738 research outputs found

    Information fusion from multiple databases using meta-association rules

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    Nowadays, data volume, distribution, and volatility make it difficult to search global patterns by applying traditional Data Mining techniques. In the case of data in a distributed environment, sometimes a local analysis of each dataset separately is adequate but some other times a global decision is needed by the analysis of the entire data. Association rules discovering methods typically require a single uniform dataset and managing with the entire set of distributed data is not possible due to its size. To address the scenarios in which satisfying this requirement is not practical or even feasible, we propose a new method for fusing information, in the form of rules, extracted from multiple datasets. The proposed model produces meta-association rules, i.e. rules in which the antecedent or the consequent may contain rules as well, for finding joint correlations among trends found individually in each dataset. In this paper, we describe the formulation and the implementation of two alternative frameworks that obtain, respectively, crisp meta-rules and fuzzy meta-rules. We compare our proposal with the information obtained when the datasets are not separated, in order to see the main differences between traditional association rules and meta-association rules. We also compare crisp and fuzzy methods for meta-association rule mining, observing that the fuzzy approach offers several advantages: it is more accurate since it incorporates the strength or validity of the previous information, produces a more manageable set of rules for human inspection, and allows the incorporation of contextual information to the mining process expressed in a more human-friendly format

    Hydrogenation of α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds over Covalently Heterogenized Ru(II) Diphosphine Complexes on AlPO4-Sepiolite Supports

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    In this work, the covalent immobilization of two ruthenium(II) complexes, i.e., [RuIICl (bpea){(S)(-)(BINAP)}](BF4), 1, and [RuIICl(bpea)(DPPE)](BF4), 2, where BINAP = 2,2’-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,1’-binaphthyl and DPPE = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane, have been obtained (AlPO4-Sepiolite@1 and AlPO4-Sepiolite@2) by using a N-tridentate ligand N,N-bis-(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylamine (bpea), linked to an amorphous AlPO4-Sepiolite (20/80) inorganic support. This AlPO4-sepiolite support is able to immobilize the double amount of ruthenium complex (1.65%) than the amorphous AlPO4 (0.89%). Both heterogenized complexes have been assessed as catalysts in the liquid phase hydrogenation of several substrates with carbonyl and/or olefinic double bonds using methanol as solvent, attaining good catalytic activity and high enantioselectivity (99%). The highest Turn Over Number (TON) value (748.6) was obtained over the [RuII Cl (bpea)(DPPE)](BF4) 2 catalyst, although the [RuIICl(bpea){(S)(-)(BINAP)}](BF4) 1 exhibits better reusability. In fact, the [RuIICl(bpea){(S)(-)(BINAP)}](BF4) immobilized on AlPO4-Sepiolite maintained the activity throughout 14 successive runs. Furthermore, some findings on hydrogenation mechanisms of the α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds over Ru catalysts have been also obtained

    Textos Médico-Farmacéuticos renacentistas en la Biblioteca Pública de Orihuela

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    En la Biblioteca Pública de la ciudad de Orihuela, situada en los márgenes del río Segura, habiendo desempeñado un papel importante a lo largo de la historia, se conserva una amplia colección de libros médico-farmacéuticos, provenientes de la Universidad Literaria que allí existió en el siglo XVI. Del fondo de libros antiguos, nosotros recogemos en este trabajo todos los pertenecientes al siglo XVI que por su carácter médico-farmacéutico tienen un especial interés para los historiadores de la Medicina y de la Farmacia

    Biofuels from Diethyl Carbonate and Vegetable Oils for Use in Triple Blends with Diesel Fuel: Effect on Performance and Smoke Emissions of a Diesel Engine

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    The main objective of this work is to contribute to a gradual replacement process of fossil diesel (D) with biofuels composed by diethyl carbonate (DEC) and either sunflower or castor oil, as straight vegetable oils (SVOs). DEC is a very interesting candidate as an oxygenated additive not only because of its low price and renewable nature, but also its favorable fuel properties, such as very low kinematic viscosity, high cetane number, high oxygen content, rich cold flow properties and good miscibility with fossil diesel and vegetable oils. In this work, the more suitable DEC/SVO biofuels are chosen based on kinematic viscosity, according to the European normative. Additionally, the most relevant physical–chemical properties of (bio)fuels such as density, calorific value, cloud point, pour point and cetane number are determined. The influence of DEC on engine performance and exhaust emissions is analyzed by fueling a conventional Diesel engine with the different D/DEC/SVO triple and DEC/SVO double mixtures. The tests results are also compared with commercial diesel. From the results, it is concluded that Diesel engine fueled with the blends studied exhibits an excellent performance in terms of power output, very similar to diesel. Additionally, the use of these blends can remarkably decrease smoke emissions down to 98%, with respect to fossil diesel. The addition of DEC shows a significant improvement in cold flow properties of fuel mixtures in the exchange of a slightly higher brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) than diesel. Interestingly, the pure biofuels composed by DEC and SVO allow for a suitable engine operation and achieve the lowest emissions, which means these blends can be successfully employed in current engines without adding fossil diesel, i.e., their use entail a 100% renewability

