297 research outputs found


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    In the application of fluorescent lamp coating, clip marks formed during drying can adversely affect product quality, resulting in higher production cost and/or lower customer satisfaction. It is believed that these defects are caused by gradient in coating surface tension but their mechanisms are still not well understood. To facilitate a more systematic approach to coatings design, it is important to have a better understanding of the roles of surface tension in defect formation. A onedimensional mathematical model, which describes the tlow of drying coating on horizontal planar substrates, was developed in this study to investigate the formation of defects, particularly in the fluorescent-lamp coating process. A partial differential equation was derived based on the Navier-Stokes equation, using the lubrication approximation for thin layers. The effect of temperature distribution on surface-tension gradient was incorporated into the model, which enhances our ability to quantify defect formation in drying coatings. The results show that, temperature-induced surface-tension gradient plays a major role in defect formation. The effect of pressure gradient is negligible compared to the surface tension gradient in defect formation. A linear relation is observed between defect peak growth and time between t = 10 s and t = 500 s. Defect formation time also varies linearly with viscosity in the range between J..l = 0.1 P to 2 P. Parametric studies show that all the parameters studied have an effect on the defect. Temperature shows the greatest intluence in defect formation, followed by viscosity. This model can be used as a process analysis tool in industrial applications

    Migrant Arab Muslim women’s experiences of childbirth in the UK

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    This research study explored the meanings attributed by migrant Arab Muslim women to their experiences of childbirth in the UK. The objectives of the study were: • To explore migrant Arab Muslim women's experiences of maternity services in the UK. • To examine the traditional childbearing beliefs and practices of Arab Muslim society. • To suggest ways to provide culturally sensitive care for this group of women. An interpretive ontological-phenomenological perspective informed by the philosophical tenets of Heidegger (1927/1962) was used to examine the childbirth experiences of eight Arab Muslim women who had migrated to one multicultural city in the Midlands. Three in-depth semi structured audiotaped interviews were conducted with each woman; the first during the third trimester of pregnancy (28 weeks onwards), the second early in the postnatal period (1-2 weeks after birth) and the third one to three months later. Each interview was conducted in Arabic, then transcribed and translated into English. An adapted version of Smith’s model of interpretive phenomenological analysis (Smith 2003) together with the principles of Gadamer (1989) were used to analyse the interview data, aided by the use of the software package NVivo2. The analysis of the women’s experiences captures the significance of giving birth in a new cultural context, their perception of the positive and negative aspects of their maternity care and the importance of a culturally competent approach to midwifery practice. Six main themes emerged from analysis of the interviews: ‘displacement and reformation of the self’, ‘by the grace of God’, ‘the vulnerable women,’ ‘adaptation to the new culture,’ ‘dissonance between two maternity health systems’ and ‘the valuable experience’. These themes reflected the women’s lived experiences of their childbirth in the UK. The implications for communities, institutions, midwifery practice and further research are outlined. The study concludes that in providing culturally competent care, maternity caregivers should be aware of what might be significant in the religious and cultural understandings of Arab women but also avoid cultural stereotyping by maintaining an emphasis on individualised care

    Applying the transtheoretical model to promote greater fruit and vegetable consumption: a successful approach to maintaining behavioral change

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the response of participants in the first three Stages of Change (SOC) to a preparation stage-tailored intervention to increase fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption. An on-line survey was delivered to 400 university employees, and included questionnaires about their demographic information, SOC, self efficacy (SE), and decisional balance (DB). One hundred fifty six (39%) responded to the survey. A total of 40 were selected from the first three stages, precontemplation (PC), contemplation (C), and preparation (P), and were assigned into two groups (PC/C and P) with consideration to the best possible matching in age, gender, income, education, and smoking status. Employees in both groups received the same intervention which was composed of four 1-hour sessions given over four consecutive weeks. Outcomes (F&V, SOC, SE, and DB) were measured at every session, and were also measured at weeks 5, 6, and 20 following the intervention. At baseline (the response to the survey), the majority of the 400 employees were in the contemplation and the maintenance stages (34.9 and 34.3% respectively). Most of them reported positive perception and self confidence of consuming 5 servings of F&V everyday. Employees who were greater than 50 years old and held a PhD degree were more likely to consume five servings of F&V every day. During the intervention and until week 5, all employees increased their F&V, SE and DB and moved an advanced along SOC. However, employees in the PC/C group failed to maintain the change after week 5, and relapsed back to the baseline measures. The repeated measure MANOVA revealed a statistically significant interaction between the intervention and time which suggests that the intervention had a different effect on the employees in the two groups (i.e., relapse for the PC/C group and maintenance of the P group). These results suggest that individuals who receive intervention not matching their SOC are at higher risk to relapse. Stage-tailored interventions may be more cost-effective when delivered to the appropriate individuals


