29 research outputs found

    Nekazaritza ekologikoko elikagaien banaketa politikaren kudeaketa iraunkorra: adierazle sistema holistiko-agroekologikoaren proposamena

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    600 p.Ikerketa honen helburu nagusia izan da nekazaritza ekologikoko elikagaien sektorean jarduten duten enpresa eta erakundeentzat nekazaritza ekologikoko elikagaien banaketa politika modu iraunkorrean kudeatzeko lagungarriak izan daitezkeen irizpideak argitzea eta, ezagutza horretatik, kudeaketan sortu daitezkeen eraginen bitartez, nekazaritza sektoreari eta gizarteari eskainitako balioa handitzea.Horretarako, nekazaritza ekologikoko elikagaien banaketa politikaren kudeaketaren iraunkortasuna (ekologikoa, ekonomikoa, soziala eta kulturala) baloratzeko adierazle holistiko-agroekologikoen proposamena garatu dugu. Proposamena garatzearen arrazoi nagusiak izan dira: batetik, azken urteetan krisi ekologikoaren eta elikadura istiluen testuinguruan, nekazaritza ekologikoaren eta agroekologiaren inguruan interesa hedatu egin da. Hala ere, egoera hori ez da eskaeran guztiz islatu, nagusiki elikagai ekologikoen irisgarritasun faltagatik, oztopo hori bere kontsumorako galga nagusitzat joz. Bestetik, nekazaritza ekologikoaren garapen iraunkorraren mesedetan, nekazaritza ekologikoko elikagaien marketin kudeaketak dituen bereizgarriak identifikatzeko beharra dagoela uste dugu, bereziki bere banaketa politikarena. Azkenik, ikerketa honekin, gairen inguruan dauden ikerketa zientifiko urriei ikuspegi berritzaile baten ekarpena egiten saiatu gara. Finean, ikerketak sektorearen ahalduntze beharrari ekarpena egin diezaiokela iruditzen zaigu.Ikuspegi holistiko-agroekologikoaren logikari jarraituz, adierazle sistemaren proposamena eraikitzeko prozesu kualitatiboa garatu da (focus group eta adituen panela) sektoreko eta akademiako eragile desberdinen parte-hartzearekin. Horrez gain, prozesuan deduzitutako proposizioak eta adierazle sistema bera balioztatzeko, Euskal Herrian eta Espainiar estatuan barazki eta fruta ekologikoa komertzializatzen duten 40 esperientziek adierazle sisteman lortutako emaitzak aztertu ditugu, bakoitzarekin izandako aurrez-aurreko elkarrizketa sakonen bitartez.Ikerketaren ondorioz, nekazaritza ekologikoaren elikagaien testuinguruaren, marketinaren eta marketin kudeaketaren bereizgarriak ikuspegi holistiko-agroekologikotik zehaztu ditugu. Gainera, banaketa politikan hartzen diren erabakiak iraunkortasunaren dimentsioetan nola eragin eta erlazionatzen diren eta, adierazle sistemaren proposamenarekin, banaketa eredu iraunkor baterako gakoak aurkeztu ditugu.El objetivo principal de esta investigación ha sido explicar los criterios que apoyen una gestión sostenible de la política de distribución de los alimentos agrarios ecológicos de las empresas y las organizaciones relacionadas con el primer sector ecológico y, de este conocimiento, extraer las implicaciones de gestión dirigidas a incrementar el valor proporcionado al sector agrícola y la sociedad.Para ello, proponemos un sistema de indicadores holístico-agroecológicos que valoren la sostenibilidad (ecológica, económica, social y cultural) de la gestión de la política de distribución de los alimentos agrarios ecológicos. Las razones principales para desarrollar este trabajo han sido: por un lado, el contexto de crisis alimentaria y ecológica de los últimos años ha generado un interés creciente en torno a la agricultura ecológica y la agroecología. Este hecho, sin embargo, no se ha visto plenamente reflejado en la demanda, debido, principalmente, a la falta de accesibilidad a los alimentos ecológicos, circunstancia que supone un obstáculo importante para su consumo. Por otro lado, y en aras de lograr un desarrollo perdurable de la agricultura ecológica, consideramos necesario identificar las particularidades de su gestión de marketing, haciendo especial hincapié en su política de distribución. Finalmente, con este trabajo hemos pretendido aportar una visión novedosa a la escasa investigación científica existente en el tema objeto de estudio. Consideramos, además, que con las aportaciones recogidas en esta investigación podemos favorecer el empoderamiento sectorial.Siguiendo la lógica de la visión holística-agroecológica, la construcción del sistema de indicadores se ha desarrollado a través de un proceso cualitativo (focus group y panel de expertos/as) con la participación de diferentes agentes del sector y la academia. Así mismo, las proposiciones y el propio sistema de indicadores deducidos a lo largo de ese proceso se han validado en la práctica analizando los resultados que para con el sistema de indicadores tienen 40 experiencias que comercializan fruta y verdura ecológica en Euskal Herria y el estado español, mediante entrevistas en profundidad con cada una de ellas.Como resultado de esta investigación, hemos definido las características particulares del entorno, el marketing y la gestión del marketing de los alimentos agrarios ecológicos desde una visión holística-agroecológica. Además, hemos presentado el impacto y la relación de las decisiones de la política de distribución con las dimensiones de la sostenibilidad, exponiendo, a través de la propuesta del sistema de indicadores, las claves para un modelo de distribución perdurable

