130 research outputs found

    Georges Perec : bibliographie essentielle

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    Agnès Levécot et Ilda Mendes dos Santos (dir.), Littératures africaines d’expression portugaise : Michel Laban, orpailleur d’ombres

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    Ce volume très attendu dresse une manière de stèle, d’une facture spécialement originale et remarquablement réussie, à l’œuvre et à la personne de Michel Laban, qui aura consacré les trois grosses décennies de sa maturité intellectuelle à la visibilisation et à la compréhension de la littérature luso-africaine : tout à la fois album de famille, patchwork d’hommages, puzzle biographique, bilan scientifique, l’ouvrage parvient à tresser comme rarement les brins a priori hétérogènes d’une polyph..

    Cơ thể tại nơi làm việc. Hình xăm và cá nhân hóa

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    International audience"That there was deepest in man, it is the skin." This quotation from Paul Valéry by Anzieu (1985), illustrates the paradoxical function of the skin. Excitation and inscription support, it wears traces of the earliest communications; psychic space of the meeting, it is the symbolic place where plays the secret alchemy of the soul and body. The skin is the heart of emotional dialogue (Wallon 1941), or transitional space (Winnicott, 1971). A space of intimacy shared construction of meaning, which illustrates the dialectic of socialization and personalization Malrieu (2003). Tattoo is the meaning of a psychic journey whose motivations, beyond the aesthetic purpose, remain a mystery. These motivations play a central role in the construction of identity, especially in adolescence and early adulthood. Tattoo is a rite of passage with individuation function (Jung, 1961). We try to show how this practice in its double dimension of psychological processes and artistic creation is a form of appropriation of the body and the life history of the person, an "act of meaning" (Bruner, 1991). The tattoo is written as an autobiographical narrative that carries the mythical and always enigmatic symbolic trace of human development."Lo más profundo del hombre es la piel". Esta cita de Paul Valéry de Anzieu (1985) ilustra la función paradójica de este sobre envolvente que es la piel. Soporte de excitación e inscripción, lleva las huellas de las primeras comunicaciones; espacio psíquico del encuentro, es este lugar simbólico donde se desarrolla la alquimia secreta del alma y el cuerpo. La piel está en el corazón del diálogo emocional (Wallon, 1941), o el espacio de transición (Winnicott, 1971). Un espacio de lo íntimo compartido de la construcción del significado, que ilustra la dialéctica de la socialización y la personalización de Malrieu (2003) y Meyerson (1995). Un lugar de relación donde la imagen social e íntima de la otredad se desenreda y desenreda, a veces en la tensión crítica de un nuevo impulso vital, bajo la suave presión del masaje o la mordedura penetrante del tatuaje. El tatuaje es el significante de un viaje psíquico cuyas motivaciones, más allá del simple objetivo estético, siguen siendo misteriosas. Estas motivaciones juegan un papel central en la construcción de la identidad, especialmente en la adolescencia y la edad adulta temprana. Como acto creativo que moviliza el deseo del sujeto en su dimensión de sufrimiento, siempre es sacrificado