891 research outputs found

    On neoclassical impurity transport in stellarator geometry

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    The impurity dynamics in stellarators has become an issue of moderate concern due to the inherent tendency of the impurities to accumulate in the core when the neoclassical ambipolar radial electric field points radially inwards (ion root regime). This accumulation can lead to collapse of the plasma due to radiative losses, and thus limit high performance plasma discharges in non-axisymmetric devices.\\ A quantitative description of the neoclassical impurity transport is complicated by the breakdown of the assumption of small E×B\mathbf{E}\times \mathbf{B} drift and trapping due to the electrostatic potential variation on a flux surface Φ~\tilde{\Phi} compared to those due to the magnetic field gradient. The present work examines the impact of this potential variation on neoclassical impurity transport in the Large Helical Device (LHD) stellarator. It shows that the neoclassical impurity transport can be strongly affected by Φ~\tilde{\Phi}. The central numerical tool used is the δf\delta f particle in cell (PIC) Monte Carlo code EUTERPE. The Φ~\tilde{\Phi} used in the calculations is provided by the neoclassical code GSRAKE. The possibility of obtaining a more general Φ~\tilde{\Phi} self-consistently with EUTERPE is also addressed and a preliminary calculation is presented.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, presented at Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasmas, 2012. Accepted for publication to Plasma Phys. and Control. Fusio

    Comparison of particle trajectories and collision operators for collisional transport in nonaxisymmetric plasmas

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    In this work, we examine the validity of several common simplifying assumptions used in numerical neoclassical calculations for nonaxisymmetric plasmas, both by using a new continuum drift-kinetic code and by considering analytic properties of the kinetic equation. First, neoclassical phenomena are computed for the LHD and W7-X stellarators using several versions of the drift-kinetic equation, including the commonly used incompressible-ExB-drift approximation and two other variants, corresponding to different effective particle trajectories. It is found that for electric fields below roughly one third of the resonant value, the different formulations give nearly identical results, demonstrating the incompressible ExB-drift approximation is quite accurate in this regime. However, near the electric field resonance, the models yield substantially different results. We also compare results for various collision operators, including the full linearized Fokker-Planck operator. At low collisionality, the radial transport driven by radial gradients is nearly identical for the different operators, while in other cases it is found to be important that collisions conserve momentum

    Properties of a new quasi-axisymmetric configuration

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    A novel, compact, quasi-axisymmetric configuration is presented which exhibits low fast-particle losses and is stable to ideal MHD instabilities. The design has fast-particle loss rates below 8\% for flux surfaces within the half-radius, and is shown to have an MHD-stability limit of a normalised pressure of β=3%\langle\beta\rangle=3\% where β\langle\beta\rangle is volume averaged. The flux surfaces at various plasma betas and currents as calculated using the SPEC equilibrium code are presented. Neoclassical transport coefficients are shown to be similar to an equivalent tokamak, with a distinct banana regime at half-radius. An initial coil design study is presented to assess the feasibility of this configuration as a fusion-relevant experiment

    Reduced Aspect Ratio HELIAS Configurations

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