91 research outputs found

    Magnetic aspects of QCD and compact stars

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    Magnetic properties of quark matter are discussed. The possibility of ferromagnetic transition is studied by using the one-gluon-exchange interaction. Magnetic susceptibility is evaluated within Landau Fermi liquid theory, and the important roles of the screening for the gluon propagation are elucidated. Static screening for the longitudinal gluons improves the infrared singularities, while the transverse gluons receive only dynamic screening. The latter property gives rise to a novel non-Fermi-liquid behaviour in the magnetic susceptibility. The critical density is estimated to be around the nuclear density and the Curie temperature several tens MeV. The spin density wave is also discussed at moderate densities, where chiral transition becomes important. Pseudoscalar condensate as well as scalar one takes a spatially non-uniform form in a chirally invariant way. Accordingly magnetization oscillates like spin density wave. These results should have some implications on compact star phenomena.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, Proc. of NFQCD10 to appear in Prog. Theor. Phys. Supp

    Effect of magnetic and non-magnetic impurities on highly anisotropic superconductivity

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    We generalize Abrikosov-Gor'kov solution of the problem of weakly coupled superconductor with impurities on the case of a multiband superconductor with arbitrary interband order parameter anisotropy, including interband sign reversal of the order parameter. The solution is given in terms of the effective (renormalized) coupling matrix and describes not only TcT_c suppression but also renormalization of the superconducting gap basically at all temperatures. In many limiting cases we find analytical solutions for the critical temperature suppression. We illustrate our results by numerical calculations for two-band model systems.Comment: 18 pages (12pt) RevTeX, 4 postscript figure

    Quasiparticle spectrum in the vortex state of d-wave superconductors

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    Quasiparticle spectrum associated with the nodal structure in d-wave superconductors is of great interest. We study theoretically the quasi-particle spectrum in a planar magnetic field, where the effect of the magnetic field is treated in terms of the Doppler shift. We obtain the angular dependent specific heat in the presence of a planar magnetic field and impurities, both in the superclean limit (Gamma/Delta << H/H_{c2}<< 1) and in the clean limit (H/H_{c2} << Gamma/Delta <<1). Also a similar analysis is used for the thermal conductivity tensor within the a-b plane. In particular, in contrast to the earlier works, we find a fourfold symmetry term in \kappa_{\parallel} and \kappa_{\perp} \sim -H \sin(2\theta) where kappa_{perp} are the diagonal- and the off-diagonal components of the thermal conductivity tensor and \theta is the angle between the heat current and the magnetic field.Comment: RevTex, 5 pages, 5 postscript figure

    What is the fate of the heavy electron at a quantum critical point?

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    A growing body of evidence suggests that the quantum critical behavior at the onset of magnetism in heavy fermion systems can not be understood in terms of a simple quantum spin density wave. This talk will discuss the consequences of this conclusion, touching on its possible implications in the realm of two dimensional systems and outlining current theoretical and experimental efforts to characterize the nature of the critical point in heavy fermion materials.Comment: To appear in SCES 200

    Plane - Chain coupling in YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{7} : temperature dependence of the penetration depth

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    We have studied the penetration depth for a model of YBa2Cu3O7YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{7} involving pairing both in the CuO2CuO_{2} planes and in the CuO chains. In this model pairing in the planes is due to an attractive interaction, while Coulomb repulsion induces in the chains an order parameter with opposite sign. Due to the anticrossing produced by hybridization between planes and chains, one obtains a d-wave like order parameter which changes sign on a single sheet of the Fermi surface and has nodes in the gap. We find that our model accounts quite well for the anisotropy of the penetration depth and for the absolute values. We reproduce fairly well the whole temperature dependence for both the a and the b directions, including the linear dependence at low temperature. We use a set of parameters which are all quite reasonable physically. Our results for the c direction are also satisfactory, although the situation is less clear both experimentally and theoretically.Comment: 11 pages, revtex, 6 figure