    Evaluation of Dimethyl Carbonate as Alternative Biofuel. Performance and Smoke Emissions of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Diesel/Dimethyl Carbonate/Straight Vegetable Oil Triple Blends

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    Dimethyl carbonate (DMC) is an interesting blending component for diesel fuel (D) owing to the high oxygen content (53 wt.%) and the absence of C–C bonds in its structure. Moreover, DMC can be produced from CO2 and methanol, which provides a renewable way to reduce anthropogenic CO2. This research has been addressed to assess the use of DMC as a solvent of sunflower oil (SO) and castor oil (CO), with the purpose of obtaining biofuels that can replace fossil diesel as much as possible. The blending of DMC with straight vegetable oils (SVOs) reduces their high viscosity, allowing their usage as drop-in biofuels without chemical treatments. Based on viscosity requirements of European Standard EN 590, the optimal DMC/SVO double blends have been tested as direct biofuels by themselves or mixed with fossil diesel in D/DMC/SVO triple blends. Relevant physico-chemical properties of fuels have been analyzed. Engine parameters such as power output, brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and soot emissions have been studied to determine the effect of new biofuels on efficiency of a diesel engine. An outstanding engine efficiency is shown by the studied D/DMC/SVO triple blends, either with SO or CO as an SVO. The low calorific value of DMC is the main reason for reduction in power and BSFC, as the amount of diesel in the triple blends is reduced. Experimental results demonstrate that the use of these biofuels allows the replacement of up to 40% of fossil diesel, without compromising the power and BSFC of the engine, and accomplishing optimal cold flow properties and a marked drop in exhaust emissions

    Acetone Prospect as an Additive to Allow the Use of Castor and Sunflower Oils as Drop-In Biofuels in Diesel/Acetone/Vegetable Oil Triple Blends for Application in Diesel Engines

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    The present paper investigates the feasibility of using acetone (ACE) in triple blends with fossil diesel (D) and straight vegetable oils (SVOs) as alternative fuel for diesel engines. In this respect, ACE is selected as an oxygenated additivedue to its favorable propertiesto be mixed with vegetable oils and fossil diesel. In fact, the very low kinematic viscosity allows reduces the high viscosity of SVOs. ACE’s oxygen content, low autoignition temperature, and very low cloud point and pour point values highlight its possibilities as an additive in D/ACE/SVO triple blends. Moreover, ACE can be produced through a renewable biotechnological process, an acetone–butanol–ethanol (ABE) fermentation from cellulosic biomass. The SVOs tested were castor oil (CO), which is not suitable for human consumption, and sunflower oil (SO), used as a standard reference for waste cooking oil. The viscosity measurement of the ACE/SVO double blend was considered crucial to choose the optimum proportion, which better fulfilled the specifications established by European standard EN 590. Moreover, some of the most significant physicochemical properties of D/ACE/SVO triple blends, such as kinematic viscosity, cloud point, pour point, and calorific value, were determined to assess their suitability as fuels. The blends were evaluated in a conventional diesel generator through the study of the following parameters: engine power, smoke emissions, and fuel consumption. Despite the low calorific value of ACE limits its ratio in the mixtures due to engine knocking problems, the experimental results reveal an excellent performance for the blends containing up to 16-18% of ACE and 22-24% of SVO. These blends produce similar engine power as to fossil diesel, but with slightly higher fuel consumption. Considerable reductions in emissions of air pollutants, as well as excellent cold flow properties are also obtained with these triple blends. In summary, the use of these biofuels could achieve a substitution of fossil diesel up to 40%, independently on the SVO employed

    Outlook for Direct Use of Sunflower and Castor Oils as Biofuels in Compression Ignition Diesel Engines, Being Part of Diesel/Ethyl Acetate/Straight Vegetable Oil Triple Blends

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    Today, biofuels are indispensable in the implementation of fossil fuels replacement processes. This study evaluates ethyl acetate (EA) as a solvent of two straight vegetable oils (SVOs), castor oil (CO), and sunflower oil (SO), in order to obtain EA/SVO double blends that can be used directly as biofuels, or along with fossil diesel (D), in the current compression-ignition (C.I.) engines. The interest of EA as oxygenated additive lies not only in its low price and renewable character, but also in its very attractive properties such as low kinematic viscosity, reasonable energy density, high oxygen content, and rich cold flow properties. Revelant fuel properties of EA/SVO double and D/EA/SVO triple blends have been object of study including kinematic viscosity, pour point (PP), cloud point (CP), calorific value (CV), and cetane number (CN). The suitability of using these blends as fuels has been tested by running them on a diesel engine electric generator, analyzing their effect on engine power output, fuel consumption, and smoke emissions. Results obtained indicate that the D/EA/SO and D/EA/CO triple blends, composed by up to 24% and 36% EA, respectively, allow a fossil diesel substitution up to 60–80% providing power values very similar to conventional diesel.In addition, in exchange of a slight fuel consumption, a very notable lessening in the emission of pollutants as well as a better behavior at low temperatures, as compared to diesel, are achieved

