704 research outputs found

    Ten-dimensional super-Yang-Mills with nine off-shell supersymmetries

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    After adding 7 auxiliary scalars to the d=10 super-Yang-Mills action, 9 of the 16 supersymmetries close off-shell. In this paper, these 9 supersymmetry generators are related by dimensional reduction to scalar and vector topological symmetry in N\N=2 d=8 twisted super-Yang-Mills. Furthermore, a gauge-invariant superspace action is constructed for d=10 super-Yang-Mills where the superfields depend on 9 anticommuting theta variables.Comment: 15 page

    Reconstruction of N=1 supersymmetry from topological symmetry

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    The scalar and vector topological Yang-Mills symmetries on Calabi-Yau manifolds geometrically define consistent sectors of Yang-Mills D=4,6 N=1 supersymmetry, which fully determine the supersymmetric actions up to twist. For a CY_2 manifold, both N=1,D=4 Wess and Zumino and superYang-Mills theory can be reconstructed in this way. A superpotential can be introduced for the matter sector, as well as the Fayet-Iliopoulos mechanism. For a CY_3 manifold, the N=1, D=6 Yang-Mills theory is also obtained, in a twisted form. Putting these results together with those already known for the D=4,8 N=2 cases, we conclude that all Yang--Mills supersymmetries with 4, 8 and 16 generators are determined from topological symmetry on special manifolds.Comment: 13 page

    New Results on N=4 SuperYang-Mills Theory

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    The N=4 SuperYang--Mills theory is covariantly determined by a U(1) \times SU(2) \subset SL(2,R) \times SU(2) internal symmetry and two scalar and one vector BRST topological symmetry operators. This determines an off-shell closed sector of N=4 SuperYang-Mills, with 6 generators, which is big enough to fully determine the theory, in a Lorentz covariant way. This reduced algebra derives from horizontality conditions in four dimensions. The horizontality conditions only depend on the geometry of the Yang-Mills fields. They also descend from a genuine horizontality condition in eight dimensions. In fact, the SL(2,R) symmetry is induced by a dimensional reduction from eight to seven dimensions, which establishes a ghost-antighost symmetry, while the SU(2) symmetry occurs by dimensional reduction from seven to four dimensions. When the four dimensional manifold is hyperKahler, one can perform a twist operation that defines the N=4 supersymmetry and its SL(2,H)\sim SU(4) R-symmetry in flat space. (For defining a TQFT on a more general four manifold, one can use the internal SU(2)-symmetry and redefine a Lorentz SO(4) invariance). These results extend in a covariant way the light cone property that the N=4 SuperYang-Mills theory is actually determined by only 8 independent generators, instead of the 16 generators that occur in the physical representation of the superPoincare algebra. The topological construction disentangles the off-shell closed sector of the (twisted) maximally supersymmetric theory from the (irrelevant) sector that closes only modulo equations of motion. It allows one to escape the question of auxiliary fields in N=4 SuperYang-Mills theory.Comment: 14 page

    Superconformal invariance from N=2 supersymmetry Ward identities

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    We algebraically prove the cancellation of the β function at all order of perturbation theory of Script N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories with a vanishing one-loop β function. The proof generalises that recently given for the Script N = 4 case. It uses the consistent Slavnov-Taylor identities of the shadow dependent formulation. We also demonstrate the cancellation at all orders of the anomalous dimensions of vector and hypermultiplet ½BPS operators

    Symmetries of topological field theories in the BV-framework

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    Topological field theories of Schwarz-type generally admit symmetries whose algebra does not close off-shell, e.g. the basic symmetries of BF models or vector supersymmetry of the gauge-fixed action for Chern-Simons theory (this symmetry being at the origin of the perturbative finiteness of the theory). We present a detailed discussion of all these symmetries within the algebraic approach to the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism. Moreover, we discuss the general algebraic construction of topological models of both Schwarz- and Witten-type.Comment: 30 page

    A note on the UV behaviour of maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories

