303 research outputs found


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    Reverend Eugen Å utrin was a victim of the supremacy of the communist ideological passion that ruled the entire area of Croatia in the immediate post-war period, including the town of Privlaka near Zadar. In this imposed atmosphere, individuals and groups of people who were close to or ideologically committed to the communist principles took it upon them-selves to decide on the fate of others. Quite often, their personal assessments and evaluations resulted in attacks on property and on the lives of individuals for whom they were determined to be their worldview or class enemies. There were two components involved in the case of Rev. Eugen Å utrin, who was murdered at the end of 1945: the first defined him as a worldview opponent and the second saw him as a witness to the events at the Italian concentration camp for civilian internees on Molat. The investigative actions taken against the suspects for the committed crime and the subsequent trials did not fully reveal which of the previously mentioned components was the key motive for the murder of Rev. Eugen Å utrin

    Analysis of quality of urban public transport - an example of housing developments in the city of Zagreb

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    Zbog sve veće važnosti prometa kao jedne od glavnih sastavnica u funkcioniranju određenog prostora, te povećane mobilnosti stanovniÅ”tva velikih urbanih centara, ovaj rad analizira kvalitetu javnog gradskog prijevoza na primjeru novih stambenih naselja u gradu Zagrebu. Nova stambena naselja u gradu Zagrebu nastaju u novije doba, a razvijaju se planski na gradskim rubovima. Zbog udaljenosti od centra grada, te zbog činjenice da su naseljena mlađom i mobilnijom populacijom, javni gradski prijevoz ima veliku ulogu u funkcionalnom povezivanju novih naselja s ostatkom Grada Zagreba. Kao takav, javni gradski prijevoz pogodan je za istraživanje koje uključuje kvantitativnu i kvalitativnu analizu podataka u svrhu dobivanja adekvatnih rezultata.Due to the increasing importance of traffic as one of the main components of the functioning of a certain area and because of the increase of the mobility in the population of large urban centers, this thesis analyzes the quality of urban public transport in new housing developments in the city of Zagreb. New housing developments in the city of Zagreb ensue in recent times, and their formation is being planned on the outskirts of the city. Because of their remote location and its younger and more mobile population, urban public transport plays a major role in the functional connection between these new developments with the rest of the city of Zagreb. As such, urban public transport is suitable for research that includes quantative and qualitative data analisys, so that the results are representative

    Bones, Burials, and the Riddle of Truth: Reconstructing the Past Through What Has Been Left Behind

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    Mortuary archaeology is known to be the study of human remains and burials. The primary focus of this work has been to study all of the elements associated in burials to learn more about the burial practices and rituals in a groupā€™s culture, however, there is much more potential in studying burial sites than just learning about a groupā€™s burial rituals and practices. This thesis will demonstrate that it is indeed possible to make different inferences about the rest of peopleā€™s daily lives, and the truth, based from materials found in studying burials alone. For some groups without much existing and stable historical or cultural context, this could be the primary way of reconstructing their lives. For example, the Liburnian people from the Late Bronze Age did not leave behind any writings of their own so their historical record has relied on the writings of others. As a result, prior to excavations, not much could be said of who these people were and how they lived. Since excavations of burials began, much more has been learned about these people and archaeologists have been able to create a more accurate record of their lives. Before looking into how mortuary archaeology has helped Croatian people learn more about their Liburnian predecessors, this thesis will also revisit discourse on mortuary archaeology to emphasize how important it has been in helping shape methodology and theory within archaeology. Mortuary archaeology has evolved in such a way that it ultimately allows us to now ask better questions and make better inferences about the groups that we are studying and potentially allow us to help other groups with unreliable historical records learn more about their past as well

    Differences in the foot and leg flexibility and balance between trainees of classical pilates and body technique

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    Poznato je kako danas postoji velik broj programa vježbanja unutar fitnes industrije. Gotovo niti jedan od raznih programa pilatesa ne pridaje preveliku važnost osvjeÅ”tavanju te aktivaciji stopala u obliku snaženja i fleksibilnosti. Body tehnika, za razliku od klasičnog pilatesa, pridaje važnost stopalima, jačanju i razvoju fleksibilnosti miÅ”ića kroz specifično osmiÅ”ljene vježbe kojima ciljano ostvaruje optimalno funkcioniranje stopala kao potporanj ljudskog tijela. Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoje li razlike između fleksibilnosti miÅ”ića stopala i potkoljenice, te ravnoteže između vježbačica uključenih u program vježbanja klasičnog pilatesa i Body tehnike. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da od ukupno Å”est izmjerenih varijabli statistički značajna razlika postoji u četiri i to u korist ispitanica Body tehnike.Today there is a large number of training activities within the fitness industry. Almost none of the various Pilates programs give too much importance to the awareness of the feet and their activation in terms of strength and flexibility. Body Technique, unlike the classical Pilates, gives much importance to the feet, to strengthening and flexibility of their muscles through specially designed exercises, which aim at an optimal foot function as the support of the human body. The purpose of the study was to determine eventual differences between the flexibility of foot and lower leg muscles and the balance among the trainees involved in the classical Pilates training program and the Body Technique training program. The results obtained demonstrate, in a total of six variables that were measured, four statistically significant differences in favor of the Body Technique training program


