2,439 research outputs found

    Evaluation of role of concentration and molecular weight of oat β-glucan in determining effect of viscosity on plasma glucose and insulin following an oral glucose load

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    Data from clinical studies established that there was an inverse linear relationship between measures of postprandial blood glucose and insulin responses to an oral glucose load, consumed in a drink, and the logarithm of viscosity of the drink. These data have been re-analysed using concentration and molecular weight as the dependent variables. Molecular weight (M) of the β-glucans used was determined using high-performance size exclusion chromatography equipped with a triple detector system of right angle light scattering, viscometry and refractive index. A significant relationship between changes in peak blood glucose and a combination of logarithm of the concentration and logarithm of M was foun

    The eventization of leisure and the strange death of alternative Leeds

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    The communicative potential of city spaces as leisure spaces is a central assumption of political activism and the creation of alternative, counter-cultural and subcultural scenes. However, such potential for city spaces is limited by the gentrification, privatization and eventization of city centres in the wake of wider societal and cultural struggles over leisure, work and identity formation. In this paper, we present research on alternative scenes in the city of Leeds to argue that the eventization of the city centre has led to a marginalization and of alternative scenes on the fringes of the city. Such marginalization has not caused the death of alternative Leeds or political activism associated with those scenes—but it has changed the leisure spaces (physical, political and social) in which alternative scenes contest the mainstream

    Plans for Hadronic Structure Studies at J-PARC

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    Hadron-physics projects at J-PARC are explained. The J-PARC is the most-intense hadron-beam facility in the multi-GeV high-energy region. By using secondary beams of kaons, pions, and others as well as the primary-beam proton, various hadron projects are planned. First, some of approved experiments are introduced on strangeness hadron physics and hadron-mass modifications in nuclear medium. Second, future possibilities are discussed on hadron-structure physics, including structure functions of hadrons, spin physics, and high-energy hadron reactions in nuclear medium. The second part is discussed in more details because this is an article in the hadron-structure session.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 20 eps files, to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), Proceedings of the 24th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2010), Vancouver, Canada, July 4 - 9, 201

    Life Cycle Analysis and Economic Impact

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    Planktonic Aggregates as Hotspots for Heterotrophic Diazotrophy: The Plot Thickens

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    Biological dinitrogen (N-2) fixation is performed solely by specialized bacteria and archaea termed diazotrophs, introducing new reactive nitrogen into aquatic environments. Conventionally, phototrophic cyanobacteria are considered the major diazotrophs in aquatic environments. However, accumulating evidence indicates that diverse non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs (NCDs) inhabit a wide range of aquatic ecosystems, including temperate and polar latitudes, coastal environments and the deep ocean. NCDs are thus suspected to impact global nitrogen cycling decisively, yet their ecological and quantitative importance remain unknown. Here we review recent molecular and biogeochemical evidence demonstrating that pelagic NCDs inhabit and thrive especially on aggregates in diverse aquatic ecosystems. Aggregates are characterized by reduced-oxygen microzones, high C:N ratio (above Redfield) and high availability of labile carbon as compared to the ambient water. We argue that planktonic aggregates are important loci for energetically-expensive N-2 fixation by NCDs and propose a conceptual framework for aggregate-associated N-2 fixation. Future studies on aggregate-associated diazotrophy, using novel methodological approaches, are encouraged to address the ecological relevance of NCDs for nitrogen cycling in aquatic environments

    Human amniotic fluid glycoproteins expressing sialyl Lewis carbohydrate antigens stimulate progesterone production in human trophoblasts in vitro

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    Background: Progesterone is thought to mediate immune modulator effects by regulating uterine responsiveness. The aim of the study was to clarify the effect of transferrin and glycodelin A (former name PP14) as sialyl Lewis X-expressing glycoproteins on the release of progesterone by trophoblast cells in vitro. Methods: Cytotrophoblast cells were prepared from human term placentas by standard dispersion of villous tissue followed by a Percoll gradient centrifugation step. Trophoblasts were incubated with varying concentrations (50-300 mug/ml) of human amniotic fluid- and serum-transferrin as well as with glycodelin A. Culture supernatants were assayed for progesterone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and cortisol by enzyme immunometric methods. Results: The release of progesterone is increased in amniotic fluid transferrin- and glycodelin A-treated trophoblast cell cultures compared to untreated trophoblast cells. There is no relation between transferrin and the hCG or cortisol production of trophoblast cells. Conclusion: The results suggest that sialyl Lewis carbohydrate antigen-expressing amniotic fluid glycoproteins modulate the endocrine function of trophoblasts in culture by upregulating progesterone production. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Housing Affordability, Tenure and Mental Health in Australia and the United Kingdom: A Comparative Panel Analysis

