52 research outputs found


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    Endovasküler Tedavide Anestezi Stratejileri

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    Problems encountered by the Syrians in the context of cultural cnflict and integration: a case study of Şanlıurfa City

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    The process that started with a demonstration against the regime on 15 March 2011 spurred by desire to reform Dera/Syria quickly turned into a civil war. The resulting forced immigration presented Turkey with the challenge of one of history’s largest immigration movements. Turkey adopted open door policy towards Syrians and gave them temporary protection status. Thus the Syrians were considered to be guests of Turkey until they could return to their homeland. However, internal disturbances in Syria became increasingly complex and the Syrians’ stay turned into a long-term one. As the case of Şanlıurfa city demonstrates, there are significant cultural differences between the Syrian immigrants and the indigenous people, which include clothing, traditions, customs, attitudes and behaviours. They make integration of both peoples difficult and cause a serious cultural clash between the local people and the Syrians in the city. These emerging problems inspired this research, which aims to showcase the problems of socio-cultural integration of the Syrians through a case study of Şanlıurfa city and to examine the factors underlying these problems

    Effects of MTHFR C677T gene polymorphism on migraine together with biochemical and clinical parameters in turkish population

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    To detect the relation between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene C677T polymorphism and both of clinical and biochemical parameters. One hundred sixty migraine patients and one hundred twenty control group were included in the current study. Pain intensity of individuals were measured, biochemical, clinical parameters and MTHFR C677T single nucleotide polymorphism were detected. Statistically higher occurrence MTHFR C677T genotype was detected in migraine group than control group. A statistically significant association between family history of migraine and MTHFR C677T genotypes was detected. Also, statistically higher BMI, homocysteine and the total cholesterol levels were detected in MO and MA groups than control groups. When we take into consideration of the clinical parameters, only statistically significant difference was detected between MA and MO for attack frequency (attack/monthly). The triglyceride and homocysteine levels were significantly higher in males than females but HDL levels and folate were significantly higher in females than males. The frequency of CT genotype was significantly higher in cases with compression and allodynia than others in MA groups and cases with fatigue in both MA and MO subgroups. Also, cases without systemic complaints had significantly higher T allele frequency than cases with systemic complaints in the MA subgroup. Because the labor losses of patients with migraine may cause important economic losses, performed studies for the fully understanding of the disease including genetic and environmental factors are important for the prevention of negativity caused by the disease

    Türkiye'deki Suriyelilerin Hukuki Durumu Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

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    ÖZET Suriye’de 15 Mart 2011 tarihinde Dera kentinde rejim karşıtı yapılan bir gösteri ile başlayan süreç kısa bir süre içerisinde iç savaşa dönüşmesiyle, Suriye’den Türkiye’ye doğru başlayan zorunlu göç, Türkiye’yi tarihinin en büyük göç hareketlerinden biriyle karşı karşıya bırakmıştır. Türkiye, Suriyelilere “açık kapı politikası” izlemiş ve kabul ettiği Suriyelilere “geçici koruma” statüsü vermiştir. Böylece Suriyeliler, ülkelerindeki durum normale dönünceye kadar Türkiye’de bir anlamda “misafir” konumunda barındırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Göç İdaresi Genel Müdürlüğü’nden alınan son verilere göre Aralık 2019 tarihi itibariyle Türkiye’de “geçici koruma” kapsamında3.695.944 Suriyeli yaşamaktadır. Buradan hareketle bu çalışma, gerek ulusal gerekse uluslararası literatürde göç ve göçmen ile ilgili temel hukuki kavramların neye karşılık geldiğini karşılaştırmalı bir analize tabi tutarak, Türkiye’deki Suriyelilerin hukuki durumunu da yine bu kavramlar bağlamında sorgulamayı ve bunun üzerine bir değerlendirme yapmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda çalışmada, Türkiye’deki Suriyelilerin, hem Türkiye’nin de şerh koyarak imzaladığı 1951 Cenevre Sözleşmesi’ndeki mülteci tanımına hem de diğer uluslararası evrensel sözleşmelerde ve hukuk metinlerinde yer alan mültecilik tanımlarına birebir uymalarına rağmen, Türkiye’de kendilerine doğrudan “mültecilik” değil de “geçici koruma” statüsünün verilmesinin altında yatan en önemli iki sebepten birinin Türkiye’nin bulunduğu “coğrafi konum” ve bu konumu dolayısıyla her an kitlesel göçlere maruz kalabilme potansiyeli, diğerinin ise, kitlesel göç dalgalarıyla ülkeye gelen insanlara doğrudan “mültecilik” statüsü verilmesi durumunda ekonomik olarak ülkenin zor duruma girebileceği düşüncesi olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. Sonuç olarak bu çalışma, her ne kadar “geçici koruma” kapsamına alınmış olsalar da Türkiye’deki Suriyelilerin gerek uluslararası hukuk gerekse evrensel insan hakları açısından birer “mülteci” olduklarının unutulmaması gerektiğinin altını çizmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Suriyeliler, Hukuki Statü, Göçmen, Mülteci, Sığınmacı, Geçici Koruma, Misafirlik. An Evaluation on the Legal Status of Syrians in Turkey Abstract The process that started with a demonstration against the regime on 15 March 2011 spurred by desire to reformDera/Syria quickly turned into a civil war. The resulting forced immigration presented Turkey with the challengeof one of history’s largest immigration movements. Turkey adopted “open door policy” towards Syrians and gavethem “temporary protection” status. Thus the Syrians were considered to be “guests” of Turkey until they couldreturn to their homeland. According to the latest data from the Immigration Administration General Directorate asof December 2019 3.695.944 Syrians living in Turkey. That’s why this study aimed to make a judgment andevaluation on the legal status of Syrians in Turkey, both the national and the international literature on migrationand migrants related to these basic legal concepts of what corresponds holding subject to a comparative analysis,the Syrians legal status again this concept in the context of the Turkey aims to query. In this context, the studyfound that although the Syrians in Turkey conform to the definition of refugee in the 1951 Geneva Convention,which Turkey has signed, and the definitions of refugee in other international universal conventions and legaltexts, one of the two most important reasons for granting them the status of “temporary protection” rather than“refugee” is that Turkey has a “geographical location” and therefore the potential, stresses that if people who cometo the country through waves of mass migration are given direct “refugee” status, economically the country could be in a difficult situation. As a result, this study underlines that although they are covered by “temporary protection”, it should not be forgotten that Syrians in Turkey are “refugees” both in terms of international law anduniversal human rights. Keywords: Syrians, Legal Status, Immigrant, Refugee, Asylum Seeker, Temporary Protection, Guest

    Novel frameshift CTSF mutation causing kufs disease type B mimicking frontotemporal dementia-parkinsonism

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    Adult-onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (ANCLs, Kufs disease-KD) are rare, inherited, progressive, neurodegenerative, lysosomal storage diseases. Mutations in cathepsin F (CTSF) were linked to KD type B. Conversely, Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is the second most common type of presenile dementia and Parkinsonism is a mostly common accompanying feature. Due to pronounced behavioral, cognitive, and motor features in the patients with KD type B, mutations in CTSF may resemble FTD-parkinsonism. Here, we present a case of KD type B with a novel homozygous frameshift pathogenic variant (p.Gly439Alafs*36) in the Cathepsin F (CTSF) gene presenting behavioral changes, cognitive disturbances and parkinsonism with a family history mimicking FTD-parkinsonism