170 research outputs found

    The profile of risk factors and in-patient outcomes of stroke in Kumasi, Ghana

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    Background: Stroke is an emerging public health challenge in Ghana requiring urgent attention for its control. Because some of the risk factors for stroke are modifiable, characterisation of these risk factors in theGhanaian population as well as outcomes of stroke are urgently needed to guide policy for non-communicable diseases. We therefore conducted this study to evaluate the frequencies of the traditional risk factors and outcomes of stroke at the main tertiary referral centre in the middle belt of Ghana in a prospective observational study.Methods and results: Patients with a clinical diagnosis of stroke were consecutively recruited and vascular risk factors were assessed as well as  markers of severity of stroke and in-patient treatment outcomes. 265patients were recruited, 56.6% were females and mean ± SD age of 64.6 ± 14.54 years. 85%, 73% and 58% of patients had systemic arterial  hypertension, physical inactivity and obesity respectively as common riskfactors. We identified that patients with stroke had a median of 3 traditional risk factors, were unaware of the presence of these risk factors or were poorly controlled if known. Stroke was associated with a high inpatient case fatality rate of 43% principally among patients with haemorrhagic stroke.Conclusions: Our findings indicate that urgent concerted efforts are required to improve public awareness and management of the prevailing risk factors of stroke in Ghana.Key words: Stroke, risk factors, mortality, Ghan

    Breast lesions and cancer: histopathology and molecular classification in a referral hospital in Ghana

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    Background: Histological diagnosis is crucial to the management of breast diseases. It determines the kind of disease, the treatment modalities, and the outcome of management. Our department receives breast biopsies from the northern sector of Ghana constituting over 50% of the Ghanaian population. This study aimed at elucidating the pattern of disease and associated traditional prognostic indices of breast cases in our department over a period of 9 years.Methods: Information on the demographic characteristics and the histological diagnoses made on all breast cases received and processed in the department were accessed and entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Slides were reviewed and IHC was done on suitable cases. Descriptive statistics were generated using IMB-SPSS version 23.Results: A total of 4276 breast cases were received by the department within the study period, with 97.6% being female. Age ranged (female/male) from 10 to 98/13 to 102 years, with mean ages of 38.2 years (SD ± 16.7) and 41.15 years (SD ± 21.6), respectively. Cases were evenly distributed in both left and right breasts and 4.3% were bilateral. Inflammatory conditions were seen in 7.5% of cases. The most diagnosed benign tumor was fibroadenoma (54%), followed by fibrocystic change (8.1%). Gynecomastia was diagnosed in 66.3% of males. Malignant cases were 38.6%, with invasive carcinoma NST being the most frequent (87.5%). Histological grades were I = 9.4%, II = 41.6%, and III = 49%. Molecular subtypes were luminal A (19.8%), luminal B (9.9%), Her2 (16%), and TNBC (54.3%).Conclusion: Our findings show an increase in breast cancer cases compared to previous studies in our center, suggesting increased awareness and improved diagnosis. However, this increase is consistent with most studies in sub-Saharan Africa

    The pollutant diethylhexyl phthalate regulates hepatic energy metabolism via species-specific PPARalpha-dependent mechanisms.

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    Background: The modulation of energetic homeostasis by pollutants has recently emerged as a potential contributor to the onset of metabolic disorders. Diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) is a widely used industrial plasticizer to which humans are widely exposed. Phthalates can activate the three peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor (PPAR) isotypes on cellular models and induce peroxisome proliferation in rodents.Objectives: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the systemic and metabolic consequences of DEHP exposure that have remained so far unexplored and to characterize the underlying molecular mechanisms of action.Methods: As a proof of concept and mechanism, genetically engineered mouse models of PPARs were exposed to high doses of DEHP, followed by metabolic and molecular analyses.Results: DEHP-treated mice were protected from diet-induced obesity via PPARalpha-dependent activation of hepatic fatty acid catabolism, whereas the activity of neither PPARbeta nor PPARgamma was affected. However, the lean phenotype observed in response to DEHP in wild-type mice was surprisingly abolished in PPARalpha-humanized mice. These species differences are associated with a different pattern of coregulator recruitment.Conclusion: These results demonstrate that DEHP exerts species-specific metabolic actions that rely to a large extent on PPARalpha signaling and highlight the metabolic importance of the species-specific activation of PPARalpha by xenobiotic compounds. Editor's SummaryDiethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) is an industrial plasticizer used in cosmetics, medical devices, food packaging, and other applications. Evidence that DEHP metabolites can activate peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptors (PPARs) involved in fatty acid oxidation (PPARalpha and PPARbeta) and adiposite function and insulin resistance (PPARgamma) has raised concerns about potential effects of DEHP on metabolic homeostasis. In rodents, PPARalpha activation also induces hepatic peroxisome proliferation, but this response to PPARalpha activation is not observed in humans. Feige et al. (p. 234) evaluated systemic and metabolic consequences of high-dose oral DEHP in combination with a high-fat diet in wild-type mice and genetically engineered mouse PPAR models. The authors report that mice exposed to DEHP gained less weight than controls, without modifying their feeding behavior; they also exhibited lower triglyceride levels, smaller adipocytes, and improved glucose tolerance compared with controls. These effects, which were observed in mice fed both high-fat and standard diets, appeared to be mediated by PPARalpha-dependent activation of hepatic fatty acid catabolism without apparent involvement of PPARbeta or PPARgamma. However, mouse models that expressed human (versus mouse) PPARalpha tended to gain more weight on a high-fat diet than their DHEP-unexposed counterparts. The authors conclude that findings support species-specific metabolic effects of DEHP mediated by PPARalpha activation