por el dolor que provoca, como la escarificación o la perforación, el tatuaje a veces puede constituir un rito de iniciación que tiene una función de individuación (Jung 1961). Basado en entrevistas semiestructuradas con adultos jóvenes y un análisis de contenido temático de estas entrevistas, nuestros análisis tratarán de mostrar en particular cómo esta práctica del tatuaje, en su doble dimensión de proceso psicológico y creación artística, constituye un una forma de reapropiación del cuerpo y la historia de la vida de la persona, una "reconstrucción del significado". Como un acto de subjetivación, el tatuaje puede revelarnos en parte la tensión por la cual la piel se convierte en memoria y el cuerpo está "trabajando" en el sentido de Meyerson. El tatuaje se escribe como un cuento mitológico autobiográfico que lleva el rastro simbólico siempre enigmático del desarrollo de la persona." Ce qu'il y a de plus profond dans l'homme, c'est la peau ". Cette citation de Paul Valéry par Anzieu (1985), illustre la fonction paradoxale de cette enveloppe contenante qu'est la peau. Support d'excitation et d'inscription, elle porte les traces des communications les plus précoces ; espace psychique de la rencontre, elle est ce lieu symbolique où se joue l'alchimie secrète de l'âme et du corps. La peau est au cœur du dialogue émotionnel (Wallon, 1941), ou de l'espace transitionnel (Winnicott, 1971). Un espace de l'intime partagé de la construction du sens, qui illustre la dialectique de socialisation et personnalisation de Malrieu (2003) et Meyerson (1995). Un lieu de relation où se noue et se dénoue l'image sociale et intime de l'altérité, parfois dans la tension critique d'un nouvel élan vital, sous la douce pression du massage ou la morsure piquante du tatouage. Le tatouage est le signifiant d'un cheminement psychique dont les motivations, au-delà de la seule visée esthétique, restent mystérieuses. Ces motivations jouent un rôle central dans la construction de l'identité en particulier à l'adolescence et au début de l'âge adulte. Comme acte créateur mobilisant le désir du sujet dans sa dimension souffrante - il est toujours sacrificiel par la douleur qu'il convoque, comme la scarification ou le piercing - le tatouage peut constituer parfois un rite de passage qui a une fonction d'individuation (Jung, 1961). A partir d'entretiens semi-directifs réalisés auprès de jeunes adultes et une analyse de contenu thématique de ces entretiens, nos analyses tenteront de montrer en particulier comment cette pratique du tatouage, dans sa double dimension de processus psychologique et de création artistique, constitue une forme de réappropriation du corps et de l'histoire de vie de la personne, une " re-construction du sens ". Comme acte de subjectivation, le tatoo peut nous dévoiler en partie la tension par laquelle la peau devient mémoire et le corps se fait " œuvre " au sens de Meyerson. Le tatouage s'écrit alors comme un récit mythique autobiographique qui porte la trace symbolique toujours énigmatique du développement de la personne."