313 research outputs found

    Sotsiaalne kapital ja individualism–kollektivism indiviidi tasandil

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneSotsiaalne kapital – usaldusel ja normidel põhinevad inimestevahelised sidemed ja sotsiaalsed võrgustikud – on kasulik ressurss nii üksikisikutele, kogukondadele kui ka riikidele, kuid on kardetud, et Lääne maailmas leviv individualism viib inimestevaheliste suhete nõrgenemiseni ja vähendab ühiskonna sidusust. Individualismi on seejuures tihtipeale nähtud kui äärmuslikku omakasupüüdlikkust, unustades, et individualismil võib olla ka kasulikumaid väljundeid, nagu iseenda ja oma tegude eest vastutuse võtmine. Individualismi ja omakasupüüdlikkuse või egoismi vahele võrdusmärki tõmmates võivad tulla üllatusena uuringud, mis näitavad, et individualistlikes ühiskondades on inimestel tegelikult rohkem sotsiaalset kapitali, see tähendab, et nad on üksteise suhtes usaldavamad ja erinevate vabatahtlike võrgustike kaudu üksteisega tihedamalt seotud kui kollektivistlikes ühiskondades. Väitekirja aluseks olevate uuringute tulemused näitavad, et ühiskonna tasandil leitud seosed kehtivad ka indiviidi tasandil ning individualistlikud inimesed kalduvad omama rohkem sotsiaalset kapitali. Nii näiteks on eestlaste puhul indiviidi tasandil sotsiaalse kapitaliga positiivselt seotud üks individualismi võtmekomponente – küps vastutustunne ehk oma tegude eest vastutuse võtmine. Kõigis Euroopa riikides kalduvad individualistlikumad inimesed väljapoole oma pereringi jäävaid inimesi rohkem usaldama ning olema seotud rohkemate sotsiaalsete võrgustikega. Samas seletavad individualism–kollektivism ja sotsio-demograafilised tunnused (nt vanus, sugu, haridus ja elukoht) üksnes väga väikese osa inimestevahelistest erinevustest sotsiaalse kapitali määras. See on kooskõlas varasemate uuringute tulemustega, mis viitavad, et indiviidi tasandi sotsiaalse kapitali allikaid ei tuleks otsida mitte inimese enda omadustest, vaid pigem teda ümbritsevast vahetust keskkonnast.Social capital – ties and social networks that are based on trust and mutual norms – has proven to be an extremely useful resource for individuals, groups, and countries, but there have been concerns that growing individualism in Western countries is weakening relationships between people and decreasing social cohesion in society. Individualism is often seen in a very negative light, as extreme egoism, and it is often forgotten that individualism may have more useful features, such as taking responsibility for one’s own actions. When equating individualism with egoism and simple self-interest, it may come as a surprise that several studies have shown that people in countries that emphasise individualistic strivings are also more likely to trust other people and to be more engaged in different social networks. The results of this dissertation provide some support for the assumption that the relationship between social capital and individualism–collectivism also follows similar patterns at the individual level of analysis, and that more individualistically minded individuals have more social capital. For instance, mature self-responsibility, which is one of the essential components of individualism, was found to be positively associated with social capital in an Estonian sample. Furthermore, more individualistic people tend to trust more people outside of their immediate family and belong to more social networks in all European countries studied. However, individualism–collectivism together with sociodemographic variables (e.g., age, gender, education, and domicile) explain only a small fraction of individual differences in social capital. This is in accord with established theories and previous empirical findings that suggest that the sources of individual-level social capital are located not so much in the characteristics of the individual, but rather in his/her social surroundings

    Social trust and value similarity: the relationship between social trust and human values in Europe

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    The purpose of the current paper is to test whether value similarity may foster social trust in society and whether people have higher levels of social trust when they emphasise the same values that prevail in their country. The relationship between social trust and human values was examined in a sample of 51,308 people across 29 European countries using data from the European Social Survey round 6. Results suggest that value similarity is more important in generating individual level social trust in countries where the overall levels of social trust are higher. There is a stronger positive relationship between value similarity and social trust in Scandinavian countries, which have high social trust levels, while in countries with a low level of social trust, congruity of the personal value structure with the country level value structure tends to decrease the individuals trustfulness

