18,838 research outputs found

    Observations of stratospheric source gas profiles during the Arctic winter

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    An international campaign was performed at ESRANGE rocket base, near Kiruna, Sweden (68 N) from January 4 to February 15 in order to investigate the Chemistry of Ozone in the Polar Stratosphere (CHEOPS). Within the framework of this campaign two sets of large stratospheric air samples were collected by means of a balloon borne cryogenic air sampler. The two balloons were launched on February 1, and February 10, 1988. At present the samples are analyzed in our laboratory for their contents of several long lived trace gases such as CH4, N2O, H2, CO2, CO and the major halocarbons CH3Cl, CFCl3, CF2Cl2, CCl4, CH3CCl3, and C2F3Cl3. The vertical profiles derived from these samples will be presented and compared with previous observations made in February 1987. The data will be discussed in view of the dynamical evolution of the Arctic polar vortex during this winter

    Crossover from Single-Ion to Coherent Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in Ce1x_{1-x}Lax_xNi9_9Ge4_4

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    We report specific heat and magneto-resistance studies on the compound Ce1x{}_{1-x}Lax{}_xNi9{}_9Ge4{}_4 for various concentrations over the entire stoichiometric range. Our data reveal single-ion scaling with Ce-concentration between x=0.1x = 0.1 and 0.95. Furthermore, CeNi9{}_9Ge4{}_4 turns out to have the largest ever recorded value of the electronic specific heat Δc/T\Delta c/T \approx 5.5 J K2mol1\rm K^{-2}mol^{-1} at T=0.08T=0.08 K which was found in Cerium f-electron lattice systems. In the doped samples Δc/T\Delta c/T increases logarithmically in the temperature range between 3 K and 50 mK typical for non-Fermi liquid (nFl) behavior, while ρ\rho exhibits a Kondo-like minimum around 30 K, followed by a single-ion local nFl behavior. In contrast to this, CeNi9{}_9Ge4{}_4 flattens out in Δc/T\Delta c/T below 300 mK and displays a pronounced maximum in the resistivity curve at 1.5 K indicating a coherent heavy fermion groundstate. These properties render the compound Ce1x{}_{1-x}Lax{}_xNi9{}_9Ge4{}_4 a unique system on the borderline between Fermi liquid and nFl physics.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures, SCES0

    Evolution of pion HBT radii from RHIC to LHC -- Predictions from ideal hydrodynamics

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    We present hydrodynamic predictions for the charged pion HBT radii for a range of initial conditions covering those presumably reached in Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC. We study central (b=0) and semi-central (b=7fm) collisions and show the expected increase of the HBT radii and their azimuthal oscillations. The predicted trends in the oscillation amplitudes reflect a change of the final source shape from out-of-plane to in-plane deformation as the initial entropy density is increased.Comment: 6 pages, incl. 5 figures. Contribution to the CERN Theory Institute Workshop "Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC -- Last Call for Predictions", CERN, 14 May - 8 June 2007, to appear in J. Phys.

    Fully-dynamic Approximation of Betweenness Centrality

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    Betweenness is a well-known centrality measure that ranks the nodes of a network according to their participation in shortest paths. Since an exact computation is prohibitive in large networks, several approximation algorithms have been proposed. Besides that, recent years have seen the publication of dynamic algorithms for efficient recomputation of betweenness in evolving networks. In previous work we proposed the first semi-dynamic algorithms that recompute an approximation of betweenness in connected graphs after batches of edge insertions. In this paper we propose the first fully-dynamic approximation algorithms (for weighted and unweighted undirected graphs that need not to be connected) with a provable guarantee on the maximum approximation error. The transfer to fully-dynamic and disconnected graphs implies additional algorithmic problems that could be of independent interest. In particular, we propose a new upper bound on the vertex diameter for weighted undirected graphs. For both weighted and unweighted graphs, we also propose the first fully-dynamic algorithms that keep track of such upper bound. In addition, we extend our former algorithm for semi-dynamic BFS to batches of both edge insertions and deletions. Using approximation, our algorithms are the first to make in-memory computation of betweenness in fully-dynamic networks with millions of edges feasible. Our experiments show that they can achieve substantial speedups compared to recomputation, up to several orders of magnitude

    Handlungsbefähigung und Bildungsmobilität in der "Wissensgesellschaft"

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    In unserem Vortrag soll es um eine ungleichheits- und bildungssoziologische Reflexion von Konzepten wie selbstgesteuertes Lernen oder lebenslanges Lernen gehen. Wir werden in einem ersten Schritt auf die populäre Zeitdiagnose der "Wissensgesellschaft" eingehen, die in aller Regel als Begründungsfolie für derartige Konzepte fungiert, in einem zweiten Schritt auf den Stand der soziologischen Bildungsforschung rekurrieren um schließlich milieuspezifische Handlungsbefähigungen als Erklärungsrahmen für die Kontinuität von Bildungsungleichheiten anzubieten

    Exponential torsion growth for random 3-manifolds

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    We show that a random 3-manifold with positive first Betti number admits a tower of cyclic covers with exponential torsion growth

    Collinear effective theory at subleading order and its application to heavy-light currents

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    We consider a collinear effective theory of highly energetic quarks with energy E, interacting with collinear and soft gluons by integrating out collinear degrees of freedom to subleading order. The collinear effective theory offers a systematic expansion in power series of a small parameter lambda ~ p_{\perp}/E, where p_{\perp} is the transverse momentum of a collinear particle. We construct the effective Lagrangian to first order in λ\lambda, and discuss its features including additional symmetries such as collinear gauge invariance and reparameterization invariance. Heavy-light currents can be matched from the full theory onto the operators in the collinear effective theory at one loop and to order lambda. We obtain heavy-light current operators in the effective theory, calculate their Wilson coefficients at this order, and the renormalization group equations for the Wilson coefficients are solved. As an application, we calculate the form factors for decays of B mesons to light energetic mesons to order lambda and at leading-logarithmic order in alpha_s.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, revised versio

    Gene Therapy for the COL7A1 Gene

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    Clear and Compress: Computing Persistent Homology in Chunks

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    We present a parallelizable algorithm for computing the persistent homology of a filtered chain complex. Our approach differs from the commonly used reduction algorithm by first computing persistence pairs within local chunks, then simplifying the unpaired columns, and finally applying standard reduction on the simplified matrix. The approach generalizes a technique by G\"unther et al., which uses discrete Morse Theory to compute persistence; we derive the same worst-case complexity bound in a more general context. The algorithm employs several practical optimization techniques which are of independent interest. Our sequential implementation of the algorithm is competitive with state-of-the-art methods, and we improve the performance through parallelized computation.Comment: This result was presented at TopoInVis 2013 (http://www.sci.utah.edu/topoinvis13.html