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    Penelitian ini difokuskan pada bagaimana efektivitas pelaksanaan program Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) Dana Desa Di Desa Tumbang Tungku Kecamatan Pulau Malan Kabupaten Katingan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis bagaimana pelaksanaan Program Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) Dana Desa Bagi Masyarakat Di Desa Tumbang Tungku Kecamatan Pulau Malan Kabupaten Katingan. Dalam penelitian yang mengsngkst judul efektivitas pelaksanaan program Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) Dana Desa Di Desa Tumbang Tungku Kecamatan Pulau Malan Kabupaten Katingan. Peneliti menggunakan indikator atau pengukuran efektivitas dari Sutrisno (2007) yaitu 1) Pemahaman program, 2) Tepat Waktu, 3) Tepat Sasaran, 4) Tercapainya tujuan, 5) Perubahan nyata. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif. Adapun data yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini melalui wawancara, observasi, studi pustaka dan dokumentasi.data yang telah dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini, dianalisis dengan model interaktif yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah mengenai Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Program Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) Dana Desa Bagi Masyarakat Desa Tumbang Tungku Kecamatan Pulau Malan Kabupaten Katingan, bahwa keberhasilan Program Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) Dana Desa Bagi Masyarakat Desa Tumbang Tungku Kecamatan Pulau Malan Kabupaten Katingan sudah sesuai dengan prosedur yang dijalankan atau efektif. Hal tersebut diketahui dengan adanya indikator efektivitas yang digunakan pada penelitian tersebut sudah sesuai sebagaimana mestinya yaitu pada jangka pendek, walaupun pada sebagian indikator tersebut masih kurang sesuai dengan indikator pada tujuan program yang dilaksanakan tersebut karena masih belum bisa sepenuhnya untuk meningkatnya sosial ekonomi dan kesejateraan masyarakat pada masa jangka panjang

    Women's Health and Well-Being in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: A Narrative Review of Achievements and Gaps in the Gulf States.

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    In 2014, United Nations member states proposed a set of sustainable development goals (SDGs) to help further the millennium development goals that they had proposed in New York in 2000. Of these 13 SDGs, Goal 3 (i.e., SDG 3) was titled "Good Health and Well-Being." This goal highlighted women's health and well-being via two key objectives. The first, SDG 3.1, aimed to reduce maternal mortality rates (MMR) and the second, SDG 3.7, aimed to ensure access to sexual and reproductive health care services. Drawing on all the latest reports, which have been released by Gulf Cooperation Council states (GCC), this paper sheds light on GCC states' work on women's wellbeing through SDG 3. the paper aims to review GCC states' work on women's wellbeing in SDG3, which achievements they obtained, which tools they used and which gaps still exist. The paper aims to explain the socio-cultural background behind these achievements, tools, and gaps. For the purpose of this study, we used narrative review approach through which we reviewed reports from 2017 and 2018 on SDGs published online by the Ministry of Development and Planning of each GCC state, and latest reports of the WHO on the same states. the study found similarities and differences between different GCC states, which in turn reveals gaps and areas that are not meeting women's needs. The findings show that MMR in GCC countries has declined by nearly half. The main strategies they adopted to address SDG 3.1 included awareness campaigns, improving access to healthcare systems and training professionals. The tools used to meet SDG 3.7 included training health professionals and raising awareness of consanguinity. The study reveals several gaps, such as a lack of discussion around challenges and barriers, and a lack of linkage between an SDG and the targets contained within it. The paper concludes that there is a much greater emphasis on reducing MMR, compared to providing access to sexual and reproductive healthcare. This difference is due to different socio-cultural framing of each of these two issues

    The Influence of Fasting and Energy Restricting Diets on IGF-1 Levels in Humans: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Fasting and energy restricting diets have a potential means of delaying or preventing the onset of a range of age-related metabolic and neoplastic diseases. Consistently at the centre of this effect appears to be a significant reduction in circulating IGF-1 levels. The aim of the current systematic review and meta-analysis was to determine the influence of fasting and energy restriction on IGF-1 levels in human subjects. Methods: A comprehensive systematic search was conducted from onset of the database to February 2019 in Embase, MEDLINE/PubMed, and SCOPUS to identify randomized clinical trials that investigating the impact of fasting or energy restriction circulating IGF-1 levels. Effect size was reported as weighted mean difference (WMD) and 95 confidence intervals (CI) using a random-effects models. Subgroup analysis was performed to identify the probable source of heterogeneity among trials. Results: Total pooling of fasting and energy restriction randomised controlled trials in WMD analysis revealed no significant effect on circulating IGF-1 levels (WMD: �16.41 ng/ml, 95 CI: �35.88, 3.07). Sub grouped analysis fasting regimens appeared to substantially reduce IGF-1 (WMD: -28.87 ng/ml, 95 CI: �43.69, �14.05, I 2 = 00), energy restricting regimens failed to do the same (WMD: -10.98 ng/ml, 95 CI: �33.08, 11.11, I 2 = 90). Within this final subgrouping, it was observed that only energy restriction regimens of 50 or greater of normal daily energy intake were capable of significantly reducing IGF-1 levels (WMD: -36.57 ng/ml, 95 CI: �59.19, �13.95, I 2 = 00). Finally, a meta regression were noted in which the percentage restriction of daily energy intake inversely correlated with plasma IGF-1 levels (p = 0.04). Conclusion: This study uncovered that fasting significantly reduced levels of IGF-1, while energy restriction diets were successful only when intake was reduced by 50 or more. © 2019 Elsevier B.V