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    Glavna svrha ovog diplomskog rada je istaknuti važnost izgradnje marke turističke destinacije obzirom na suvremene tržiÅ”ne trendove i rast konkurentnosti. Dok se pojam markiranja Å”iroko primjenjuje kod proizvoda i usluga, markiranje turističkih destinacija predstavlja relativno novu pojavu. Sve veći broj gradova u svijetu nastoji oživjeti i izgraditi pozitivan imidž. Naime, ukoliko žele dugoročno poslovati, privlačiti ciljne tržiÅ”ne segmente i ostale zainteresirane strane, neophodno je da kreiraju snažnu marku utemeljenu na vlastitom identitetu. U radu je predstavljen teorijski aspekt turističke destinacije i njegova važnost. Također je objaÅ”njen proces kreiranja i upravljanja markom destinacije, značaj tih aktivnosti i nužnost održivog razvoja. Zatim se prikazuju pozitivni primjeri zemalja koje su postigle visoku razinu tržiÅ”ne prepoznatljivosti zahvaljujući uspjeÅ”nom kreiranju i upravljanju markom. Kako bi se ukazalo na neiskoriÅ”tene potencijale grada KaÅ”tela, unutar izviđajnog istraživanja predstavljeni su svi iskoristivi resursi te destinacijske ikone na kojima se može graditi marka. Isto tako, provedeno je empirijsko istraživanje putem dubinskog intervjua s turističkim dionicima grada. Putem intervjua doÅ”lo se do spoznaja o trenutnom stanju i imidžu grada na tržiÅ”tu, razini osvijeÅ”tenosti dionika o potencijalima destinacije i važnosti kreiranja i upravljanja markom. Analizom rezultata se zaključuje da KaÅ”tela nemaju prepoznatljiv imidž na tržiÅ”tu, a turistički dionici su upoznati sa stanjem u kojem se grad nalazi. Stoga, u budućnosti, treba poduzimati konkretne aktivnosti u svrhu izgradnje i upravljanja markom destinacije kako bi se poslovanje unaprijedilo i ostvarili željeni rezultati.The main purpose of this graduate thesis is to point out the importance of building a tourist destination brand considering current market trends and competitiveness growth. Although the concept of branding has been widely applied to products and services, tourism destination branding is a relatively new phenomenon. A growing number of cities worldwide are seeking to revive and build a positive image. Namely, if they want to operate in a long term, attract target market segments and other stakeholders, it is necessary to create strong brands based on their own identity. The thesis presents theoretical aspect of the tourist destination and its importance. It also explains the process of creating and managing a destination brand, emphasizing the importance of these activities and the need of sustainable development. Also, some positive examples of countries are presented that have achieved high level of market recognition through successful brand creation and management. In order to point out the unused potentials of KaÅ”tela town, within the scope of survey research are presented all the usable resources and destination icons on which the brand can be built. Also, empirical research was conducted through in-depth interviews with the destination stakeholders. The interviews revealed current state and image of the city in the market, the level of stakeholderā€™s awareness of the destination potential and the importance of creating and managing the brand. Analysis of the results indicates that KaÅ”tela does not have recognizable image on the market and stakeholders are familiar with the state of the city. Therefore, in the future, city needs to take concrete activities of building and managing the destination brand in order to improve the business and achieve desired results

    Iza obzorja pobjede, Sudski procesi "narodnim neprijateljima" u Zadru 1944.-1946.

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    U radu je prikazano kako su jugoslavenski partizani nakon oslobođenja Zadra krajem 1944. proveli obračun s "narodnim neprijateljima", odnosno onima koji su bili njihovi vojni ili politički protivnici. Nije bila riječ isključivo o suđenju stvarnim ratnim zločincima, nego i o političkom obračunu sa stvarnim ili mogućim protivnicima novih jugoslavenskih komunističkih vlasti


