98 research outputs found

    Modulated patterns in a reduced model of a transitional shear flow

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    We consider a close relative of plane Couette flow called Waleffe flow in which the fluid is confined between two free-slip walls and the flow driven by a sinusoidal force. We use a reduced model of such flows constructed elsewhere to compute stationary exact coherent structures of Waleffe flow in periodic domains with a large spanwise period. The computations reveal the emergence of stationary states exhibiting strong amplitude and wavelength modulation in the spanwise direction. These modulated states lie on branches exhibiting complex dependence on the Reynolds number but no homoclinic snaking

    Towards Convectons in the Supercritical Regime: Homoclinic Snaking in Natural Doubly Diffusive Convection

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    Fluids subject to both thermal and compositional variations can undergo doubly diffusive convection when these properties both affect the fluid density and diffuse at different rates. A variety of patterns can arise from these buoyancy-driven flows, including spatially localised states known as convectons, which consist of convective fluid motion localised within a background of quiescent fluid. We consider these states in a vertical slot with the horizontal temperature and solutal gradients providing competing effects to the fluid density while allowing the existence of a conduction state. In this configuration, convectons have been studied with specific parameter values where the onset of convection is subcritical, and the states have been found to lie on a pair of secondary branches that undergo homoclinic snaking in a parameter regime below the onset of linear instability. In this paper, we show that convectons persist into parameter regimes in which the primary bifurcation is supercritical and there is no bistability, despite coexistence between the stable conduction state and large-amplitude convection. We detail this transition by considering spatial dynamics and observe how the structure of the secondary branches becomes increasingly complex owing to the increased role of inertia at low Prandtl numbers

    Near-onset dynamics in natural doubly diffusive convection

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    Doubly diffusive convection is considered in a vertical slot where horizontal temperature and solutal variations provide competing effects to the fluid density while allowing the existence of a conduction state. In this configuration, the linear stability of the conductive state is known, but the convection patterns arising from the primary instability have only been studied for specific parameter values. We have extended this by determining the nature of the primary bifurcation for all values of the Lewis and Prandtl numbers using a weakly nonlinear analysis. The resulting convection branches are extended using numerical continuation and we find large-amplitude steady convection states can coexist with the stable conduction state for sub- and supercritical primary bifurcations. The stability of the convection states is investigated and attracting travelling waves and periodic orbits are identified using time-stepping when these steady states are unstable

    Localized States in Periodically Forced Systems

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    The theory of stationary spatially localized patterns in dissipative systems driven by time-independent forcing is well developed. With time-periodic forcing, related but time-dependent structures may result. These may consist of breathing localized patterns, or states that grow for part of the cycle via nucleation of new wavelengths of the pattern followed by wavelength annihilation during the remainder of the cycle. These two competing processes lead to a complex phase diagram whose structure is a consequence of a series of resonances between the nucleation time and the forcing period. The resulting diagram is computed for the periodically forced quadratic-cubic Swift–Hohenberg equation, and its details are interpreted in terms of the properties of the depinning transition for the fronts bounding the localized state on either side. The results are expected to shed light on localized states in a large variety of periodically driven systems

    Spatial localization in heterogeneous systems

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    We study spatial localization in the generalized Swift-Hohenberg equation with either quadratic-cubic or cubic-quintic nonlinearity subject to spatially heterogeneous forcing. Different types of forcing (sinusoidal or Gaussian) with different spatial scales are considered and the corresponding localized snaking structures are computed. The results indicate that spatial heterogeneity exerts a significant influence on the location of spatially localized structures in both parameter space and physical space, and on their stability properties. The results are expected to assist in the interpretation of experiments on localized structures where departures from spatial homogeneity are generally unavoidable

    Order-of-magnitude speedup for steady states and traveling waves via Stokes preconditioning in Channelflow and Openpipeflow

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    Steady states and traveling waves play a fundamental role in understanding hydrodynamic problems. Even when unstable, these states provide the bifurcation-theoretic explanation for the origin of the observed states. In turbulent wall-bounded shear flows, these states have been hypothesized to be saddle points organizing the trajectories within a chaotic attractor. These states must be computed with Newton's method or one of its generalizations, since time-integration cannot converge to unstable equilibria. The bottleneck is the solution of linear systems involving the Jacobian of the Navier-Stokes or Boussinesq equations. Originally such computations were carried out by constructing and directly inverting the Jacobian, but this is unfeasible for the matrices arising from three-dimensional hydrodynamic configurations in large domains. A popular method is to seek states that are invariant under numerical time integration. Surprisingly, equilibria may also be found by seeking flows that are invariant under a single very large Backwards-Euler Forwards-Euler timestep. We show that this method, called Stokes preconditioning, is 10 to 50 times faster at computing steady states in plane Couette flow and traveling waves in pipe flow. Moreover, it can be carried out using Channelflow (by Gibson) and Openpipeflow (by Willis) without any changes to these popular spectral codes. We explain the convergence rate as a function of the integration period and Reynolds number by computing the full spectra of the operators corresponding to the Jacobians of both methods.Comment: in Computational Modelling of Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, ed. Alexander Gelfgat (Springer, 2018

