19 research outputs found


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    The use of inputs in aquaculture activities must be allocated efficiently to achieve maximum profit in business. This study aimed to analyze the efficiency of production factors in the aquaculture business in Ambon Bay waters. The research was conducted from October to December 2021. Questionnaires were used to collect the primary data from key informants (business owners and workers). The data were analyzed using a quantitative descriptive approach, including technical efficiency by applying the Cobb-Douglas production function method and price efficiency by calculating the ratio between the Marginal Product Value (NPMxi) and the factor of production price (Pxi). The results show that technically efficient production factors are feed and cage size, while regarding price efficiency, both seeds and fuel are not optimal due to excessive utilization. Therefore, it is essential to be considered for business continuity in the future.   ABSTRAK Penggunaan input dalam aktivitas budidaya ikan perlu dialokasi secara efisien jika usaha ingin mencapai keuntungan maksimum.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efisiensi penggunaan faktor produksi budidaya pada perairan Teluk Ambon. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober hingga Desember 2021. Data primer dikumpulkan dari informan kunci (pemilik usaha dan tenaga kerja), menggunakan kuisioner sebagai alat pengumpul data. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif, meliputi analisis efisiensi teknis dengan metode fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas dan efisiensi harga melalui perhitungan rasio antara Nilai Produk Marginal (NPMxi) dengan harga faktor produksi (Pxi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor produksi yang efisien secara teknis adalah pakan dan ukuran keramba, sedangkan dari sisi efisiensi harga, faktor produksi benih dan BBM penggunaannya tidak optimal atau sudah berlebihan sehingga ke depan perlu dipertimbangkan lagi bagi keberlanjutan usaha. Kata Kunci: Efisiensi teknis, efisiensi harga, budidaya, ikan, Teluk Ambo

    Analisis Pendapatan Usaha Nelayan Tuna Hand line di Dusun Parigi Negeri Wahai Kecamatan Seram Utara

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    Penangkapan ikan merupakan suatu usaha dalam kegiatan ekonomi yang dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor produksi dalam mendapatkan keuntungan. Faktor produksi yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah biaya pengeluaran dan modal. Pancing ulur adalah alat tangkap yang memberikan kontribusi cukup besar dalam perekonomian perikanan di Dusun Parigi, Desa Wahai, Kecamatan Seram Utara, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapatan usaha nelayan tuna di Dusun Parigi, Desa Wahai, Kecamatan Seram Utara. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling. Sampel ditentukan sebanyak 50 orang dari 156 jumlah nelayan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2023 sampai Agustus 2023. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Pendapatan usaha nelayan tuna di Dusun Parigi adalah rata-rata Rp. 16.584.167,50, dalam jangka waktu 3 bulan


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    Fishing using a floating lift net contributes a positive impact on the fishermen of Tulehu village, but problems faced by fishermen in fishing often affect their income. This study aims to analyze the income of the floating lift net business in Tulehu village. The results showed that the number of fishing activities for floating lift net during the non-fishing season were 55 trips and during the fishing season 138 trips. Fixed costs incurred during the non-fishing season was Rp32,971,175 and in the fishing season was Rp13,294,150, while variable costs during the non-fishing season was Rp19,361,175 and during the fishing season was Rp25,042,200. Based on the costs incurred, the floating lift net business earns an average profit of Rp59,045,620 during the non-fishing season and Rp247,597,600 during the fishing season. Research should be continued with an analysis of the financial feasibility of the business, so it can be seen whether the business is feasible or not


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    Potential of small pelagic fishery is abundant in Ambon City waters can be seen as an opportunity to improve the welfare of fisherman community, especially traditional fisherman such as serok fisherman in Hative Besar. Economic behavior or pattern of household decision making is needed to understand various efforts in improving the welfare of fishermen household. This study aims to (1) identify productive activities in fisheries sector and non-fishery sector by serok fisherman household in Hative Besar, (2) to describe the behavior of serok fisherman household decision making that acts as a producer, distributor and consumers, and (3) to describe the involvement of serok fisherman household in an effort to reduce poverty. The research method used is survey research method. The sample is determined by using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis was done descriptively qualitative. The results showed that serok fisherman household have productive activities within and outside the fishery sector as an attempt to generate family income. The economic behavior of serok fisherman household as producers, distributors and consumers is done in order to generate income and meet household needs. The involvement of serok fisherman household in reducing poverty is seen from some actions through the role of family members, job diversification and social networking


