230 research outputs found

    Can We Standardize Clinical Functional Neuroimaging Procedures?

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    In recent years, the interest in clinical applications of functional neuroimaging techniques like functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) or modern Magneto- or Electro- Encephalography (MEG-EEG) has steadily grown as have discussions about possible standardizations of these methodologies. The modern techniques allow non-invasive localization of essential brain functions with the potential to extend or even replace invasive clinical technologies (1–4). The focus of this article is to discuss standardization options in using functional MRI for clinical cases, mostly in the context of medical decision aid for planning treatment (radiotherapy and surgery)

    Recursive music elucidates neural mechanisms supporting the generation and detection of melodic hierarchies

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    The ability to generate complex hierarchical structures is a crucial component of human cognition which can be expressed in the musical domain in the form of hierarchical melodic relations. The neural underpinnings of this ability have been investigated by comparing the perception of well-formed melodies with unexpected sequences of tones. However, these contrasts do not target specifically the representation of rules generating hierarchical structure. Here, we present a novel paradigm in which identical melodic sequences are generated in four steps, according to three different rules: The Recursive rule, generating new hierarchical levels at each step; The Iterative rule, adding tones within a fixed hierarchical level without generating new levels; and a control rule that simply repeats the third step. Using fMRI, we compared brain activity across these rules when participants are imagining the fourth step after listening to the third (generation phase), and when participants listened to a fourth step (test sound phase), either well-formed or a violation. We found that, in comparison with Repetition and Iteration, imagining the fourth step using the Recursive rule activated the superior temporal gyrus (STG). During the test sound phase, we found fronto-temporo-parietal activity and hippocampal de-activation when processing violations, but no differences between rules. STG activation during the generation phase suggests that generating new hierarchical levels from previous steps might rely on retrieving appropriate melodic hierarchy schemas. Previous findings highlighting the role of hippocampus and inferior frontal gyrus may reflect processing of unexpected melodic sequences, rather than hierarchy generation per se

    Robust presurgical functional MRI at 7 T using response consistency

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    Functional MRI is valuable in presurgical planning due to its non-invasive nature, repeatability, and broad availability. Using ultra-high field MRI increases the specificity and sensitivity, increasing the localization reliability and reducing scan time. Ideally, fMRI analysis for this application should identify unreliable runs and work even if the patient deviates from the prescribed task timing or if there are changes to the hemodynamic response due to pathology. In this study, a model-free analysis method-UNBIASED-based on the consistency of fMRI responses over runs was applied, to ultra-high field fMRI localizations of the hand area. Ten patients with brain tumors and epilepsy underwent 7 Tesla fMRI with multiple runs of a hand motor task in a block design. FMRI data were analyzed with the proposed approach (UNBIASED) and the conventional General Linear Model (GLM) approach. UNBIASED correctly identified and excluded fMRI runs that contained little or no activation. Generally, less motion artifact contamination was present in UNBIASED than in GLM results. Some cortical regions were identified as activated in UNBIASED but not GLM results. These were confirmed to show reproducible delayed or transient activation, which was time-locked to the task. UNBIASED is a robust approach to generating activation maps without the need for assumptions about response timing or shape. In presurgical planning, UNBIASED can complement model-based methods to aid surgeons in making prudent choices about optimal surgical access and resection margins for each patient, even if the hemodynamic response is modified by pathology. Hum Brain Mapp 38:3163-3174, 2017. © 2017 The Authors Human Brain Mapping Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Melodic Intonation Therapy for aphasia: A multi-level meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and individual participant data

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    Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT) is a prominent rehabilitation program for individuals with post-stroke aphasia. Our meta-analysis investigated the efficacy of MIT while considering quality of outcomes, experimental design, influence of spontaneous recovery, MIT protocol variant, and level of generalization. Extensive literature search identified 606 studies in major databases and trial registers; of those, 22 studies-overall 129 participants-met all eligibility criteria. Multi-level mixed- and random-effects models served to separately meta-analyze randomized controlled trial (RCT) and non-RCT data. RCT evidence on validated outcomes revealed a small-to-moderate standardized effect in noncommunicative language expression for MIT-with substantial uncertainty. Unvalidated outcomes attenuated MIT's effect size compared to validated tests. MIT's effect size was 5.7 times larger for non-RCT data compared to RCT data (gÌ…case report = 2.01 vs. gÌ…RCT = 0.35 for validated Non-Communicative Language Expression measures). Effect size for non-RCT data decreased with number of months post-stroke, suggesting confound through spontaneous recovery. Deviation from the original MIT protocol did not systematically alter benefit from treatment. Progress on validated tests arose mainly from gains in repetition tasks rather than other domains of verbal expression, such as everyday communication ability. Our results confirm the promising role of MIT in improving trained and untrained performance on unvalidated outcomes, alongside validated repetition tasks, and highlight possible limitations in promoting everyday communication ability

    Peripheral Nervous System Reconstruction Reroutes Cortical Motor Output—Brain Reorganization Uncovered by Effective Connectivity

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    Cortical reorganization in response to peripheral nervous system damage is only poorly understood. In patients with complete brachial plexus avulsion and subsequent reconnection of the end of the musculocutaneous nerve to the side of a phrenic nerve, reorganization leads to a doubled arm representation in the primary motor cortex. Despite, homuncular organization being one of the most fundamental principles of the human brain, movements of the affected arm now activate 2 loci: the completely denervated arm representation and the diaphragm representation. Here, we investigate the details behind this peripherally triggered reorganization, which happens in healthy brains. fMRI effective connectivity changes within the motor network were compared between a group of patients and age matched healthy controls at 7 Tesla (6 patients and 12 healthy controls). Results show the establishment of a driving input of the denervated arm area to the diaphragm area which is now responsible for arm movements. The findings extend current knowledge about neuroplasticity in primary motor cortex: a denervated motor area may drive an auxilliary area to reroute its motor output

    Differential functional benefits of ultra highfield MR systems within the language network

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    Several investigations have shown limitations of fMRI reliability with the current standard field strengths. Improvement is expected from ultra highfield systems but studies on possible benefits for cognitive networks are lacking. Here we provide an initial investigation on a prominent and clinically highly-relevant cognitive function: language processing in individual brains. 26 patients evaluated for presurgical language localization were investigated with a standardized overt language fMRI paradigm on both 3T and 7T MR scanners. During data acquisition and analysis we made particular efforts to minimize effects not related to static magnetic field strength differences. Six measures relevant for functional activation showed a large dissociation between essential language network nodes: although in Wernicke's area 5/6 measures indicated a benefit of ultra highfield, in Broca's area no comparison was significant. The most important reason for this discrepancy was identified as being an increase in susceptibility-related artifacts in inferior frontal brain areas at ultra high field. We conclude that functional UHF benefits are evident, however these depend crucially on the brain region investigated and the ability to control local artifacts
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