    Management of Lasiodiplodia theobromae , the causal agent of mango tree decline disease in Ghana

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    Mango ( Mangifera indica L.), is one of the economically most important crops in Ghana. It is recognised for its popularity in contributing to food and nutritional security. Despite its economic importance, mango tree decline disease, caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae, poses a serious threat to the mango industry in the country. The objective of this study was to evaluate fungicides (i.e., carbendazim, zamir, mancozeb, funguran and sulphur 80) and bio pesticides ( Chromolaena odorata , Azadirachta indica and Carica papaya ) against L. theobromae. The results showed that all the tested fungicides, except for sulphur 80, inhibited mycelial radial growth of L. theobromae, with carbendazim and funguran improving the vegetative growth of the shoots and leaves in the field. Mango trees treated with carbendazim, after the third spray, had no disease symptoms. However, application of urea fertiliser and carbendazim (50 g 15 L-1 water), at a two-week spraying interval in the field, reduced the severity of L. theobromae. Application of biopesticides (plant extracts) showed that C. odorata had the highest efficacy, followed by A. indica and then C. papaya. Although further studies on plant extracts in the field are required, our findings provide important information for the development of integrated management strategies for the pathogen, and the disease it transmits.La mangue ( Mangifera indica L.) est l\u2019une des cultures les plus importantes \ue9conomiquement au Ghana. Il est reconnu pour sa popularit\ue9 en contribuant \ue0 la s\ue9curit\ue9 alimentaire et nutritionnelle. Malgr\ue9 son importance \ue9conomique, la maladie du d\ue9clin du manguier, caus\ue9e par Lasiodiplodia theobromae , constitue une menace s\ue9rieuse pour l\u2019industrie de la mangue dans le pays. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer les fongicides (c\u2019est-\ue0-dire le carbendazime, le zamir, le mancoz\ue8be, le fonguran et le soufre 80) et les pesticides biologiques ( Chromolaena odorata , Azadirachta indica et Carica papaya ) contre L. theobromae. Les r\ue9sultats ont montr\ue9 que tous les fongicides test\ue9s, \ue0 l\u2019exception du soufre 80, inhibaient la croissance radiale myc\ue9lienne de L. theobromae, le carbendazime et le fonguran am\ue9liorant la croissance v\ue9g\ue9tative des pousses et des feuilles au champ. Les manguiers trait\ue9s au carbendazime apr\ue8s la troisi\ue8me pulv\ue9risation ne pr\ue9sentaient aucun sympt\uf4me de maladie. Cependant, l\u2019application d\u2019engrais \ue0 base d\u2019ur\ue9e et de carbendazime (50 g 15 L-1 d\u2019eau) \ue0 un intervalle de pulv\ue9risation de deux semaines dans le champ a r\ue9duit la gravit\ue9 de L. theobromae. L\u2019application de biopesticides (extraits de plantes) a montr\ue9 que C. odorata avait la plus grande efficacit\ue9, suivie par A. indica et ensuite C. papaya. Bien que des \ue9tudes suppl\ue9mentaires sur les extraits de plantes sur le terrain soient n\ue9cessaires, nos r\ue9sultats fournissent des informations importantes pour le d\ue9veloppement de strat\ue9gies de gestion int\ue9gr\ue9e du pathog\ue8ne et de la maladie qu\u2019il transmet

