20 research outputs found

    The debtor-attributes information and the probability of performing loans in the microfinance sector

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    Based on the recent evidence of the high rate of non-performing loans in Indonesia’s microfinance sector, there is a need to formulate a mechanism that could control such credit risk. This study attempts to identify the pivotal determinant factorsresponsible for performing loans. In particular, this research proposes demand-side factors, such as debtor-attributes information, as critical for ensuring installment payments. Using unique data from microfinance in Central Java, it employs logistic regression analysis to prove that debtors’ age and type of collateral significantly affect loan performance. This paper further shows that other variables, such as the payment period and the interest rate, also substantially affect credit risk. These findings have empirical and practical significance. For practical purposes, this research develops the new perspective that debtor-specific information, particularly on their behavioral aspects, requires more in-depth review. This insight may be useful for developing new credit-analyzing tools to alleviate severe non-performing loans. Empirically, this research improves the study of antecedent variables that influence performing loans


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    The focus of this study is to test the effect of the company’s growth and thecompany’s performance. This research also tests whether the poor long-termperformance of high growth company caused by the manager overreaction behavior in using debt forfi nancing decisions. Debt policy decisions serve as a form of proxy decision-reactive managers in deciding the funding policy. The results of this study stated that the high growth companies have poor performance in the future. However, the poor performance in the future was not caused by reactive decision- making managers in using debt for fi nancing their business. This study shows the opposite, the policy of the use of debt actually positively impact the company’s performance in the future. Thus, the use of debt as a source of funding when the company is in a growth phase rational decisions


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    ABSTRAKSaat ini, era disrupsi serta penggunaan internet of things di hampir  ada di seluruh kegiatan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, hal ini menimbulkan efek perubahan atau shifting besar-besaran dalam setiap industri di dunia. Dilain pihak, perusahaan atau badan usaha yang beroperasi secara tradisional pun mulai ditinggalkan baik oleh pemiliknya maupun oleh konsumen. Pemilik usaha kini sangat menyadari bahwa mereka tidak akan mampu bersaing dengan usaha lain yang berbasis teknologi baik dari segi produksi maupun segi pemasaran. Kegiatan pengabdian ini difokuskan pada sebuah kegiatan pendampingan dan pelatihan kepada mitra. Tujuan utamanya adalah membantu rintisan bisnis untuk bisa merealisasikan peluncuran bisnisnya di pasar. Adapun rincian kegiatan pengabdian ini akan dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) tahap. Tahap pertama, pra start-up activities, kemudian start-up activities, dan yang terakhir adalah sustainability business activities.  Mitra utama dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah merk rintisan usaha berbasis digital platform dengan merk “Luar Kuliah”. Luaran dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah terwujudnya merk rintisan usaha “Luar Kuliah” untuk launching di pasar. Kata kunci: start-up; e-commerce; bisnis digital; kewirausahaan; model bisnis ABSTRACTRecently, the disruption era, as well as the use of the internet of things by almost all community activities. Therefore, it affects on the massive changes or shifting in every industry in the world. Conversely, companies or business entities that operate traditionally are starting to be abandoned, both by their owners and by consumers. Today's business owners are well aware that they will not be able to compete with other technology-based businesses both in terms of production and marketing. This service activity is focused on mentoring and training activity for partners. And the main objective of such activity is  helping partner to launch the business in current market. The details of this service activity will be divided into 3 (three) stages. The first stage, pre-start-up activities, then startup activities, and the last one is sustainability business activities. The leading partner of this service activity is a digital platform-based business startup brand with the brand "Luar Kuliah". The output of this service activity is the realization of the startup brand "Luar Kuliah" for launching in the market. Keyword: start-up; e-commerce; digital business; entrepreneurship; business mode


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    This study examines the relationship between corporate governance in explaining the level of innovation of the company. The sample in this study uses companies that have a high level of liquidity in stock trading after the authoritarian era of the "New Order". This study uses a regression analysis tool to test the relationship between the two variables. As a result, this study found that corporate governance is an important factor that influences corporate innovation. The measuring instrument used to measure corporate governance in this study is the total number of commissioners in the company. The results of this study state that the total number of commissioners or corporate governance has a positive effect on the level of innovation of the company. This finding is very important for practitioners, especially for company managers who want to develop their company's innovations. While in the theoretical aspects, these findings strengthen the theory relating to corporate governance. Keywords: Keganenan theory, Principal-Agent Theory, Commissioner, Investmen