52 research outputs found

    Hélène Millot et Corinne Saminadayar-Perrin, [dir.], Spectacles de la parole, Éditions des Cahiers intempestifs, coll. « Lieux littéraires », 2003, 380 p.

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    Cet ouvrage collectif, qui prolonge la réflexion sur la rhétorique menée par l’unité de recherche L.I.RE , vise à éclairer les mutations du rapport entre l’écriture et la parole au XIXe siècle.  La redéfinition de l’éloquence et de la littérature après la Révolution provoque en effet non un divorce entre littérature et discours, jusqu’alors inséparables, mais plutôt une reconfi­guration des rapports entre texte et parole, écrivain et orateur. Encore faut-il distinguer le premier XIXe siècle, ..

    Justice, presse et politique

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    En se lançant à grand bruit dans la défense de Peytel, Balzac fait passer un fait divers au rang d’affaire nationale mettant en cause la justice et la presse de son temps, piliers de l’édifice politique et social. L’engagement balzacien permet ainsi d’appréhender l’inscription problématique d’un franc-tireur des lettres et de la politique dans l’espace public au tournant des années 1840. En transformant son plaidoyer en faveur d’un accusé seul contre tous en un mordant réquisitoire contre les tenants de l’ordre bour­geois, Balzac fait entendre une voix dissonante et solitaire, contestant la parole institutionnelle mais dénuée de légitimité et vouée à l’incom­préhension. L’affaire Peytel révèle dès lors la position ambiguë d’un homme de lettres à la fois dans et contre le siècle, en quête de reconnaissance et d’autorité symbolique, mais irréductiblement inclassable et dérangeant.Justice, the press and politics. Balzac’s commitment in the Peytel case. In launching a passionate defense of Peytel, Balzac transformed a banal news item into a national affair, questioning the justice and press of his times as well as the pillars of the social and political order. Balzac’s commitment provided the means for scholars to understand the problematic place of this literary and political freelancer at a critical turning point of the 1840s. Transforming his defense of an unpopular accused into a caustic indictment against the middle-class order, Balzac expressed a discordant and solitary viewpoint, challenging institutional standards, but his efforts were devoid of legitimacy and doomed to misunderstanding. Therefore, the “Peytel affair” demonstrated the ambiguous position of an atypical novelist, who was, at the same time, both part of and separate from his times, looking for recognition and symbolic authority, but ultimately unclassifiable and disturbing

    Simultaneous Identification of the Diffusion Coefficient and the Potential for the Schr\"odinger Operator with only one Observation

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    This article is devoted to prove a stability result for two independent coefficients for a Schr\"odinger operator in an unbounded strip. The result is obtained with only one observation on an unbounded subset of the boundary and the data of the solution at a fixed time on the whole domain

    Population structures of Brazilian tall coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) by microsatellite markers

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    Coconut palms of the Tall group were introduced to Brazil from the Cape Verde Islands in 1553. The present study sought to evaluate the genetic diversity among and within Brazilian Tall coconut populations. Samples were collected of 195 trees from 10 populations. Genetic diversity was accessed by investigating 13 simple sequence repeats (SSR) loci. This provided a total of 68 alleles, ranging from 2 to 13 alleles per locus, with an average of 5.23. The mean values of gene diversity (He ) and observed heterozygosity (Ho ) were 0.459 and 0.443, respectively. The genetic differentiation among populations was estimated at θ^P=0.1600and the estimated apparent outcrossing rate was ta = 0.92. Estimates of genetic distances between the populations varied from 0.034 to 0.390. Genetic distance and the corresponding clustering analysis indicate the formation of two groups. The first consists of the Baía Formosa, Georgino Avelino, and São José do Mipibu populations and the second consists of the Japoatã, Pacatuba, and Praia do Forte populations. The correlation matrix between genetic and geographic distances was positive and significant at a 1% probability. Taken together, our results suggest a spatial structuring of the genetic variability among the populations. Geographically closer populations exhibited greater similarities