    Identification of Adolescents with Adiposities and Elevated Blood Pressure and Implementation of Preventive Measures Warrants the Use of Multiple Clinical Assessment Tools.

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    The burden of abdominal adiposity has increased globally, which is recognized as a key condition for the development of obesity-related disorders among youth, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension. High blood pressure (BP) and cardiovascular diseases increase the rates of premature mortality and morbidity substantially. Aims: to investigate the relation between abdominal adiposity and elevated BP among adolescent males in Jordan. Methods: Nationally representative sample of male adolescents was selected using multi-cluster sampling technique. Study sample included 1035 adolescent males aged 12 to 17 years. Multiple indicators were used to assess adiposity including waist circumference (WC) and total body fat (TF), truncal fat (TrF), and visceral fat (VF). Systolic blood pressure was measured to assess hypertension. Results: After adjusting for age, smoking status, and physical activity, the odds of having stage two hypertension increased 6, 7, and 8 times for adolescents who were on 90th percentile or above for Trf, VF, and WC, respectively. Conclusion: Elevated BP was significantly associated with total and abdominal adiposity among adolescent males in Jordan. Use of multiple clinical assessment tools is essential to assess abdominal obesity among adolescents

    Location Of Suitable Sites For Wind Farms Using Tools Of Spatial Information.

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    The rapid increase in the global population and fast depleting reserves of fossils fuel and increasing environmental pollution have encouraged the search for alternative source of environmental friendly renewable energy

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Berbasis Lingkungan Pada Materi Larutan Elektrolit Dan Non Elektrolit Di Kelas X Man 3 Aceh Besar

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    Berdasarkan fakta yang ada di MAN 3 Aceh Besar diperoleh bahwa, proses pembelajaran dengan penggunaan perangkat LKPD masih kurang digunakan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar disebabkan kurang kreatifnya guru dalam mendesainkan LKPD. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan respon siswa terhadap pengembangan LKPD berbasis lingkungan pada materi larutan elektrolit dan non-eletrolit kelas X di MAN 3 Aceh Besar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan R&D (Research and Development). Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan lembar validasi dan angket. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X MIA 1 yang berjumlah 26 orang. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif yaitu teknik persentase (%). Analisis data yang didapatkan, bahwa LKPD larutan elektrolit dan non-elektrolit berbasis lingkungan memperoleh hasil yang baik dari ketiga validator dengan persentase kelayakan keseluruhan yaitu 91.6%. Dengan demikian, LKPD berbasis lingkungan dapat dikatakan valid dan layak untuk dikembangkan. Sama halnya dengan hasil angket respon siswa terhadap LKPD berbasis lingkungan yang dikembangkan juga memperoleh hasil yang positif dari siswa yaitu 84.12% sangat tepat dengan kriteria sangat setuju (SS) dan 15.86% setuju (S). Berdasarkan hasil persentase tersebut, LKPD berbasis lingkungan larutan elektrolit dan non-elektrolit layak untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran

    Body Shape Index Is a Stronger Predictor of Diabetes.

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    Anthropometric indicators can predict the development of diabetes among adults. Among them, a new indicator (Body Shape Index) was developed. Several cohort observational studies have demonstrated that A Body Shape Index (ABSI) is a prominent indicator for mortality and morbidity. Nevertheless, the predictive level of ABSI for diabetes varied among different ethnicities. This study aimed to assess the predictive level of ABSI for diabetes compared to BMI in the Qatari population. Date from 2536 Qatari adults aged 20-79 years attending the Qatar Biobank Study were used. Body height, weight, and waist circumference were measured. Blood samples were measured for glucose. The association between ABSI, BMI, and diabetes was assessed using a logistic regression. Both ABSI and BMI were positively associated with diabetes after adjusting for potential confounding factors. ABSI had a stronger association with diabetes than BMI. Per 1 SD increment of ABSI and BMI, the z-score had an odds ratios of 1.85 (1.54-2.23) and 1.34 (1.18-1.51) for diabetes, respectively. ABSI and BMI are significantly associated with diabetes in the Qatari population. ABSI is a better predictor for the risk of diabetes than BMI after the adjustment for age, gender, education, and physical activity