    Explaining the Relationship between Social Trust and Value Similarity: The Case of Estonia

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    The article is dedicated to explaining why value similarity fosters generalised social trust in high-trust societies. Previous findings by Beilmann and Lilleoja suggest that value similarity is more important in generating individual-level social trust in countries where the overall levels of social trust are higher, while in countries with a low level of social trust, congruity of the personal value structure with the country-level value structure tends to be coupled with lower trustfulness on the part of individuals. The article explores the meso-level indicators that could explain this relationship. The relationship between social trust and human values was examined in a sample of 2,051 people in Estonia, using data from the European Social Survey, round 7. The results suggest that when differences in socio-economic factors are controlled for, value similarity remains a significant factor in fostering generalised social trust in Estonian society. However, its direct effect is relatively low when compared with predictors such as trust in certain institutions, economic well-being, and ethnicity. Trust in the legal system and the police plays a particularly important role in fostering generalised social trust in a high-trust society wherein people believe that other people in general treat them honestly and kindly


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    The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the impact of maintenance to some mechanical properties of coated fabrics. Polyester is often used for outerwear because of its high durability. Coating application enhances several physical – mechanical properties of fabric. The reverse side of the test fabrics were laminated with a thin layer of the membrane to ensure complete water resistance. Since the micro-pores are sufficiently small, they will not let water through, but they let vapour through from inside to outside. It makes these kind fabrics vapour-permeable and therefore very comfortable for wearing. Although we can damage the micro-pores in the fabric very quickly whether by false maintenance mode at home for washing or drying. Test fabrics of this study were chosen from kid`s outerwear collection. Kids are good for testing of ready to wear garments but this time, the emphasis was on laboratory tests of basic fabrics. The aim of this study was to test the outer fabric under the conditions of domestic care and thereafter to carry out tests on abrasion resistance and tearing of cared fabrics.

    The relationship between social capital and individualism–collectivism in Europe

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between social capital and individualism–collectivism in a sample of 50,417 individuals from 29 European countries using data from the European Social Survey Round 6 (2012). Social capital was measured in terms of generalized social trust and informal social networks; individualism–collectivism was operationalized via Schwartz’s Openness to Change–Conservation value dimension. Results from a hierarchical linear modeling analysis showed that less than 10% of variance in social capital indicators was found between countries, meaning that the level of social capital varies more substantively between individuals than between the countries. Openness to Change had a weak but statistically significant and positive relationship both with the indices of Generalized Social Trust and Informal Social Networks, which remained significant even when individual age, gender, education level, and domicile were controlled for. In sum, our findings show that the positive relationship between social capital and individualism that has been found at the cultural level also holds at the individual level: people who emphasize independent thought, action, and readiness to change are also more willing to believe that most people can be trusted and are more engaged in informal social networks. The relationship is, nevertheless, very weak and the strength of the association varies significantly across different European countries. This variation, however, cannot be explained by country differences in level of democracy or human development and the country’s wealth moderates only the individual level relationship between Openness to Change and Informal Social Networks. Our findings suggest that sources of social capital at the individual level can be found in people’s immediate social surroundings, as well as their everyday social interactions