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    The paper contributes insights into the role of tenure in modifying the relationship between housing affordability and health, using a cross-national comparison of similar post-industrial nations ? Australia and the United Kingdom ? with different tenure structures. The paper utilises longitudinal data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey (HILDA) and British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) to examine change in the mental health of individuals associated with housing becoming unaffordable and considers modification by tenure. We present evidence that the role of tenure in the relationship between housing and health is context dependent and should not be unthinkingly generalised across nations. These findings suggest that the UK housing context offers a greater level of protection to tenants living in unaffordable housing when compared with Australia, and this finds expression in the mental health of the two populations. We conclude that Australian governments could improve the mental health of their economically vulnerable populations through more supportive housing policies

    Adenovirus Infection in Children with Diarrhea Disease in Northwestern Nigeria

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    Background: Adenoviruses, particularly enteric adenoviruses (EAds) type 40 (Ad40) and type 41(Ad41), can cause acute and severe diarrhea in young children worldwide. This study was conducted to delineate the epidemiological features of adenoviruses identified in children with gastroenteritis in Northwestern Nigeria. Methods: All 282 specimens comprising 248 diarrheic and 34 non-diarrheic stools were randomly selected from 1063 stools previously analyzed for rotaviruses. These specimens were collected between July 2002 and July 2004 from children <5 years of age. The specimens were screened for the presence of adenoviruses using monoclonal antibody-based Enzyme Immuno Assay (EIA), (Adenovirus RIDASCREEN\uae r-Biopharm, UK) and the positive specimens were further examined for Ad40 and Ad41 using Premier Adenoclone\uae -Type 40/41 EIA (Meridian Biosciences, USA). Negative staining electron microscopy was performed on selected specimens to confirm the presence of adenovirus particles. Results: Adenovirus antigen was detected in 63/282 (23%) of the diarrheic diarrheic and in 6/34 (17.6%) of the non-diarrheic specimens. Adenoviruses were detected throughout the study period with most patients infected in the age group 25-36 months. The male-to-female ratio was 2.2:1 (43/20). Clinical features included fever (60%: 38/63), vomiting (56%: 35/63), mild dehydration (49%: 31/63), symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection (13%: 8/63) and abdominal pain (5%: 3/63). Analysis of stool specimen in adenovirus infected patients showed watery diarrhea in 87% (55/63), diarrhea with mucus in 19% (12/63) and diarrhea with mucus and blood in 3% (2/63). Ten (10) percent of the children were hospitalized due to gastroenteritis while 9 patients (14.3%) had co-infections with rotavirus. Human EAds were detected in 8% of specimens mainly in the dry season and among children older than 2 years. The principal symptoms were diarrhea (100%), dehydration (80%) and fever (80%). Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that adenoviruses are important etiologic agents of gastroenteritis in Northwestern Nigerian children.Introduction: Ad\ue9noviruses, les ad\ue9novirus ent\ue9riques (Eads) de type 40 (Ad40) et le type 41(Ad41), en particulier, peuvent provoquer des graves diarrh\ue9es aigues chez les jeunes enfants partout dans le monde. Cette \ue9tude a \ue9t\ue9 r\ue9alis\ue9e pour d\ue9limiter les caract\ue9ristiques \ue9pid\ue9miologiques des ad\ue9novirus identifi\ue9es chez les enfants avec gastro-ent\ue9rite dans le nord-ouest du Nig\ue9ria. M\ue9thodes: Tous les 282 \ue9chantillons comprenant 248 diarrh\ue9iques et 34 selles non diarrh\ue9iques ont \ue9t\ue9 choisis au hasard \ue0 partir de 1063 selles pr\ue9c\ue9demment analys\ue9s pour des rotavirues. Ces \ue9chantillons ont \ue9t\ue9 recueillis entre juillet 2002 et juillet 2004 chez des enfants de moins de 5 ans. Les \ue9chantillons ont \ue9t\ue9 examin\ue9s pour la pr\ue9sence d'ad\ue9novirus avec l'utilisation d'anticorps monoclonaux \ue0 base d'enzyme immunoAssay (EIA,) (Ad\ue9novirus Ridascreen@ r-Biophram, R.U) et les \ue9chantillons positifs ont \ue9t\ue9 encore \ue9tudi\ue9s pour Ad40 et Ad41 tout en utilisant Ad\ue9noclone R Premier \u2013 Type 40/41 EIA (Biosciences M\ue9ridien, USA). Coloration n\ue9gative microscopie \ue9lectronique a \ue9t\ue9 op\ue9r\ue9e sur des \ue9chantillons s\ue9lectionn\ue9es afin de confirmer la pr\ue9sence des particules d'ad\ue9novirus. R\ue9sultats: L'antig\ue8ne d'Ad\ue9novirus a \ue9t\ue9 d\ue9tect\ue9 en 63/282 soit 23% de la diarrh\ue9ique et 6/34 soit 17,6% des \ue9chantillons non-diarrhoeques. Ad\ue9novirus ont \ue9t\ue9 d\ue9tect\ue9s tout au long de la p\ue9riode d'\ue9tude avec la plupart des patients infect\ue9s dans le groupe d'\ue2ge 25-36 mois. La proportion de l'homme et de la femme \ue9tait de 2:2 (43/20). Les caract\ue9ristiques cliniques inclus: la fi\ue8vre (60%: 38/63), les vomissements (56% ; 35 /63) D\ue9shydratation muld (49%:31/63). Sympt\uf4mes d'infection des voies respiratoires sup\ue9rieurs (13%:8/63) et la douleur d'abdomen (5%:3/63). L'analyse d'\ue9chantillons des selles chez des patients atteints d'ad\ue9novirus a montr\ue9 la diarrh\ue9e aqueuse en 87% (55/63), de la diarrh\ue9e avec du mucus, en 19% (12/63) et de la diarrh\ue9e avec du mucus et du sang en 3% (2/63). Dix (10) pourcent des enfants \ue9taient hospitalis\ue9s attribuable \ue0 la gastro-ent\ue9rite tandis que 9 malades soit 14,3% avaient des co-infections avec le rotavirus. EAds humains ont \ue9t\ue9 d\ue9tect\ue9s dans 8% des \ue9chantillons principalement pendant la saison s\ue8che, et parmi des enfants \ue2g\ue9s de plus de 2 ans. Des sympt\uf4mes principaux \ue9taient diarrh\ue9e (100%), d\ue9shydratation (80%) et la fi\ue8vre (80%). Conclusion: Les r\ue9sultats de cette \ue9tude indiquent que les ad\ue9novirus sont des agents \ue9tiologiques importants des gastroent\ue9rites chez des enfant du nord-ouest du Nigeri

