20 research outputs found

    Teoria Redefiniowania Roli Rodzica według P.J. Milliken na tle innych modeli badawczych obejmujących opiekę nad dorosłą osobą przewlekle chorą na schizofrenię

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    There have been six conceptual frameworks commonly used to study family responses to severe mental illness: Family Expressed Emotion, Family Caregiving Burden, Family Resiliency Model, Family Stress and Coping Model, Attribution Theory and Theory of Redefining Parental Identity. The Theory of Redefining Parental Identity by P.J. Milliken is described here wider because of its specific phenomenological method of characterizing occurrence of caregiving for a person with severe mental illness. Family Expressed Emotion blames for relapses in schizophrenia the family, Family Caregiving Burden describes only negative aspects of caregiving. Family Resiliency Model, Family Stress and Coping Model, and Attribution Theory in comparison to above mentioned frameworks, were build on basis on normal population and enable to describe testing variables more objectively. They include spectrum of features of caregiving for the mentally ill. Theory of Redefining Parental Identity in comparison to five mentioned frameworks highlights specificity and dynamics of the phenomenon of care for patients with severe mental illness.W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono pięć schematów badawczych oraz Teorię Redefiniowania Roli Rodzica według P.J. Milliken, w ramach których ujmuje się złożone zjawisko, jakim jest opieka nad dorosłą osobą przewlekle chorą psychicznie. Są to: Koncepcja Ujawnianych Emocji, Teoria Obciążenia Rodziny, Model Elastyczności Rodzinnej, Teoria Stresu i Radzenia Sobie z Nim, Teoria Atrybucji. Szerzej opisano Teorię Redefiniowania Roli Rodzica. Według Koncepcji Ujawnianych Emocji za nawroty psychozy obwinia się rodzinę pacjenta, Teoria Obciążenia Rodziny naświetla tylko negatywne aspekty opieki nad chorym, podkreślając, że stanowi on jedynie obciążenie dla opiekunów. Model Elastyczności Rodzinnej, Teoria Stresu i Radzenia Sobie z Nim oraz Teoria Atrybucji, które w odróżnieniu od pozostałych dwóch modeli teoretycznych nie powstały tylko na podstawie badań nad rodzinami z osobą chorą psychicznie, lecz na podstawie badań obejmujących populację ogólną, opisują obiektywnie i szerzej przejawy opieki nad chorym psychicznie. Teoria Redefiniowania Roli Rodzica w odróżnieniu od pięciu wymienionych wyżej modeli, dzięki posługiwaniu się metodą fenomenologiczną w opisie zjawiska opieki nad chorym psychicznie, podkreśla specyfikę i dynamikę zmian długotrwałego przebywania z chorym


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    Estimation of the antifungal activity of some preparations against Diaporthe eres under in vitro conditions

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    Six fungicides from various chemical groups and two natural products, i.e., Biosept Active (grapefruit extract) and Beta-Chikol (chitosan) were tested in vitro against Diaporthe eres isolated from the shoots of fruit trees. The preparations were incorporated in PDA medium to provide final fungicide concentrations of 1, 10, and 100 g cm−3. Biosept Active concentrations of 0.05%, 0.075%, and 0.1%, and Beta-Chikol concentrations of 1%, 2%, and 2.5%, respectively. The antifungal activity of the preparations was evaluated based on mycelial growth of D. eres strains after 4 and 8 days of culture and changes in the morphological structures of the fungus. The highest antifungal activity was registered for thiophanate-methyl at all tested concentrations, followed by thiram, which showed the same activity but only at 100 g cm−3. Among the preparations of natural origin, Beta-Chikol was more effective against D. eres than Biosept Active. The effects achieved by the former preparation were comparable with those achieved by some of the most effective fungicides tested against D. eres

    Phylogenetic Characterization of Botryosphaeria Strains Associated with Asphondylia Galls on Species of Lamiaceae

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    In the last decade, Botryosphaeria dothidea has been steadily reported as an associate of gall midges (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) in a variety of host plants and ecological settings. This cosmopolitan fungus is well-known for its ability to colonize many plant species, as both a pathogen and an endophyte. Thus, the shift from this general habit to a lifestyle involving a strict symbiotic relationship with an insect introduces expectancy for possible strain specialization which could reflect separated phylogenetic lineages. Considering the recent taxonomic revision concerning species of Botryosphaeria, we evaluated the phylogenetic relationships among strains recovered from Asphondylia galls collected on several species of Lamiaceae in Poland and in Italy, and all the currently accepted species in this genus. A number of strains previously characterized from gall samples from Australia and South Africa, whose genetic marker sequences are deposited in GenBank, were also included in the analysis. As a result, full identity as B. dothidea is confirmed for our isolates, while strains from the southern hemisphere grouped separately, indicating the existence of genetic variation related to the geographic origin in the association with gall midges

    The occurrence and pathogenicity of Phoma exigua Desm. var. exigua for selected species of herbs

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    P. exigua var. exigua was isolated from underground and aboveground organs of different herb plant species in the years 1998-2006. Pathogenicity tests of three randomly chosen isolates of the fungus T 299, T 261 and T 277 for thyme and of three isolates M 1657, M 1193 and M 1635 for lemon balm were carried out. The effect of water suspension of fungus spores on the germination ability of schizocarps and of infected soil on sprouting and seedling health was studied. The study of microscopic structures of the fungus developing on plants, isolation of the fungus on artificial media and macro- and microscopic analysis on standard media are essential for the correct identification of P. exigua var. exigua. The polyphagous nature of the fungus is confirmed by the obtained results. The tested isolates were found to be occasional pathogens of thyme and lemon balm in the studied conditions. The harmfulness of the tested isolates pointed to inhibition of schizocarp germination, sprouting of plants and the ability to cause necrosis of germs, roots and epicotyl

    We Do Not Like It: A Likert-Type Scale Survey on the Attitudes of a Young Population towards the Transhumanistic Theory of Education

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    Transhumanists assume that future education may be purely based on technological stimulation. The question is: Do potential clients of education “like” such vision? In order to check this, we asked over one thousand two hundred young Poles to evaluate their identification with the transhumanistic theory of education. The results are quite surprising: its show that they disagree with the assumptions of this theory, while they rather agree with the postulates of more traditional (and no technology-based) concepts of education

    Wpływ warunków hodowli na wzrost, zarodnikowanie i tworzenie struktur morfologicznych przez Seimatosporium hypericinum (Ces.) Sutton [Effect of cultivation conditions on Seimatosporium hypericinum growth and form morfological structures]

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    The present study deals with effects of the air temperature, and the type of medium on the growth and form morfological structures of six Seimatosporium hypericinum isolates tested. St Jonh's Wort extract agar, St Jonh's Wort plant agar and PDA, oatmeal agar has been recognized as most useful for growth and sporulation of S. hypericinum. Mineral agar, appeared the least useful for growth and form acervuli and conidia. S. hypericinum can develop in a wide range of temperature, but the optimum one for the growth and sporulation of the fungus vary between 20°C and 28°C