    Thermodynamic investigation of fluoride salts for nuclear energy production

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    In this work thermodynamic properties of molten fluoride salts and salt mixtures are investigated. Fluoride salts have advantageous properties to be used in energy producing systems based on the conversion from heat to energy like i.e in Molten Salt Reactors. For this purpose it is very important to have detailed information about the heat capacity of the pure salts and salt mixtures. To get a better understanding about the heat capacity in mixtures drop calorimetry measurements of mixtures of LiF with other alkali fluorides were conducted and compared. The investigation of fluoride salts at elevated temperatures is complicated by the fact that fluoride vapour is aggressive to many materials. In order to protect our sensitive measurement equipment the salt samples were encapsulated in nickel crucibles using a laser welding technique and afterwards the whole nickel capsule was measured. This method was veried by the measurement of unmixed CsF and KF where in both examples an excellent agreement with literature data was obtained. Afterwards various intermediate compositions of the systems LiF-KF, LiF-CsF and LiF-RbF were investigated and a general trend according to the difference in cation radii could be established. In combination with literature data for the LiF-NaF system the heat capacity of the liquid state follows the order LiF-NaF <LiF-KF <LiF-RbF <LiF-CsF. An other very effective source of information about materials is their phase diagram. From such diagrams multiple data about phase transition temperatures, vapour pressures, enthalpy of fusion, enthalpy of mixing or solubilities can be deduced. Based on own measured phase diagram data using differential-scanning calorimetry (DSC) with a special encapsulation technique and on available literature data a complete description of the LiF-NaF-CaF2-LaF3 phase diagram was obtained. With the help of mathematical models the phase diagrams can be calculated and also higher order systems can be predicted. The LiF-NaF-CaF2-LaF3 system was calculated with the classical polynomial model and the quasi-chemical model in parallel in order to evaluate which of the two models provide a better extrapolation to higher order systems (ternary or quaternary) based on the related binary systems. The two models behaved very similar at the investigated system and the quasi-chemical model was chosen for further assessments of phase diagrams. This model was selected, since it considers the chemical nature of the investigated system and to simplify the integration of the obtained data in an already existing database of fluoride salt phase diagrams at the Institute for Transuranium Elements in Karlsruhe, Germany. In the Molten salt reactor technology UF3 has a big influence on the corrosion properties of the used salt mixture. But only limited phase diagram data exist regarding this compound. Therefore, the LiF-UF3 and NaF-UF3 system was measured with the DSC method and the LiF-NaF-UF3-UF4 quaternary system was mathematically assessed. The assessment was complicated by a disproportionation of UF3 during the measurements which is faster in the NaF-UF3 system due to the fluoroacidity difference of LiF and NaF. A key system for various designs of the Molten Salt Reactor is LiF-ThF4 binary system. The phase diagram of that system was reassessed based on various newly measured data in this study. In this context also a modication to the used DSC measurement technique was done in order to be able to measure enthalpies of mixing of the two components LiF and ThF4. This method was developed during this work and was veried by the measurement of the LiF-KF system where experimental data exist. A very good agreement between the measured data and the literature was obtained. Also an intermediate solid compound of the LiF-ThF4 system, namely Li3ThF7, was synthesized and the enthalpy of fusion was determined. All new experimental results were considered in the reassessment of the phase diagram. As consequence the assumption of the liquid heat capacity of ThF4 was corrected from 133.9 J ·K^-1 · mol^-1 to 170 J ·K^-1 · mol^-1. With the obtained results and several new phase diagram descriptions it was investigated, if CaF2 is a beneficial component to be used in the salt mixture of two different molten salt reactor designs. It is concluded that CaF2 has no profitable influence on the LiF-NaF-BeF2-PuF3 salt mixture in a specific transuranium burner design (MOSART concept). But it has advantageous influence on the LiF-ThF4 mixture of a thorium breeder design (MSFR) and should be subject to further investigations. During the experimental work of this thesis several scientific articles were published. Major parts of this work can be found in: O. Benes, M. Beilmann, R. J. M. Konings, "Thermodynamic assessment of the LiF-NaF-ThF4-UF4 system", J. Nucl. Mat 405 (2010) 186-198. M. Beilmann, O. Benes, R. J. M. Konings, Th. Fanghänel, "Thermodynamic investigation of the (LiF + NaF + CaF2 + LaF3) system", J. Chem. Thermodyn., 43 (2011) 1515-1524. M. Beilmann, O. Benes, R. J. M. Konings, Th. Fanghänel, "Thermodynamic assessment of the (LiF + UF3) and (NaF + UF3) systems", J. Chem. Thermodyn., 57 (2013) 22-31. O. Benes, R. J. M. Konings, D. Sedmidubský, M. Beilmann, O. S. Valu, E. Capelli, M. Salanne, S. Nichenko, "A comprehensive study of the heat capacity of CsF from T = 5 K to T = 1400 K", J. Chem. Thermodyn., 57 (2013) 92-100. E. Capelli, O. Benes, M. Beilmann, R. J. M. Konings, "Thermodynamic investigation of the LiF-ThF4 system", J. Chem. Thermodyn., 58 (2013) 110-116. M. Beilmann, O. Benes, E. Capelli, R. J. M. Konings, Th. Fanghänel, "Excess heat capacity in liquid binary alkali fluoride mixtures", Inorg. Chem., http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic302168g

