericultura pesada, impulsionando o conceito de inovação social, através da mudança de paradigmas. Durante os quatro meses de estágio, assumi a criação e posterior gestão do Blog BabyLoop, sendo que um dos meus principais objetivos passou pelo lançamento do mesmo, bem como a criação dos conteúdos, tanto para o Blog, como para a Newsletter. Nesse sentido, foi possível criar um plano e uma calendarização com objetivos definidos, tendo a pandemia, provocada pela COVID-19, sido uma limitação na sua concretização, terminando a 6 de maio de 2020. Com este trabalho, pretendo dar a conhecer o contexto em que fui inserida na organização, o conjunto de atividades que desempenhei e respetivos resultados individuais que obtive nesta organização até à conclusão do meu período de estágio

    DNA barcoding of portuguese lacewings (Neuroptera) and snakeflies (Raphidioptera) (Insecta, Neuropterida)

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    Research ArticleThe orders Neuroptera and Raphidioptera include the species of insects known as lacewings and snakeflies, respectively. In Portugal, these groups account for over 100 species, some of which are very difficult to identify by morphological analysis. This work is the first to sample and DNA sequence lacewings and snakeflies of Portugal. A reference collection was built with captured specimens that were identified morphologically. DNA barcode sequences of 658 bp were obtained from 243 specimens of 54 species. The results showed that most species can be successfully identified through DNA barcoding, with the exception of seven species of Chrysopidae (Neuroptera). Additionally, the first published distribution data are presented for Portugal for the neuropterans Gymnocnemia variegata (Schneider, 1845) and Myrmecaelurus (Myrmecaelurus) trigrammus (Pallas, 1771)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The InBIO barcoding initiative database: DNA barcodes of portuguese Hemiptera 01

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    Data PaperBackground The InBIO Barcoding Initiative (IBI) Hemiptera 01 dataset contains records of 131 specimens of Hemiptera. Most specimens have been morphologically identified to species or subspecies level and represent 88 species in total. The species of this dataset correspond to about 7.3% of continental Portuguese hemipteran species diversity. All specimens were collected in continental Portugal. Sampling took place from 2015 to 2019 and specimens are deposited in the IBI collection at CIBIO, Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources. New information This dataset increases the knowledge on the DNA barcodes and distribution of 88 species of Hemiptera from Portugal. Six species, from five different families, were new additions to the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD), with another twenty five species barcodes' added from under-represented taxa in BOLD. All specimens have their DNA barcodes publicly accessible through BOLD online database and the distribution data can be accessed through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Eutettix variabilis and Fieberiella florii are recorded for the first time for Portugal and Siphanta acuta, an invasive species, previously reported from the Portuguese Azores archipelago, is recorded for the first time for continental Portugalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Combining distribution modelling and non-invasive genetics to improve range shift forecasting

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    Forecasting species range shifts under climate change is critical to adapt conservation strategies to future environmental conditions. Ecological niche models (ENMs) are often used to achieve this goal, but their accuracy is limited when species niches are inadequately sampled. This problem may be tackled by combining ENM with field validation to fine-tune current species distribution, though the traditional methods are often time-consuming and the species ID inaccurate. Here we combine ENM with novel field validation methods based on non-invasive genetic sampling to forecast range shifts in the globally near-threatened Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae). Using occurrence records mapped at 10 km × 10 km resolution, we built the first ENM (ENM1) to estimate the current species distribution. We then selected 40 grid squares with no previous data along the predicted range margins, and surveyed suitable habitats through presence-sign searches. Faecal samples visually assigned to the species were collected for genetic identification based on the mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene, which resulted in 19 new grid squares with confirmed presence records. The second model (ENM2) was built by adding the new data, and species distribution maps predicted by each model under current and future climate change scenarios were compared. Both models had high predictive ability, with strong influence of temperature and precipitation. Although current distribution ranges predicted by each model were quite similar, the range shifts predicted under climate change differed greatly when using additional field data. In particular, ENM1 overlooked areas identified as important by ENM2 for species conservation in the future. Overall, results suggest that combining ENM with non-invasive genetics may provide a cost-effective approach in studies regarding species conservation under environmental change

    The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: DNA barcodes of Portuguese Diptera 01

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    Background The InBIO Barcoding Initiative (IBI) Diptera 01 dataset contains records of 203 specimens of Diptera. All specimens have been morphologically identified to species level, and belong to 154 species in total. The species represented in this dataset correspond to about 10% of continental Portugal dipteran species diversity. All specimens were collected north of the Tagus river in Portugal. Sampling took place from 2014 to 2018, and specimens are deposited in the IBI collection at CIBIO, Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources. New information This dataset contributes to the knowledge on the DNA barcodes and distribution of 154 species of Diptera from Portugal and is the first of the planned IBI database public releases, which will make available genetic and distribution data for a series of taxa. All specimens have their DNA barcodes made publicly available in the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD) online database and the distribution dataset can be freely accessed through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Teacher´s guide on occupational safety and health education: exploring “OSH! What a Bright Idea"

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    The Mind Safety – Safety Matters (hereinafter referred to as MS-SM) project aim to improve and innovate methods of teaching safety and health issues in the classroom, motivating and preparing young people to work in safe conditions, encouraging them to be more aware about Occupational Safety and Health (hereinafter referred to as OSH) themes and to understand the need to know about safety and health.publishe

    Predators and livestock reduce bird nest survival in intensive Mediterranean farmland

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    High nest predation is one of the factors potentially driving farmland bird declines, particularly in the case of ground-nesting species. Accordingly, recent calls have been made to address predation in agri-environment schemes, but this is hindered by limited understanding of how processes operating at different scales affect predation patterns and how additional factors such as livestock trampling contribute to reduced nest survival. Using an artificial nest experiment, we assessed how field management, landscape composition and configuration, and the abundance of potential avian predators and mammalian carnivores affected predation and trampling rates in grassland fields (pastures and fallows) embedded in intensive Mediterranean farmland. Mean predation and trampling rates per field were 0.18±0.23 SD and 0.12±0.17 SD, respectively. However, there was strong spatial variation, with high nest losses (>50 %) occurring in about one quarter of the fields. Variation in failure rates was mainly related to livestock grazing and predator abundances, while the effects of landscape context were negligible. Predation and trampling rates were highest in fields with short swards. Predation rate was positively related to the abundance of Egyptian mongooses and dogs. To increase nest survival, agri-environment schemes designed for ground-nesting birds should contribute for maintaining low stocking density. Further evaluation is required on the need for controlling populations of fastexpanding generalist predators such as mongooses

    The InBIO barcoding initiative database: DNA barcodes of portuguese Diptera 02 - Limoniidae, Pediciidae and Tipulidae

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    Data PaperBackground The InBIO Barcoding Initiative (IBI) Diptera 02 dataset contains records of 412 crane fly specimens belonging to the Diptera families: Limoniidae, Pediciidae and Tipulidae. This dataset is the second release by IBI on Diptera and it greatly increases the knowledge on the DNA barcodes and distribution of crane flies from Portugal. All specimens were collected in Portugal, including six specimens from the Azores and Madeira archipelagos. Sampling took place from 2003 to 2019. Specimens have been morphologically identified to species level by taxonomists and belong to 83 species in total. The species, represented in this dataset, correspond to about 55% of all the crane fly species known from Portugal and 22% of crane fly species known from the Iberian Peninsula. All DNA extractions and most specimens are deposited in the IBI collection at CIBIO, Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resourcesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio