551 research outputs found

    The real of fake news.

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    Fake news generated nowadays broad debates. The spread of fake news intertwines with the phenomenon of populism and the crisis of democracy. Indeed, the cornerstone of democracy, the freedom of public opinion, is the assumption that authenticity of facts is not altered. The separation of opinions from facts as the basis of democratic participation in political scene is the emblematic position of Hannah Arendt. But If it is acceptable that fake news must be countered by correct realism, we must be aware of the mutual implication of both terms at stake: subjects and reality. What is the real of fake news?Las noticias falsas generan hoy amplios debates. La difusión de noticias falsas se entrelaza con el fenómeno del populismo y la crisis de la democracia. De hecho, la piedra angular de la democracia, la libertad de la opinión pública, es la suposición de que la autenticidad de los hechos no se altera. La separación de las opiniones de los hechos como base de la participación democrática en la escena política es la posición emblemática de Hannah Arendt. Pero si es aceptable que las noticias falsas deban ser contrarrestadas por el realismo correcto, debemos ser conscientes de la implicación mutua de ambos términos en juego: sujetos y realidad. ¿Cuál es la realidad de las noticias falsas

    Ambiguity of the neoliberal government, including selective inclusion and re-territorialization.

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    The deep crisis of the representation regime open to the winning instance of presenting the dynamics of reality in an absolute immanence: the neoliberal discourse is capable of producing subjectivations adapted to the global transformations of capitalism. But it is also a way of representing the ontology of the present, highlighting the individualistic and deconstructed fragmentation that makes it governable in the neoliberal modus. Governance is held together with the incoherent fragmentation as its presupposition. Since the Eighties and under the pressure of euphoric globalization, neoliberal governmentality manages the double instance of government and self-government through a functional, operational organization, based on an unlimited inclusiveness of principle that is however regulated and made selective through the universal law of competition.La profunda crisis del régimen de representación se abre a la instancia ganadora de presentar la dinámica de la realidad en una inmanencia absoluta: el discurso neoliberal es capaz de producir subjetivaciones adaptadas a las transformaciones globales del capitalismo. Pero también es una forma de representar la ontología del presente, destacando la fragmentación individualista y deconstruida que la hace gobernable en el modo neoliberal. La gobernanza se mantiene junto con la fragmentación incoherente como su presuposición. Desde los años ochenta y bajo la presión de la globalización eufórica, la gubernamentalidad neoliberal maneja la doble instancia de gobierno y autogobierno a través de una organización funcional y operacional, basada en una inclusión ilimitada de principios que, sin embargo, está regulada y es selectiva a través de la ley universal de competencia. No obstante, tanto a nivel subjetivo como a nivel de formaciones políticas complejas, estamos siendo testigos de la traducción de los procesos de inclusión en instancias identitarias que producen nuevas territorializaciones infragubernamentales sin precedentes


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    The group of scholars that has decided to work on this Euro-American Journal of Historical and Theoretical Studies of Politics, linking together two continents by this project, aims at giving voice and making greater room for a debate about the urgency of explaining the radical changes that have taken place in political practices and in social government in the last ten years

    Historicización radical, genealogía de la gubernamentalidad y subjectivación política

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    El presente ensayo analiza el estancamiento que amenaza la forma de genealogía sociológica de la gubernamentalidad, hoy día muy difundida. Subrayando la naturaleza relacional del poder y la necesaria implicación de las resistencias en el poder que constrastan, ella no es capaz de llevar adelante una iniciativa. La recuperación, dentro del pensamiento foucaultiano, de la radical empiria e historicidad de los discursos ‘partesanos’ del historiador renunciando a un horizonte hermenéutico totalizante tal como puede ser la gubernamentalidad misma, se demuestra en la parresía política en la que ‘el hecho’ de la verdad singular y testimonial triunfa ‘contra’ aquella epistémica dominante.This essay focuses on the impasse threatening the sociological form of genealogy of governmentality, that is today widespread. Stressing the relational nature of power and therefore the necessary implication of the resistances in the power that contrast, it is incapable of a political antagonism. The recovery, in Foucault’s thought, of the radical empiricism and historicity of the ‘partisans’ discourses of historian and denial of a hermeneutic totalizing horizon which may be even the governmentality, is confirmed by the political parresia where ‘the fact’ of the singular and testimonial truth states ‘against’ the dominant epistemic truth

    Trade, diplomacy, and warfare: The Quest for elite rhizobia inoculant strains

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    Rhizobia form symbiotic nitrogen-fixing nodules on leguminous plants, which provides an important source of fixed nitrogen input into the soil ecosystem. The improvement of symbiotic nitrogen fixation is one of the main challenges facing agriculture research. Doing so will reduce the usage of chemical nitrogen fertilizer, contributing to the development of sustainable agriculture practices to deal with the increasing global human population. Sociomicrobiological studies of rhizobia have become a model for the study of the evolution of mutualistic interactions. The exploitation of the wide range of social interactions rhizobia establish among themselves, with the soil and root microbiota, and with the host plant, could constitute a great advantage in the development of a new generation of highly effective rhizobia inoculants. Here, we provide a brief overview of the current knowledge on three main aspects of rhizobia interaction: trade of fixed nitrogen with the plant; diplomacy in terms of communication and possible synergistic effects; and warfare, as antagonism and plant control over symbiosis. Then, we propose new areas of investigation and the selection of strains based on the combination of the genetic determinants for the relevant rhizobia symbiotic behavioral phenotypes

    Come in uno specchio: populismo e governamentalità neoliberale

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    The aim of the essay is to problematize the seemingly obvious dichotomy: liberalism - populism. A double bond holds today the two poles, both involved in the decline of the representative logic. An immanentism broadly aesthetic (at the same time, spectacular and immediately sensitive ) prevails; forms of life and power presume to manifest themselves and act without mediation. Moreover, even the conceptual couple populism/ neoliberalism, which presents itself as emphatically oppositional: hyper - political v/s depoliticization, reveals a paradoxical mirroring. We must rethink the populism of the twenty-first century beyond the traditional categories in which it was framed and we have to bring it back to the neoliberal context from which it emerges