    La lúdica como herramienta esencial en el desarrollo de las relaciones interpersonales para una sana convivencia

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    La presente propuesta de investigación educativa, tiene como finalidad proponer la implementación de la lúdica como una herramienta esencial en el desarrollo de las relaciones interpersonales y la sana convivencia de los estudiantes del grado 7-3, de la Institución Educativa Santa María. La metodología utilizada es de tipo cualitativo, cuyo propósito fue explorar las relaciones sociales y describir la realidad tal como la evidencian los estudiantes de la institución educativa en mención. Se utilizó el enfoque investigativo de la Investigación Acción Participación (I.A.P.). Durante el proceso investigativo se aplicaron técnicas e instrumentos tales como la observación y entrevistas estructuradas, logrando con ello identificar y caracterizar la problemática, para luego proponer alternativas a través de la lúdica. Esta investigación permitió llegar a concluir que la intolerancia, el irrespeto, el robo y daños a útiles escolares: las agresiones físicas y verbales, en su gran mayoría, son consecuencia de las malas relaciones afectivas y el poco o ningún acompañamiento de los padres de familia en el desarrollo integral de los estudiantes

    Efecto genotóxico y citotóxico del plomo en meristemos radiculares de dos variedades de Vicia faba L. y su relación con la domesticación

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    Las problemáticas ambientales asociadas al incremento de metales pesados como el plomo han promovido la búsqueda de bioindicadores eficientes; Vicia faba es uno de los más utilizados, sin embargo, su aprovechamiento a nivel mundial ha provocado el uso indistinto de sus variedades silvestres y domesticadas, sin considerar las implicaciones del proceso de domesticación. Por tal motivo, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar el efecto genotóxico y citotóxico del plomo en células meristemáticas de raíz de semillas de V. faba  silvestre y de la variedad Major (domesticada) a través de la presencia de micronúcleos y la determinación del índice mitótico, con la finalidad de conocer sus respuestas ante este metal y su relación con la domesticación, así como sugerir el uso de la variedad más sensible como bioindicador. Para ello, los meristemos radiculares se sometieron a tratamientos con 0, 0.005, 0.01 y 0.02 g L-1 de acetato de plomo y se realizaron tinciones con aceto-orceína; se obtuvo la frecuencia de micronúcleos y el índice mitótico por cada 1000 células observadas. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el acetato de plomo tiene un efecto genotóxico y citotóxico diferencial entre ambas variedades, siendo V. faba var. Major la que presenta una alta sensibilidad al metal pesado, debido a una pérdida en la resistencia al estrés, por lo que se sugiere su uso como bioindicador; mientras que en las semillas silvestres mostraron mayor tolerancia al tener un bajo grado de domesticación

    Transcriptional analysis of porcine intestinal mucosa infected with Salmonella Typhimurium revealed a massive inflammatory response and disruption of bile acid absorption in ileum

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    Infected pork meat is an important source of non-typhoidal human salmonellosis. Understanding of molecular mechanisms involved in disease pathogenesis is important for the development of therapeutic and preventive strategies. Thus, hereby we study the transcriptional profiles along the porcine intestine during infection with Salmonella Typhimurium, as well as post-transcriptional gene modulation by microRNAs (miRNA). Sixteen piglets were orally challenged with S. Typhimurium. Samples from jejunum, ileum and colon, collected 1, 2 and 6 days post infection (dpi) were hybridized to mRNA and miRNA expression microarrays and analyzed. Jejunum showed a reduced transcriptional response indicating mild inflammation only at 2 dpi. In ileum inflammatory genes were overexpressed (e.g., IL-1B, IL-6, IL-8, IL1RAP, TNFα), indicating a strong immune response at all times of infection. Infection also down-regulated genes of the FXR pathway (e.g., NR1H4, FABP6, APOA1, SLC10A2), indicating disruption of the bile acid absorption in ileum. This result was confirmed by decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in serum of infected pigs. Ileal inflammatory gene expression changes peaked at 2 dpi and tended to resolve at 6 dpi. Furthermore, miRNA analysis of ileum at 2 dpi revealed 62 miRNAs potentially regulating target genes involved in this inflammatory process (e.g., miR-374 and miR-451). In colon, genes involved in epithelial adherence, proliferation and cellular reorganization were down-regulated at 2 and 6 dpi. In summary, here we show the transcriptional changes occurring at the intestine at different time points of the infection, which are mainly related to inflammation and disruption of the bile acid metabolism. © 2016 Uribe et al. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/ publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated