68 research outputs found

    A Case Study of Cognitive – Educational Support for Elderly Female with Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Care and support for elderly persons is crucial issue for any cultural ground and any country. Special pedagogue (Special educator) in contemporary Polish university realities is person who has learnt while studies and qualified about support of persons with disabilities during life cycle. This mean, special pedagogue is or can be prepared to support persons since early childhood until late adulthood. This article is non-clinical, ethno-educational case study of individual, cognitive-educational, home-based support, conducted for 30 months by undergraduate female student for female diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. The case study is description and analysis of individual home -based, cognitive– educational support as an alternative to day-care facilities group support. Study neither examines the influence nor gives quantitative assessment of cognitive-educational support. The study and support raised in the beginning one question: what is the proper way of home-based cognitive-educational support for female in first stage of AD? Care and support for elderly persons is crucial issue for any cultural ground and any country. Special pedagogue (Special educator) in contemporary Polish university realities is person who has learnt while studies and qualified about support of persons with disabilities during life cycle. This mean, special pedagogue is or can be prepared to support persons since early childhood until late adulthood. This article is non-clinical, ethno-educational case study of individual, cognitive-educational, home-based support, conducted for 30 months by undergraduate female student for female diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. The case study is description and analysis of individual home-based, cognitive– educational support as an alternative to day-care facilities group support. Study neither examines the influence nor gives quantitative assessment of cognitive-educational support. The study and support raised in the beginning one question: what is the proper way of home-based cognitive-educational support for female in first stage of AD? Care and support for elderly persons is crucial issue for any cultural ground and any country. Special pedagogue (Special educator) in contemporary Polish university realities is person who has learnt while studies and qualified about support of persons with disabilities during life cycle. This mean, special pedagogue is or can be prepared to support persons since early childhood until late adulthood. This article is non-clinical, ethno-educational case study of individual, cognitive-educational, home-based support, conducted for 30 months by undergraduate female student for female diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. The case study is description and analysis of individual home-based, cognitive– educational support as an alternative to day-care facilities group support. Study neither examines the influence nor gives quantitative assessment of cognitive-educational support. The study and support raised in the beginning one question: what is the proper way of home-based cognitive-educational support for female in first stage of AD? Care and support for elderly persons is crucial issue for any cultural ground and any country. Special pedagogue (Special educator) in contemporary Polish university realities is person who has learnt while studies and qualified about support of persons with disabilities during life cycle. This mean, special pedagogue is or can be prepared to support persons since early childhood until late adulthood. This article is non-clinical, ethno-educational case study of individual, cognitive-educational, home-based support, conducted for 30 months by undergraduate female student for female diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. The case study is description and analysis of individual home-based, cognitive– educational support as an alternative to day-care facilities group support. Study neither examines the influence nor gives quantitative assessment of cognitive-educational support. The study and support raised in the beginning one question: what is the proper way of home-based cognitive-educational support for female in first stage of AD

    Messgenauigkeit und Linearität der Messkurven verschiedener Endometriegeräte im nahen Apexbereich

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    Ziel der Studie: Bestimmung der Genauigkeit von vier Endometern in der Region 0-3 mm koronal vom Foramen apicale hinsichtlich der Übereinstimmung von Feilenposition und Displayanzeige. Methode: Zwanzig frisch extrahierte einwurzlige Zähne mit rundem Wurzelkanalquerschnitt wurden ausgewählt und ihre Kronenanteile abgesägt. Die Kanaleingänge wurden erweitert und die Länge der Kanäle bis zum Foramen apicale auflichtmikroskopisch durch einen Experten bestimmt. Die Kanäle wurden anschließend so aufbereitet, dass ein endodontisches Instrument der Größe ISO 15 passgenau im Kanal positioniert werden konnte und ein Instrument der Größe ISO 10 locker im Kanal liegt. Die Wurzeln wurden dann in einem Plexiglasrohr so eingebaut, dass die Wurzelspitzen in eine physiologische Kochsalzlösung eingetaucht werden konnte. Die Kanallänge wurde nunmehr mit vier Endometern (Dentaport ZX, Root ZX mini, Elements Diagnostic Unit und Raypex 5) in Abständen von 0,5 mm zwischen Foramen apicale und einem Bereich 3mm distal hiervon bestimmt. Die Messungen wurden zunächst mit einem Instrument der Größe ISO10 und dann mit dem Instrument ISO15 durchgeführt. Die Messdaten wurden als Messfunktionen mittels linearer Regression ausgewertet, sowie als Blandt-Altman Plot dargestellt. Nichtparametrische Tests wurden zur Hypothesenprüfung auf einem Signifikanzniveau von alpha=0.05 herangezogen. Ergebnisse: Das Foramen apicale wurde von allen vier Geräten mit guter Genauigkeit bestimmt. Eine Messelektrode direkt am Foramen apicale lieferte Ablesewerte zwischen 0.01 und 0.38 mm. Für das Gerät Dentaport ZX wurde bei Verwendung des Instruments ISO15 eine leicht bessere Messgenauigkeit im Bereich zwischen 0-1,5 mm festgestellt. Die lineare Regression zeigt eine gute Linearität der Messfunktion für Dentaport ZX und Root ZX mini und eine moderate für Elements Diagnostic Unit und Raypex 5. Für letzteres Gerät ist die Steigung der Messfunktion zu niedrig (0.37-0.57) während diese für Dentaport ZX (1.01-1.05) fast optimal ist. Das Root ZX mini und das Elements Obturation Unit zeigen eine geringere Steigung und speziell das Elements Obturation Unit hohe Streuungswerte an den einzelnen Messpositionen. Diskussion: Dentaport ZX und Root ZX mini zeigen die beste Übereinstimmung zwischen Elektrodenposition und Anzeigewert. Beim Raypex 5 führt eine Interpretation der farblich codierten Ableseskala als Distanzwert zu fehlerhaften Interpretationen