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    The waters of Inner Ambon Bay is potential for various fishery businesses, which if developed will provide high economic value. One of the fishery businesses in Inner Ambon Bay is aquaculture using floating net cages. The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility of aquaculture in Ambon Dalam Bay, Waiheru Village and Poka Village based on financial aspects with criteria such as Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C), Return on Investment (ROI), Payback Period (PP), and Break Event Point (BEP). The results show that the floating net cage cultivation business is feasible to develop, with an average R/C value in Waiheru Village and Poka Village >1, the average ROI value in Waiheru Village for HDPE cages is 48.64% and wooden cages is 109.70%, while in Poka Village is 44.25% for HDPE cages and 124.01% for wooden cages. The average payback period for HDPE cages in Waiheru Village is 2.12207 years or 2 years and 1 month and Poka Village is 2.26239 years or 2 years and 3 months, while for wooden cages in Waiheru Village 0.94529 years or 11 months and Poka Village 0.84094 years or 10 months. The production BEP benefits because the amount of production or fish sold is greater than the production BEP and the selling price for each type of fish cultivated has exceeded the BEP price

    Local Wisdom in Utilizing Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and Scad (Decapterus macarellus) in The Regency of Sitaro Archipelago

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    Local wisdom is any form of knowledge, belief, understanding, or insight as well as custom or ethics that can guide human behavior in life in ecological community. The utilization of fisheries resources, especially skipjacks and scads in the Regency of Sitaro Archipelago has long been based on the custom hereditarily, which is considered as local wisdom. The aim of this research is to describe the mechanism of utilizing fishery resources based on local wisdom, border areas of fishing ground ownership, and its impacts on the fish resource management. Fishermen who have right to catch skipjacks are those who identified the fish first. While in fishing scads, fishermen are limited by an individual local ownership obtained hereditarily. Therefore, not all the fishermen get access to the areas. Local wisdom owned by fishermen community in the area of small islands has not yet been aimed at sustainable fisheries management. It is only limited to avoiding conflicts among fishermen and among villages


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    Pemanfaatan sumberdaya perikanan di Kabupaten Kepulauan Sitaro sudah mencapai 94,19% (pemanfaatan penuh) kondisi ini dapat berdampak pada usaha penangkapan ikan. Penggunaan alat tangkap yang efisien merupakan upaya untuk mempertahankan keberlanjutan usaha penangkapan ikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menghitung efisiensi teknis alat tangkap dominan yang digunakan masyarakat nelayan dengan menggunakan metode Data Envelopment Analyisis (DEA). Penelitian dilakukan di desa nelayan yaitu Buhias, Matole, Pahepa dan Tapile, yang merupakan kawasan pulau-pulau kecil di Kabupaten Kepulauan Sitaro. Alat tangkap yang dominan digunakan oleh nelayan dalam memanfaatkan sumberdaya perikanan adalah jaring ikan cakalang (soma hetung), pukat cincin (purse seine), jaring insang, jaring ikan layang (soma talang) dan pancing. Faktor input yang digunakan dalam analisis efisiensi penangkapan ikan meliputi investasi, biaya tetap, biaya variabel, lamanya waktu melaut (trip/jam) dan kekuatan mesin. Faktor output meliputi pendapatan dan jumlah tenaga kerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga alat tangkap yang efisien dalam penggunaan input dengan nilai 100 % yaitu jaring cakalang (soma hetung), purse seine, dan pancing. Dua alat tangkap lainnya yang kurang efisien (nilai di bawah100 %) adalah jaring ikan layang (91.50%) dan jaring insang (88,90%). Agar usaha penangkapan ikan berkelanjutan, maka pengurangan penggunaan input perlu dikurangi pada kedua alat tangkap tersebut.Utilization of fishery resources in the District of Sitaro Islands has reached 94.19% (full utilization) and impacted on fishing effort. In order to maintain sustainability fishing, efficient fishing gears should be applied. This study evaluated the technical efficiency of dominant fishing gears of fishermen in Buhias, Matole, Pahepa and Tapile (coastal villages in the region of small islands in Sitaro) by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Dominant fishing gears used by the fishermen are round skipjack net (soma hetung), purse seine, gill nets, round scad net (soma talang) and hand line. Input factors used in this analysis cover investment, fixed costs, variable costs, length of fishing (trip/hour) and power of engine; while output factors include income and number of fishermen. The results showed that three efficient fishing gears in using inputs 100% are round skipjack net (soma hetung), purse seine and hand line. The other two gears i.e., gill net and roundscad net (soma talang) are less efficient, due to the input using under 100% (round scad net 91.50% and gill net 88.90%). Therefore the using of inputs on those gears should be reduced for a sustainable fishing effort

