114 research outputs found

    Don't Forget the Money! : Working with Dancers in Contemporary Art Spaces.

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    '' Don’t Forget The Money! is a half-day, professional development forum to discuss best practices for the presentation of dance, choreography, and live performance in various contemporary art contexts. The title of the forum cheekily references an artwork by Julien Prévieux, currently on view at the Blackwood Gallery, called Forget the Money (2011/2017), which traces the invisible circulation of currency through embezzlement and corporate crime. This forum asks that we not forget the money and that, instead, we develop a collective, open dialogue about the conceptual and logistical requirements of working with artists, choreographers, dancers, and presenters in a variety of spaces.'' -- Publiser's websit

    Solving the multi-criteria: Total completion time, total late work, and maximum earliness problem

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    Within this research, The problem of scheduling jobs on a single machine is the subject of study to minimize the multi-criteria and multi-objective functions. The first problem, minimizing the multi-criteria, which include Total Completion Time, Total Late Work, and Maximum Earliness Time (∑C_j,∑V_j,E_max ), and the second problem, minimizing the multi-objective functions ∑C_j+ ∑V_j+E_max are the problems at hand in this paper. In this study, a mathematical model is created to address the research problems, and some rules provide efficient (optimal) solutions to these problems. It has also been proven that each optimal solution for ∑C_j+ ∑V_j+E_max is an efficient solution to the problem (∑C_j,∑V_j,E_max ). Because these problems are NP-hard problems so it is difficult to determine the efficient (optimal) solution set for these problems so some special cases are shown and proven which find some efficient (optimal) solutions suitable for the discussed problem, and highlight the significance of the Dominance Rule (DR), which can be applied to this problem to enhance efficient solutions

    Образование провалов и кратероподобных структур земли как совместное действие сейсмических и ионосферных процессов

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    The article deals with a hypothesis about the cause of the deep crater-sinkhole in the world and explosions of inexplicable nature. The root cause of these phenomena is a powerful local plasma formations in the ionosphere. They can be caused by both natural factors during periods of high solar activity, and artificial heating of the ionosphere by means of electromagnetic emitters. Local increase and the concentration of plasma formations can occur when stone bolids and the formation of plasmoids enter the ionosphere. Bolid flight, when the electric field between the bolid and electrified corona surface reachs a certain level of intensity, is accompanied by the release of electrically charged particles of the soil and its discharge with the formation of a strong shock wave.В статье рассмотрена гипотеза о причине возникновения глубоких кратероподобных провалов в Земле и взрывах необъяснимой природы. Первопричиной этих явлений являются мощные локальные плазменные образования в ионосфере. Они могут быть вызваны как естественными причинами в периоды высокой солнечной активности, так и искусственным разогревом ионосферы с помощью электромагнитных излучателей. Локальное усиление и концентрация плазменных образований может происходить при входе в ионосферу каменных болидов и образовании плазмоидов. Полет болида при достижении определенного уровня напряженности электрического поля, между болидом и наэлектризованной коронирующей поверхностью сопровождается выбросом электрически заряженных частиц грунта и его разрядкой с образованием мощной ударной волны

    The Effect of Pure Aluminum Weight Percent on Different Properties of a New Cermet Material Made of Al-Machinable Glass Ceramic

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    In this research high pure aluminum metal with the following weight percent (1,2,3,4,5) has been added to machinable glass-ceramic, after the preparation of the samples by pressing then firing the effect of this addition on the density, hardness, young modulus, and polishing and grinding time of the machinable glass-ceramic have been studied. It has been found that the increasing in aluminum percent lead to slightly increase in density while the hardness, young modulus, and polishing and grinding time decreased

    Synthesis of fluorescent carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) and their applications in drug delivery

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    Nanomedicine requires intelligent and non-toxic nanomaterials for real clinical applications. Carbon materials possess interesting properties but with some limitations due to toxic effects. Interest in carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) is increasing because they are considered green materials with tunable optical properties, overcoming the problem of toxicity associated with quantum dots or nanocrystals, and can be utilized as smart drug delivery systems. Using black tea as a raw material, we synthesized CNPs with a narrow size distribution, tunable optical properties covering visible to deep red absorption, non-toxicity and easy synthesis for large-scale production. We utilized these CNPs to label subcellular structures such as exosomes. More importantly, these new CNPs can escape lysosomal sequestration and rapidly distribute themselves in the cytoplasm to release doxorubicin (doxo) with better efficacy than the free drug. The release of doxo from CNPs was optimal at low pH, similar to the tumour microenvironment. These CNPs were non-toxic in mice and reduced the tumour burden when loaded with doxo due to an improved pharmacokinetics profile. In summary, we created a new delivery system that is potentially useful for improving cancer treatments and opening a new window for tagging microvesicles utilized in liquid biopsies

    Estimation of the reliability system in model of stress- strength according to distribution of inverse Rayleigh

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    In many real-life scenarios, stress-strength model is a significant level that notices efficincy in reliability system. Thus, this paper considers the stress–strength model with reliability estimation R=P(

    Etude du transfert d'énergie entre un arc de court-circuit et son environnement : application à l'Arc Tracking

