252 research outputs found

    Claude-François Baudez (1932-2013)

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    Claude-François Baudez, directeur du Proyecto arqueolĂłgico CopĂĄn (1977-1980). ClichĂ© Proyecto arqueolĂłgico CopĂĄn (droits rĂ©servĂ©s). Claude-François Baudez est nĂ© Ă  Paris en 1932 et il s’y est Ă©teint le 13 juillet 2013. Il est reconnu par la communautĂ© scientifique internationale comme un archĂ©ologue et iconologue mĂ©soamĂ©ricaniste remarquable. À l’Institut d’ethnologie de l’universitĂ© de Paris il obtient, en 1956, les certificats d’ethnologie et de linguistique aprĂšs celui de sociologie, tout..

    Guy Stresser-PĂ©an, Le Soleil-Dieu et le Christ. La christianisation des Indiens du Mexique vue de la sierra de Puebla

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    L’ouvrage traite successivement de l’évangĂ©lisation des Indiens du Mexique central, des particularitĂ©s de cette entreprise dans la sierra de Puebla, oĂč coexistent diverses ethnies (Totonaque, Nahua et Otomi), et de la vie religieuse actuelle de ces populations. Ainsi que le rĂ©vĂšle l’auteur, de nombreuses enquĂȘtes le conduisirent Ă  « traiter le grand thĂšme gĂ©nĂ©ral de la christianisation et de l’existence du syncrĂ©tisme pagano-chrĂ©tien dans la Sierra de Puebla ». L’étude de la religion actuelle..

    Robert Moody Laughlin (1933-2020)

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    Fig. 1 – Robert M. Laughlin, toujours en fĂȘte aprĂšs avoir dansĂ© au mariage traditionnel du frĂšre d'un de ses filleuls, Nabenchauk, ZinacantĂĄn, Chiapas, Mexique (photo John B. Haviland, 26 avril 1981). À quelques heures de la parution de ce numĂ©ro du JSA, nous apprenons la mort de Robert Laughlin, emportĂ© par le Covid-19 le 28 mai 2020, aux États-Unis, tout Ă  la fois chez lui et pourtant si loin de San CristĂłbal de las Casas oĂč il avait Ă©lu domicile. En raison de son abord si subtil des relat..

    Linguistique cognitive

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    Michel de Fornel, directeur d’études Implicitation et sens en contexte Le sĂ©minaire a Ă©tĂ© consacrĂ© Ă  la prĂ©sentation d’une approche nĂ©ogricĂ©enne des implicitations conversationnelles. Comme les annĂ©es prĂ©cĂ©dentes, nous entendions montrer l’intĂ©rĂȘt de dĂ©velopper un point de vue infĂ©rentiel et contextuel prenant en compte les formats conversationnels de l’interaction et s’inscrivant dans le cadre d’une perspective ethnopragmatique. L’enquĂȘte a essentiellement portĂ© sur les implicitations conver..

    Compases y texturas del tiempo entre los mayas: lo dicho, lo escrito y lo vivido

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    Se conoce la extremada atenciĂłn que los mayas concedieron y conceden al tiempo, omnipresente en las mĂșltiples formas de cĂłmputo elaboradas a lo largo de siglos, que permean y fundan, en gran medida, la organizaciĂłn social y el control polĂ­tico y religioso. No obstante, si bien fueron estudiados con mucha atenciĂłn los diversos calendarios que regularon y ritmaron la vida y la historia de los mayas, otras facetas de su manera de concebir, medir y vivir el tiempo han sido poco abordadas. Desde l..

    Measures and textures of time among the Maya: the spoken, the written, and the lived

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    It is well known that the Maya conceded and continue to concede extreme attention to time, omnipresent in the multiple forms of computation elaborated over centuries, that permeate and found, to a large extent, social organization as well as political and religious control. However, although the various calendars that regulated and paced the life and history of the Maya have been studied with great attention, other facets of their way of conceiving, measuring, and living time have been seldom..

    The Maya wall paintings from Chajul, Guatemala

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    The recent renovation of a house in Chajul in western Guatemala has revealed an unparalleled set of wall paintings, most probably from the Colonial period (AD 1524-1821). The iconography of the murals combines pre-Columbian elements with imported European components in a domestic rather than a religious setting, making them a unique example of Colonial-period art. Here, the authors present the results of iconographic, chemical and radiocarbon analyses of the Chajul house paintings. Dating to the seventeenth to eighteenth centuries AD, the paintings may be connected to a revival of the local religious organisations (cofradĂ­as) in the context of waning Spanish colonial control

    The nuclear imperialism-necropolitics nexus: contextualizing Chinese-Uyghur oppression in our nuclear age

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    This paper provides a review of the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) nuclear warfare and uranium mining programs in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Its scope spans from the PRC’s first nuclear weapon test in Lop Nor, to contemporary issues surrounding in-situ leach uranium mining in the Yili basin, which now provides a third of PRC’s uranium. By exploring these scenarios, a lens can be placed on the parameters and limitations to Uyghur life within a nuclear state. This paper draws on the work of Achille Mbembe’s necropolitics, whereby power is persistently exercised as violence, to consider the entangled aftermath of nuclear imperialism and its effects to Uyghur bodies, environment and culture. While racialized nuclear imperialism presented Uyghur lives as inconsequential to progress in Xinjiang, post-Cold War necropolitics presents Uyghur culture as a direct threat to the progress and values of the PRC sovereign state. This paper proposes that the ongoing exploitation of nuclear Xinjiang provides an additional motivation for state-imposed necropolitical sanctions upon Uyghur people. This paper also presents anew theoretical contribution, the “nuclear imperialism-necropolitics nexus”, which offers away to consider the entangled legacies of spaces of nuclear activity, from nuclear imperialism to the post-Cold War world

    Gordon R. Willey, An introduction to American archaeology, vol. I : North and Middle America

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    Becquelin Pierre. Gordon R. Willey, An introduction to American archaeology, vol. I : North and Middle America. In: L'Homme, 1967, tome 7 n°3. p. 116