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    Kulturemi prema Kollerovoj (2004) podjeli denotativne ekvivalencije pokazuju nultu ili tek rijetko djelomičnu ekvivalenciju u odnosu na leksički sustav nekoga drugog jezika. U ovome se radu prikazuje kako bi trebalo prevoditi gastronomske kultureme da zadovolje informativnu i apelativnu funkciju tekstne vrste jelovnik. Teoretsko polaziÅ”te pritom predstavljaju znanstvene spoznaje o prevođenju nulto ekvivalentnih pojmova (Barchudarow 1979, Newmark 1988, Koller 2004, Markstein 2006, Lipavic OÅ”tir 2013, Begonja 2016) i funkcionalističke prijevodne teorije skoposa (ReiƟ i Vermeer 1984) i prijevodnog djelovanja (Holz-MƤnntƤri 1984). Na temelju funkcionalnoga prijevodnog modela, koji je autorica osmislila za prijevode hrvatskih gastronomskih kulturema za jezični par hrvatski i njemački, istražuje se koji se prijevodni postupci trebaju primijeniti u svrhu realizacije funkcionalnih prijevoda. Prijevodni model koncipiran je u skladu s uobičajenom makrostrukturnom podjelom jelovnika na hladna predjela, juhe, topla predjela, mesna jela, riblja jela, desert i prikazuje se u zasebnim tablicama. Nakon navođenja autentičnih polaznih i ciljnih unosa koji se odnose na autohtona hrvatska jela iz zadarskih jelovnika, navodi se prijedlog funkcionalnog prijevoda ciljnog teksta u koji su integrirane i uvriježene jezične konstrukcije koje ciljano pridonose realizaciji skoposa prijevoda. Određivanje primijenjenoga prijevodnog postupka na ukupnom korpusu od 111 predloženih ciljnih tekstova pokazuje da se u funkcionalnim prijevodima upotrebljavaju samo tri prijevodna postupka, i to doslovan prijevod s dodatnim objaÅ”njenjem, doslovan prijevod bez dodatnog objaÅ”njenja te citiranje riječi s dodatnim objaÅ”njenjem. Autoričino iskustvo prevođenja naziva jela pokazalo je da je značajan preduvjet za postizanje funkcionalnih prijevoda svakako i visoka razina poznavanja strukovnog jezika gastronomije te jezičnih konstrukcija koje pridonose ispunjavanju informativne i apelativne funkcije tekstne vrste.Ā According to Kollerā€™s (2004) classification of denotative equivalence, culturemes share zero or only partial equivalence with the lexical system of another language. This paper shows how culture-specific words from the gastronomic field should be translated so that these words fulfil the informative and appellative function of the menu, as a specific text type. The theoretical framework of this paper is based on the scientific research into translation of concepts that have zero equivalence (Barchudarow 1979, Newmark 1988, Koller 2004, Markstein 2006, Lipavic OÅ”tir 2013, Begonja 2016), functionalist Skopos Theory (ReiƟ and Vermeer 1984) and translation action (Holz-MƤnntƤri 1984). Based on the functional translation model for the language pair Croatian-German proposed by the author, in this paper the focus will be on the use of a selected translation procedure in light of achieving functionally translated texts. The functional translation model is based on theĀ  typical macrostructure of menus, which consists of the division into Cold Starters, Soups,Ā  Warm Starters, Meat Dishes, Fish Dishes, and Desserts, which is shown in separate tables. Starting from authentic source and target inputs, which denoteĀ  original Croatian dishes on menus in Zadar, a proposal for a functional translation of the target text is given, which integrates common and typically usedĀ  language structures that purposefully add to the Skopos of the translated text. The analysis of 111 target texts includes the identification and determinationĀ  of the translation procedure used and the results indicate that in functional translations only three translation procedures are applied: literal translation with or without an additional explanation and citing words with additional explanation. The authorā€™s experience in translating the names of dishes supports theĀ  argument that a significant prerequisite for achieving functional translation is certainly a high level of proficiency in the specialized language of gastronomy, as well as the knowledge of linguistic structures that contribute to fulfilling the informative and appellative function of the menu, as a specific text type.


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    Cilj ovog rada je pokuÅ”ati dokazati da postoji pozitivna korelacija između varijabli ulaganje u obrazovanje i stope rasta BDP-a. U radu smo koristili panel procjenitelje kako bi doÅ”li do zaključka da postoji pozitivna povezanost između varijabli ulaganje u obrazovanje i stope rasta BDP-a. Hipoteze koje smo postavili u teoretskom dijelu rada smo prihvatili, odnosno H1 hipotezu da postoji pozitivn veza između ulaganja u obrazovanje i stope rasta BDP-a, te H2 hipotezu kojom potvrđujemo da je veza između ulaganja u obrazovanje i stope rasta BDP-a nelinearna. Kako bi potvrdili su podaci pouzdani i nepromjenjivi, urađena je provjera robusnosti kojom se potvrđuje da su dobiveni rezultati pouzdani i nepromjenjivi. Iz svega navedenoga proizlazi zaključak kako na temelju odabranih podataka za OECD zemlje u razdoblju od 1960.-2014. godine, ulaganjem u obrazovanje povećava se stopa rasta BDP-a, Å”to potvrđuje naÅ”a očekivanja iz teoretskog dijela rada.The goal of this paper is to research is there correlation between investment in education and GDP growth. Using panel estimators we have confirmed that there is a positive correlation between investment in education and GDP growth. We have accepted the hypotesis in the theoretical part of paper, H1 hypotesis that there iis a positive relation between investment in education and GDP growth and H2 hypotesis that the relation between investment in education and GDP growth is nonlinear. We have made a robusty check and confirm that the given results are reliable. The conclusion is that for OECD countries in period from 1960.- 2014., investment in education has a positive influence on GDP growth, and that confirms our expectation from the theoretical part of paper
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