2,658 research outputs found

    La mort et la vie chretienne en Navarre au XIVe siecle

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    “A la ballena y a Jonás, muy mal pintados”: Quevedo coleccionista y crítico de arte

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    El soneto titulado «A la ballena y a Jonás», núm. 602 de la edición de Blecua, alude a un misterioso lienzo de contenido bíblico realizado por Eugenio Cajés y adquirido por Quevedo. Varios motivos de reflexión ofrece la implicación de don Francisco en primera persona que permite al poeta jugar contemporáneamente el papel de coleccionista de cuadros, de crítico de arte y de comprador descontento que se da cuenta, demasiado tarde, de la flaqueza de su negocio. El motivo de la pintura le sirve al autor para construir una invectiva contra Cajés y la manera más eficaz de declarar su indignación hacia el pintor —la misma manifestada por Jonás a causa de la rapidez de la conversión de los ninivitas— es la de dirigirle un soneto, máximo logro de su pluma contundente y de un virtuosismo lingü.stico sin par. The sonnet «A la ballena y a Jonás», number 602 in Blecua’s edition, speaks about a mysterious picture of biblical theme, painted by Eugenio Cajés and bought by Quevedo. Many reasons of reflection are connected to the direct and concrete implication of don Francisco in the poem: he can contemporaneously play the role of paintings collector, art critic and dissatisfied buyer who accounts, too late, for the mistake of his business. The author uses the painting’s theme to create an invective against Cajés. The most effective manner to declare his indignation towards the painter —the same anger showed by Jonás because of the quickness of the Ninivitas conversion— is the use of a sonnet, maximum expression of his cruel pen and his extraordinary linguistic virtuosity

    Pinturas infernales y retratos grotescos: viaje por la iconografía de los Sueños

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    Analizando el ciclo completo de los Sueños, no se puede prescindir de una lectura basada en la importancia del retrato plástico visual quevediano, en la relación directa o indirecta con la obra de algunos pintores (en particular, Bosch y Arcimboldi) y en el ejercicio de una écfrasis oculta que ofrece al texto riqueza e intensidad. La fuerza iconográfica de los grandes retratos literarios, de las rápidas viñetas o de las imágenes compuestas —hechas de yuxtaposición de escenas y de personajes— permite la construcción de una ventana imaginaria proyectada hacia el mundo terreno y ultraterreno, un enorme cuadro de múltiples colores y perspectivas, cuyo pincel es la pluma genial de don Francisco. The analysis of the complete cycle of the Sueños must take into consideration a reading based on the importance of the quevedian visual and plastic portrait, on the relationship with the works of some painters (Bosch and Arcimboldi, in particular) and on the practice of an occult ekfrasis that gives the text fullness and intensity. The iconographic power of the large literary portraits, of the rapid illustrations, of the composite images —characterized by a juxtaposition of scenes and characters— allow the building of an imaginary window opened to the earthly and heavenly world, a great multi-coloured painting, whose pincel is the ingenious pluma of don Francisco

    An autoethnography of becoming a kindergarden teacher: from self-awareness to nonviolent social change

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    Abstract. This study seek to represent my educational journey from childhood to the present. It aspires at answering two main research questions that I faced over my time working as a kindergarten teacher in a local school in Verona, Italy. They are: what have been the principal factors (life events and knowledge gained) to lead my educative journey? What has been the impact nonviolent communication had on my educative practice? Embracing the view of transmissional theorists which see education as tool to change socio-cultural values, I reflect on the perspective nonviolent thinkers have on the western modern culture. I take on different disciplines, such as anthropology, linguistic and neurosciences, to address the importance of transmitting nonviolent values through education, in order to possibly overcome the violent paradigm spread within the contemporary society. I approach nonviolent communication as a strategy to bring such a change. The main research questions are considered under the autoethnographic approach which makes the study a highly personal account. The results of this work demonstrate that the factors determining my choice of being an educator have been influenced by both my personality, my schooling experience and the knowledge I matured throughout my life and my working experience. Finally, I state that to enact a social change through an educational practice, good will is not enough. Personal, cultural, anthropological and neuroscientific awareness on the role education, have been crucial in order to shape my profession, as well as myself as a person. At present, I acknowledge that through my educative performance, I can contribute to change a predominant violent cultural paradigm into a nonviolent one

    Alien Registration- Nason, Beatrice B. (Limerick, York County)

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    Alien Registration- Beaulieu, Beatrice B. (Presque Isle, Aroostook County)

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    Uptake of reconstituted Na,K-ATPase vesicles by isolated lymphocytes measured by FACS, confocal microscopy and spectrofluorometry

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    Na,K-ATPase (EC,, Na,K-ATPase) is a fundamental vital membrane transport and receptor system which, after biosynthesis, is exported to the plasma membrane in inside-out vesicles. Na,K-ATPase can be extracted form the natural membrane and inserted into artificially formed phosphatidylcholine vesicles (liposomes). The ultrastructure of the reconstituted vesicles has been fully described. In the present work, the Na,K-ATPase-vesicles were labeled with fluorescent tracers either in their water or membrane phase, incubated with freshly isolated human lymphocytes, and the resulting cellular fluorescence measured with fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), confocal microscopy and spectrofluorometry. The FACS data show that all lymphocytes take up Na,K-ATPase-vesicles in a dose-and temperature-dependent fashion. Three-dimensional analysis of the fluorescence by confocal microscopy reveals that the fluorescence is contained within the cells. Quantitative determination by spectrofluorometry indicates that depending on the vesicle/cell ratio, a single lymphocyte takes up 650 to 36,500 vesicles within 30 min at 37°C together with up to about 200,000 renal Na,K-ATPase molecule

    Pengaruh Brand Identity Terhadap Timbulnya Brand Preference Dan Repurchase Intention Pada Merek Toyota

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh identitas merk Toyota terhadap timbulnya preferensi merek dan niat pembelian kembali konsumen terhadap merek Toyota. Toyota sebagai penguasa pasar mobil di Indonesia, memiliki keunggulan kompetitif tersendiri dibandingkan dengan pesaingnya. Kepercayaan terhadap merek Toyota juga menimbulkan adanya niat pembelian kembali konsumen terhadap merek tersebut.Teknik analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kausal asosiatif dengan metode penelitian Structural Equation Model (SEM) untuk meneliti hubungan antara variabel identitas merek dengan preferensi merek dan niat pembelian kembali pada merek Toyota.Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa identitas merek berpengaruh secara positif terhadap timbulnya preferensi merek dan niat pembelian kembali pada merek Toyota. Demikian pula preferensi merek berpengaruh positif terhadap niat pembelian kembali pada merek Toyota

    Cross-lingual Question Answering with QED

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    We present improvements and modifications of the QED open-domain question answering system developed for TREC-2003 to make it cross-lingual for participation in the CrossLinguistic Evaluation Forum (CLEF) Question Answering Track 2004 for the source languages French and German and the target language English. We use rule-based question translation extended with surface pattern-oriented pre- and post-processing rules for question reformulation to create and English query from its French or German original. Our system uses deep processing for the question and answers, which requires efficient and radical prior search space pruning. For answering factoid questions, we report an accuracy of 16% (German to English) and 20% (French to English), respectively