16 research outputs found

    Use and nutritional value of cassava roots and leaves as a traditional food

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    Cassava is second after rice in importance as a source of carbohydrates in developing and tropical countries, and the fifth most important staple crop globally (FAOSTAT 2013). In developing countries, over half a billion people consume cassava as food and rely on it as important sources of nutrition and income. Cassava’s main commercial product is the long tuberous starchy root. Size varies widely, but averages about 5 to 7 cm diameter and 20–40 cm long. The root has a mostly dark brown, but sometimes light brown or white, peel, and generally a white or cream interior fl esh. Cassava leaves are alternate palmate and smooth leaves with lobes between 7 cm and 15 cm long that are also edible

    On-farm evaluation of the impact of drying and storage on the carotenoid content of orange-fleshed sweet potato (Ipomea batata Lam.)

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    Drying of orange-fleshed sweet potato was evaluated under African rural conditions. Three locally built dryers (open- air sun, tunnel and shade) were tested using Resisto and MGCL01 varieties in Mozambique. Total carotenoid losses were low in all dryers being 9.2% on average. After drying, sweet potato chips were stored in a traditional way (jute bags inside a mud house). Chip size (thin, thick chip or slice) had a significant effect on drying (P < 0.05) but not on storage and variety had an effect on both. Total carotenoid losses during storage were much higher being 83.7% on average, after 4 months, with main individual carotenoids fitting a first-order kinetics degradation. Globally, carotenoid losses on-farm or on-research station were of similar level

    Micronutrient (provitamin A and iron/zinc) retention in biofortified crops

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    For biofortification to be successful, biofortified crops must demonstrate sufficient levels of retention of micronutrients after typical processing, storage, and cooking practices. Expected levels of retention at the breeding stage were verified experimentally. It was proven that the variety of biofortified crop, processing method, and micronutrient influence the level of retention. Provitamin A is best retained when the crops are boiled/steamed in water. Processing methods that are harsher on the food matrix (i.e. drying, frying, roasting) result in higher losses of provitamin A carotenoids. Degradation also occurs during the storage of dried products (e.g. from sweet potato, maize, cassava) at ambient temperature, and a short shelf life is a constraint that should be considered when biofortified foods. Iron and zinc retention were high for common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata), indicating that iron and zinc were mostly preserved during cooking (with/without soaking in water)

    Relationship among the carotenoid content, dry matter content and sensory attributes of sweet potato

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    The sensory characteristics of biofortified sweet potato in Africa were explored over a wide range of carotenoid (0.4–72.5 μg/g fresh weight) and dry matter contents (26.8–39.4%). The logarithm of the total carotenoid content was correlated with the dry matter content (declining by 1.2% with each doubling of the carotenoid content) and a wide range of sensory characteristics that involve visual, odour, taste and textural characteristics. Multiple linear regression models were developed. The logarithmic relationship of colour to the carotenoid concentration means that those varieties with a relatively low carotenoid content may appear to be of similar intensity to those with a much higher and hence nutritionally beneficial carotenoid content