    Evaluation of Corneal Endothelium in Adolescents with Juvenile Glaucoma

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    Purpose. To evaluate the endothelial cell density (ECD) and central corneal thickness (CCT) in adolescents with juvenile open-angle glaucoma (JOAG) and ocular hypertension (OH) and to investigate the influence of topical antiglaucoma medications on ECD and CCT in adolescents with JOAG. Methods. ECD and CCT were investigated in 66 eyes of 33 adolescents with JOAG. Depending on the topical treatment the eyes were classified into 4 groups: (1) topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, (2) prostaglandin analogs, (3) beta-blocker, and (4) CAI-beta-blocker combination. ECD and CCT were also checked in 24 adolescents with OH and in control group (33 persons). Results. ECD was significantly lower in eyes with JOAG (2639.5 cells/mm2) compared with ECD in eyes with OH (2924.5 cells/mm2) and in control group (2955.5 cells/mm2). CCT was 0.554 mm in eyes with JOAG, 0.55 mm in eyes with OH, and 0.544 mm in control group. ECD in patients with JOAG was 2730 cells/mm2 (1 group), 2773.5 cells/mm2 (2 group), 2539.5 cells/mm2 (3 group), and 2551 cells/mm2 (4 group). CCT was 0.556 mm in 1 group, 0.558 mm in 2 group, 0.532 mm in 3 group, and 0.544 mm in 4 group. Conclusions. Our findings indicate that JOAG and OH did not affect CCT, but JOAG has influence on ECD in adolescents. There were no significant differences between ECD and CCT of eyes treated with different kinds of antiglaucoma medications

    SHEER “smart” database: technical note

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    The SHEER database brings together a large amount of data of various types: interdisciplinary site data from seven independent episodes, research data and those for the project results dissemination process. This concerns mainly shale gas exploitation test sites, processing procedures, results of data interpretation and recommendations. The smart SHEER database harmonizes data from different fields (geophysical, geochemical, geological, technological, etc.), creates and provides access to an advanced database of case studies of environmental impact indicators associated with shale gas exploitation and exploration, which previously did not exist. A unique component of the SHEER database comes from the monitoring activity performed during the project in one active shale gas exploration and exploitation site at Wysin, Poland, which started from the pre-operational phase. The SHEER database is capable of the adoption of new data such as results of other Work Packages and has developed an over-arching structure for higher-level integration

    Environmental awareness of students living near selected national parks in countries of Visegrád group

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate environmental awareness of young people and effectiveness of education used by national parks. The research occurred in the period from 2012 to 2014. The Veľká Fatra National Park (Slovakia), Bohemian Switzerland National Park (Czech Republic), Bieszczady National Park (Poland) and Bükki National Park (Hungary) as parks of countries of the Visegrád Group were analysed. The study was focused on the target group of students of gymnasiums and secondary schools in the regions where national parks are located and outside these regions. In all the analysed countries we used a questionnaire, which was distributed among 1301 students. For each respondent, answers were entered in a spreadsheet and statistically analysed. The following non-parametric statistical tests were used: Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman, Wilcoxon and parametric ANOVA. The best results were noted among students from Poland and the Czech Republic. In other countries of the Visegrád Group therefore it is appropriate to introduce actions aiming at increasing the ecological awareness of students, according to the models of education functioning in national parks and schools in Poland and the Czech Republic. It is also necessary to revise the ways in which national environmental education exists in all studied countries, as well as to strengthen volunteer activities