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    The question of whether BPS invariants are protected in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories is investigated from the point of view of algebraic renormalisation theory. The protected invariants are those whose cohomology type differs from that of the action. It is confirmed that one-half BPS invariants (F4F^4) are indeed protected while the double-trace one-quarter BPS invariant (d2F4d^2F^4) is not protected at two loops in D=7, but is protected at three loops in D=6 in agreement with recent calculations. Non-BPS invariants, i.e. full superspace integrals, are also shown to be unprotected.Comment: 12 pages. Minor changes to text. References adde

    BRST quantization of the massless minimally coupled scalar field in de Sitter space (zero modes, euclideanization and quantization)

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    We consider the massless scalar field on the four-dimensional sphere S4S^4. Its classical action S=12S4dV(ϕ)2S={1\over 2}\int_{S^4} dV (\nabla \phi)^2 is degenerate under the global invariance ϕϕ+constant\phi \to \phi + \hbox{constant}. We then quantize the massless scalar field as a gauge theory by constructing a BRST-invariant quantum action. The corresponding gauge-breaking term is a non-local one of the form SGB=12αV(S4dVϕ)2S^{\rm GB}={1\over {2\alpha V}}\bigl(\int_{S^4} dV \phi \bigr)^2 where α\alpha is a gauge parameter and VV is the volume of S4S^4. It allows us to correctly treat the zero mode problem. The quantum theory is invariant under SO(5), the symmetry group of S4S^4, and the associated two-point functions have no infrared divergence. The well-known infrared divergence which appears by taking the massless limit of the massive scalar field propagator is therefore a gauge artifact. By contrast, the massless scalar field theory on de Sitter space dS4dS^4 - the lorentzian version of S4S^4 - is not invariant under the symmetry group of that spacetime SO(1,4). Here, the infrared divergence is real. Therefore, the massless scalar quantum field theories on S4S^4 and dS4dS^4 cannot be linked by analytic continuation. In this case, because of zero modes, the euclidean approach to quantum field theory does not work. Similar considerations also apply to massive scalar field theories for exceptional values of the mass parameter (corresponding to the discrete series of the de Sitter group).Comment: This paper has been published under the title "Zero modes, euclideanization and quantization" [Phys. Rev. D46, 2553 (1992)

    Finiteness Properties of the N=4 Super-Yang--Mills Theory in Supersymmetric Gauge

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    With the introduction of shadow fields, we demonstrate the renormalizability of the N=4 super-Yang--Mills theory in component formalism, independently of the choice of UV regularization. Remarkably, by using twisted representations, one finds that the structure of the theory and its renormalization is determined by a subalgebra of supersymmetry that closes off-shell. Starting from this subalgebra of symmetry, we prove some features of the superconformal invariance of the theory. We give a new algebraic proof of the cancellation of the β\beta function and we show the ultraviolet finiteness of the 1/2 BPS operators at all orders in perturbation theory. In fact, using the shadow field as a Maurer--Cartan form, the invariant polynomials in the scalar fields in traceless symmetric representations of the internal R-symmetry group are simply related to characteristic classes. Their UV finiteness is a consequence of the Chern--Simons formula

    Fracture functions from cut vertices

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    Using a generalized cut vertex expansion we introduce the concept of an extended fracture function for the description of semi-inclusive deep inelastic processes in the target fragmentation region. Extended fracture functions are shown to obey a standard homogeneous DGLAP-type equation which, upon integration over t, becomes the usual inhomogeneous evolution equation for ordinary fracture functions.Comment: latex, 15 pages including 7 postscript figure

    Split dimensional regularization for the Coulomb gauge at two loops

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    We evaluate the coefficients of the leading poles of the complete two-loop quark self-energy \Sigma(p) in the Coulomb gauge. Working in the framework of split dimensional regularization, with complex regulating parameters \sigma and n/2-\sigma for the energy and space components of the loop momentum, respectively, we find that split dimensional regularization leads to well-defined two-loop integrals, and that the overall coefficient of the leading pole term for \Sigma(p) is strictly local. Extensive tables showing the pole parts of one- and two-loop Coulomb integrals are given. We also comment on some general implications of split dimensional regularization, discussing in particular the limit \sigma \to 1/2 and the subleading terms in the epsilon-expansion of noncovariant integrals.Comment: 32 pages Latex; figures replaced, text unchange