រឿងដែលជ្រៅបំផុតនៅក្នុងបុរសគឺស្បែក" ។ ការដកស្រង់ពីលោក Paul Valéryដោយ Anzieu (១៩៨៥) បង្ហាញពីមុខងារប្លែកនៃស្រោមសំបុត្រស្រោមសំបុត្រនេះដែលជាស្បែក។ ការគាំទ្រនៃការរំភើបនិងសិលាចារឹកវាមានដាននៃការទំនាក់ទំនងដំបូងបំផុត; កន្លែងវិកលចរិកនៃការជួបប្រទះវាគឺជាកន្លែងនិមិត្តរូបនេះដែលការផ្លាស់ប្តូរសំងាត់នៃព្រលឹងនិងរាងកាយត្រូវបានចាក់ចេញ។ ស្បែកគឺជាចំណុចសំខាន់នៃការសន្ទនាខាងអារម្មណ៍ (វ៉ាថុនឆ្នាំ ១៩៤១) ឬចន្លោះផ្លាស់ប្តូរ (Winnicott, ១៩៧១) ។ ចន្លោះនៃភាពស្និទ្ធស្នាលរួមគ្នានៃការស្ថាបនាអត្ថន័យដែលបង្ហាញពីគ្រាមភាសានៃសង្គមនិងការធ្វើបដិរូបកម្មរបស់ម៉ាលីរៀ (២០០៣) និងម៉ីសាន់ (១៩៩៥) ។ កន្លែងទំនាក់ទំនងដែលរូបភាពសង្គមនិងភាពស្និទ្ធស្នាលរបស់អ្នកដទៃត្រូវបានដោះស្រាយហើយមិនត្រូវបានរកឃើញនៅពេលខ្លះស្ថិតក្នុងភាពតានតឹងនៃកម្លាំងរុញច្រានដ៏សំខាន់ថ្មីក្រោមសម្ពាធដ៏ទន់ភ្លន់នៃការម៉ាស្សាឬការខាំនៃស្នាមសាក់។ ស្នាមសាក់គឺជាសញ្ញាបង្ហាញពីដំណើរផ្លូវចិត្តដែលការជម្រុញក្រៅពីគោលបំណងសាភ័ណភ្ពនៅតែជាអាថ៌កំបាំង។ ការលើកទឹកចិត្តទាំងនេះដើរតួនាទីយ៉ាងសំខាន់ក្នុងការកសាងអត្តសញ្ញាណប័ណ្ណជាពិសេសក្នុងវ័យជំទង់និងមនុស្សពេញវ័យដំបូង។ ក្នុងនាមជាសកម្មភាពច្នៃប្រឌិតដែលប្រមូលផ្តុំបំណងប្រាថ្នារបស់ប្រធានបទនៅក្នុងវិមាត្ររងទុក្ខវេទនារបស់វា - វាត្រូវបានលះបង់ជានិច្ចដោយការឈឺចាប់ដែលវាកោះហៅដូចជាការធ្វើឱ្យមានស្លាកស្នាមឬចោះ - ការចាក់សាក់ពេលខ្លះអាចបង្កើតជាពិធីមួយដែលមានមុខងារនៃលក្ខណៈបុគ្គល (ជុងជុង) ។ ឆ្នាំ ១៩៦១) ។ ផ្អែកលើការសំភាសន៍ពាក់កណ្តាលរចនាសម្ព័នជាមួយយុវជនពេញវ័យនិងការវិភាគខ្លឹមសារនៃបទសម្ភាសន៍ទាំងនេះការវិភាគរបស់យើងនឹងព្យាយាមបង្ហាញជាពិសេសពីរបៀបនៃការសាក់រូបនេះក្នុងវិមាត្រពីរនៃដំណើរការចិត្តសាស្ត្រនិងការបង្កើតសិល្បៈបង្កើត ទម្រង់បែបបទនៃការធ្វើឱ្យប្រសើរឡើងវិញនៃរាងកាយនិងរឿងរ៉ាវជីវិតរបស់មនុស្សដែលជា "ការកសាងឡើងវិញនូវអត្ថន័យ" ។ ក្នុងនាមជាសកម្មភាពនៃប្រធានបទតេតាអូអាចបង្ហាញដល់យើងនូវផ្នែកមួយនៃភាពតានតឹងដែលស្បែកក្លាយជាការចងចាំហើយរាងកាយ "ធ្វើការ" ក្នុងន័យម៉ីសាន់។ ស្នាមសាក់នេះក្រោយមកត្រូវបានសរសេរជារឿងនិទានជីវវិទ្យាទាក់ទងនឹងទេវកថាដែលបង្ហាញពីនិមិត្តរូបនិមិត្តរូបនៃការអភិវឌ្ឍរបស់មនុស្ស។"A coisa mais profunda do homem é a pele". Essa citação de Paul Valéry, de Anzieu (1985), ilustra a função paradoxal desse envelope envolvente que é a pele. Apoio à excitação e inscrição, traz os vestígios das primeiras comunicações; espaço psíquico do encontro, é este lugar simbólico onde se realiza a alquimia secreta da alma e do corpo. A pele está no centro do diálogo emocional (Wallon, 1941), ou no espaço de transição (Winnicott, 1971). Um espaço do íntimo compartilhado da construção de sentido, que ilustra a dialética da socialização e personalização de Malrieu (2003) e Meyerson (1995). Um lugar de relacionamento em que a imagem social e íntima da alteridade é desvendada e desvendada, às vezes na tensão crítica de um novo impulso vital, sob a suave pressão da massagem ou a picada picante da tatuagem. A tatuagem é o significante de uma jornada psíquica cujas motivações, além do mero objetivo estético, permanecem misteriosas. Essas motivações desempenham um papel central na construção da identidade, especialmente na adolescência e no início da idade adulta. Como ato criativo que mobiliza o desejo do sujeito em sua dimensão de sofrimento - é sempre sacrificial pela dor que convoca, como a escarificação ou o piercing - a tatuagem às vezes pode constituir um rito de passagem que tem uma função de individuação (Jung 1961). Com base em entrevistas semiestruturadas com jovens adultos e uma análise temática de conteúdo dessas entrevistas, nossas análises tentarão mostrar em particular como essa prática de tatuagem, em sua dupla dimensão de processo psicológico e criação artística, constitui um uma forma de reapropriação do corpo e a história de vida da pessoa, uma "reconstrução do significado". Como um ato de subjetivação, a tatuagem pode nos revelar em parte a tensão pela qual a pele se torna memória e o corpo é "trabalho" no sentido de Meyerson. A tatuagem é então escrita como um conto autobiográfico mitológico que carrega o traço simbólico sempre enigmático do desenvolvimento da pessoa

