155 research outputs found

    Remote control of security systems with Raspberry Pi

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    Nowadays safety is of primary importance and one of its branches includes technical protection of facilities. Belonging to this branch are security systems, such as fire announcement systems, access control, video surveillance and security system. The issue that arises in performing technical protection is the control of central installations. With breakdowns or malfunctions it is often the case that the person responsible is not informed about it, which may, in the event of an extreme situation, cause the system to fail where the consequences can be severe. The resolution of this problem will involve controlling security systems remotely by means of the Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi will be used due to its reasonable price and great adaptability of the system. Raspberry Pi will function as an independent server, allowing remote access via safe and protected connections. In addition it will have the function of sending notifications regarding malfunctions or breakdowns in the security system to the person responsible

    Remote control of security systems with Raspberry Pi

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    Nowadays safety is of primary importance and one of its branches includes technical protection of facilities. Belonging to this branch are security systems, such as fire announcement systems, access control, video surveillance and security system. The issue that arises in performing technical protection is the control of central installations. With breakdowns or malfunctions it is often the case that the person responsible is not informed about it, which may, in the event of an extreme situation, cause the system to fail where the consequences can be severe. The resolution of this problem will involve controlling security systems remotely by means of the Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi will be used due to its reasonable price and great adaptability of the system. Raspberry Pi will function as an independent server, allowing remote access via safe and protected connections. In addition it will have the function of sending notifications regarding malfunctions or breakdowns in the security system to the person responsible

    The order-disorder transition of the (3x3)Sn/Ge(111) phase

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    Growing attention has been drawn in the past years to the \alpha-phase (1/3 monolayer) of Sn on Ge(111), which undergoes a transition from the low temperature (3x3) phase to the room temperature (\sqrt3 x \sqrt3)R30 one. On the basis of scanning tunnelling microscopy experiments, this transition was claimed to be the manifestation of a surface charge density wave (SCDW), i.e. a periodic redistribution of charge, possibly accompanied by a periodic lattice distortion, which determines a change of the surface symmetry. As further experiments with different techniques were being performed, increasing doubts were cast about the SCDW model. We have measured by He scattering the long range order of the 1/3 monolayer phase of Sn on the Ge(111) surface throughout the phase transition. The transition has been found of the order-disorder type with a critical temperature Tc=220 K. The expected 3-State Potts critical exponents are shown to be consistent with the observed power law dependence of the (3x3) order parameter and its correlation length close to Tc, thus excluding a charge density wave driven phase transition.Comment: 6 pages with 4 figures; updated reference

    Enzyme-coupled assays for flip-flop of acyl-Coenzyme A in liposomes

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    Acyl-Coenzyme A is made in the cytosol. Certain enzymes using acyl-CoA seem to operate in the lumen of the ER but no corresponding flippases for acyl-CoA or an activated acyl have been described. In order to test the ability of purified candidate flippases to operate the transport of acyl-CoA through lipid bilayers in vitro we developed three enzyme-coupled assays using large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) obtained by detergent removal. The first assay uses liposomes encapsulating a water-soluble acyl-CoA:glycerol-3-phosphate acyl transferase plus glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P). It measures formation of [3H]lyso-phosphatidic acid inside liposomes after [3H]palmitoyl-CoA has been added from outside. Two other tests use empty liposomes containing [3H]palmitoyl-CoA in the inner membrane leaflet, to which either soluble acyl-CoA:glycerol-3-phosphate acyl transferase plus glycerol-3-phosphate or alkaline phosphatase are added from outside. Here one can follow the appearance of [3H]lyso-phosphatidic acid or of dephosphorylated [3H]acyl-CoA, respectively, both being made outside the liposomes. Although the liposomes may retain small amounts of detergent, all these tests show that palmitoyl-CoA crosses the lipid bilayer only very slowly and that the lipid composition of liposomes barely affects the flip-flop rate. Thus, palmitoyl-CoA cannot cross the membrane spontaneously implying that in vivo some transport mechanism is required

    Quantum size effects in the low temperature layer-by-layer growth of Pb on Ge(001)

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    The electronic properties of thin metallic films deviate from the corresponding bulk ones when the film thickness is comparable with the wavelength of the electrons at the Fermi level due to quantum size effects (QSE). QSE are expected to affect the film morphology and structure leading to the low temperature (LT) ``electronic growth'' of metals on semiconductors. In particular, layer-by-layer growth of Pb(111) films has been reported for deposition on Ge(001) below 130 K. An extremely flat morphology is preserved throughout deposition from four up to a dozen of monolayers. These flat films are shown to be metastable and to reorganize into large clusters uncovering the first Pb layer, pseudomorphic to the substrate, already at room temperature. Indications of QSE induced structural variations of the growing films have been reported for Pb growth on Ge(001), where the apparent height of the Pb(111) monatomic step was shown to change in an oscillatory fashion by He atom scattering (HAS) during layer-by-layer growth. The extent of the structural QSE has been obtained by a comparison of the HAS data with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and reflectivity experiments. Whereas step height variations as large as 20 % have been measured by HAS reflectivity, the displacement of the atomic planes from their bulk position, as measured by XRD, has been found to mainly affect the topmost Pb layer, but with a lower extent, i.e. the QSE observed by HAS are mainly due to a perpendicular displacement of the topmost layer charge density. The effect of the variable surface relaxation on the surface vibration has been studied by inelastic HAS to measure the acoustic dispersion of the low energy phonons.Comment: 28 pages (laTex,elsart) and 13 figures (eps); updated reference