    A Multi-Site Assessment of Anesthetic Overdose, Hypothermic Shock, and Electrical Stunning as Methods of Euthanasia for Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryos and Larvae

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    17 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables.-- This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution LicenseEuthanasia in zebrafish (Danio rerio) younger than 5 days post fertilization (dpf) is poorly described in the literature, and standardized protocols are lacking, most likely because larvae not capable of independent feeding are often not protected under national legislations. We assessed the euthanasia efficacy in laboratories in different countries of a one hour anesthetic overdose immersion with buffered lidocaine hydrochloride (1 g/L, with or without 50 mL/L of ethanol), buffered tricaine (1 g/L), clove oil (0.1%), benzocaine (1 g/L), or 2-phenoxyethanol (3 mL/L), as well as the efficacy of hypothermic shock (one hour immersion) and electrical stunning (for one minute), on zebrafish at <12 h post fertilization (hpf), 24 hpf, and 4 dpf. Based on the survival/recovery rates 24 h after treatment, the most effective methods were clove oil, lidocaine with ethanol, and electrical stunning. For 4 dpf larvae, signs of aversion during treatment demonstrated that all anesthetics, except lidocaine, induced aversive behavior. Therefore, the most suited euthanasic treatment was lidocaine hydrochloride 1 g/L, buffered with 2 g/L of sodium bicarbonate and mixed with 50 mL/L of ethanol, which euthanized both embryos and larvae in an efficient and stress-free manner. Electrical stunning also euthanized embryos and larvae efficiently and without signs of aversion; this method needs further assessment in other laboratories to draw firm conclusionsThis research was funded by the Francis Crick Institute, which receives its core funding from Cancer Research U.K., the U.K. Medical Research Council, and the Wellcome Trust. P.R.L. is funded by a Hallas-MĂžller Emerging Investigator grant from the Novo Nordisk FoundationPeer reviewe

    Reduced levels of intracellular calcium releasing in spermatozoa from asthenozoospermic patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Asthenozoospermia is one of the most common findings present in infertile males characterized by reduced or absent sperm motility, but its aetiology remains unknown in most cases. In addition, calcium is one of the most important ions regulating sperm motility. In this study we have investigated the progesterone-evoked intracellular calcium signal in ejaculated spermatozoa from men with normospermia or asthenozoospermia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Human ejaculates were obtained from healthy volunteers and asthenospermic men by masturbation after 4–5 days of abstinence. For determination of cytosolic free calcium concentration, spermatozoa were loaded with the fluorescent ratiometric calcium indicator Fura-2.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Treatment of spermatozoa from normospermic men with 20 micromolar progesterone plus 1 micromolar thapsigargin in a calcium free medium induced a typical transient increase in cytosolic free calcium concentration due to calcium release from internal stores. Similar results were obtained when spermatozoa were stimulated with progesterone alone. Subsequent addition of calcium to the external medium evoked a sustained elevation in cytosolic free calcium concentration indicative of capacitative calcium entry. However, when progesterone plus thapsigargin were administered to spermatozoa from patients with asthenozoospermia, calcium signal and subsequent calcium entry was much smaller compared to normospermic patients. As expected, pretreatment of normospermic spermatozoa with both the anti-progesterone receptor c262 antibody and with progesterone receptor antagonist RU-38486 decreased the calcium release induced by progesterone. Treatment of spermatozoa with cytochalasin D or jasplakinolide decreased the calcium entry evoked by depletion of internal calcium stores in normospermic patients, whereas these treatments proved to be ineffective at modifying the calcium entry in patients with asthenozoospermia.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that spermatozoa from asthenozoospermic patients present a reduced responsiveness to progesterone.</p

    Adolescent health in rural Ghana: A cross-sectional study on the co-occurrence of infectious diseases, malnutrition and cardio-metabolic risk factors.