    Fetal activin A in labor complicated by meconium-stained amniotic fluid

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    Objective: During pregnancy the placenta and the fetal membranes are the main sources of activin A. An increased level of activin A has been found in the serum of women with preeclampsia, diabetes mellitus and intrauterine growth restriction. Meconium is the predictor for adverse perinatal outcome, such as meconium aspiration syndrome or brain damage. The aim of our study was to evaluate the levels of fetal activin A in labors complicated by meconium-stained amniotic fluid. Material and methods: Cord blood samples were collected from 65 full-term neonates from single pregnancies. In each case, the hematological parameters of cord blood and activin A (ELISA – Oxford Bio-Innovation Activin A Assay Kit) were assessed. Results: There were no significant differences in the concentration of activin A in cord blood between the group with and the group without meconium-stained amniotic fluid. The mean count of nucleated erythrocytes and white blood cells as well as the percentage of reticulocytes was significantly higher in the meconium group. There were no significant differences between concentration of fetal activin A in a vaginal delivery (0,58±0,38ng/ml) and cesarean section after labor (0,44 ±0,32ng/ml) or elective cesarean section (0,62±0,47ng/ml) groups. There were also no correlations between the levels of activin A and the parameters of fetal acid base status or cord blood hematological values. Conclusions: Fetal activin A has a limited significance for diagnosing fetal hypoxia in labors complicated by meconium-stained amniotic fluid. There were no correlations between the parameters of fetal acid base status and fetal activin A. The levels of fetal activin A do not depend on the mode of the delivery. Meconium-stained amniotic fluid resulted in significant changes of the hematological variables in cord blood

    Radon intercomparison tests – Katowice, 2016

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    At the beginning of the year 2016, the representatives of the Polish Radon Centre decided to organize profi ciency tests (PTs) for measurements of radon gas and radon decay products in the air, involving radon monitors and laboratory passive techniques. The Silesian Centre for Environmental Radioactivity of the Central Mining Institute (GIG), Katowice, became responsible for the organization of the PT exercises. The main reason to choose that location was the radon chamber in GIG with a volume of 17 m3, the biggest one in Poland. Accordingly, 13 participants from Poland plus one participant from Germany expressed their interest. The participants were invited to inform the organizers about what types of monitors and methods they would like to check during the tests. On this basis, the GIG team prepared the proposal for the schedule of exercises, such as the required level(s) of radon concentrations, the number and periods of tests, proposed potential alpha energy concentration (PAEC) levels and also the overall period of PT. The PT activity was performed between 6th and 17th June 2016. After assessment of the results, the agreement between radon monitors and other measurement methods was confi rmed. In the case of PAEC monitors and methods of measurements, the results of PT exercises were consistent and confi rmed the accuracy of the calibration procedures used by the participants. The results of the PAEC PTs will be published elsewhere; in this paper, only the results of radon intercomparison are described

    Bacterial symbionts of the leafhopper "Evacanthus interruptus" (Linnaeus, 1758) (Insecta, Hemiptera, Cicadellidae : Evacanthinae)

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    Plant sap-feeding hemipterans harbor obligate symbiotic microorganisms which are responsible for the synthesis of amino acids missing in their diet. In this study, we characterized the obligate symbionts hosted in the body of the xylem-feeding leafhopper Evacanthus interruptus (Cicadellidae: Evacanthinae: Evacanthini) by means of histological, ultrastructural and molecular methods. We observed that E. interruptus is associated with two types of symbiotic microorganisms: bacterium ‘Candidatus Sulcia muelleri’ (Bacteroidetes) and betaproteobacterium that is closely related to symbionts which reside in two other Cicadellidae representatives: Pagaronia tredecimpunctata (Evacanthinae: Pagaronini) and Hylaius oregonensis (Bathysmatophorinae: Bathysmatophorini). Both symbionts are harbored in their own bacteriocytes which are localized between the body wall and ovaries. In E. interruptus, both Sulcia and betaproteobacterial symbionts are transovarially transmitted from one generation to the next. In the mature female, symbionts leave the bacteriocytes and gather around the posterior pole of the terminal oocytes. Then, they gradually pass through the cytoplasm of follicular cells surrounding the posterior pole of the oocyte and enter the space between them and the oocyte. The bacteria accumulate in the deep depression of the oolemma and form a characteristic ‘symbiont ball’. In the light of the results obtained, the phylogenetic relationships within modern Cicadomorpha and some Cicadellidae subfamilies are discussed

    Transcription regulation of the Escherichia coli pcnB gene coding for poly(A) polymerase I: roles of ppGpp, DksA and sigma factors

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    Poly(A) polymerase I (PAP I), encoded by the pcnB gene, is a major enzyme responsible for RNA polyadenylation in Escherichia coli, a process involved in the global control of gene expression in this bacterium through influencing the rate of transcript degradation. Recent studies have suggested a complicated regulation of pcnB expression, including a complex promoter region, a control at the level of translation initiation and dependence on bacterial growth rate. In this report, studies on transcription regulation of the pcnB gene are described. Results of in vivo and in vitro experiments indicated that (a) there are three σ70-dependent (p1, pB, and p2) and two σS-dependent (pS1 and pS2) promoters of the pcnB gene, (b) guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp) and DksA directly inhibit transcription from pB, pS1 and pS2, and (c) pB activity is drastically impaired at the stationary phase of growth. These results indicate that regulation of the pcnB gene transcription is a complex process, which involves several factors acting to ensure precise control of PAP I production. Moreover, inhibition of activities of pS1 and pS2 by ppGpp and DksA suggests that regulation of transcription from promoters requiring alternative σ factors by these effectors of the stringent response might occur according to both passive and active models