    Universality in Heavy Fermions Revisited

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    A previous scaling analysis of pressure experiments in heavy fermion is reviewed and enlarged. We show that the critical exponents obtained from this analysis indicate that a one-parameter scaling describes these experiments. We obtain explicitly the enhancemente factors showing that these systems are indeed near criticality and that the scaling approach is appropriate. The physics responsible for the one-parameter scaling and breakdown of hyperscaling is clarified. We discuss a microsocopic theory that is in agreement with the experiments. The scaling theory is generalized for the case the shift and crossover exponents are different. The exponents governing the physical behavior along the non-Fermi liquid trajectory are obtained for this case.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, 3 Postscript figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Nonanalytic behavior of the spin susceptibility in clean Fermi systems

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    The wavevector and temperature dependent static spin susceptibility, \chi_s(Q,T), of clean interacting Fermi systems is considered in dimensions 1\leq d \leq 3. We show that at zero temperature \chi_s is a nonanalytic function of |Q|, with the leading nonanalyticity being |Q|^{d-1} for 1<d<3, and Q^2\ln|Q| for d=3. For the homogeneous spin susceptibility we find a nonanalytic temperature dependence T^{d-1} for 1<d<3. We give qualitative mode-mode coupling arguments to that effect, and corroborate these arguments by a perturbative calculation to second order in the electron-electron interaction amplitude. The implications of this, in particular for itinerant ferromagnetism, are discussed. We also point out the relation between our findings and established perturbative results for 1-d systems, as well as for the temperature dependence of \chi_s(Q=0) in d=3.Comment: 12pp., REVTeX, 5 eps figures, final version as publishe

    Coexistence of Singlet and Triplet Attractive Channels in the Pairing Interactions Mediated by Antiferromagnetic Fluctuations

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    We propose a phase diagram of quasi-low-dimensional type II superconductors in parallel magnetic fields, when antiferromagnetic fluctuations contribute to the pairing interactions. We point out that pairing interactions mediated by antiferromagnetic fluctuations necessarily include both singlet channels and triplet channels as attractive interactions. Usually, a singlet pairing is favored at zero field, but a triplet pairing occurs at high fields where the singlet pairing is suppressed by the Pauli paramagnetic pair-breaking effect. As a result, the critical field increases divergently at low temperatures. A possible relation to experimental phase diagrams of a quasi-one-dimensional organic superconductor is briefly discussed. We also discuss a possibility that a triplet superconductivity is observed even at zero field.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure (Latex, revtex.sty, epsf.sty

    Nonmonotonic d_{x^2-y^2} Superconducting Order Parameter in Nd_{2-x}Ce_xCuO_4

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    Low energy polarized electronic Raman scattering of the electron doped superconductor Nd_1.85Ce_0.15CuO_4 (T_c=22 K) has revealed a nonmonotonic d_{x^2-y^2} superconducting order parameter. It has a maximum gap of 4.4 k_BT_c at Fermi surface intersections with antiferromagnetic Brillouin zone (the ``hot spots'') and a smaller gap of 3.3 k_BT_c at fermionic Brillouin zone boundaries. The gap enhancement in the vicinity of the ``hot spots'' emphasizes role of antiferromagnetic fluctuations and similarity in the origin of superconductivity for electron- and hole-doped cuprates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Indirect Exchange Interaction between two Quantum Dots in an Aharonov-Bohm Ring

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    We investigate the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction between two spins located at two quantum dots embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) ring. In such a system the RKKY interaction, which oscillates as a function of the distance between two local spins, is affected by the flux. For the case of the ferromagnetic RKKY interaction, we find that the amplitude of AB oscillations is enhanced by the Kondo correlations and an additional maximum appears at half flux, where the interaction is switched off. For the case of the antiferromagnetic RKKY interaction, we find that the phase of AB oscillations is shifted by pi, which is attributed to the formation of a singlet state between two spins for the flux value close to integer value of flux.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure