Problems encountered by the Syrians in the context of cultural cnflict and integration: a case study of Şanlıurfa City


The process that started with a demonstration against the regime on 15 March 2011 spurred by desire to reform Dera/Syria quickly turned into a civil war. The resulting forced immigration presented Turkey with the challenge of one of history’s largest immigration movements. Turkey adopted open door policy towards Syrians and gave them temporary protection status. Thus the Syrians were considered to be guests of Turkey until they could return to their homeland. However, internal disturbances in Syria became increasingly complex and the Syrians’ stay turned into a long-term one. As the case of Şanlıurfa city demonstrates, there are significant cultural differences between the Syrian immigrants and the indigenous people, which include clothing, traditions, customs, attitudes and behaviours. They make integration of both peoples difficult and cause a serious cultural clash between the local people and the Syrians in the city. These emerging problems inspired this research, which aims to showcase the problems of socio-cultural integration of the Syrians through a case study of Şanlıurfa city and to examine the factors underlying these problems

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