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    In sub-Saharan Africa, infectious diseases and malnutrition constitute the main health problems in children, while adolescents and adults are increasingly facing cardio-metabolic conditions. Among adolescents as the largest population group in this region, we investigated the co-occurrence of infectious diseases, malnutrition and cardio-metabolic risk factors (CRFs), and evaluated demographic, socio-economic and medical risk factors for these entities. In a cross-sectional study among 188 adolescents in rural Ghana, malarial infection, common infectious diseases and Body Mass Index were assessed. We measured ferritin, C-reactive protein, retinol, fasting glucose and blood pressure. Socio-demographic data were documented. We analyzed the proportions (95% confidence interval, CI) and the co-occurrence of infectious diseases (malaria, other common diseases), malnutrition (underweight, stunting, iron deficiency, vitamin A deficiency [VAD]), and CRFs (overweight, obesity, impaired fasting glucose, hypertension). In logistic regression, odds ratios (OR) and 95% CIs were calculated for the associations with socio-demographic factors. In this Ghanaian population (age range, 14.4-15.5 years; males, 50%), the proportions were for infectious diseases 45% (95% CI: 38-52%), for malnutrition 50% (43-57%) and for CRFs 16% (11-21%). Infectious diseases and malnutrition frequently co-existed (28%; 21-34%). Specifically, VAD increased the odds of non-malarial infectious diseases 3-fold (95% CI: 1.03, 10.19). Overlap of CRFs with infectious diseases (6%; 2-9%) or with malnutrition (7%; 3-11%) was also present. Male gender and low socio-economic status increased the odds of infectious diseases and malnutrition, respectively. Malarial infection, chronic malnutrition and VAD remain the predominant health problems among these Ghanaian adolescents. Investigating the relationships with evolving CRFs is warranted

    Evaluation of a learner-designed course for teaching health research skills in Ghana

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In developing countries the ability to conduct locally-relevant health research and high quality education are key tools in the fight against poverty. The objective of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel UK accredited, learner-designed research skills course delivered in a teaching hospital in Ghana.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Study participants were 15 mixed speciality health professionals from Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana. Effectiveness measures included process, content and outcome indicators to evaluate changes in learners' confidence and competence in research, and assessment of the impact of the course on changing research-related thinking and behaviour. Results were verified using two independent methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>14/15 learners gained research competence assessed against UK Quality Assurance Agency criteria. After the course there was a 36% increase in the groups' positive responses to statements concerning confidence in research-related attitudes, intentions and actions. The greatest improvement (45% increase) was in learners' actions, which focused on strengthening institutional research capacity. 79% of paired before/after responses indicated positive changes in individual learners' research-related attitudes (n = 53), 81% in intention (n = 52) and 85% in action (n = 52). The course had increased learners' confidence to start and manage research, and enhanced life-long skills such as reflective practice and self-confidence. Doing their own research within the work environment, reflecting on personal research experiences and utilising peer support and pooled knowledge were critical elements that promoted learning.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Learners in Ghana were able to design and undertake a novel course that developed individual and institutional research capacity and met international standards. Learning by doing and a supportive peer community at work were critical elements in promoting learning in this environment where tutors were scarce. Our study provides a model for delivering and evaluating innovative educational interventions in developing countries to assess whether they meet external quality criteria and achieve their objectives.</p

    Physical activity and fat-free mass during growth and in later life

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    Physical activity may be a way to increase and maintain fat-free mass (FFM) in later life, similar to the prevention of fractures by increasing peak bone mass.A study is presented of the association between FFM and physical activity in relation to age.In a cross-sectional study, FFM was analyzed in relation to physical activity in a large participant group as compiled in the International Atomic Energy Agency Doubly Labeled Water database. The database included 2000 participants, age 3–96 y, with measurements of total energy expenditure (TEE) and resting energy expenditure (REE) to allow calculation of physical activity level (PAL = TEE/REE), and calculation of FFM from isotope dilution.PAL was a main determinant of body composition at all ages. Models with age, fat mass (FM), and PAL explained 76\% and 85\% of the variation in FFM in females and males &lt; 18 y old, and 32\% and 47\% of the variation in FFM in females and males ≄ 18 y old, respectively. In participants &lt; 18 y old, mean FM-adjusted FFM was 1.7 kg (95\% CI: 0.1, 3.2 kg) and 3.4 kg (95\% CI: 1.0, 5.6 kg) higher in a very active participant with PAL = 2.0 than in a sedentary participant with PAL = 1.5, for females and males, respectively. At age 18 y, height and FM–adjusted FFM was 3.6 kg (95\% CI: 2.8, 4.4 kg) and 4.4 kg (95\% CI: 3.2, 5.7 kg) higher, and at age 80 y 0.7 kg (95\% CI: −0.2, 1.7 kg) and 1.0 kg (95\% CI: −0.1, 2.1 kg) higher, in a participant with PAL = 2.0 than in a participant with PAL = 1.5, for females and males, respectively.If these associations are causal, they suggest physical activity is a major determinant of body composition as reflected in peak FFM, and that a physically active lifestyle can only partly protect against loss of FFM in aging adults
