7 research outputs found

    Propofol-based balanced anesthesia is safer in pediatric radiotherapy

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    Backround and purpose To investigate the incidence of complications related to propofol-based anesthesia and the factors associated with complications in children with radiotherapy

    Reduction of peritoneal adhesions by sustained and local administration of epidermal growth factor

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    Previous studies have shown epidermal growth factor (EGF) facilitate peritoneal membrane healing by augmenting cell adhesion and migration. The objective of this study was to show the effect of sustained and local administration of EGF on peritoneal adhesion. Fourty-two rats were divided into six groups: control 7 and 14, gelatin 7 and 14, and EGF 7 and 14. Adhesions were created by scraping the cecum with mesh gause followed by application of absolute alcohol and placement of silk suture in the parietal peritoneum. The anterior walls of the intestines were covered with 5 x 5 cm unloaded, and EGF loaded gelatin films in the gelatin and EGF groups, respectively. The rats were killed on days 7 and 14 to assess the adhesion occurring, and for biochemical examination. The mean adhesion grades of EGF groups were significantly lower than in the other groups (P 0.008). The mean ADA measurements in the 14 days groups were as follows: control 14 0.008). The mean hydroxyproline measurements did not differ among the groups (P > 0.008). EGF decreased intestinal adhesion in our study. EGF has important roles in DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. Further studies are required to determine the exact mechanism by which EGF lowers the efficiency of intestinal adhesion

    Simultaneous Presentation of Wilms' Tumor and Contralateral Ganglioneuroma in a Child: Case Report and Literature Review

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    We demonstrate a 4-year-old girl who presented with progressive, asymmetrical, firm abdominal distention and was diagnosed with synchronous Wilms' tumor and left para-aortic ganglioneuroma (GN). Although synchronous tumors in the pediatric population are commonly associated with malignancy-predisposing syndromes, the patient in question was found to be otherwise healthy and had no clinical evidence nor family history of a syndrome. This case is the second one in the literature diagnosed with synchronous presentation of Wilms' tumor and GN in a previously healthy child. In addition, a GN foci presumed to be a previous metastasis of a neurogenic tumor that subsequently matured to GN was depicted within a left para-aortic lymph node. We aimed to emphasize an extremely rare synchronous occurrence of these embryonal tumors, increase the awareness of physicians, and discuss the radiologic differential diagnosis and management

    Twelve-month observational study of children with cancer in 41 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Childhood cancer is a leading cause of death. It is unclear whether the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted childhood cancer mortality. In this study, we aimed to establish all-cause mortality rates for childhood cancers during the COVID-19 pandemic and determine the factors associated with mortality