    Prognostic value of toll-like receptors in colorectal cancer

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    ABSTRACT Background and aims Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide with 1.9 million new cases occuring globally in 2020. The prognosis of CRC patients has improved, although 30–50% of all local colon cancer patients treated develop recurrence. Biomarkers serve as diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive tools that help to detect disease without clinical symptoms, to identify early recurrence at follow-up, and to determine which patients might need more aggressive treatment. Subtyping cancers using biomarkers can enable targeted and personalized therapy. Chronic inflammation may promote cancer development and dissemination. Notably, cancer may cause both systemic and local inflammation. CRC patients with a strong systemic inflammatory response (SIR) indicated by an elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) value exhibit a worse prognosis, whereas CRC patients with high local immune cell infiltration have a better prognosis. Furthermore, CD3-positive and CD8-positive immune cells are critical in local adaptive immune responses. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are transmembranous proteins crucial in initiating innate and adaptive immune responses after recognizing pathogen-associated or host-originating patterns. In malignancies, TLRs play pro- and antitumorigenic roles. Thus, this dissertation project aimed to evaluate the prognostic role of different TLRs in CRC. Moreover, this project aimed to assess the possible relationship between TLRs and CRP, and between local innate (TLRs) and adaptive (CD3-positive and CD8-positive cells) immune responses in CRC. Methods Expressions of TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, and TLR7 were assessed in tumor cells through the immunohistochemistry of tissue microarray (TMA) slides from 1308 CRC patients who underwent surgery in the Department of Surgery at Helsinki University Hospital, Finland, between 1982 and 2005. The associations between the immunoexpressions of TLRs in tumor cells, clinicopathological characteristics, and survival were evaluated. Among a subgroup of 549 patients surgically treated between 1998 and 2005, the relationship between tumor cell expressions of TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, and TLR7 and plasma CRP was analyzed. Blood samples were taken preoperatively, and plasma CRP levels were measured using a high-sensitivity method. Finally, the relationship between the tumor cell expressions of TLRs and the immunoexpression of CD3-positive and CD8-positive T-cell densities in the tumor and stroma in the same samples was analyzed. A CD3–CD8 tumor–stroma index was established based on the density levels of CD3-positive and CD8-positive T cells in the tumor and stroma, resembling the well-known Immunoscore®. Results Patients with a high TLR2 expression, a high TLR5 expression, and a positive TLR7 expression exhibited a better disease-specific survival (DSS) in the cohort of 1308 CRC patients. Furthermore, stage III subgroup patients with a high TLR2 immunoexpression exhibited a better outcome. A high TLR5 value served as a positive prognostic factor among younger patients, patients with a higher pT stage, patients with lymph node–negative disease, and patients with a lower WHO grade. A positive TLR7 immunoexpression emerged as a positive prognostic factor among higher pT stage and lower WHO grade patients. In a cohort of 549 CRC patients, individuals with a high preoperative CRP level exhibited a worse DSS. Among patients with a high CRP level, those with a low TLR4 immunoexpression exhibited a better prognosis. In the low CRP subgroup, patients with a high TLR2, a high TLR5, and a positive TLR7 immunoexpression exhibited a better survival. Interestingly, TLR4 immunoexpression carried no prognostic value in the entire cohort. Furthermore, none of the TLRs emerged as an independent prognostic factor in the multivariate analyses. High expressions of tumoral and stromal CD3-positive and CD8-positive T cells associated with high expressions of TLR2, TLR4, and TLR5. Among all TLR subgroups except the negative TLR7 subgroup, patients with a low CD3–CD8 tumor–stroma index exhibited a worse prognosis. Conclusions Survival was better among patients with a high expression of TLR2, TLR5, and TLR7 in the tumor cells. By contrast, survival was worse among patients with a high CRP level. Furthermore, survival was better among patients with a low CRP level and with high tumor cell expressions of TLR2, TLR5, and TLR7, as well as among patients with a high CRP level and a low TLR4 expression. High expressions of immune cell densities in the tumor and stroma associated with high expressions of TLRs in the tumor cells. Thus, TLRs may play a prognostic role either alone or in combination with CRP or immune cell densities. However, further studies are needed to more fully understand the prognostic