1,815 research outputs found


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    Through this essay, we will focus on the defensibility of a digital exhaustion principle in both legal and practical dimensions regarding the workability and acceptance under the new digital paradigm. The principle of exhaustion is expressively recognized at both the international and European level as a limit to the right of the original owner’s right of distribution. Attending to the meaning of frontiers in the digital ecosystem, hence the underlying idea behind the principle of exhaustion, is to facilitate the functioning of the internal market by eliminating the barriers to the free movement of goods within the European Union. To this end, we will analyse the applicability of the principle of exhaustion to the online dissemination of digital copyrightable content in the Digital Single Market attending to the existing statutory framework within  the EU along with the recent case law. While bearing in mind the existing challenges in the field of copyright law with the massive digitalization, the unprecedented number of copies available online facilitating piracy and dissemination at an almost near-zero cost. We will undertake a solution based on the synergy of means for policy in light of the 21st-century challenges and technologies available. Therefore, we propose a model that combines both legal and technological tools

    Mobility in Higher Education's contribution to economic competitiveness and cohesion in EU: trends and outcomes

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    Mestrado Bolonha em Economia Internacional e Estudos EuropeusEuropean Union and its Member States have been faced with gaps and disparities in economic competitiveness and cohesion. There are clear divides in the EU and countries and its regions grow and react to crisis in very different manners. This work explores how knowledge, education and R&I became associated with economic competitiveness and how that has been impacted by EU’s strategies and policies. The desire to turn EU in a knowledge economy, where innovation and competitiveness are closely related to a highly skilled society, reinforced the role of Higher Education and, consequently, students’ mobility. By analysing trends in economic competitiveness and higher education mobility, it’s possible to notice that the same group of countries stands out has more competitive and more attractive for students, while clear differences are set between Member States.A competitividade económica e a coesão na União Europeia e entre os seus Estados-Membros têm sido pautadas por lacunas e disparidades. Existem claras divisões na UE e os seus países e as suas regiões crescem e reagem a crises de forma muito diferente. Este trabalho explora como o conhecimento, a educação e R&I estão ligadas à competitividade económica e como têm sido influenciadas pelas políticas e estratégias da UE. O desejo de tornar a União Europeia numa economia do conhecimento, onde a inovação e a competitividade estão fortemente associadas a uma sociedade altamente qualificada, reforçou o papel do Ensino Superior e, consequentemente, da mobilidade de estudantes. Ao analisar tendências e na competitividade económica e na mobilidade no Ensino Superior, é possível detetar que o mesmo grupo de países se destaca como mais competitivo e atrativo para estudantes, marcando diferenças claras entre Estados-Membros.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Combine Lean with Green Paradigm as an enabler for an environmentally sustainable supply chain

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThe incorporation of sustainability and the shift to Sustainable Supply Chains has forced companies to rethink their entire business and simultaneously, improve their environmental performance and efficiency. Lean paradigm has often been associated with Green practices/strategies since both have similar goals. However, the junction of Lean and the Green paradigm is still a recent topic and due to that, it is not yet clear how the Lean paradigm can contribute to an organization’s environmental sustainability. This thesis has the objective of performing a literature review of how the implementation of Lean strategies can contribute to an environmentally sustainable business and, how can these strategies be combined with Green practices to make a company’s supply chain sustainable. This thesis also includes an analysis of Lean and Green paradigms and of their practices and techniques. After this analysis, the objective of the investigation is to identify which are the main differences between the Lean and Green paradigm so that, later, it is possible to identify the synergies between the two concepts in order to be able to define a strategy that encompasses both Lean and Green paradigms with the goal of achieve a Sustainable Supply Chain

