133 research outputs found

    Differential Display Analysis of the Early Compatible Interaction Between Soybean and the Soybean Cyst Nematode

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    The marked cellular changes during feeding site formation of the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) indicate major changes in soybean gene expression. We used differential display of mRNA to detect host gene expression changes during the early compatible interaction between soybean and H. glycines. Fifteen cDNA clones corresponding to mRNAs with different abundances in H. glycines-infected versus uninfected roots were identified. Differential display results indicated that abundances of five mRNAs increased in infected roots, whereas abundances of 10 mRNAs decreased. Transcripts for nine of these 15 cDNAs could be detected on RNA blots, and their hybridization signals confirmed the differential display results for eight of these nine cDNAs. Sequence analyses identified five cDNAs with decreased mRNA levels in infected roots as corresponding to two putative aldolase genes, a transcription-factor TFIIA homologue, the soybean small GTP-binding protein gene sra1, and the soybean auxin down-regulated gene ADR12. RNA blot analyses of other auxin down-regulated genes revealed a decrease in their mRNA abundances in H. glycines-infected roots as well

    Changes in mRNA Abundance within Heterodera schachtii-Infected Roots of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Gene expression changes in plant roots infected by plant-parasitic cyst nematodes are involved in the formation of nematode feeding sites. We analyzed mRNA abundance changes within roots of Arabidopsis thaliana during the early compatible interaction with Heterodera schachtii, the sugarbeet cyst nematode. Approximately 1,600 root sections, each containing a single parasitic nematode and its feeding site, and 1,600 adjacent, nematode-free root sections were excised from aseptic A. thaliana cultures 3 to 4 days after inoculation with H. schachtii. These tissue samples were termed infected and uninfected, respectively. Preparasitic nematodes were added to the uninfected tissue sample to maintain the nematode to plant tissue proportion. mRNA extracted from these two tissue samples was subjected to differential display analysis. Thirty-six cDNA clones corresponding to mRNA species with different abundance between both tissue samples were isolated. Of these clones, 24 were of A. thaliana origin and 12 were from H. schachtii. Differential display data predicted that the A. thaliana cDNA clones corresponded to 13 transcripts that were more abundant in the infected root sections and 11 transcripts that were more abundant in the uninfected root sections. H. schachtii cDNA clones were predicted to correspond to four transcripts that were more abundant in parasitic nematodes and to eight transcripts that were more abundant in preparasitic nematodes. In situ hybridization experiments confirmed the mRNA abundance changes in A. thalianaroots predicted by the differential display analyses for two A. thaliana clones

    Are fear-avoidance beliefs in low back pain patients a risk factor for low physical activity or vice versa? A cross-lagged panel analysis

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    Objective: The assumption that low back pain (LBP) patients suffer from “disuse” as a consequence of high fear-avoidance beliefs is currently under debate. A secondary analysis served to investigate whether fear-avoidance beliefs are associated cross-sectionally and longitudinally with the physical activity level (PAL) in LBP patients

    Results and adverse events of personalized peptide receptor radionuclide therapy with 90Yttrium and 177Lutetium in 1048 patients with neuroendocrine neoplasms

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    Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) of patients with somatostatin receptor expressing neuroendocrine neoplasms has shown promising results in clinical trials and a recently published phase III study.In our center, 2294 patients were screened between 2004 and 2014 by 68Ga somatostatin receptor (SSTR) PET/CT. Intention to treat analysis included 1048 patients, who received at least one cycle of 90Yttrium or 177Lutetium-based PRRT. Progression free survival was determined by 68Ga SSTR-PET/CT and EORTC response criteria. Adverse events were determined by CTCAE criteria.Overall survival (95% confidence interval) of all patients was 51 months (47.0-54.9) and differed significantly according to radionuclide, grading, previous therapies, primary site and functionality. Progression free survival (based on PET/CT) of all patients was 19 months (16.9-21), which was significantly influenced by radionuclide, grading, and origin of neuroendocrine neoplasm. Progression free survival after initial progression and first and second resumption of PRRT after therapy-free intervals of more than 6 months were 11 months (9.4-12.5) and 8 months (6.4-9.5), respectively. Myelodysplastic syndrome or leukemia developed in 22 patients (2.1%) and 5 patients required hemodialysis after treatment, other adverse events were rare.PRRT is effective and overall survival is favorable in patients with neuroendocrine neoplasms depending on the radionuclide used for therapy, grading and origin of the neuroendocrine neoplasm which is not exactly mirrored in progression free survival as determined by highly sensitive 68Ga somatostatin receptor PET/CT using EORTC criteria for determining response to therapy

    High-Velocity Bipolar Molecular Emission from an AGN Torus

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    We have detected in ALMA observations CO J = 6 → 5 emission from the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068. The low-velocity (up to ±70 km s−1 relative to systemic) CO emission resolves into a 12 × 7 pc structure, roughly aligned with the nuclear radio source. Higher-velocity emission (up to ±400 km s−1) is consistent with a bipolar outflow in a direction nearly perpendicular (≃80°) to the nuclear disk. The position–velocity diagram shows that in addition to the outflow, the velocity field may also contain rotation about the disk axis. These observations provide compelling evidence in support of the disk-wind scenario for the active galactic nucleus obscuring torus

    Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Two Lensed Star-forming Galaxies