    Socialisation active et nouvelles perspectives en psychologie de l’orientation

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    L’article a été élaboré à partir de la publication « Construire sa vie : un paradigme pour l’orientation au 21e siècle ». Il en examine les principaux concepts et les perspectives théoriques et méthodologiques qu’elle définit. Il veut contribuer au débat actuel sur les modèles et les pratiques de l’orientation scolaire, professionnelle, tout au long de la vie. Les auteurs présentent quelques éléments de leur modèle d’analyse qui estime que les situations d’orientation constituent pour la personne des enjeux d’une socialisation active. C’est parce que ces situations suscitent en elle des questionnements sur soi, sur ses rapports aux autres, aux institutions, sur les valeurs et le sens qu’elle donne à ses actes dans divers milieux et temps de vie que la socialisation par l’orientation mobilise et développe des processus de personnalisation. Ces situations supposent, durant toute l’ontogenèse, des échanges, des confrontations – le dialogue – avec autrui pour lesquels, pour une part spécifique, les psychologues du conseil en orientation sont aptes à fournir des motifs, des incitations, un cadre d’investigation et de réflexivité.The starting point of our analysis is “Life designing: a paradigm of career construction in the 21st century”, which examines the main concepts and the major theoretical and methodological perspectives. The aim is to contribute to the current debate concerning models and practices about school orientation and professional orientation throughout an individual’s life. We propose here a few elements of our analytical model, arguing that orientation experiences involve active socialization issues for the individual. Indeed, in such situations one is led to question oneself, one’s relationships with others, with institutions, to question values and the meaning one gives to one’s actions in different contexts and periods. This explains that socialization through orientation brings into play and develops the personalization process. These situations involve exchange and confrontation, namely, a dialogue, throughout the subject’s development, for which, in their specific area, psychologists specialized in orientation counselling can provide motivation, encouragement, drive, as well as an investigating and self questioning framework

    Relevance of a mobile internet platform for capturing inter- and intrasubject variabilities in circadian coordination during daily routine : pilot study

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    Background: Experimental and epidemiologic studies have shown that circadian clocks disruption can play an important role in the development of cancer and metabolic diseases. The cellular clocks outside the brain are effectively coordinated by the body temperature rhythm. We hypothesized that concurrent measurements of body temperature and rest-activity rhythms would assess circadian clocks coordination in individual patients, thus enabling the integration of biological rhythms into precision medicine. Objective The objective was to evaluate the circadian clocks’ coordination in healthy subjects and patients through simultaneous measurements of rest-activity and body temperature rhythms. Methods Non-invasive real-time measurements of rest-activity and chest temperature rhythms were recorded during the subject’s daily life, using a dedicated new mobile e-health platform (PiCADo). It involved a chest sensor that jointly measured accelerations, 3D-orientation and skin surface temperature every 1-5 min, and relayed them out to a mobile gateway via Bluetooth-Low-Energy. The gateway tele-transmitted all stored data to a server via GPRS every 24 h. The technical capabilities of PiCADo were validated in 55 healthy subjects and 12 cancer patients, whose rhythms were e-monitored during their daily routine for 3-30 days. Spectral analyses enabled to compute rhythm parameters values, with their 90% confidence limits, and their dynamics in each subject. Results All the individuals displayed a dominant circadian rhythm in activity with maxima occurring from 12:09 to 20:25. This was not the case for the dominant temperature period, which clustered around 24 h for 51 out of 67 subjects (76%), and around 12 h for 13 others (19%). Statistically significant sex- and age- related differences in circadian coordination were identified in the non-cancerous subjects, based upon the range of variations in temperature rhythm amplitudes, maxima (acrophases), and phase relations with rest-activity. The circadian acrophase of chest temperature was located at night for the majority of people, but it occurred at daytime for 26% (14/55) of the non-cancerous people and 33% (4/12) of the cancer patients, hence supporting important inter-subject differences in circadian coordination. Sex, age and cancer significantly impacted on the circadian coordination of both rhythms, based on their phase relationships. Conclusions Complementing rest-activity with chest temperature circadian e-monitoring revealed striking inter-subject differences regarding human circadian clocks coordination and timing during daily routine. To further delineate the clinical importance of such finding, the PiCADo platform is currently applied for both the assessment of health effects resulting from atypical work schedules, and the identification of the key determinants of circadian disruption in cancer patients