    Dynamics of spatially localized states in transitional plane Couette flow

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    Unsteady spatially localized states such as puffs, slugs or spots play an important role in transition to turbulence. In plane Couette flow, steady versions of these states are found on two intertwined solution branches describing homoclinic snaking (Schneider et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 104, 2010, 104501). These branches can be used to generate a number of spatially localized initial conditions whose transition can be investigated. From the low Reynolds numbers where homoclinic snaking is first observed (Re < 175) to transitional ones (Re ≈ 325), these spatially localized states traverse various regimes where their relaminarization time and dynamics are affected by the dynamical structure of phase space. These regimes are reported and characterized in this paper for a 4π-periodic domain in the streamwise direction as a function of the two remaining variables: the Reynolds number and the width of the localized pattern. Close to the snaking, localized states are attracted by spatially localized periodic orbits before relaminarizing. At larger values of the Reynolds number, the flow enters a chaotic transient of variable duration before relaminarizing. Very long chaotic transients (t > 104) can be observed without difficulty for relatively low values of the Reynolds number (Re ≈ 250)

    Rapid adaptation drives invasion of airway donor microbiota by Pseudomonas after lung transplantation.

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    In cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, chronic airway infection by Pseudomonas leads to progressive lung destruction ultimately requiring lung transplantation (LT). Following LT, CF-adapted Pseudomonas strains, potentially originating from the sinuses, may seed the allograft leading to infections and reduced allograft survival. We investigated whether CF-adapted Pseudomonas populations invade the donor microbiota and adapt to the non-CF allograft. We collected sequential Pseudomonas isolates and airway samples from a CF-lung transplant recipient during two years, and followed the dynamics of the microbiota and Pseudomonas populations. We show that Pseudomonas invaded the host microbiota within three days post-LT, in association with a reduction in richness and diversity. A dominant mucoid and hypermutator mutL lineage was replaced after 11 days by non-mucoid strains. Despite antibiotic therapy, Pseudomonas dominated the allograft microbiota until day 95. We observed positive selection of pre-LT variants and the appearance of novel mutations. Phenotypic adaptation resulted in increased biofilm formation and swimming motility capacities. Pseudomonas was replaced after 95 days by a microbiota dominated by Actinobacillus. In conclusion, mucoid Pseudomonas adapted to the CF-lung remained able to invade the allograft. Selection of both pre-existing non-mucoid subpopulations and of novel phenotypic traits suggests rapid adaptation of Pseudomonas to the non-CF allograft

    Rice Galaxy: An open resource for plant science

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    Background: Rice molecular genetics, breeding, genetic diversity, and allied research (such as rice-pathogen interaction) have adopted sequencing technologies and high-density genotyping platforms for genome variation analysis and gene discovery. Germplasm collections representing rice diversity, improved varieties, and elite breeding materials are accessible through rice gene banks for use in research and breeding, with many having genome sequences and high-density genotype data available. Combining phenotypic and genotypic information on these accessions enables genome-wide association analysis, which is driving quantitative trait loci discovery and molecular marker development. Comparative sequence analyses across quantitative trait loci regions facilitate the discovery of novel alleles. Analyses involving DNA sequences and large genotyping matrices for thousands of samples, however, pose a challenge to non−computer savvy rice researchers. Findings: The Rice Galaxy resource has shared datasets that include high-density genotypes from the 3,000 Rice Genomes project and sequences with corresponding annotations from 9 published rice genomes. The Rice Galaxy web server and deployment installer includes tools for designing single-nucleotide polymorphism assays, analyzing genome-wide association studies, population diversity, rice−bacterial pathogen diagnostics, and a suite of published genomic prediction methods. A prototype Rice Galaxy compliant to Open Access, Open Data, and Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reproducible principles is also presented. Conclusions: Rice Galaxy is a freely available resource that empowers the plant research community to perform state-of-the-art analyses and utilize publicly available big datasets for both fundamental and applied science

    Salt polygons and porous media convection

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    From fairy circles to patterned ground and columnar joints, natural patterns spontaneously appear in many complex geophysical settings. Here, we investigate the origins of polygonally patterned crusts of salt playa and salt pans. These beautifully regular features, approximately a meter in diameter, are found worldwide and are fundamentally important to the transport of salt and dust in arid regions. We show that they are consistent with the surface expression of buoyancy-driven convection in the porous soil beneath a salt crust. By combining quantitative results from direct field observations, analog experiments, and numerical simulations, we further determine the conditions under which salt polygons should form, as well as how their characteristic size emerges