    Comunicações com câmara para aplicações de platooning

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    Platooning is a technology that corresponds to all the coordinated movements of a collection of vehicles, or, in the case of mobile robotics, to all the coordinated movements of a collection of mobile robots. It brings several advantages to driving, such as, improved safety, accurate speed control, lower CO2 emission rates, and higher energy efficiency. This dissertation describes the development of a laboratory scale demonstrator of platooning based on optical camera communications, using two generic wheel steered robots. For this purpose, one of the robots is equipped with a Light Emitting Diode (LED) matrix and the other with a camera. The LED matrix acts as an Optical Camera Communication (OCC) transmitter, providing status information of the robot attitude. The camera acts as both image acquisition and as an OCC receiver. The gathered information is processed using the algorithm You Only Look Once (YOLO) to infer the robot motion. The YOLO object detector continuously checks the movement of the robot in front. Performance evaluation of 5 different YOLO models (YOLOv3, YOLOv3-tiny, YOLOv4, YOLOv4-tiny, YOLOv4-tiny-3l) was conducted to assess which model works best for this project. The outcomes demonstrate that YOLOv4-tiny surpasses the other models in terms of timing, making it the ideal choice for real-time performance. Object detection using YOLOv4-tiny was performed on the computer. This was chosen since it has a processing speed of 3.09 fps as opposed to the Raspberry Pi’s 0.2 fps.O platooning é uma tecnologia que corresponde a todas as movimentações coordenadas de um conjunto de veículos, ou, no caso da robótica movel, a todas as movimentações coordenadas de um conjunto de robots móveis. Traz várias vantagens para a condução, tais como, maior segurança, um controlo preciso da velocidade, menores taxas de emissão de CO2 e maior eficiência energética. Esta dissertação descreve o desenvolvimento de um demonstrador de platooning em escala laboratorial baseado em comunicações com câmera, usando dois robôs móveis genéricos. Para este propósito, um dos robôs é equipado com uma matriz de Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) e o outro é equipado com uma câmera. A matriz de LEDs funciona como transmissor, fornecendo informações de estado do robô. A câmera funciona como recetor, realizando a aquisição de imagens. As informações recolhidas são processadas usando o algoritmo You Only Look Once (YOLO) de forma a prever o movimento do robô. O YOLO verifica continuamente o movimento do robô da frente. A avaliação de desempenho de 5 modelos de YOLO diferentes (YOLOv3, YOLOv3-tiny, YOLOv4, YOLOv4-tiny, YOLOv4-tiny-3l) foi realizada para identificar qual o modelo que funciona melhor no contexto deste projeto. Os resultados demonstram que o YOLOv4-tiny supera os outros modelos em termos de tempo, tornando-o a escolha ideal para desempenho em tempo real. A deteção de objetos usando YOLOv4-tiny foi realizada no computador. Esta escolhe deveuse ao facto de o computador ter uma velocidade de processamento de 3,09 fps em oposição aos 0,2 fps da Raspberry Pi.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    SMC west halo: a slice of the galaxy that is being tidally stripped? Star clusters trace age and metallicity gradients

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    (ABRIDGED) The evolution and structure of the Magellanic Clouds is presently under debate. The classical scenario where both the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC, SMC) are orbiting the Milky Way has been challenged by an alternative where the LMC and SMC are in their first close passage to our Galaxy. Detailed studies of stellar populations in the galaxies should constrain the proposed scenarios. In particular, the west halo of the SMC was recently characterized with radial trends in age and metallicity which indicates tidal disruption. We increase the sample of star clusters in the west halo of the SMC with homogeneous age, metallicity, and distance derivations, to determine better age and metallicity gradients. Comparisons of observed and synthetic V,(B-V) colour-magnitude diagrams are used to derive parameters for west halo star clusters. We derived age and metallicity for the reference cluster NGC 152 compatible with literature parameters. Age and metallicity gradients are confirmed in the west halo: 2.6 +/- 0.6 Gyr/deg and -0.19 +/- 0.09 dex/deg, respectively. Age-metallicity relation for the west halo has low dispersion in metallicity and it is compatible with a burst model of chemical enrichment. All WH clusters seem to follow the same predicted stellar distribution, with exception of AM-3 that should belong to the counter-bridge. Bruck 6 is only 130 +/- 40 Myr old and it could have been formed during a recent tidal interaction of the SMC-LMC. We suggest that it is crucial to split the SMC cluster population in groups: main body, wing/bridge, counter-bridge and west halo. This is the way to analyse the complex star formation and dynamical history of our neighbour. In particular we show that west halo has clear age and metallicity gradients and age-metallicity relation, also compatible with the dynamical model of tidal influence of the LMC over the SMC.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, 6 tables, in press in A&