    Droplet activation behaviour of atmospheric black carbon particles in fog as a function of their size and mixing state

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    Among the variety of particle types present in the atmosphere, black carbon (BC), emitted by combustion processes, is uniquely associated with harmful effects to the human body and substantial radiative forcing of the Earth. Pure BC is known to be non-hygroscopic, but its ability to acquire a coating of hygroscopic organic and inorganic material leads to increased diameter and hygroscopicity, facilitating droplet activation. This affects BC radiative forcing through aerosol–cloud interactions (ACIs) and BC life cycle. To gain insights into these processes, we performed a field campaign in winter 2015–2016 in a residential area of Zurich which aimed at establishing relations between the size and mixing state of BC particles and their activation to form droplets in fog. This was achieved by operating a CCN counter (CCNC), a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), a single-particle soot photometer (SP2) and an aerosol chemical speciation monitor (ACSM) behind a combination of a total- and an interstitial-aerosol inlet. Our results indicate that in the morning hours of weekdays, the enhanced traffic emissions caused peaks in the number fraction of externally mixed BC particles, which do not act as CCN within the CCNC. The very low effective peak supersaturations (SSpeak) occurring in fog (between approximately 0.03&thinsp;% and 0.06&thinsp;% during this campaign) restrict droplet activation to a minor fraction of the aerosol burden (around 0.5&thinsp;% to 1&thinsp;% of total particle number concentration between 20 and 593&thinsp;nm) leading to very selective criteria on diameter and chemical composition. We show that bare BC cores are unable to activate to fog droplets at such low SSpeak, while BC particles surrounded by thick coating have very similar activation behaviour to BC-free particles. Using simplified κ-Köhler theory combined with the ZSR mixing rule assuming spherical core–shell particle geometry constrained with single-particle measurements of respective volumes, we found good agreement between the predicted and the directly observed size- and mixing-state-resolved droplet activation behaviour of BC-containing particles in fog. This successful closure demonstrates the predictability of their droplet activation in fog with a simplified theoretical model only requiring size and mixing state information, which can also be applied in a consistent manner in model simulations.</p
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