value of TLRs in CRC.TIIVISTELMÄ (FINNISH ABSTRACT) Tausta ja tavoitteet Paksu- ja peräsuolisyöpä (kolorektaalisyöpä) on kolmanneksi tavallisin syöpätauti maailmassa ja vuonna 2020 todettiin 1,9 miljoonaa uutta tapausta. Kolorektaalisyöpää sairastavien potilaiden ennuste on parantunut, mutta silti 30–50 % hoidetuista paikallisista syövistä uusiutuu. Biomerkkiaineet ovat diagnostisia ja ennusteellisia molekyylejä, joiden avulla voi löytää aggressiivisemmasta hoidosta ja seurannasta hyötyvät potilaat. Syövän alatyypitys biomerkkiaineiden avulla voi auttaa löytämään apuvälineitä millä voi kohdentaa hoidot paremmin. Krooninen tulehdus voi edesauttaa syövän kehittymistä ja leviämistä. Osalle kolorektaalisyöpäpotilaista kehittyy syövän yhteydessä vahva systeeminen tulehdusvaste ja näillä potilailla on huonompi ennuste. C-reaktiivinen proteiini (CRP) on hyvin tunnettu systeemisen tulehdusvasteen merkkiaine. Korkea paikallinen T-imusolujen tiheys kasvainalueella taas liittyy hyvään ennusteeseen. CD3- ja CD8-positiiviset T-imusolut ovat keskeinen osa paikallista adaptiivisen immuunivastetta. Tollin kaltaiset reseptorit (TLR:t) ovat transmembraaniproteiineja, jotka tunnistavat mikrobiaalisista taudinaiheuttajista ja isännästä lähtöisin olevia tekijöitä ja ovat erittäin tärkeitä luontaisen ja adaptiivisen immuunijärjestelmän aktivoinnissa. Tollin kaltaisilla reseptoreilla on sekä syövän kehitystä edistäviä että syövän kehittymiseltä suojaavia vaikutuksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli arvioida TLR:ien ennusteellista roolia kolorektaalisyövässä. Lisäksi oli tarkoitus arvioida TLR:ien ja systeemisen tulehdusvasteen yhteyttä sekä paikallisen luonnollisen (TLR:t) ja adaptiivisen (CD3- ja CD-8 positiiviset solut) immuunivasteen yhteyttä kolorektaalisyövässä. Potilaat ja menetelmät Tutkimuksessa mitattiin TLR2, TLR4, TLR5 ja TLR7 ilmentymätasoa kasvainsoluissa immunohistokemiallisen värjäyksen avulla 1308 kolorektaalisyöpäpotilaan kudosmikrosirublokeista (tissue microarray). Potilaat oli leikattu kolorektaalisyövän vuoksi Helsingin yliopistollisessa sairaalassa vuosina 1982–2005. Arvioitiin TLR:ien kudosilmentymän yhteyttä kliinispatologisiin tekijöihin ja elossaoloon. Pienemmässä 549 potilaan ryhmässä, jonka potilaat oli hoidettu vuosina 1998–2005, tukittiin TLR2, TLR4, TLR5 ja TLR7 sekä plasman CRP-tason yhteyttä. Potilailta oli otettu verinäytteitä ennen leikkausta ja plasman CRP määriteltiin herkällä mittausmenetelmällä (high-sensitivity method). Lopuksi arvioitiin samasta potilasryhmästä TLR:ien syöpäsoluilmentymän ja CD3-positiivisten ja CD8-positiivisten T-immuunisolujen tiheyden yhteyttä. Kasvainsolukon ja tukikudoksen (strooman) immuunisolujen tiheystasot laskettiin erikseen ja niiden perusteella muodostettiin CD3-CD8 kasvain-strooma indeksi (tumor-stroma index) vastaavalla tavalla kuin yleisesti tunnetussa Immunoscoressa®. Tulokset Havaitsimme 1308 kolorektaalisypää sairastavan potilaan ainaistossa, että korkeaan TLR2-, korkeaan TLR5- ja positiiviseen TLR7-ilmentymään liittyi pidempi tautispesifinen elossaolo. Levinneisyysasteen III (stage III) alaryhmän potilailla, joilla oli korkea TLR2-ilmentymä, oli parempi ennuste. Korkea TLR5 oli positiivinen ennusteellinen merkki seuraavissa alaryhmissä: nuoremmat potilaat, korkeamman kasvusyvyystason (pT) kasvain, imusolmukenegatiivinen tauti (pN0) ja hyvän erilaistumistason (gradus 1–2) syöpä. Positiivinen TLR7-ilmentymä oli positiivinen ennusteellinen merkki korkeassa pT-ryhmässä ja potilailla, joilla oli hyvän erilaistumistason syöpä. Pienemässä 549 potilaan aineistossa oli lyhyempi tautispesifinen elossaolo potilailla, joilla oli korkea leikkausta edeltävä CRP-taso,. Korkean CRP:n alaryhmässä oli huonompi ennuste niillä, joilla oli matala TLR4-ilmentymä kasvainsoluissa. Lisäksi matalan CRP:n alaryhmässä oli parempi ennuste potilailla, joilla oli korkea TLR2-, TLR5- ja TLR7-ilmentymä kasvainsoluissa. Yksikään tutkituista merkkiaineista ei noussut itsenäiseksi ennusteelliseksi tekijäksi monimuuttujaanalyysissä. Korkea CD3- ja CD8-positiivisten T-solujen ilmentymä kasvainkudoksessa ja vastaava stroomassa oli yhteydessä korkeaan TLR2-, TLR4- ja TLR5-ilmentymään kasvainsoluissa. Kaikissa TLR- alaryhmissä paitsi negatiivisessa TLR7-ryhmässä oli huonompi ennuste potilailla, joilla oli matala CD3-CD8 kasvain-strooma indeksi. Yhteenveto Tulosten perustella voi päätellä, että ennuste on parempi potilailla, joilla on korkea TLR2-, TLR5- ja TLR7-ilmentymä kasvainsoluissa. Korkea CRP on huonoon ennusteen merkki. Ennuste on parempi potilailla, joilla on matala CRP ja korkea TLR2-, TLR5- ja TLR7-ilmentymä kasvainsoluissa. Matala TLR4-ilmentymä kasvainsoluissa oli hyvän ennusteen merkki potilailla, joilla on korkea CRP-taso. T-immuunisolujen korkea tiheys kasvainkudoksessa liittyi tutkittujen TLR:ien korkeaan ilmentymään kasvainsoluissa. TLR:t voisivat toimia ennusteellisinä tekijöinä yksin tai yhdistettynä muihin merkkiaineisiin, mutta tarvitaan kuitenkin lisää tutkimuksia TLR:ien ennuisteellisen roolin selventämiseksi