    Market Structure, Conduct and Performance of Scad (Decapterus russeli) in Kota Ambon

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    This research is aimed to analyze the marketing system of Scad (Decapterus russeli) by analyzing the market structure, behavior, and performance. It was conducted in traditional markets: Mardika and Transit Passo, Ambon from September to December 2014. The method used was survey for 40 of 45 fish traders in these markets, selected in simple random sampling. The analyses used included: 1). Integration of vertical market, 2). Elasticity of price transmission, and 3). Pricing efficiency. The results show: (1) market structure of scad in Ambon is not integrated and leads to oligopoly; (2) change of 1% at the consumers’ price level leads to less than 1 % of price change in the fishermen’s price level, indicating that scad marketing system is inefficient; and (3) the marketing system of scad in channel 3 is inefficient. The smallest share (89%) was also showed in this channel. Scad market structure was not perfectly integrated for the oligopoly practice by traders. Therefore, dependence of fishermen on traders should be reduced i.e. by giving assistance such as loans with low interest rates especially in no fish season. Communication network should also be expanded so that market information can be transmitted perfectly to all marketing agencies in Ambon. The government should control the price fluctuations by setting the minimum price (floor price) and maximum price (ceiling price) in order to create price stability.Keywords: conduct market, oligopoly market, performance market, scad structure, fish trader


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    This study aims to measure the performance of fish auction process in Arumbai Market in Ambon. Primary data were collected from 43 respondents through observation and direct interview based on questionnaire. Data was analysed by qualitative descriptive method, importance performance analysis method (IPA) and gap analysis, and value for money method. The results show that: 1). There are three auction process activities namely pre auction, auction, and post auction; 2). Fisherman's satisfaction level is 67% and merchant satisfaction is 81%; and 3). The auction performance of the economic aspect is less economical, with the final value of 83%, while the fish auction performance from the efficiency aspect is less efficient with the value of 76%. For that, it needs additional officers to manage fish auction place (TPI) in Arumbai Market. In addition, the fish auction facilities (TPI) in Arumbai Market needs to be improved


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    Floating Net cage (KJA) is a fish cage which usually made of wood, bamboo, or iron and buoys with anchoring system. In Central Maluku District, the areas that potential in the development of cultivation KJA is Amahai and Lesane. The objectives of this research are: 1) To describe the application of business management function of KJA in Amahai and Lesane Sub-district and 2) to analyze income obtained in KJA business in Amahai and Lesane Sub-district. The method used is descriptive method. The results show that the cultivation business with KJA system in Amahai and Lesane villages took place twice a year by maintaining different types of fish. The group Wairano I and Wairano II maintaining the tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus), Beronang (Siganus) and Kuwe (Cranx sp), while Kura-kura and Kuda Laut maintains the species Tiger Grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) and Rat Grouper (Cromileptes altives). The application of management functions in the floating net cage business (KJA) in Amahai and Lesane districts is almost similar in implementing the planning and direction functions, but different in organizing and coordinating functions