1,898 research outputs found

    Отказоустойчивый вентильный электро-привод для гибридного транспортного средства

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа содержит 79 страниц, 10 рисунка, 30 таблиц, 24 источников. Ключевые слова: гибридное транспортное средство, отказоустойчивый вентильный электропривод, математическая модель вентильного двигателя, неполнофазный режим работы, обрыв фазы двигателя, отказ ключа преобразователя частоты. Был проведён обзор аккумуляторов, обоснован выбор ёмкости аккумуляторной батареи. Цель работы – разработка отказоустойчивого вентильного электропривода для гибридного транспортного средства, обеспечение алгоритма восстановления работоспособности. Выпускная квалификационная работа выполнена в текстовом редакторе Microsoft Office Word 2010 с использованием пакетов: Microsoft Visio 2010, Matlab Simulink.Final qualifying work consists of 79 pages, 10 figure, 30 tables, 24 sources. Key words: hybrid vehicle, failover the valve actuator, the mathematical model of the brushless DC motor, open-phase mode, output phase loss, failure of a key of the frequency Converter. A review was undertaken of batteries and justifies the choice of battery capacity. The work purpose – development of fault-tolerant brushless drive for a hybrid vehicle, provision of algorithm restore functionality. Final qualifying work is executed in a text editor Microsoft Office Word 2010 packages: Microsoft Visio 2010, Matlab Simulink

    Conditions of the Development of Logistic Centers in Poland in the Context of European States Experiences

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    The article is, for the most part, the aftermath of his own examinations carried out in years 2007-2010 and concerning logistic centers development conditioning.Artykuł jest w znacznej mierze pokłosiem badań własnych autora przeprowadzonych w latach: 2007-2010 dotyczących uwarunkowań rozwoju centrów logistycznych

    Osteoarthritis, cerebrovascular dysfunction and the common denominator of inflammation: a narrative review

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    © 2018 The Author(s) Objective: Population-based cohort studies suggest an association between osteoarthritis (OA) and cerebrovascular disease, yet the mechanisms underlying vascular comorbidities in OA remain unclear. The purpose of this narrative review is to discuss the literature examining inflammation in OA with a focus on physiological mechanisms, and whether overlapping mechanisms exist in cerebrovascular dysfunction. Method: A literature search was conducted in PubMed using combinations of search terms: osteoarthritis, cerebrovascular (disease/dysfunction/risk), cardiovascular (disease/dysfunction/risk), aging/ageing, inflammation, inflammatory mediators, cytokine, c-reactive protein, interleukin, advanced glycation end-products, metabolic syndrome, reactive oxidative species, cognitive impairment, (vascular-related) dementia, small cerebral vessel disease, endothelial function, blood–brain barrier, gender/sex, hypertension, peripheral vascular health, and physical activity. Reference lists of identified articles were also researched manually. Results: Overlapping inflammatory factors that may contribute to onset and progression of both OA and cerebrovascular dysfunction are presented. We describe oxidative mechanisms involving pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative species, advanced glycation end-products, sex hormones, microvascular dysfunction and osteoprotegerin, and their specific roles in potentially contributing to OA and cerebrovascular dysfunction. Conclusion: Synthesis of the current literature suggests future investigations may benefit from directly testing cerebrovascular hemodynamics and cognitive function in individuals with or at risk of OA to elucidate common physiological mechanisms

    HITRAP: A facility at GSI for highly charged ions

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    An overview and status report of the new trapping facility for highly charged ions at the Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung is presented. The construction of this facility started in 2005 and is expected to be completed in 2008. Once operational, highly charged ions will be loaded from the experimental storage ring ESR into the HITRAP facility, where they are decelerated and cooled. The kinetic energy of the initially fast ions is reduced by more than fourteen orders of magnitude and their thermal energy is cooled to cryogenic temperatures. The cold ions are then delivered to a broad range of atomic physics experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Charged Scalar Particles and τ\tau Leptonic Decay

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    Charged scalar particles introduced in some extensions of the standard model can induce τ\tau leptonic decay at tree level. We find that with some charged SU(2)-singlet scalar particles, like ones introduced in Zee-type models, τ\tau leptonic decay width is always smaller than what is predicted by the standard model, therefore they may offer a natural solution to τ\tau decay puzzle. To be more specific, we examine some Zee-type models in detail to see if at the same time they are acceptable in particle physics, cosmology and astrophysics. It is shown that τ\tau decay data do put some constrains on these models.Comment: ICTP Report No. IC/93/31, 12 pages, Latex, one figure is not included, it is available upon deman