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    L'arc tracking est un phénomène d'arc électrique se produisant lors d'un court-circuit, ayant tendance à se propager le long des câbles. Lié à la dégradation des gaines diélectriques, il peut entraîner la coupure de l'alimentation électrique et l'endommagement du milieu environnant, et est particulièrement redouté dans l'aviation. L'augmentation de la puissance électrique et les réductions de poids pour la prochaine génération d'aéronefs va nécessiter l'emploi de tensions plus élevées et le remplacement du cuivre par l'aluminium dans les câbles électriques. Des matériaux composites vont également être utilisés dans la structure. Ces changements peuvent conduire à l'apparition d'un nouveau type d'Arc Tracking, ce qui nécessite une meilleure connaissance de ce phénomène et de son impact. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer l'énergie transférée dans le cas d'un arc ayant lieu entre deux câbles adjacents dans un toron, en courant continu. Pour cela un dispositif a été développé, permettant de mettre sous tension des échantillons de câble pendant une durée déterminée sous un courant donné. Les mesures électriques sont corrélées à l'observation par imagerie rapide et à l'énergie rayonnée par l'arc mesurée par des fluxmètres. Pour évaluer la dégradation des câbles ceux-ci sont pesés avant et après les essais. A partir de ces mesures, de l'analyse thermodynamique et du calcul des coefficients d'émission nette d'un plasma d'air et de vapeurs métalliques, le bilan d'énergie a été réalisé. Les résultats obtenus montrent que pour les câbles à base du cuivre (DR) et d'aluminium (AD) la quantité d'énergie transférée aux électrodes est d'environ 40 % de l'énergie électrique totale. La quantité d'énergie rayonnée est de 25 à 28 % (jusqu'à 30 % pour les câbles AD) de la quantité d'énergie fournie à la colonne d'arc, la moitié l'étant dans le domaine VUV. Entre 24 et 34 % de l'énergie totale est fournie au plasma et sera perdue par conduction-convection. Dans le cas des câbles en aluminium, une énergie de combustion due à la formation d'oxydes s'ajoute à l'énergie électrique ; l'ablation des câbles est plus forte mais cela conduit paradoxalement à des durées d'arc nettement plus faibles que dans le cas des câbles en cuivre. Un second dispositif a été développé pour étudier le cas d'un arc entre l'extrémité d'un câble et une plaque de matériau composite. Une série d'essais a été réalisée dans le but de caractériser ce type de décharge au moyen de mesures électriques corrélées avec l'imagerie rapide. De plus l'échauffement de la plaque a été mesuré au moyen d'une camera infrarouge. Les résultats montrent que l'élévation de température, liée à l'énergie transférée aux électrodes, est plus rapide avec le câble à base de cuivre. L'élévation de température est trois fois plus importante lorsque la plaque est connectée à l'anode que dans le cas contraire.Arc tracking is an electric arc phenomenon occurring during a short circuit and tending to propagate along the wires. Associated to wire dielectric coating degradation it can lead to power breakdown and damages to surrounding materials and is particularly feared in aeronautics' domain. Electrical power increase and weight reduction for the next generation of aircrafts will lead to use higher voltage and replacing copper by aluminum in the wires. Composite materials will also be more widely used in aircraft structure. These modifications can cause the apparition of a new kind of arc tracking which demands better knowledge of this phenomenon and its consequences. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the energy transferred in the case of an arc between two nearby cables in a bundle under direct current. A setup has then been developed allowing to power up wire samples for a given period of time under a specified current. Electrical measurements were correlated to high speed imaging and measurements of radiated energy performed with radiation heat flux sensors. In order to study wire degradation, samples are weighted before and after the tests. From these measurements, thermodynamic analysis and calculation of net emission coefficients of air-metal (Al and/or Cu) plasma, the energy balance has been achieved. The results obtained show that for copper cables (DR) and aluminum cables (AD), the amount of energy transferred to the electrodes is about 40 % of the input electric energy. The quantity of radiated power is between 25 and 28 % (up to 30 % for aluminum cable) of the arc column energy, the half being in the VUV range. Between 24 and 34 % of the total energy is supplied to the plasma and will be lost by conducto-convection. In the case of aluminum cables, energy of combustion due to the formation of aluminum oxides is added to the electrical energy; cable erosion is higher but leads paradoxically to arcing times significantly lower than in the case of copper cables. A second experimental setup has been developed to study the case of an arc occurring between an extremity of a cable and a composite plate. Series of tests were realized to characterize this type of discharge, by performing electrical measurements correlated with arc fast imaging. Furthermore, the heating of plate was measured using an infrared camera. Results show that the rise in temperature due to the energy transfer to the electrodes using copper was faster than when using aluminum cable

    The history of nanoscience and nanotechnology: From chemical-physical applications to nanomedicine

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    Nanoscience breakthroughs in almost every field of science and nanotechnologies make life easier in this era. Nanoscience and nanotechnology represent an expanding research area, which involves structures, devices, and systems with novel properties and functions due to the arrangement of their atoms on the 1-100 nm scale. The field was subject to a growing public awareness and controversy in the early 2000s, and in turn, the beginnings of commercial applications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnologies contribute to almost every field of science, including physics, materials science, chemistry, biology, computer science, and engineering. Notably, in recent years nanotechnologies have been applied to human health with promising results, especially in the field of cancer treatment. To understand the nature of nanotechnology, it is helpful to review the timeline of discoveries that brought us to the current understanding of this science. This review illustrates the progress and main principles of nanoscience and nanotechnology and represents the pre-modern as well as modern timeline era of discoveries and milestones in these fields

    New Quasi-Newton (Dfp) With Logistic Mapping

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    In this paper, we propose a modification of the self-scaling quasi-Newton (DFP) method for unconstrained optimization using logistic mapping. We shoe that it produces a positive definite matrix. Numerical results demonstrate that the new algorithm is superior to standard DFP method with respect to the NOI and NOF