    The Promotion of Sustainable Diets in the Healthcare System and Implications for Health Professionals: A Scoping Review

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    The impacts of the current global food system are already visible in the environment and in the health of the population. The promotion of sustainable diets is key to counter the negative consequences. The healthcare system could be a powerful tool to educate patients by guiding their diets towards sustainability. This study aimed to assess the size and scope of the available literature regarding the promotion of sustainable diets in the healthcare system and to obtain a reliable approximation of the processes and roles related to sustainable diet promotion within healthcare systems. A scoping review where online databases were used to identify English written scientific and grey literature published between 2000–2019 was carried out. The analytical–synthetic approach was used for data charting. Twelve studies were included that were published between 2007–2020. The data highlight education, community and clinical health services, community engagement and policy advocacy, and governance as main action areas along with two transversal aspects, social support, and gender. A systemic approach to the food system is emphasized. Evidence suggests that health professionals have the potential to drive a paradigm shift in food–health environments. Currently, however, their role and potential impact is underestimated within healthcare systems. This review has identified a framework with key areas where processes need to be developed to guarantee sustainable diet promotion in healthcare services.This research was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant number 836353

    Identifying a Sustainable Food Procurement Strategy in Healthcare Systems: A Scoping Review

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    The healthcare system’s climate footprint is equivalent to 4.4% of global net emission. The food service offered, with subsequent food waste production and energy consumption, falls within the spectrum of environmentally harmful activities. The development of a Sustainable Food Procurement Strategy is an opportunity to counteract these negative effects. This article aims to identify the nature and extent of the evidence found in the literature on the processes related to food procurement within healthcare systems and analyse them from the perspective of sustainability dimensions. A scoping review is carried out using online databases to identify scientific and grey literature published in English during the period 2000–2019. An analytical-synthetic approach is used for charting the data. Twenty-six studies are included; 65% of them published in the last five years. These include research articles (n 11), an opinion article (n 1), policy handbooks and guides (n 2), project reports (n 4) and technical reports (n 3), policy forums (n 1), factsheet documents (n 3), and legislative directives (n 1). The outcomes framework highlights multilevel governance, a sustainable food supply system, and healthy and sustainable food services as the main action areas for a sustainable food procurement strategy, along with six transversal features: long-term commitment, investment, evaluation, communication, gender, and a holistic approach.This research was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie, grant number 836353

    ¿Cuál es el rol del Dietista-Nutricionista en el sistema alimentario de 2030?

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    III Congreso de Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética. Combinar la nutrición comunitaria y personalizada: nuevos retos

    Euskadin 2030ean elikadura sistema iraunkorra izateko ikerketa eta berrikuntza estrategia: Euskadiko Fit4Food2030 politiken laborategiko emaitzak

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    61 p.Horizonte Europa markoak identifikatutako erronken artean, lurzoruen osasuna eta elikagaiak dira misioaren arloetako bi, eta horiekin batera, ingurumenari, baliabideei eta elikadurari loturiko nekazaritza. Abiapuntu gisa ezartzen den iraunkortasun ikuspegia garatzeko zutarriak dira guztiak. Horregatik, koordinazio lan taldeak Fit4Food2030 proiektuan parte hartzea aukera on bezala hartu izan du, Europaren baitan euskal elikadura sistema iraunkorrerako ikerketa eta berrikuntza estrategiak zehaztu ahal izateko.Finantziazioa: Europar Batasuna. Proiektu honek Europar Batasuneko Horizon 2020 ikerketa eta berrikuntza programaren dirulaguntza jaso du 774088 zk.ko beka hitzarmenaren arabera