    Three-flavor atmospheric neutrino anomaly

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    We investigate the indications of flavor oscillations that come from the anomalous flavor composition of the atmospheric neutrino flux observed in some underground experiments. We study the information coming from the neutrino-induced μ\mu-like and ee-like events both in the sub-GeV energy range (Kamiokande, IMB, Fr{\'e}jus, and NUSEX experiments) and in the multi-GeV energy range (Kamiokande experiment). First we analyze all the data in the limits of pure νμντ\nu_\mu\leftrightarrow\nu_\tau and νμνe\nu_\mu\leftrightarrow\nu_e oscillations. We obtain that νμνe\nu_\mu\leftrightarrow\nu_e oscillations provide a better fit, in particular to the multi-GeV data. Then we perform a three-flavor analysis in the hypothesis of dominance of one neutrino square mass difference, m2m^2, implying that the neutrino mixing is parametrized by two angles, (ψ,ϕ)[0,π/2](\psi,\,\phi)\in[0,\,\pi/2]. We explore the space (m2,ψ,ϕ)(m^2,\,\psi,\,\phi) exhaustively, and find the regions favored by the oscillation hypothesis. The results are displayed in a form suited to the comparison with other flavor oscillation searches at accelerator, reactor, and solar ν\nu experiments. In the analysis, we pay particular attention to the earth matter effects, to the correlation of the uncertainties, and to the symmetry properties of the oscillation probability.Comment: 25 pages (RevTeX) + 12 figures, requires epsfig.sty. All the figures are bitmapped. Postscript figures with full resolution are available at ftp://ftp.sns.ias.edu/pub/lisi/atmpaper

    Motilitätsstörungen des Ösophagus

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    Zusammenfassung: Motilitätsstörungen des Ösophagus umfassen ein heterogenes Spektrum von Erkrankungen. Primäre Fehlbildungen des Ösophagus sind heute zwar einer verbesserten chirurgischen und gastroenterologischen Therapie zugänglich, führen jedoch zu langfristig persistierender ösophagealer Dysmotilität. Die Achalasie resultiert aus einer gestörten Relaxation des gastroösophagealen Sphinkters. Systemische Erkrankungen können mit einer sekundären ösophagealen Motilitätsstörung einhergehen. Zahlreiche neuromuskuläre Erkrankungen mit viszeraler Manifestation zeigen eine ösophageale Beteiligung. Selten kann eine Aganglionose bis in den Ösophagus reichen. Die wachsende Gruppe der Myopathien schließt metabolische und mitochondriale Störungen ein, deren zunehmende Charakterisierung genetischer Defekte vereinzelt bereits therapeutische Ansätze eröffnet. Infektbedingte Ösophagitiden zeigen besonders bei immunkompromittierten Patienten eine schwere Störung der Motilität. Immunologisch vermittelte Entzündungsprozesse im und um den Ösophagus werden allmählich besser verstanden. Schließlich können seltene Tumoren und tumorartige Läsionen eine Dysmotilität des Ösophagus verursache

    Rabies screen reveals GPe control of cocaine-triggered plasticity.

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    Identification of neural circuit changes that contribute to behavioural plasticity has routinely been conducted on candidate circuits that were preselected on the basis of previous results. Here we present an unbiased method for identifying experience-triggered circuit-level changes in neuronal ensembles in mice. Using rabies virus monosynaptic tracing, we mapped cocaine-induced global changes in inputs onto neurons in the ventral tegmental area. Cocaine increased rabies-labelled inputs from the globus pallidus externus (GPe), a basal ganglia nucleus not previously known to participate in behavioural plasticity triggered by drugs of abuse. We demonstrated that cocaine increased GPe neuron activity, which accounted for the increase in GPe labelling. Inhibition of GPe activity revealed that it contributes to two forms of cocaine-triggered behavioural plasticity, at least in part by disinhibiting dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area. These results suggest that rabies-based unbiased screening of changes in input populations can identify previously unappreciated circuit elements that critically support behavioural adaptations

    The Standard Model in Strong Fields: Electroweak Radiative Corrections for Highly Charged Ions

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    Electroweak radiative corrections to the matrix elements <ns1/2H^PNCnp1/2><ns_{1/2}|{\hat H}_{PNC}|n'p_{1/2}> are calculated for highly charged hydrogenlike ions. These matrix elements constitute the basis for the description of the most parity nonconserving (PNC) processes in atomic physics. The operator H^PNC{\hat H}_{PNC} represents the parity nonconserving relativistic effective atomic Hamiltonian at the tree level. The deviation of these calculations from the calculations valid for the momentum transfer q2=0q^{2}=0 demonstrates the effect of the strong field, characterized by the momentum transfer q2=me2q^{2}=m_{e}^{2} (mem_{e} is the electron mass). This allows for a test of the Standard Model in the presence of strong fields in experiments with highly charged ions.Comment: 27 LaTex page