    The autophagy response during adipogenesis of primary cultured rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) adipocytes

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    Adipogenesis is a tightly regulated process, and the involvement of autophagy has been recently proposed in mammalian models. In rainbow trout, two well-defined phases describe the development of primary cultured adipocyte cells: proliferation and differentiation. Nevertheless, information on the transcriptional profile at the onset of differentiation and the potential role of autophagy in this process is scarce. In the present study, the cells showed an early and transient induction of several adipogenic transcription factors genes' expression (i.e., cebpa and cebpb) along with the morphological changes (round shape filled with small lipid droplets) typical of the onset of adipogenesis. Then, the expression of various lipid metabolism-related genes involving the synthesis (fas), uptake (fatp1 and cd36), accumulation (plin2) and mobilization (hsl) of lipids, characteristic of the mature adipocyte, increased. In parallel, several autophagy markers (i.e., atg4b, gabarapl1 and lc3b) mirrored the expression of those adipogenic-related genes, suggesting a role of autophagy during in vitro fish adipogenesis. In this regard, the incubation of preadipocytes with lysosomal inhibitors (Bafilomycin A1 or Chloroquine), described to prevent autophagy flux, delayed the process of adipogenesis (i.e., cell remodelling), thus suggesting a possible relationship between autophagy and adipocyte differentiation in trout. Moreover, the disruption of the autophagic flux altered the expression of some key adipogenic genes such as cebpa and pparg. Overall, this study contributes to improve our knowledge on the regulation of rainbow trout adipocyte differentiation, and highlights for the first time in fish the involvement of autophagy on adipogenesis, suggesting a close-fitting connection between both processes

    DRAM-3 modulates autophagy and promotes cell survival in the absence of glucose

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    Macroautophagy is a membrane-trafficking process that delivers cytoplasmic constituents to lysosomes for degradation. The process operates under basal conditions as a mechanism to turnover damaged or misfolded proteins and organelles. As a result, it has a major role in preserving cellular integrity and viability. In addition to this basal function, macroautophagy can also be modulated in response to various forms of cellular stress, and the rate and cargoes of macroautophagy can be tailored to facilitate appropriate cellular responses in particular situations. The macroautophagy machinery is regulated by a group of evolutionarily conserved autophagy-related (ATG) proteins and by several other autophagy regulators, which either have tissue-restricted expression or operate in specific contexts. We report here the characterization of a novel autophagy regulator that we have termed DRAM-3 due to its significant homology to damage-regulated autophagy modulator (DRAM-1). DRAM-3 is expressed in a broad spectrum of normal tissues and tumor cells, but different from DRAM-1, DRAM-3 is not induced by p53 or DNA-damaging agents. Immunofluorescence studies revealed that DRAM-3 localizes to lysosomes/autolysosomes, endosomes and the plasma membrane, but not the endoplasmic reticulum, phagophores, autophagosomes or Golgi, indicating significant overlap with DRAM-1 localization and with organelles associated with macroautophagy. In this regard, we further proceed to show that DRAM-3 expression causes accumulation of autophagosomes under basal conditions and enhances autophagic flux. Reciprocally, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated disruption of DRAM-3 impairs autophagic flux confirming that DRAM-3 is a modulator of macroautophagy. As macroautophagy can be cytoprotective under starvation conditions, we also tested whether DRAM-3 could promote survival on nutrient deprivation. This revealed that DRAM-3 can repress cell death and promote long-term clonogenic survival of cells grown in the absence of glucose. Interestingly, however, this effect is macroautophagy-independent. In summary, these findings constitute the primary characterization of DRAM-3 as a modulator of both macroautophagy and cell survival under starvation conditions