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    We present low-resolution, rest-frame ~ 5 - 12 micron Spitzer/IRS spectra of two lensed z ~ 2 UV-bright star-forming galaxies, SDSS J120602.09+514229.5 and SDSS J090122.37+181432.3. Using the magnification boost from lensing, we are able to study the physical properties of these objects in greater detail than is possible for unlensed systems. In both targets, we detect strong PAH emission at 6.2, 7.7, and 11.3 microns, indicating the presence of vigorous star formation. For J1206, we find a steeply rising continuum and significant [S IV] emission, suggesting that a moderately hard radiation field is powering continuum emission from small dust grains. The strength of the [S IV] emission also implies a sub-solar metallicity of ~ 0.5 Z_{Sun}, confirming published rest-frame optical measurements. In J0901, the PAH lines have large rest-frame equivalent widths (> 1 micron) and the continuum rises slowly with wavelength, suggesting that any AGN contribution to L_{IR} is insignificant, in contrast to the implications of optical emission-line diagnostics. Using [O III] line flux as a proxy for AGN strength, we estimate that the AGN in J0901 provides only a small fraction of its mid-infrared continuum flux. By combining the detection of [Ar II] with an upper limit on [Ar III] emission, we infer a metallicity of > 1.3 Z_{Sun}. This work highlights the importance of combining rest-frame optical and mid-IR spectroscopy in order to understand the detailed properties of star-forming galaxies at high redshift.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. ApJ accepte

    Carbohydrate binding module-fused antibodies improve the performance of cellulose-based lateral flow immunoassays

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    Since the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19 in December 2019, several lateral flow assay (LFA) devices were developed to enable the constant monitoring of regional and global infection processes. Additionally, innumerable lateral flow test devices are frequently used for determination of different clinical parameters, food safety, and environmental factors. Since common LFAs rely on non-biodegradable nitrocellulose membranes, we focused on their replacement by cellulose-composed, biodegradable papers. We report the development of cellulose paper-based lateral flow immunoassays using a carbohydrate-binding module-fused to detection antibodies. Studies regarding the protein binding capacity and potential protein wash-off effects on cellulose paper demonstrated a 2.7-fold protein binding capacity of CBM-fused antibody fragments compared to the sole antibody fragment. Furthermore, this strategy improved the spatial retention of CBM-fused detection antibodies to the test area, which resulted in an enhanced sensitivity and improved overall LFA-performance compared to the naked detection antibody. CBM-assisted antibodies were validated by implementation into two model lateral flow test devices (pregnancy detection and the detection of SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies). The CBM-assisted pregnancy LFA demonstrated sensitive detection of human gonadotropin (hCG) in synthetic urine and the CBM-assisted Covid-19 antibody LFA was able to detect SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies present in serum. Our findings pave the way to the more frequent use of cellulose-based papers instead of nitrocellulose in LFA devices and thus potentially improve the sustainability in the field of POC diagnostics

    Determinants for receiving acupuncture for LBP and associated treatments: a prospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Acupuncture is a frequently used but controversial adjunct to the treatment of chronic low back pain (LBP). Acupuncture is now considered to be effective for chronic LBP and health care systems are pressured to make a decision whether or not acupuncture should be covered. It has been suggested that providing such services might reduce the use of other health care services. Therefore, we explored factors associated with acupuncture treatment for LBP and the relation of acupuncture with other health care services. METHODS: This is a post hoc analysis of a longitudinal prospective cohort study. General practitioners (GPs) recruited consecutive adult patients with LBP. Data on physical function, subjective mood and utilization of health care services was collected at the first consultation and at follow-up telephone interviews for a period of twelve months. RESULTS: A total of 179 (13 %) out of 1,345 patients received acupuncture treatment. The majority of those (59 %) had chronic LBP. Women and elderly patients were more likely to be given acupuncture. Additional determinants of acupuncture therapy were low functional capacity and chronicity of pain. Chronic (vs. acute) back pain OR 1.6 (CL 1.4–2.9) was the only significant disease-related factor associated with the treatment. The strongest predictors for receiving acupuncture were consultation with a GP who offers acupuncture OR 3.5 (CL 2.9–4.1) and consultation with a specialist OR 2.1 (CL 1.9–2.3). After adjustment for patient characteristics, acupuncture remained associated with higher consultation rates and an increased use of other health care services like physiotherapy. CONCLUSION: Receiving acupuncture for LBP depends mostly on the availability of the treatment. It is associated with increased use of other health services even after adjustment for patient characteristics. In our study, we found that receiving acupuncture does not offset the use of other health care resources. A significant proportion of patients who received did not meet the so far only known selection criterion (chonicity). Acupuncture therapy might be a reflection of helplessness in both patients and health care providers

    Use of complementary alternative medicine for low back pain consulting in general practice: a cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although back pain is considered one of the most frequent reasons why patients seek complementary and alternative medical (CAM) therapies little is known on the extent patients are actually using CAM for back pain.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This is a post hoc analysis of a longitudinal prospective cohort study embedded in a RCT. General practitioners (GPs) recruited consecutively adult patients presenting with LBP. Data on physical function, on subjective mood, and on utilization of health services was collected at the first consultation and at follow-up telephone interviews for a period of twelve months</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 691 (51%) respectively 928 (69%) out of 1,342 patients received one form of CAM depending on the definition. Local heat, massage, and spinal manipulation were the forms of CAM most commonly offered. Using CAM was associated with specialist care, chronic LBP and treatment in a rehabilitation facility. Receiving spinal manipulation, acupuncture or TENS was associated with consulting a GP providing these services. Apart from chronicity disease related factors like functional capacity or pain only showed weak or no association with receiving CAM.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The frequent use of CAM for LBP demonstrates that CAM is popular in patients and doctors alike. The observed association with a treatment in a rehabilitation facility or with specialist consultations rather reflects professional preferences of the physicians than a clear medical indication. The observed dependence on providers and provider related services, as well as a significant proportion receiving CAM that did not meet the so far established selection criteria suggests some arbitrary use of CAM.</p