    Najdišči iz poznorepublikanskega in zgodnjerimskega časa na Razdrtem pod Nanosom

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    Two new archaeological sites at Razdrto are presented in the article: Mandrga, where objects of Italic provenience from the pre-Augustan period were found, and Preval, where in addition to such Italic objects, mostly classified to the Augustan period with some material from the first half of the 1st century AD. some architectural remains were also discovered. Both sites represent material evidence of the existence and significance of a crossroads of trade routes below the peak of Nanos.V članku sta predstavljeni dve novi arheološki najdišči na Razdrtem: Mandrga. kjer smo našli predmete italskega izvora iz predavgustejskega obdobja, in Preval, kjer smo poleg prav tako italskih predmetov, katerih glavnina sega v avgustejsko obdobje, manjši del pa v prvo polovico 1. st. po Kr., našli tudi skromne arhitekturne ostanke. Obe pa predstavljata materialni dokaz o obstoju in pomenu križišča trgovskih poti pod Nanosom

    The Notranjska Region in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages

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    Prispevek v uvodnem delu prinaša pregled zgodovine raziskav prazgodovinskih najdišč na Notranjskem. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene tri arheološke lokacije, ki dobro zaobjamejo pozno bronasto in starejšo železno dobo notranjske halštatske skupnosti. Strateško pozicijo v sklopu Postojnskih vrat je imela v pozni bronasti dobi ali morda še nekoliko prej naselbina na Soviču nad Postojno. Naselbina na Cvingerju pri Dolenji vasi pri Cerknici je verjetno nastala med 10. in 9. st. pr. n. št. nad ponikalnico Velika Karlovica na obrobju Cerkniškega jezera. Prispevek se zaključi s predstavitvijo najdišča na Trnovem pri Ilirski Bistrici, kjer je bilo leta 1978 raziskano grobišče. Predstavljeni so grobovi, ki nakazujejo časovni okvir pokopovanja med 9. in 6. st. pr. n. št.In its introductory part, the article provides an overview of the research history of prehistoric sites in the Notranjska region. Further on, three archaeological locations are presented that encompass the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages of the Notranjska Hallstatt community well. In the Late Bronze Age or possibly even somewhat earlier, the strategic position within the Postojna Gate (Postojnska vrata) was held by the settlement on the Sovič hill above Postojna. The settlement at Cvinger above Dolenja vas near Cerknica probably appeared between the 10th and 9th century BC and it lies above the Velika Karlovica ponor cave at the edge of Lake Cerknica. The article concludes with the presentation of the Trnovo near Ilirska Bistrica site, where a cemetery was researched in 1978. The time span of the burials between the 9th and 6th century BC is evidenced by select graves, which are presented here

    Okra = Ocra

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    The routes between the north Adriatic and the Apennine peninsula on the west and the Balkans and the central Danubian plains on the east ran across Razdrto ever since ancient times. In the late prehistory and in the early Roman era the pass of Razdrto was known under the name of Ocra as was the mountain above it.Several Bronze age sites were discovered in the area of the Razdrto pass.The posts in the Razdrto area from the end of the 2nd and first half of the 1st century BC (Mandrga, Preval) differ from the other sites along the east Alpine routes, as they were not spatially linked to any of the existing indigenous settlements and did not show any contact with the surroundings even with their small objects. Most of the remains can be explained as traces of Roman passengers who stopped at Razdrto for a shorter period of time and not as remnants of a significant Roman settlement.A gravel covered road was constructed across the Razdrto pass in the second half of the 1st century BC or in the Augustan period. A roadside building was erected in the middle or late Augustan period and demolished in the mid 1st century AD.The shift of transit from Razdrto to Hrušica (Ad Pirum) took place in the 1st century AD. Post 1st century AD written sources no longer mention the road across Ocra, and the archaeological remains dating after the mid 1st century AD are extremely modest at Razdrto.Delo prinaša temeljno objavo in analizo arheoloških najdišč, ki so bila na območju Razdrtega odkrita in raziskana ob gradnji avtoceste leta 1989. Zaključek pa predstavlja rimske poti čez jugovzhodne Alpe in širši pomen arheoloških najdišč na Razdrtem

    Provenance of late Republican Roman pottery from Caput Adriae revealed by non-invasive mineral chemistry of melanitic garnets and other igneous minerals

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    Quite rare pottery shards showing a paste rich in black sand particles, possibly igneous minerals, have been discovered in late Republican Roman sites of Trieste area (northeastern Italy) and south-western Slovenia in the Caput Adriae. Most of them belong to late Greco-Italic and Dressel 1 amphora types, in use from the end of the 3rd and the beginning of 1st centuries BC. Following a methodological procedure based on the analysis of igneous temper, proved to be particularly effective by several scholars, numerous minerals have been extracted from the surface of 16 pottery shards, without causing any visible damage to them. Microprobe analysis has allowed the identification of igneous minerals (olivine, clinopyroxene, feldspar and garnet), most likely originating from the Roman or Campanian magmatic provinces. The chemistry of garnets, indicated in the past as a possible tracer of ancient commerce but no longer used in the last decades to study Italian late Republican pottery, has proved to be a promising tool to distinguish among the two magmatic provinces. According to our study, most of the investigated garnets-bearing samples would originate from Somma-Vesuvius while some of them from Latium