    Citoyenneté et orientation à l’adolescence : dialectique des processus identitaires et de socialisation

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    Cet article propose une réflexion théorique sur la notion de citoyenneté et ses implications sur la construction identitaire et sur l’orientation scolaire et professionnelle à l’adolescence. La citoyenneté est appréhendée comme une construction historique et sociale qui soulève de fortes contradictions dans les champs de l’éducation et de l’orientation scolaire et qui nécessite un approfondissement des recherches sur les processus psychologiques engagés dans son développement. La réflexion se centre ensuite sur une conception de la socialisation active, plurielle et conflictuelle et montre comment elle s’articule aux questions d’orientation scolaire et professionnelle. Dans ce cadre, la socialisation de l’adolescent.e dans ses différents milieux de vie débouche sur une forme de socialisation politique où les relations entre engagement civique et construction identitaire semblent occuper une place centrale. Enfin, des perspectives de recherches sont proposées sur l’engagement civique et sur des configurations d’orientation et de formation largement marquées par des rapports sociaux différenciés.This article is a discussion paper on citizenship and its implications concerning the construction of identity and educational and vocational guidance during adolescence. Citizenship is viewed as a historical and social construct which gives rise to major contradictions in the fields of education and educational guidance, and which requires further research on the psychological processes involved in its development. Next, the reflections focus on an active, plural and conflicting conception of socialisation and show how it can be applied to questions of educational and vocational guidance. In this context, the socialisation of the teenager in his or her environmentsresults in a form of political socialisation where the relationship between civic engagement and the construction of identity seems to be central. Finally, research perspectives are proposed on civic engagement and on guidance and training configurations, largely marked by differentiated social relationships

    DRAM-1 is required for mTORC1 activation by facilitating lysosomal amino acid efflux

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    Sensing nutrient availability is essential for appropriate cellular growth, and mTORC1 is a major regulator of this process. Mechanisms causing mTORC1 activation are, however, complex and diverse. We report here an additional important step in the activation of mTORC1, which regulates the efflux of amino acids from lysosomes into the cytoplasm. This process requires DRAM-1, which binds the membrane carrier protein SCAMP3 and the amino acid transporters SLC1A5 and LAT1, directing them to lysosomes and permitting efficient mTORC1 activation. Consequently, we show that loss of DRAM-1 also impacts pathways regulated by mTORC1, including insulin signaling, glycemic balance, and adipocyte differentiation. Interestingly, although DRAM-1 can promote autophagy, this effect on mTORC1 is autophagy independent, and autophagy only becomes important for mTORC1 activation when DRAM-1 is deleted. These findings provide important insights into mTORC1 activation and highlight the importance of DRAM-1 in growth control, metabolic homeostasis, and differentiation

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)1.

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    In 2008, we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, this topic has received increasing attention, and many scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Thus, it is important to formulate on a regular basis updated guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Despite numerous reviews, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to evaluate autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. Here, we present a set of guidelines for investigators to select and interpret methods to examine autophagy and related processes, and for reviewers to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of reports that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a dogmatic set of rules, because the appropriateness of any assay largely depends on the question being asked and the system being used. Moreover, no individual assay is perfect for every situation, calling for the use of multiple techniques to properly monitor autophagy in each experimental setting. Finally, several core components of the autophagy machinery have been implicated in distinct autophagic processes (canonical and noncanonical autophagy), implying that genetic approaches to block autophagy should rely on targeting two or more autophagy-related genes that ideally participate in distinct steps of the pathway. Along similar lines, because multiple proteins involved in autophagy also regulate other cellular pathways including apoptosis, not all of them can be used as a specific marker for bona fide autophagic responses. Here, we critically discuss current methods of assessing autophagy and the information they can, or cannot, provide. Our ultimate goal is to encourage intellectual and technical innovation in the field