    Social Trust and Value Similarity: the Relationship between Social Trust and Human Values in Europe

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    The purpose of the current paper is to test whether value similarity may foster social trust in society and whether people have higher levels of social trust when they emphasise the same values that prevail in their country. The relationship between social trust and human values was examined in a sample of 51,308 people across 29 European countries using data from the European Social Survey round 6. Results suggest that value similarity is more important in generating individual level social trust in countries where the overall levels of social trust are higher. There is a stronger positive relationship between value similarity and social trust in Scandinavian countries, which have high social trust levels, while in countries with a low level of social trust, congruity of the personal value structure with the country level value structure tends to decrease the individuals trustfulnes

    Mis on kollektiivne mälu?

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    Käesolevas töös kavatsen selgitada, mis on kollektiivne mälu. Kollektiivsest mälust kui sellisest on räägitud juba alates kahekümnenda sajandi esimesest poolest. Alates ajast, mil kollektiivset mälu hakati uurima individuaalsest mälust eraldi nähtusena (eelkõige pärast M. Halbwachsi teose „Kollektiivne mälu“ ilmumist aastal 1950), on üha enam tähtsust omandanud mälu sotsiaalsed aspektid. Püüan selgitada kollektiivse mälu mõistet, kuna näib, et ühtne arusaam selle nähtuse asjus puudub. Teooriates, kus antud nähtust põhjalikumalt käsitletakse, võib täheldada 'kollektiivse mälu' üsna hägusat ning kohati ka vastuolulist lahtimõtestamist.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2693201~S1*es