    Estrategia de investigación e innovación para un sistema alimentario sostenible en Euskadi 2030: resultados del laboratorio de políticas Fit4Food2030 de Euskadi

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    61 p.Entre los desafíos identificados por el marco de Horizonte Europa, la salud del suelo y los alimentos es uno de los ámbitos de misión junto con la agricultura vinculada al medio ambiente, los recursos y la alimentación, que son parte del pilar para el desarrollo de la visión sostenible planteada como punto de partida. Por ello, la participación en el proyecto Fit-4Food2030 se ha considerado por parte del equipo coordinador desde su inicio una gran oportunidad para definir estrategias de investigación e innovación para un sistema alimentario vasco sostenible dentro de Europa.Financia: Union Europea. Programa de investigación e innovación Horizonte 2020 de la Unión Europea en virtud del acuerdo de subvención No 77408

    12. GIHa aletzen: ekoizpen eta kontsumo jasangarriaren mugarriak

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    Sei urte bete dira Nazio Batuen Erakundeak 2030 Agendako Garapen Iraunkorrerako Helburuak onartu zituenetik. Artikulu honetan, 12. GIHaren analisia egingo dugu, eko-feminismoak bere egin duen iraunkortasunaren kontzeptualizaziotik abiatuta. Gure analisian, lehenik, 12. GIHaren irakurketa orokorra egingo dugu, eta, ondoren, hamaika erronka zehatzez osaturiko helburu horren xehetasunak eta kontraesanak aletuko ditugu. Analisiaren ondorio gisa, azpimarratuko dugu gure ekoizteko eta kontsumitzeko erak, naturak birsortzeko dituen gaitasun-mugak aspaldi gainditu zituen arren, hazkunde mugagabean eta kontsumo masiboan oinarritutako logika ekonomikoan oinarritzen jarraitzen duela. GIHetan topatzen diren inkoherentzien aurrean, aztertutako erronketan jaso ditugun hausnarketekin, trantsizio ekosozialaren bidetik bizitza iraunkor bat lortzea aldarrikatzen dugu. ABSTRACT: Six years have passed since the UN approval of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. In this article, we approach the analysis of SDG 12, based on the conceptualization of sustainability from the Ecofeminism perspective. The analysis commences with a general reading of this SDG, followed by the unravelling of the details and contradictions of this objective, which is made up of eleven specific challenges. The analysis shows that although our way of producing and consuming has long exceeded the limits of nature's regenerative capacity, it is emphasized that it continues to be based on an economic logic based on unlimited growth and mass consumption. Bearing in mind the inconsistencies found in the SDGs, with the reflections collected in the challenges analyzed, the achievement of a sustainable life is limited to doing so through the eco-social transition.; Six years have passed since the UN approval of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. In this article, we approach the analysis of SDG 12, based on the conceptualization of sustainability from the Ecofeminism perspective. The analysis com-mences with a general reading of this SDG, followed by the unravelling of the details and contra-dictions of this objective, which is made up of eleven specific challenges. The analysis shows that although our way of producing and consuming has long exceeded the limits of nature’s regenera-tive capacity, it is emphasized that it continues to be based on an economic logic based on unlim-ited growth and mass consumption. Bearing in mind the inconsistencies found in the SDGs, with the reflections collected in the challenges analyzed, the achievement of a sustainable life is lim-ited to doing so through the eco-social transition

    Measuring The Economic Impact Of Farmers' Markets On Local Economies In The Basque Country

