5 research outputs found

    Molecular Properties and CYP2D6 Substrates: Central Nervous System Therapeutics Case Study and Pattern Analysis of a Substrate Database

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    CYP2D6 substrate status is a critical Go/No Go decision criteria in central nervous system (CNS) drug discovery efforts because the polymorphic nature of CYP2D6 can lead to variable patient safety and drug efficacy. In addition, CYP2D6 is disproportionately involved in the metabolism of CNS drugs compared with other drug classes. Therefore, identifying trends in small molecule properties of CNS-penetrant compounds that can help discriminate potential CYP2D6 substrates from nonsubstrates would allow additional prioritization in the synthesis and biological evaluation of new therapeutic candidates. We report here the conversion of the CNS drug minaprine from substrate to nonsubstrate, as well as the conversion of the related CNS drug minozac from nonsubstrate to substrate, through the use of analog synthesis and CYP2D6 enzyme kinetic analyses. No single molecular property strongly correlated with substrate status for this 3-amino-4-methyl-6-phenylpyridazine scaffold, although molecular volume and charge appeared to be indirectly related. A parsed database of CYP2D6 substrates across diverse chemical structures was assembled and analyzed for physical property trends correlating with substrate status. We found that a complex interplay of properties influenced CYP2D6 substrate status and that the particular chemical scaffold affects which properties are most prominent. The results also identified an unexpected issue in CNS drug discovery, in that some property trends correlative with CYP2D6 substrates overlap previously reported properties that correlate with CNS penetrance. These results suggest the need for a careful balance in the design and synthesis of new CNS therapeutic candidates to avoid CYP2D6 substrate status while maintaining CNS penetrance

    Glial activation links early-life seizures and long-term neurologic dysfunction: evidence using a small molecule inhibitor of proinflammatory cytokine upregulation

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    PURPOSE: Early-life seizures increase vulnerability to subsequent neurologic insult. We tested the hypothesis that early-life seizures increase susceptibility to later neurologic injury by causing chronic glial activation. To determine the mechanisms by which glial activation may modulate neurologic injury, we examined both acute changes in proinflammatory cytokines and long-term changes in astrocyte and microglial activation and astrocyte glutamate transporters in a two-hit model of kainic acid (KA)-induced seizures. METHODS: Postnatal day (P) 15 male rats were administered KA or phosphate buffered saline (PBS). On P45 animals either received a second treatment of KA or PBS. On P55, control (PBS-PBS), early-life seizure (KA-PBS), adult seizure (PBS-KA), and two-hit (KA-KA) groups were examined for astrocyte and microglial activation, alteration in glutamate transporters, and expression of the glial protein, clusterin. RESULTS: P15 seizures resulted in an acute increase in hippocampal levels of IL-1beta and S100B, followed by behavioral impairment and long-term increases in GFAP and S100B. Animals in the two-hit group showed greater microglial activation, neurologic injury, and susceptibility to seizures compared to the adult seizure group. Glutamate transporters increased following seizures but did not differ between these two groups. Treatment with Minozac, a small molecule inhibitor of proinflammatory cytokine upregulation, following early-life seizures prevented both the long-term increase in activated glia and the associated behavioral impairment. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that glial activation following early-life seizures results in increased susceptibility to seizures in adulthood, in part through priming microglia and enhanced microglial activation. Glial activation may be a novel therapeutic target in pediatric epilepsy