    Heterogeneous communication scheme for IoT smart nodes

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    There has been a rapid evolution in the area of the Internet of Things, and this means that a greater need for improved communications, for better device performance, is also in need. This dissertation presents a proposal for an efficient heterogeneous communication system that, with the help of Machine Learning algorithms, will be able to automatically predict, without human intervention, the best communication method to use. The goal of this system is to ensure that the user is always using the most appropriate technology for the situation and environment he is in, and to make the device experience the best possible. The system, which includes software and hardware, was developed to be easy to use and low-cost. An online platform was also developed, where the user can view and monitor the system in real time. In the platform it is possible to enter the various fields that are presented, that is, the characteristics of the environment in which the device is, and then the user can get information about the best technology to use, for this specific case. The effectiveness of the system developed was also studied and experimentally tested, and accuracy of between 94% and 96.78% could be observed depending on the scenario. The results obtained were explained in detail in this dissertation.Tem existido uma enorme evolução na área da Internet das Coisas isto faz com que também tenha começado a existir uma maior necessidade de melhorar as suas comunicações para um melhor desempenho dos dispositivos. Esta dissertação apresenta uma proposta de um sistema de comunicação heterogéneo que seja eficiente e que, com ajuda de algoritmos de Machine Learning será possível prever, automaticamente sem intervenção humana, qual o sistema de comunicação usar. O objetivo deste sistema passa por garantir que o utilizador esteja sempre a usar a tecnologia mais adequada para a situação e ambiente em que se encontra e com isto tornar a experiência do dispositivo a melhor possível. O sistema, que inclui software e hardware, foi desenvolvido de forma a ser fácil de usar e de baixo custo. Foi desenvolvida também uma plataforma online, em que utilizador consegue visualizar e monitorizar o sistema em tempo real. Na plataforma é possível introduzir os vários campos que são apresentados, isto é, as características do ambiente em que o dispositivo se encontra e depois o utilizador consegue obter as informações acerca da tecnologia mais adequada a usar, para este caso específico. A eficácia do sistema desenvolvido também foi estudada e testada experimentalmente e foi possível observar uma precisão a rondar os 94% para o edge computing e 96,78% para a API. Os resultados obtidos foram explicados detalhadamente nesta dissertação

    Classical simulation of non-Gaussian fermionic circuits

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    We propose efficient algorithms for classically simulating fermionic linear optics operations applied to non-Gaussian initial states. By gadget constructions, this provides algorithms for fermionic linear optics with non-Gaussian operations. We argue that this problem is analogous to that of simulating Clifford circuits with non-stabilizer initial states: Algorithms for the latter problem immediately translate to the fermionic setting. Our construction is based on an extension of the covariance matrix formalism which permits to efficiently track relative phases in superpositions of Gaussian states. It yields simulation algorithms with polynomial complexity in the number of fermions, the desired accuracy, and certain quantities capturing the degree of non-Gaussianity of the initial state. We study one such quantity, the fermionic Gaussian extent, and show that it is multiplicative on tensor products when the so-called fermionic Gaussian fidelity is. We establish this property for the tensor product of two arbitrary pure states of four fermions with positive parity.Comment: 63 pages and 15 figures; updated references [47] and [48]; see also related works arxiv:2307.12654 by Cudby and Strelchuk and arxiv:2307.12702 by Reardon-Smith et a