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    Farmers' markets are a traditional exchange space for local peasants, around which alternative agri-food networks (AFNs) are being built on a local scale. These AFNs seek to establish quality and trust-based equitable relationships within value chains. The main objective of this paper is to measure the economic impact of 10 farmers' markets on the local economy in the Basque province of Gipuzkoa (Northern Spain). To calculate the degree of impact, we use the tools of input-output analysis, adapting the SEED & NEED & FEED (Sticky Economic Evaluation Device & Neighborhood Exchange Evaluation Device & Food Environment Evaluation Device) approach to the specific context of the Basque Country. The results obtained give an economic value of the impact of these marketing spaces, including direct and indirect effects on other economic sectors. Furthermore, the results show that markets present other factors, not just economic, that add value for both producers and consumers, as well as for the local economy.This work has been supported by the Diputacion Foral (province government) of Gipuzkoa and the Federation of Rural Development Associations of Gipuzkoa Landaola. We are extremely grateful to the farmers and consumers of the local markets for their help and contribution to this research, and for their involvement with their territory on a day-to-day basis. In addition, we thank the members of the associations of rural development and agricultural techniques that have participated in order to share their direct experience of the farmers markets studied. Thanks also go to Daniel Lopez-Garcia for his inspiration for the conceptual framework debate contained in this text

    Participatory Guarantee Systems: When People Want to Take Part

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    Participatory guarantee systems (PGSs) have emerged as a response to exclusion and intermediation processes involving third-party certification, which is currently the only guarantee system recognised by the European Union for organic food. Despite their unofficial recognition, PGSs are developing and generating shared frameworks of action. In this research, through three certification bodies (two public and one private) and eight PGSs in Spain, we investigate the similarities and differences between the procedures and tasks that both systems develop in order to generate trust in the decision-making structures involved and the responsibilities on which they are based. While the overall organisation of the systems is very similar, there are profound differences in their decision-making: their procedures and who participates in them. The differences we highlight lead us to argue that PGSs effectively solve the exclusion problems that third-party certification generates. Specifically, they offer lower costs and more accessible bureaucracy. They also generate and strengthen, through trust-building, the links and processes of local self-management and empowerment. However, developing PGSs demands much time and dedication, and their official regulation is complex, so it is difficult to predict that they will be widely adopted

    Nekazaritzako elikagai ekologikoen banaketa politika iraunkorra: adierazle sistema agroekologikoaren proposamen praktikoa

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    [EUS] Nekazaritza ekologikoko produktuen ekoizpena eta kontsumoa hazi egin da azken urteetan, etengabe eta modu garrantzitsuan. Kontsumitzaileen segmentu berriak sortu dira kezka berriekin: osasuna, ingurumena, bertako produktuak eta bertako ekonomia, … Horrek, lehen sektorearentzat aukera berriak ekarri ditu, nahiz eta ez duen marketina eta komertzializazio erabakien planifikazioa egiteko ohiturarik. Zentzu horretan, marketineko kudeaketarako interesgarriak izan daitezken ikuspegiak aztertzen ditugu lan honetan, ikuspegi holistiko-agroekologikoari arreta berezia zuzenduz, lehen sektorearen beharretara egokitzen delako. Horrez gain, eta nekazaritza ekologikoko produktuen banaketa politikak duen garrantzia azpimarratuz, adierazle sistema iraunkor bat proposatzen dugu, sektoreko erakundeen banaketa politikako erabaki iraunkorren gida gisa ulertuz eta euren kudeaketarako tresna lagungarria izan daitekeela irudiz. Ikerketaren logika eta helburuei jarraituz, adierazle sistema sortzeko landu dugun prozesu metodologiko parte-hartzailea eta egiaztatze prozesu praktikoa azalduko ditugu, baita bertan erabilitako teknikak eta emaitza bera ere, lau helburu, hamabi irizpide eta hogeita hamabost adierazle dituen sistema. Lana biribiltzeko proposamenaren inguruko eztabaida eta bere ekarpen teoriko eta praktikoak jasotzen ditugu.[EN] Production and consumption of organic farm food have continuously and significantly increased during last years. New consumer groups have emerged, inspired by new motivations: health, environment, local food and local economy. This context has created new options for farming activities, despite most of farmers are not used to planning of marketing decisions. The aim of this research is to analyze innovative approaches for marketing management, with special focus on the holistic-agroecological approach and its adaptation to farming activity. In addition, the relevance of organic food marketing policy management is highlighted and, as result, a sustainable indicator system is proposed. These indicators have been introduced as a guide for farms and organizations to help in the sustainable management of organic food marketing strategies. Following the logical and goals of the research, the design of the indicator system has been developed by a participatory process and it has been validated in practice. Used techniques and results are also showed: a system with four goals, twelve criteria and thirty five indicators. As conclusion, we expose the discussion on theoretical and practical proposals